Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the door or window?

Sleep takes up approximately a third of our lives. It is no coincidence that we take responsibility for everything that is connected with our sleep. It is important to us when and how we fall asleep and wake up. We perform daily rituals related to sleep (everyone has their own), discuss dreams, turn to dream books to find out the reason for this or that mysterious vision.

Finally, a dream for many is a mystery, mysticism, something unidentified and subtle. Dreams, as knowledge of oneself and the universe, are studied by various specialists in this field, including experts in esotericism. This science views our dreams as astral projection.

In other words, the physical body of a sleeping person remains at rest, and the journey through the labyrinths of sleep is carried out by the astral body, capable of moving around rooms, flying, and seeing itself from the outside. This is called going beyond.

There are many special techniques with which you can learn to control and manage your astral body. Many people, in order to understand themselves, pay special attention to the environment in which they fall asleep and wake up every day.

There are many different signs about dreams, guided by which you can improve your emotional background. In other words, if you know how to sleep properly, you can avoid many problems!

Vedic theory

Surprisingly, the Vedas think contrary to the beliefs of yogis!

According to this teaching, you should not sleep either with your head to the north (your energy will decline) or to the west (internal energy will stagnate, because there will be no influx of new forces from the outside).

You need to “catch” a position in which the energy of the planet will flow around your body, saturating it with new strength. So place the head of the bed towards the east or south.

Indian Vastu teachings

This teaching does not deny the Vedas, but complements them.

This is how Vastu science looks at the position of the head in sleep:

  • to the east is an ideal direction that helps to achieve harmony with the Creator and one’s own soul (finally, people who sleep this way succeed in self-development and comprehend spiritual knowledge the fastest);
  • to the south - this pose is good for fighting diseases, preventing diseases, prolonging life;
  • to the west - if you regularly sleep in this position, you can get stuck in (unhealthy) selfishness, becoming a selfish, narcissistic person;
  • to the north is another direction of selfishness, moreover, such a direction of the head in a dream can make a person cruel.

How do cardinal directions affect a person during sleep?

To find which direction for sleep will be more successful for you, let’s listen to the knowledge of Feng Shui about what kind of energy each direction has.


The northern direction of the head is perfect for real relaxation, sweet and sound sleep. This position is recommended for passionate and unstable people, for whom life constantly throws up nasty surprises and nervous shocks.

Perfect for a domestic couple who are prone to frequent quarrels and showdowns. Sleeping with their head to the north will make their life more peaceful and harmonious and will reduce the number of conflicts. In addition, the northern direction promotes greater intimacy in relationships and the partners’ affection for each other.

Sleeping with your head to the north is also very useful for people suffering from acquired diseases - it will help them improve their health faster. But for young and active people, ready for unexpected adventures, the north will turn out to be very measured and stable.


Has rough and harsh energy. Suitable for shy and indecisive people who find it very difficult to make a choice. By placing the head of the bed in the northeast, you will save yourself from the need to constantly make decisions in agony. It's not a miracle. It’s just that the energy of the northeast activates brain activity, improves analytical thinking and speeds up reactions. But this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia, because their condition may worsen.


The East is the space of the sunrise, which gives us life and fills us with energy. By placing the head of the bed to the east, you will very soon feel a surge of vital forces. You will have a desire to act intensively, new perspectives and abilities will open up before you, you can achieve what seemed impossible just yesterday. The eastern direction during sleep is most suitable for people experiencing a lack of energy.


It is an ideal direction for shy, insecure people who suffer from various complexes and have problems with self-esteem. By choosing the southeastern direction, they will become the most self-confident and the least vulnerable.


Sleeping with your head to the south is recommended for people who have problems with money and career. If you make an effort, positive changes will occur in your life very soon. Maybe you can find another job or sources of additional income will appear.

But you must definitely take into account the fact that for this you will have to sleep alone in bed. Also, people who are very impressionable and vulnerable and prone to depression should not sleep with their heads facing south.


An impeccable direction for people who are not comfortable and reasonable enough, often regret actions committed in a fit of violent feelings. People sleeping with their heads to the southwest will become the least conflict-provoking and tolerant of others.


Helps awaken creative energy, {romantic} emotions and brightest feelings. Suitable for people who suffer from melancholy and monotony and want to add color to their lives. Every day will bring them new exciting adventures and activities.

If the spouses sleep with their heads to the west, drastic changes will occur in their sexual life, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


The Northwestern direction should be chosen by indecisive people who are afraid of responsibility. Dreaming in this direction will strengthen their morale and strengthen their leadership qualities. It is useful for old people to sleep with their heads to the north-west - this will make their sleep healthy and complete. Not very suitable for young and active people.

Feng Shui teachings

Taoist practice, created to attract harmony, prosperity, mutual love and other blessings of life into our home, carefully describes many aspects of life that can create a cozy nest even from a tiny hotel apartment.

This teaching believes that the position of the head in sleep is not as important as the organization of the bedroom.

Basic rules for organizing bedroom space according to Feng Shui:

  • It is forbidden to sleep with your head towards the window or windows (especially opening ones);
  • legs and/or head should not “go” into the door or window opening;
  • there is no place for a mirror in the bedroom - and if you really want to put a dressing table here, make sure that the bed (and those sleeping on it) are not reflected in the mirror;
  • the bed should have a headboard - it protects the sleeper at the moment when he is most relaxed, and therefore defenseless.

However, it cannot be said that Feng Shui does not take into account the position of the head in any direction. Each side gives something to the person. There are simply no “bad” sides.

Sleeping with your head facing north is suitable for both newlyweds and couples who have been living together for decades. This position of the bed will help achieve harmony in the family, give health, and calm the personal internal “storm” of each family member.

The northeast is the side of older couples. The energy of this part of the world helps saturate your internal “batteries”, relaxing as much as possible during sleep.

The eastern direction is the direction of the young and motivated. Sleeping with your head facing the east helps you achieve your plans, helps you believe in yourself (or that God will not leave you without protection), and drives away fears and self-doubt. Also, such a dream helps not to “burn out” from almost round-the-clock or too active work.

The southeast is a direction for tense, insecure people. After such a rest, complexes, excessive modesty and self-doubt go away.

The south is the direction of workaholics and careerists. If you sleep with your head in this direction, your thoughts will be as clear as possible overnight for new, fresh ideas, and your soul will be filled with faith in luck.

Finally, creative people should sleep with their heads facing west. It is from this direction that the muse flies to us, bringing with it positive thoughts.

Choosing the eastern direction for sleep, according to religions and superstitions

Despite the huge number of prejudices and superstitions, Christians do not give any preference to the cardinal directions. The Bible believes that the main thing is not direction, but true faith and prayer raised to God. Orthodoxy considers prejudices regarding where the foot or head is pointed to be unfounded and harmful, and a true believer should not indulge in them.

Popular signs indicate that you should not sleep with your head towards the window, feet towards the mirror and door, they warn against the south and west and recommend the north for health and longevity. You cannot sleep with your head or feet to the east if there is a window, door or mirror there. The only sign regarding the east is the opportunity to establish a connection with God, which is lost if you choose the north. But the church canon does not confirm this.

Islam in this regard adheres to the doctrine of energy flows, which is preached by the ancient Indian Vastu Shastra, but attaches greater importance to the position of the legs. A Muslim must say a prayer before going to bed in order to die as a Muslim if this happens in a dream, observe moderation in food before going to bed and go to bed neatly if he has to meet angels. Vastu, unlike yoga, considers it harmful to sleep with your head to the north, and insists that the position of your head to the east is optimal, from the point of view of cosmic energy.

Ayurveda, in the book “20 ​​Useful Tips on Healthy Sleep,” also categorically insists that sleeping with your head to the east is the main condition for proper rest and obtaining vital energy.

Russian folk traditions

There are few superstitions on this matter, but they exist. In particular, they say: do not lie with your feet towards the door - this is how they carry out the dead (which means such a dream will bring the death of the sleeper closer). It is best to “point” your head towards the door.

It is also forbidden to sleep with your head towards a mirror, especially an ancient one - this mystical object can begin to draw out vital forces, in return sending difficult dreams.

The opinion of an Orthodox priest

The Christian Church has never advised its parishioners on how to properly position a bed or place a pillow. The main thing that faith requires is sincere prayer every night before going to bed.

Moreover: Eastern teachings (feng shui, vastu, and yoga) are considered by Orthodoxy to be a sin. So if you consider yourself a believer, you can lay your head down either towards the north or towards the south - neither position in a dream will anger God.

Also, the church does not approve of omens (even if God appears in them).

Rules for healthy sleep according to Feng Shui

When choosing the ideal direction for sleep, pay attention to these feng shui tips:

  • The bed should not be positioned so that the head or feet are opposite the entrance to the room. This may have a negative impact on your health.
  • Don't place your bed between a window and a door. Such energy will have a negative impact on relationships and worsen well-being.
  • You should not place your sleeping place in a draft - this will disrupt the proper flow of Qi energy, not to mention the risk of colds.
  • There should be no sharp corners near the sleeping place, and there should be no overhanging objects above the headboard: shelves, lamps, paintings.
  • The marital bed should not consist of two halves - the bed should be wide and solid. You cannot move two beds together or use a folding sofa that divides the sleeping space into two halves. Otherwise, the same thing will happen in family life - the couple will gradually move away from each other.
  • The head of the bed should not be directed towards the window. This will lead to health problems and deterioration of family relationships.
  • It is advisable not to keep various literature near your bed, especially horror stories, detective stories, and publications about incidents.
  • Do not place your sleeping place in front of a mirror - this will adversely affect your health and mental state.
  • It is best that the bed is new and does not contain any marks from previous owners. When purchasing an inexpensive bed at a thrift store, you are not insured against the fact that the previous owner could have died on it or had serious health problems.
  • The bed should have a back, preferably solid and rectangular. The copper backrest is not suitable for a sleeping person.
  • The bed should be positioned against the wall so that the person feels securely supported and protected while sleeping.
  • Furniture intended for sleeping must have strong legs and be in a stable position. A bed on wheels is not suitable for a bedroom designed according to Feng Shui. Furniture that is in an unstable position symbolizes uncertainty and instability.
  • Do not place the bed directly outside the door, otherwise you will suffer from nightmares and disturbing dreams.

Let's summarize...

  • Yogis recommend sleeping with your head facing northeast exclusively.
  • The Vedas recommend placing your head in the southern or eastern part of the room.
  • The teachings of Feng Shui allow you to sleep with your head in any direction, as long as the bedroom is furnished according to the correct principles.
  • Russian folk signs require you to sleep with your head in any direction, the main thing is that your feet do not “point” to the door.
  • Well, the Orthodox Church allows you to sleep as you please (but forbids listening to the teachings described above).

By the way: according to Feng Shui, for healthy sleep it is important not only the position of the body during sleep, but also the arrangement of the bedroom as a whole. More details:

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Feeling of biorhythm


The recommendation to sleep with your head towards the east has been known for a long time, but few people know about its reasons.

It can be assumed that this is due to the natural biorhythms of the planet:

  1. The sun rises on this side of the sun, and most people are always more active in the morning.
  2. In the afternoon, work activity begins to gradually decline and will become minimal by the time you go to bed.

Probably someone will object, saying that I am a “night owl” and sleep during the day and work at night. But the eastern direction is also suitable for people with such a rhythm of life, only for them the proximity of sunset will enhance their vitality.

According to Eastern healers, falling asleep with your head towards the east helps improve your health.

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You may or may not sleep with your head facing west

Long-term sleep in this position will provide:

  • complete rest;
  • increased vitality (apathy and depression will disappear without a trace);
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • improving the condition of the heart muscle.

Well, what if you fall asleep, as expected, with your head to the east, and wake up across the bed or, in general, with your feet on the pillow? This just means that the body has different biorhythms, and during sleep it occupies the most comfortable position for rest.

You shouldn’t force yourself, it’s better to change the position of the bed to make it more convenient for you to get a good night’s sleep.

What do scientists advise?

It is generally accepted that body position during sleep and sleeping place have a strong impact on family relationships, mental comfort and overall health. According to yogi theory, the magnetic field of our planet extends from the south to the north pole.

And the energy field of people is directed from the head area to the feet. Taking this into account, yogis recommend going to bed with your head on the north side so that the magnetic fields of the earth and a person coincide.

But ancient Indian masters say the opposite. If a person goes to bed with his head to the west, then during the night he will waste all his energy and in the morning he will feel exhausted.

Well, as for modern scientists, in their opinion, a person is influenced not only by the earth’s magnetic field, but also by the ring field. Both fields have different effects depending on the sleeping position of the person:

  • if you go to sleep with your head to the east, a person develops the spiritual side and personal qualities;
  • position on the southeast side helps to prolong life;
  • in people sleeping with their heads to the west, selfishness increases;
  • position to the north helps to develop rationality and get rid of sentimentality.

During a series of experiments, scientists found that very tired people chose a sleep position where the head was placed to the east, and those who were in an overexcited state preferred the north direction.

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