Elena Malysheva almost died in her youth

TV presenters in their youth: Leonid Yakubovich

No matter how we saw Leonid Arkadyevich: in Buryat, Uzbek and other national clothes, in a camouflage robe, in the image of Father Frost, in an inflatable naked torso - like the costume in which Plushenko danced to “Sex Bomb”. Who watched Yakubovich without a mustache? At a minimum - his comrades at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering and ex-wife Galina Antonova.

“We got married in our fifth year. By the way, Leni had no trace of a mustache at that time,” Yakubovich’s ex-wife shared her memories with Express Gazeta. “I still can’t forget how he cooked ajapsandal.” I never learned how to cook it. The dish went with him to another wife, as did the mustache that I asked him to let go after our wedding.”

After graduating from university, Yakubovich worked at an aircraft factory and at ZIL, in the late 70s he began writing scripts, and by the 90s he was cast in “Field of Miracles” - almost the same as the presenter we know now.

Leonid Yakubovich
Leonid Yakubovich now and in his youth. Photo: Express Newspaper archive, Komsomolskaya Pravda/Globallook

Elena Malysheva discovered three products that kill our sex (VIDEO)

TV presenter Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy”, together with her colleagues, named three foods that should not be eaten, as they affect sexual activity. First up, licorice. Licorice root is used to produce a wide variety of food products, for example, licorice candies, licorice tinctures, and added to syrups, coffee, cocoa, and marinades. So, Elena Malysheva noted that glycyrrhizic acid, which is contained in licorice, has a destructive effect on testosterone: cortisol levels increase, and it suppresses the pituitary gland’s sensitivity to testosterone. Therefore, the level of sexual desire drops sharply.

Alcohol is also contraindicated for sex. As Malysheva noted, alcohol is a depressant, that is, a substance that slows down the body, and sex needs stimulation. First, alcohol dilates blood vessels. You feel a rush of warmth to your skin. However, after some time the opposite effect occurs - the vessels are greatly compressed. Blood flows worse to the genitals. Men find it more difficult to achieve a hard erection.

The third product that kills our sex is tonic. Tonics were invented by white colonialists in India and Africa to fight malaria. So Thomas Patterson, a hydraulic engineer from Iowa, added quinine to sparkling water, a little lemon and crushed ice. The medicine turned out to taste like nothing at all - and that’s how the tonic was invented. Quinine is the strongest poison for the testicles. In experiments by Nigerian scientists in 2006, it was proven that in rats receiving only 10 mg of the substance per kg of body, the level of testosterone in the testicles was several times lower. When quinine enters a man’s body, it inhibits Leydig cells, which are responsible for the production of testosterone in the testicles. When combined with alcohol, for example in the popular gin and tonic cocktail, a person gets a double whammy to their libido.

Once in the program “Live Healthy,” the presenters named three numbers that you need to know about sex (see video)

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TV presenters in their youth: Elena Malysheva

Did this girl and this young woman know that by the age of 58 she would own companies with a net profit of under 70 million rubles? Elena Malysheva - nee Shubina - graduated from school with a gold medal, studied at the Kemerovo Medical School and the capital's Academy of Medical Sciences. She worked as a therapist, then transferred her knowledge to TV, participating in the programs “Infirmary”, “Did you call the doctor?” and "Health". We see footage from the last program below - in them the young presenter was compared to the good fairy.

Elena Malysheva
Elena Malysheva in childhood and youth. Photo: Instagram, frame from the program


Elena Malysheva is not shy about demonstrating her singing talent as part of her program. Episodes of the show where she performs certain parts are not uncommon. For example, she sang along with her doctor co-hosts in an episode about vaccinations. That number also did not leave the audience indifferent; today it can often be found on the Internet. After all, when else can you see the tall German “Sheich” in the form of a baby in a stroller, campaigning for vaccination?

Among the latest solo performances, viewers, media and experts noted Elena Malysheva’s attempt to cover the popular American singer and songwriter. The TV presenter began by asking the guest of the program whether he liked the performer.

Judging by the pleasure with which the TV presenter thinks through stories and participates in them herself, actively discussing a wide variety of problems that concern many, and also does not hesitate to talk about even the most “forbidden” topics relating to a person’s intimate health, her hits will continue to come out with enviable regularity. All we can do is enjoy the creativity of the creative team of doctors and wait for new explosive videos.

TV presenters in their youth: Alexander Vasiliev

To look at the host of “Fashionable Sentence” in his youth, you don’t have to surf the Internet for long. Alexander Vasiliev likes to share archival photographs, remembering his late mother and beloved star colleagues in his youth. At the beginning of his career, the fashion historian himself looked like a movie star: bright, attractive. And as Vasiliev admits, he loved the attention of girls as a teenager:

“This ballerina was 13 years old, like me. And we kissed all the time. There was no continuation, everything was very chaste. Then at 14 years old with another, then at 15 with another. I really liked kissing."

Only one girl won Vasiliev’s heart - Maria Lavrova. But her parents did not approve of the party, the union did not work out - and Maria went abroad, where she married a Frenchman.

Alexander Vasiliev
Alexander Vasiliev now and in his youth. Photo: Instagram

TV presenters in their youth: Nikolai Drozdov

The host of the program “In the Animal World” (I don’t want to add the prefix “former”) celebrated his 83rd birthday this summer. That for Nikolai Nikolaevich is just a number - he is cheerful in spirit and strong in body, just like in the 70s, when he just started working on television. There are several secrets of his youth: the absence of bad habits, exercise in the morning, meditation, giving up meat, and a large amount of vegetables in the diet. And also a readiness for humor and experimentation. Wear Gucci and star in Vogue with Gudkov? Easy for Nikolai Drozdov!

Nikolay Drozdov
Nikolai Drozdov now and at the beginning of his TV career. Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/Globallook, still from the program

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961. Kemerovo is considered to be her birthplace. It is noteworthy that the family of the future TV presenter mainly consisted of “medical people.” Father Vasily and mother Galina worked at a local hospital.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, there was no long thought about the further place of study - the choice immediately fell on the Medical Institute in my hometown. Studying was relatively easy, and already in 1984, Elena had a diploma with honors. In order not to waste precious time, she decides to go to Moscow, where she will continue her studies in her chosen specialties. In the capital, Malysheva enters the Academy of Medical Sciences, where three years later she defends her thesis. The main topic is the prevention of heart disease.

Before television, she worked as a therapist, eventually receiving the position of professor at Moscow State Medical University.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva appeared on television for the first time. At that time, in his native Kemerovo, the “Recipe” program was broadcast, where a doctor was invited.

After a series of events, the aspiring presenter notices that there are no useful and educational medical programs on television. She managed to get through to the Administration and leave a complaint about the current situation. Friends began to persuade Elena to launch a TV show herself. With their help, she managed to meet the right people, and Malysheva was immediately hired on local television.

A year later, “Lazaret” was launched, where a woman immediately took over as host. A little time passed, and she was invited to the capital. The first program on central television was called “Did you call the doctor?”, and its launch happened in 1994. Of course, Malysheva did not forget about her own education and attended European universities. By the way, after 4 years, she returns to the “Health” show again.

In the summer of 2010, a new program will start - “Live Healthy!”, hosted by Elena. Notably, this show is getting mixed reviews. It all has to do with the fact that the TV presenter often raises slippery and risky issues. Until now, she has been practicing medicine, trying to bring to the masses topics that people rarely think about seriously.

Many criticize Malysheva’s programs due to the fact that they do not bring anything new, but only adopt the experience of foreign medical programs. But, despite various controversies, the show has a large audience that continues to follow each new episode.

TV presenters in their youth: Evgeny Petrosyan

At just over 70, the TV presenter and comedian has a second youth, all thanks to his 31-year-old wife Tatyana Brukhunova. Next to his ex-assistant and now beloved, Evgeniy Vaganovich changed his style to youth, lost weight, flirts with the public on Instagram, jokes and sparkles. Petrosyan’s transformation was surpassed only by his ex-wife Elena Stepanenko: according to rumors, the rejuvenation of the star lady cost almost a million.

Evgeny Petrosyan
Evgeny Petrosyan now and in his youth. Photo: Instagram, personal archive of Natalya Kustinskaya/Komsomolskaya Pravda

TV presenters in their youth: Vladimir Pozner

The young Yakubovich was somehow compared to Roman Abramovich, the features of the young Vasiliev were similar to Alexander Lykov, but Posner at the age of 18 was dubbed the “lost son” of the sex symbol Marlon Brando - the TV presenter was so impressed by his appearance. But even at 86 years old, he does not leave representatives of the opposite sex indifferent:

“I get a huge thrill from my life. I'm glad to feel completely fine. It's nice that I play tennis three times a week, with full dedication. That sometimes women still look at me,” Posner said.

Vladimir Pozner
Vladimir Pozner now and in his youth. Photo: Instagram

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