“Your children are very beautiful”: Grigory Leps showed a photo with his wife and all the children

Dating history

This “happiness” is called Anna Shaplykova. The story of their acquaintance is very comical and romantic at the same time. At the first meeting, Leps introduced himself and... proposed marriage. Of course, he was refused. A young girl, dancer from the Laima Vaikule ballet Anna Shaplykova, could not even imagine that her future husband was in front of her. At the time of their acquaintance, Leps was 38, Anna was 29. They met at the birthday party of Laima’s husband. It is worth noting that Leps saw Anna that day not for the first time; several months ago he noticed her. And then he said that this girl would become his wife. The man said, the man did. Anna Shaplykova only laughed it off at the time of meeting, inquiring about the availability of Moscow registration. And then Leps didn’t have it. But if there is no registration, there is no wedding - that’s how Anna Shaplykova joked. The ballerina was really interested in registering for a visa to tour Europe. After all, she herself was a citizen of Ukraine.

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Russian singer Grigory Leps, who was banned from entering Ukraine by the SBU, celebrates his birthday on July 16. The artist turned 58 years old.

Leps is one of the most scandalous stars in the Russian Federation - due to his strange behavior, explosive nature and sharp statements, he was banned from entering the territory of several European countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and others. But despite his controversial reputation, Leps is considered an exemplary family man and loving father. OBOZREVATEL decided to tell how Leps lives now and what his family and children look like.

The personal life of Grigory Leps developed very well, but the path to this state was long and thorny.

The first attempt to create a happy family was unsuccessful - he did not live long with a music school student, Svetlana Dubinskaya, with whom Leps studied together. The couple got married in 1983, and in 1984 their daughter Inga was born. At the time of the wedding, the artist was 21 years old. Soon the young parents decided to divorce.

Grigory Leps was head over heels in love with Svetlana, dedicated songs to her, and walked away from noisy companies for her sake. Dubinskaya was waiting for him from the army, and they decided to get married after Svetlana found out about her pregnancy. The desire to provide for his family was the first step towards popularity - Grigory began singing in restaurants in Sochi. However, work had an extremely negative impact on family life.

After performances, the artist often lingered in restaurants, came home drunk, and Svetlana, tired of the endless claims of her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and of her husband’s lifestyle, took the child and left Gregory. Later, the first wife of Grigory Leps admitted that their family could live if she had enough feminine wisdom to survive that difficult period.

In the early nineties, Leps left for Moscow, but in the capital his career did not develop so successfully at first. It was only in the mid-nineties that the singer was noticed, and with popularity came not only concerts and tours, but also money.

Soon, happy changes took place in the personal life of Grigory Leps. In one of the nightclubs, he saw the charming Laima Vaikule ballet dancer Anna Sheplakova and fell in love with her at first sight. At that time, Grigory was already famous, so when he decided to meet the girl, he was sure that she would immediately “melt.” However, her answer discouraged Leps - when asked if she would become his wife, the girl answered with a question, asking if he had a Moscow registration.

The romance between Leps and Sheplakova began seriously only a year later, when Anna’s personal life “cracked” - her relationship with her boyfriend went wrong, and the girl agreed to a date with Leps. Grigory was already thirty-eight years old at that time, Anna was ten years younger. Before becoming Leps’s wife, Anna dated him for a year, and then, when they found out that a child was about to be born, they entered into an official marriage.

“I instantly fell in love with her. As soon as I saw Anya, I realized that I would marry her. But he didn’t propose. She herself proposed marriage. True, I thought a little. We got married about two years after we met. There is still a spark in our relationship, family is everything to me,” the singer emphasized.

The artist’s wife had to go through difficult times - Gregory had problems with alcohol, and she supported him as best she could in his fight against his addiction. Currently, Leps practically does not drink alcohol.

Now the singer is a father of many children, he has three daughters - Inga, Eva and Nicole, and a son Vanya. Ivan was born in May 2010, and his eldest daughter Inga will turn 35 this year. She is friends with both the wife of Grigory Leps and their children.

Despite the fact that his work schedule does not allow the artist to see his daughters and son very often, he notes that he was always very close to them and found time to explain what was good to do and what was bad. Leps's wife and children mainly live in Thailand.

Anna Shaplykova: biography

The dancer’s biography began in Ukraine. That's where she comes from. Anna Shaplykova was born on May 13, 1972 in the Dnepropetrovsk region, in the city of Nikopol. Her career as an artist began after graduating from the Crimean College of Culture, where she graduated from the choreography department. She worked as a dancer in the Laima Vaikule ballet. Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova did not immediately become a couple. After meeting, their paths diverged; Anna went on tour to another city, and her heart was not free at that time.

How was Leps able to conquer Anna?

Like a real man, Leps did not think of backing down from his own. He did not stop caring for Anna, although he was not intrusive. He gave flowers, gifts, was always there, but Anna had a man, and she did not pay any attention to Leps. When circumstances arose that the girl found herself alone and agreed to have tea with the famous artist, their love story began. Since then, the couple has been together for 15 years.

The thriftiness and homeliness characteristic of Anna as a Taurus according to the horoscope helped create home comfort. For Leps, the ideal woman and wife is Anna Shaplykova. Leps' date of birth is July 16, 1962. His horoscope is Cancer, and for Cancer the priority is family and children. Perhaps their horoscopes turned out so well, and they turned out to be a strong family. They became husband and wife only a year after the birth of their first daughter. There is a family legend that Anna was thinking about whether it was necessary to legalize her relationship with Gregory, because they already lived together. She asked the icon of the Blessed Patrona to give her a sign. And the next day I found out that I was expecting a child.


In total, the famous couple has three children. The eldest daughter, Eva, was born in 2002, the middle daughter, Nicole, was born five years later, in 2007. And the third child, Ivan, was born in 2010. Grigory Leps dreamed of a son, because in addition to his two daughters together with Anna, he has another adult daughter from his first marriage. Gregory calls his son Vano at home. Now he is still quite small and needs more care from his mother. But Leps is looking forward to having a heart-to-heart talk with him. The married couple has no disagreements in raising children. Although they live in abundance, they do not want to spoil their children with money and surplus.

short biography

His real name is Lepsveridze. The singer was born in Sochi into an ordinary family - his father worked at a meat processing plant, and his mother at a bakery. In addition to Gregory, their parents also had a younger daughter, Eteri. At school, the future Russian pop star was not an exemplary student - the teachers gave him bad marks, but he was not very upset, because his main passion even then was music.

In the photo: Grigory Leps with his parents

According to Leps, in high school he was attracted to school only because it organized an ensemble in which he played the drums and sang.

In the photo: Grigory Leps in childhood

Having decided to connect his biography with music, having received a certificate of secondary education, Leps entered a music school, after which he was expected to serve in the army in Khabarovsk.

After the army, Grigory was not going to part with music - he began singing in Sochi restaurants and was a sought-after singer, and therefore worked almost without a break. He found rest and relaxation in alcohol and playing in a casino. At that time, Leps earned decent money and could afford a lot. The singer never hid the fact that in his younger years he had many bad habits.

In the early nineties, he became very popular in Sochi, sang in the famous Riviera and already acquired a whole army of fans. Domestic pop stars vacationing in Sochi, hearing the singer, advised him to go to the capital, which he eventually did.

“I didn’t go for fame as such. I just already understood that if I stayed singing in Sochi restaurants, I would fizzle out as an artist,” says Grigory Viktorovich.

Arriving in the capital, he realized that Moscow was not waiting for him, and it took Leps several years to attract the attention of producers.

And when Grigory Viktorovich had numerous admirers of his talent, endless tours began. But to get all this, Leps had to put in a lot of work and effort. In his biography, there were several cases when he was taken to the hospital straight from a concert, and in the dressing room he lost consciousness.

Due to health problems, Grigory Leps did not perform at “Song-95”, but then pleasant and significant events occurred in his biography - he took part in “Song-97”, released the album “Whole Life”, and became a participant in “Christmas Meetings” "in ninety-eight.

He had to endure the loss of his voice and surgery to restore ligaments in order to return to the stage. In 2012, Leps opened his own production center, the main purpose of which was to help young musicians taking their first steps in show business.

Television appeared in Grigory Viktorovich’s creative biography in 2020, when he made his debut as the host of the “Main Stage” project on the Russia-1 channel. Later, he became a mentor in the fourth and fifth seasons of the show “The Voice” - in one of them his team won, and in the next one of the singer’s wards took second place in the final.

In addition to music, Grigory Leps has several business projects in his life that he is successfully involved in. These are the karaoke club “Leps Bar” and the restaurant “Ryumka Vodka”, as well as a pie shop on Pyatnitskaya Street. The jewelry house founded by Grigory Viktorovich produces women's and men's silver jewelry, many of which he gladly gives to his friends. Another of Leps’ hobbies is collecting icons—some pieces in his collection are priceless.

How Anna became a housewife

Ending your career as an artist is a difficult step for some. Anna Shaplykova is a completely different matter. Her biography changed a lot after meeting Leps, when she chose the role of a housewife and keeper of the family hearth. No one forced or forced her to quit the stage. There were no serious disputes or disagreements on this issue; everything came out naturally. And age forced me to make a choice. When they started living together, Anna was almost 30. According to Anna, after 30 you need to either start teaching or leave the stage completely. It also turned out that Anna was expecting a child. For her, this was the determining factor to devote herself to her husband and child, her family. This is in her character and in her life values. What could be more important than family? Nothing. This is probably why Leps chose her, because he always dreamed of a quiet family comfort, which Anna Shaplykova was able to arrange.

Relationships with husband and children

Anna is quite happily married. Although for some this is not happiness at all. After all, spouses don’t see each other very often. Leps has a heavy touring schedule and is rarely at home. But Anna is a wise and loving wife. She accepted Gregory for who he is. And Leps without music would no longer be Leps. Therefore, Anna copes well with the role of a caring mother for three charming children, with the role of wife and mistress of the house. And Leps is the main breadwinner in the family, who earns a living, coziness and comfort for the household. This is their formula for happiness. The time when Leps is at home, he devotes to his children, and this time is enough for them. Both Anna and Grigory have very good relationships with their children.

Leps on stage and at home are two completely different people. On stage there is a hurricane of emotions, at home there is complete peace and tranquility. Anna was able to create all this for him. But this does not mean at all that Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova simply exist with each other, and there is no love. Leps makes decisions on important defining moments in consultation only with his wife. For him, she is a reliable support and support.

“Almost to the point of a scandal with my wife”: Grigory Leps spoke out against his son’s new hobby

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the lives of millions of people. The artists directly admit that they were left without their direct income. Some had to cancel concerts, others cannot go to filming, since all projects are suspended. Even the king of the Russian stage, Philip Kirkorov, decided to sell his things in order to make at least some profit, and Lyubov Uspenskaya writes down congratulations for everyone for money.

more on the topic “My Aminochka”: Emin shared touching photos with his adopted daughter. The singer divorced his first wife a long time ago, but continues to maintain communication with his heirs.

Celebrities such as Grigory Leps and Emin Agalarov also found themselves in a difficult situation. The performer of the hit “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” admitted that he is not in poverty yet. Like his colleague, he lives on money that he previously saved. The artist enjoys the time he devotes to his family. As you know, he and his wife Inga have three daughters and a son. Leps admitted that children are busy even in self-isolation.

“Son Ivan did karate, plays chess, swims in the pool and, oddly enough, began to be interested in music. I was so against it that I almost had a scandal with my wife,” said the artist.

According to Leps, the boy is now studying remotely with a teacher who was found by his wife. The artist’s eldest daughter also begins online studies in the morning, and 12-year-old Nicole even does Leps gymnastics for three hours in quarantine.

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But Emin found himself separated from his sons and daughter from his first wife, Leyla Aliyeva. But now he devotes time every day to the youngest heir, Athena, from his current wife. The artist believes that this is a great opportunity to test his feelings for strength. The singer also tries to help those who are struggling with the pandemic. He provided the site of the Crocus Expo shopping complex for a hospital. Soon there will be beds for the sick there.

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“It’s still easier for artists now than for entrepreneurs, who are burdened with employees who need to pay salaries. We alone have 15 thousand employees. Without functioning, we will simply drown soon. The money in the accounts is almost gone, but the sites still need to be maintained and heated. Either we must be opened, or we must be saved,” Emin noted, writes StarHit.

Life now

When the couple had children, the loving husband and father built a comfortable house for his family in the Moscow region, in Korovino. There is plenty of space for a large family and fresh air for children. In 2013, the family decided to move to Thailand. Moving to a distant exotic country was quite easy. Anna did not see her husband less often. After all, with a busy schedule of tours around the world, it is sometimes closer to fly to Thailand than to Moscow. Anna and the children really like nature and climate. The eldest daughter, Eva, knew English quite well and could communicate in it. So she had no problems adapting to school. Now she is very interested, although it is not so easy to study, she is studying 3 languages ​​- English, French and German, and goes in for swimming. The middle daughter, Nicole, did not go to school in Russia, she only went to Thailand. She is a very active, emotional and artistic child. Her parents are sure that she has a direct path to show business. Well, the youngest, Vanya, is also happy with everything. Anna Shaplykova is happy with her life.

Leps's wife gave birth to 3 beautiful children, but she managed to maintain excellent shape. However, it is impossible to see this tall, spectacular blonde somewhere in glamorous parties. Anna Shaplykova is not a public figure; she does not like to give frequent interviews and appear on the pages of fashion magazines. Her main status in life is to be a wife and mother.

Personal life

The couple themselves say that they live very well. Anna's homeliness and femininity are largely responsible for the presence of such warm and tender relationships in the family. After meeting, Leps’ wife Anna Shaplykova left work and devoted herself entirely to her family, and her husband did not insist on this. Anna says that she herself made this decision, because she believes that after thirty a woman should take care of the house and devote herself completely to it.

Leps is very pleased with his wife and considers her the best woman on Earth. He says that there is nothing more important to him than family warmth and comfort, and this is what his wife gives him every day. And Anna says that Gregory turned her life into a real fairy tale and even calls him her wizard. In the photo, happy Grigory Leps and his wife Anna.

Grigory Leps’s wife is not at all afraid of her husband’s difficult work schedule; she understands perfectly well that music is his whole life and he cannot live without it. Anna completely trusts her husband and always looks forward to going home. When Grigory is at home, he devotes himself entirely to his family, and Anna has enough of such moments. Many are interested in how such a small and modest girl copes with such a hurricane in the person of Grigory Leps, but she says that at home he is flexible and very calm, not at all like on stage, so he doesn’t even have to cope.

Anna devotes all her time only to her family, it is impossible to meet her somewhere in a club or at a fashionable party, she simply is not interested. The artist believes that this is exactly how a real mother and wife should behave. After the birth of his son, Grigory independently built a house for his family in the Moscow region, since the nature and air there are better.

Now in 2020, Gregory and his family live in Thailand. The children go to school and have fun there, and their mother still looks after the comfort and raises them. The eldest daughter is a very capable girl in science and easily masters three languages ​​at once, but the second daughter, according to her parents, is a future artist. Son Ivan has also settled well in this wonderful country. In connection with the move from Moscow, the couple did not see each other less often; on the contrary, since Leps often tours the world, it is sometimes more convenient for him to fly to Thailand than to Russia.

Perhaps interesting: Oleg Gazmanov's wife.

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