Five ways to cheer up and regain strength

TOP 20 methods to lift your mood

A person’s well-being, ability to work, and even health depend on a good mood.
When we feel unwell, we lose all desire to do anything, and you simply cannot find a place for yourself. Then we ask ourselves, how can we improve our mood? In this article we will reveal the secrets of how to do this correctly. Mood is a floating value and is constantly changing. Sometimes, when we wake up in the morning, we feel insecure and passive. We don't want to do anything. And people who try to force us to work only irritate us. Or another option: we started the day in a good mood, but some bad person ruins it for us. And where did the mood go? How can I get it back? There are actually many ways to do this. We will tell you about them.

And here are ways to cheer yourself up:

1. Music. If you don't hate music in general, then this method is just for you. Music gradually returns the mood to its place.

2. Hobbies. Do what you enjoy best. After all, every person has their own hobby, and I think you do too. Such hobbies will return your mood to its place.

3. Buy something for yourself. I think you like gifts? Why not make one for yourself? You don't have to buy something expensive. You can buy some little thing and your soul will already feel better.

4. Walk in the fresh air. Have you ever sat at home for a long period of time? If yes, then you know how passive and phlegmatic you begin to behave. But after walking outside for 20-30 minutes, we feel more energetic and ready for new achievements. This is because nature and man are inseparable. And the human body knows how to recharge itself with the energy of nature.

5. Dancing. Listening to music is certainly not a bad option. But if you combine this with dancing, then I think the good mood will return instantly.

6. Solutions to the problem. If your bad mood is associated with a specific problem, then try to solve it.
But, if the problem is not solved at this point in time and you need to wait, then throw it out of your head until the moment when it needs to be addressed. 7. Take a shower. Water is an ideal conductor and, oddly enough, it takes away excess energy from the body.
If you are in a bad mood, then a shower will restore your vitality and improve your well-being. 8. Watching movies. This method will quickly turn your attention to the movie, and you will forget about your depression.

9. Meditation. If you are far from this, then do at least the basics. Namely, sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine something bright and beautiful. It may not work out the first time, because you need to concentrate and disconnect from the outside world. But frequent exercise will make you cheerful.

10. Take your mind off your problem. You will say that it is easier to write about it than to do it. But it's actually easy. Look at any object, say its details to yourself and describe it. This can be done several times. This way, you will take your mind off your problem and calm down.

11. Change your image. If bad moods have become commonplace for you, then this method is just for you. Change your hairstyle and wear different clothes. This will help you love yourself more, which means becoming a happy person.

12. Pets. If you don’t have our smaller brothers, then be sure to get yourself a dog, cat or other animal you like. Animals charge a person with positive energy and this should be used for good.

13. Healthy sleep. A bad mood can also be due to overwork. Therefore, good sleep will greatly restore your body.

14. Good memories. Do you have dreams or fond memories? I think there is. Therefore, you should remember them and thereby recharge yourself with positivity.

15. A mug of tea or strong coffee. It is advisable to eat a couple of sweets at the same time. Scientists have proven that chocolate contains a hormone of happiness. The main thing is not to abuse it.

16. Communication. Through conversation with people close to us, we discharge ourselves, and the negativity leaves our body. If it happens that your mood is in dispute, then talk about it with a friend. You will see, after a sincere conversation you will feel much better.

17. Sweat and labor will grind everything down. If you are in a bad mood, try to keep yourself busy with work. Yes, I agree, it’s very hard to force yourself to do this. Just don’t think, just do it. Clean your house or do something you've been meaning to do for a long time. So, step by step, without even noticing it, you will overcome your depression.

18. Eat something tasty. If you do not have problems with excess weight, then this method is for you.

19. Read a book. An interesting book will distract you from your worries and stabilize your mood.

20. Playing sports. This method will improve not only your well-being, but also your health. Even doing basic gymnastics can easily lift your mood.

Choose at your discretion the best methods to lift your spirits and use them. You will see, over time, when using such methods, the problem of bad mood will be solved by itself.


Quick Methods to Improve Your Mood

We are constantly exposed to various stress factors and negative thoughts, which can only be eliminated by constantly searching for ways to improve our mood. Good things come with some effort of will, so it’s simple: make a conscious effort and you will start to feel better. Here are some quick methods that require no preparation and don't take much time.


Think fast

Experiments conducted by Princeton University showed that faster thinking leads to improved mood. Slow thinking can lead to feelings of despondency.

There are several theories as to why this is the case:

  • People associate thinking quickly with being in a good mood, so if they think quickly, they are tricking their brain into telling it they should be happy.
  • Thinking faster can increase dopamine production, which is associated with feelings of reward and pleasure.
  • Fast thoughts distract a person from thinking and self-reflection, which sometimes makes him unhappy.

To learn how to think quickly, do the following:

  • Use brainstorming. For example, give yourself 10 minutes to come up with 100 ways to escape from prison.
  • Watch the video in fast forward mode.
  • Read the book at high speed.
  • If you know the poem, read it very quickly.


Make yourself smile

To quote Buddhist monk Thich Nha Thanh: “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes a smile can be the source of your joy.”

James Laird, Ph.D., who has spent his entire professional life studying the relationship between behavior and emotion, agrees with Nhathan. He conducted a simple experiment, dividing participants into two groups: some were asked to smile, the second were forced to frown.

Cartoons were then shown to both groups. The group that was asked to smile found the cartoons funnier. It was concluded that the mere act of smiling activates the happiness centers in the brain. Thus, a smile:

  • Activates the release of neuropeptides that fight stress.
  • Releases the neurotransmitters dopamine and endorphins.
  • Activates the production of serotonin.


Drink green tea

If something has upset you and you need to calm down quickly, put the kettle on and brew yourself a cup of green tea. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., researcher, nutrition expert, and author of Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! explains that drinking green tea will calm you down. The drink triggers and promotes chemical reactions in the body, giving the brain the ability to think more clearly. Accordingly, your mood improves.


Treat yourself to dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, which contains a lot of cocoa, is not only delicious, but also improves your mood. It contains phenylethylamine, a compound that creates "brain noise" similar to being in love. Chocolate is also a source of tryptophan, a precursor to the amino acid serotonin, a neurotransmitter of happiness and positive mood.



Meditation stimulates the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, releasing endorphins and increasing the production of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin - all of which are associated with relaxation and happiness.


Ask yourself: “What is going well?”

The founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, considers the “What’s going well?” exercise one of the best tools for improving mood. How to do it? It's simple, first at the end of the day, think and find three positive things that happened to you today. Think about them and reproduce them clearly in your mind. Feel all the positive emotions associated with these events.

Do this whenever your mood is low. Negative thoughts and emotions are born unconsciously, so replace them with positive ones. Be aware.

We wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • 7 scientific ways to become happier
  • Formation of positive thinking
  • Benefits of Gratitude
  • Food for the mind: foods that improve concentration and brain function
  • Why productivity tips work. A view from neuroscience
  • Neurohacking. How to hack brain biochemistry
  • Techniques for dealing with negative moods
  • Topics for a personal journal
  • What to do every day and why
  • Cognitive restructuring

Key words:1Psychoregulation

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