How to quickly cope with a cold?

Modern technologies transfer not only communication between people into the virtual space, but also diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Telemedicine began to actively gain momentum during the pandemic. The trend has remained since – it is actually convenient to be treated this way.

If a person feels unwell, they usually make an appointment with their doctor. After hours, you can go to an urgent care clinic or private health center. But as communication technology advances, treatment options expand. Using telemedicine, you can get medical advice anytime, anywhere, without leaving your home.


Since the 1950s, the first remote consultations of 15 diseases began to appear in medicine, which can be treated using telemedicine over the phone, then video communications between hospitals.
Today, technology is so advanced that it allows patients to receive medical care from the comfort of their home, office, dorm room, hotel or any premises. Telemedicine first appeared on landline phones - you could call a doctor to clarify certain questions. With the development of technology, it began to offer a wider range of services. These include online portals operated by a physician, video software that allows for remote consultations, and applications operated by companies offering telemedicine services.

Telemedicine allows you to discuss symptoms, medical questions and more with a doctor or pharmacist or medical advisor in real time. Using telemedicine, a person can receive a diagnosis, learn about treatment options, and a doctor can write prescriptions. In cases where necessary, healthcare professionals can even monitor medical device readings remotely to monitor conditions.

Basics of innervation

The heart and blood vessels are controlled by the cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord. The liver and gallbladder are the middle part of the spine. Kidneys - from the lower thoracic roots. Etc.

It can be seen that each nerve root extending from the spinal cord innervates a strictly defined organ. If the connection is partially or completely disrupted, the organ partially or completely stops receiving signals from the central nervous system and stops normal functioning.

Everything is easy to understand. Eureka! Having sensed something wrong in your body, you just need to free the roots from the spine and everything will work? Not really.

The nerve bundle can be pinched not only in the spine area, but also in soft tissues, on the periphery, in branching zones. Many have experienced intercostal neuralgia, which pinches a nerve far from the spine. Such infringement can be quite difficult to localize.

The conductivity of a nerve impulse is of an electrochemical nature. That is, an electrical signal passes through a nerve cell, and between the cells there is a synapse - a bubble with enzymes that can enhance or weaken the NS signal. Local inflammatory processes can affect the biochemical conduction of signals and disrupt innervation. In addition, the potential of the electrical signal may also be low.

How it works

Telemedicine is not suitable for emergency situations (heart attack, stroke, deep cuts, lacerations, broken bones. In these cases, X-rays, stitches or casts are necessary for diagnosis. Anything that requires immediate evaluation and emergency care should be handled in person However, telemedicine is very useful for simple questions and follow-up consultations.
If a person suspects a cut or wound may be infected, a virtual consultation with a doctor can be scheduled to discuss symptoms. If the patient is on vacation and thinks they have strep throat , you can contact your doctor.If you need contraceptives, you can discuss your questions with your gynecologist and get a prescription on the same day.

It is useful for a variety of other health problems, including psychotherapy and teledermatology, which offers consultations for moles, rashes. Colds and flu, insect bites, sore throat, diarrhea and red eyes are some other common problems that are treated through telemedicine.

Greetings, our dear readers! The weather in autumn and winter is not always kind to us; on the contrary, every step outside threatens us with a cold. How to quickly get rid of a cold so as not to miss an important day?

Winter is slowly approaching us, and this is always a sign of the onset of the so-called “cold season.” Having a cold, in itself, is not very pleasant, but if you also have an important meeting scheduled for the coming days, then the disease becomes a problem.

Today we will tell you how to get rid of a cold at home in just three days.


The nature of the cold

As a rule, colds occur when our immunity is weakened, as well as from hypothermia. Colds can be either bacterial or viral in nature.

A cold of a viral nature is usually characterized by a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition and an increase in temperature above 38º.


A viral illness usually subsides within three days as the body adapts and begins to actively produce antibodies against the virus. At the same time, the body does not suffer as much from the virus itself as from the symptoms of a cold.

With a bacterial infection, your health may deteriorate gradually, with the temperature rising slightly, usually up to 37.6º. The most common symptoms of a cold are:

  • Runny nose and nasal congestion.
  • Sneezing and coughing.
  • A sore throat.
  • Sensitivity of the eyes to light.
  • General weakness and body aches.

How to quickly get rid of a cold? Do not forget that the best solution at the first signs of a cold is to contact a qualified specialist who will select a complete comprehensive treatment for you.

If you notice symptoms in one of your colleagues, you should use a medical mask, lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment and take preventive measures to avoid infection.

Medical nutrition

How to get rid of cold symptoms very quickly?

The first recommendation for any cold is to drink plenty of warm fluids. This can be ordinary boiled water, tea or fruit drink.


Ginger tea has an excellent effect, since it also has an antiviral effect. Don’t forget to add honey and lemon to your drink; they will also be an excellent stimulant for your immune system.

Another dish that you should include in your diet is chicken broth. The broth should be low-fat; you can also crumble a little garlic into it for an antibacterial effect. Such a lunch will perfectly preserve your strength and will not be too heavy.

Garlic is also good in combination with milk:

Crush a few cloves of garlic and pour hot milk over them, add a spoonful of honey to the mixture, then drink in small sips. Try to drink three glasses a day of this mixture.

Don't forget about vitamin C, which supports our immune system. To do this, you need to include citrus fruits, kiwi, cranberries and apples in your diet. Medical nutrition is especially good during pregnancy, when many medications are prohibited.

Conditions of recovery

How can you quickly get rid of colds and runny nose? During illness, dryness should be avoided at all costs. Dry nasal mucosa is an excellent environment for an increase in bacteria. Therefore, during illness, you should gargle and rinse your nose several times a day, at least with salt water.


The air in the room where you are should also not be too dry. Try to humidify the air by any available means; the best method, of course, is to use household humidifiers. But if you don’t have special devices, it doesn’t matter, you can put several cups of cold water in the room.

Don’t forget to ventilate the room; as they say, bad germs should be “blown out”. You should also quit smoking during recovery, at least partially, by reducing the number of cigarettes, since this bad habit significantly slows down the recovery process.

An excellent remedy for the first signs of a cold, or rather a cough, is the use of licorice syrup; you need to take one teaspoon of it at least four times a day. You can add syrup to tea.


Another “helper” in the fight against cough will be mustard plasters, especially if you put them before bed - this will save you from a sleepless night due to cough.

You can make a foot bath with the addition of mustard powder; just half a teaspoon of powder per three liters of warm water is enough. Be sure to try to keep your feet warm by wearing warm terry or wool socks.


If folk remedies do not have the desired effect, you should resort to pharmaceutical drugs for an incipient cold. However, the use of these drugs must be discussed with your doctor.


To combat the disease, depending on your symptoms, you may need:

  • A variety of powders dissolved in water are good for colds with fever (usually with paracetamol or some herbal extracts).
  • Aspirin, including effervescent.
  • Vitamins, especially vitamin C.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. Although their effectiveness has not been proven, they do not cause harm to the body, so if you are sure of the need to use them, then use them.
  • Homeopathic remedies. You should consult your doctor about the use of this group of medications.
  • Antibiotics or antimicrobial agents should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.


Acute respiratory or viral infections are frequent companions of the oncoming cold weather. Prevention of viral diseases during the cold season is designed to protect us from diseases or at least ease their progression. What is included in this prevention? Let's take it in order.


Vaccination and medications

Vaccination is carried out mainly against influenza; it is done in the autumn, just before the onset of cold weather. Since viruses mutate with each new season, vaccination must be carried out every year.

Another medications that are used to prevent viral diseases are various immunomodulators. Most often they are developed based on interferon. Antiviral agents are also effective in prevention.


However, the prescription and administration of such drugs must be entirely as prescribed and under the supervision of qualified specialists. Perhaps, to support your immune system, all you need is to take vitamins, which your doctor will also help you choose correctly.

Personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle

One of the simplest methods of prevention, and at the same time one of the most effective, is observing the rules of personal hygiene. Here are some of them that must be observed during the disease season:

  • Daily ventilation of the room.
  • Daily wet cleaning of the room and wiping of “frequent touch” areas.
  • Washing your hands before eating and upon returning from the street, as well as washing your face.
  • Careful treatment of abrasions and skin damage.

It is also necessary to wear clothes appropriate to the temperature outside in order to prevent hypothermia. This is especially important for the prevention of colds on the lips and face.


It is extremely important to pay attention to your lifestyle and get rid of bad habits that can only reduce your immunity.

Another important component is your sleep schedule; you need to give your body enough time to rest so as not to overload it or put it into a stressful state, which will ultimately adversely affect your immunity.

You can learn more about each component of a healthy and active lifestyle in the book “All About a Healthy Lifestyle.” In the book you will find more detailed recommendations in the areas we have already outlined.


Another excellent means of boosting immunity is hardening. During the cold season, it can be difficult to tune in to cold douches, so you can try steam hardening.



Equally important in the prevention of viral diseases is a balanced diet. The fact is that viruses do not reproduce well in an alkaline environment, which is why it is worth adding foods to your diet that “alkalize” the body.

These are, first of all, fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, and lean meats. It also doesn’t hurt to add foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet: citrus fruits, onions, garlic, carrots, salads, fresh herbs, etc.


Particular attention should be paid to the regime of water consumption: you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. This will help your body remove harmful substances from the body faster or fight viruses in case of infection.

Traditional methods of increasing immunity

Folk remedies for prevention are no less effective. The simplest of them is the use of aromatherapy. For these purposes, you can use essential oils of eucalyptus, cypress, pine, tea tree, fir, lavender, juniper, etc.

Just a few drops of such oils disinfect the entire room when using an aroma lamp. You can also use aroma bags, which are usually placed near the sleeping area.


Other folk remedies are aimed at strengthening the immune system and can also have an effective anti-inflammatory effect:

  • A glass of cranberry or lingonberry juice with honey can provide you with strength for the whole day.
  • Rosehip decoction can be added to tea; it will provide the necessary level of vitamin C in the body.
  • Rinsing your nose and throat daily with chamomile decoction has disinfecting properties.
  • A decoction of linden with honey has restorative properties and will also help to quickly relieve a sore throat, if any.
  • A drink made from ginger root with lemon and honey has antibacterial and immunostimulating properties.
  • Birch sap helps cleanse the body of toxins and also has a binding effect for toxic substances.
  • Infusions based on raspberries, elderberries or viburnum also stimulate our immunity and have anti-inflammatory properties when taken regularly.

Have you been suffering from a cold for a long time? Or do you know how to cope with it in a limited time frame? How do you support your body during the cold season? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

If this information is not enough for you, then additionally read our articles:

— How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? Let's look at the basics - How to overcome insomnia and improve the quality of sleep - Daily routine as an important component of human health - Development of physical activity: where to start - Fighting excess weight: is it possible to eat at night - Everything you need to know about personal hygiene: basic rules and norms

See you soon!

Cold or cough

Most colds do not require a visit to the doctor.
They are viral, and unless there are underlying problems, there is no reason for the patient to come to the clinic and potentially infect others. You can use virtual care for mild symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose, to help prevent the spread of germs. Health care providers may ask several basic screening questions to determine whether a patient has a more severe illness, such as the flu or pneumonia, or to rule out environmental factors such as allergens.

Possible complications of a cold

Colds are diseases that people get sick 3-4 times a year. The peak of the epidemic occurs in the off-season. If you do not follow the doctor's instructions, the illness can drag on for weeks, sometimes for a month.

If treatment is not started immediately after a person feels unwell, a simple disease will turn into a long-term and debilitating one.

It weakens the immune system. But there is a more serious danger. If a cold does not go away for a long time, the patient may develop complications that affect the functioning of various organs. Therefore, it is important to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection and begin a course of therapy.

Of the complications that are dangerous for prolonged colds, the most common is the development of an inflammatory process in the respiratory system. This occurs due to untreated infections. Often these diseases become chronic.

Among the complications that protracted colds lead to:

  1. Otitis and sinusitis.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the bronchi.
  3. Meningoecephalitis.
  4. Myocarditis and other heart diseases.
  5. Cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis, urethritis.
  6. Arthritis.
  7. Pneumonia.

The most dangerous complications are those that affect the heart and brain.
If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, death is possible. The rate of development of complications depends on the characteristics of the organism. This is influenced by:

  • age;
  • climate;
  • nutrition;
  • general health;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • heredity.

If flu and colds do not go away for a very long time without proper treatment, the consequences can be irreversible.


With remote monitoring technology becoming more advanced every day, virtual care may become the mainstay of care for patients facing blood pressure problems.
For chronic patients, this is more convenient than regular visits. Even if their home sphygmomanometer is very basic, the doctor can sometimes monitor cuff use and functionality during a virtual visit, review technique, ask key questions, and discuss symptoms. Keeping a patient's blood pressure normal is hard work. Why add the added stress of traveling to the clinic and then home for another quick blood pressure check and follow-up?

Gastrointestinal problems

Most gastrointestinal diseases do not require major intervention.
Consulting with patients via telemedicine can address the cause of illness due to nutritional issues, stress, symptoms of other illnesses, or even a side effect of a new medication. In any case, the patient can be successfully treated using a virtual care platform. In addition, with a few carefully asked questions, a more serious problem can be identified and the patient can be referred to the right facility.

Skin pathologies

By using two-way high-definition video during consultation, physicians can see dermatologic conditions in such detail that they can immediately identify the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.
This is a big advantage when patients live in remote areas. Detection of simple rashes and more complex problems such as shingles can be done remotely.

Why can’t you do a massage with VSD, but can you do UDM?

Massage for VSD is indeed not recommended.

Understanding how the human body works is half the solution to the problem of VSD.

You can read more about the differences between UDM and other types of massage in the article on the website.

In short, a regular massage creates pressure in those areas where the blood supply is already compromised. This can often make the situation worse. Doctors do not recommend using massage for VSD, especially with cervical osteochondrosis and impaired venous outflow.

UDM, on the contrary, creates a vacuum in problem areas, improving blood supply and fluid drainage. Thus, the blood circulation situation can be radically improved.

Postoperative follow-up

The use of virtual care for a surgical patient discharged home saves time, promotes recovery at home, and reduces the potential risk of injury and secondary infections.
Patients will not be disturbed from resting, and there will be no inconvenience due to complex transportation needs. During an online consultation, it is easy to assess progress and share laboratory results. Studies have shown that the use of virtual care reduces hospital readmission rates.

What to do if you have a persistent cold

If the cold persists, it is necessary to take medications that act on the causative agent of the pathology. It is impossible to determine on your own how to treat the disease. Not every medicine has the desired effect on a specific type of microorganism.

What to do

It is necessary to select medications for prolonged colds that destroy certain pathogens. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary drug. There is no point in taking antibiotics on your own, since the cause of the disease may be a virus.

To combat it, antiviral therapy is needed. The type of microorganisms is determined during laboratory testing. And after identifying the causative agent of the disease, treatment is prescribed.

If the examination reveals that the cause of a lingering cold is a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. In addition, you need to use symptomatic drugs - antipyretics, expectorants, vasoconstrictors, etc.

When a cold does not go away for a long time, the patient must follow the doctor’s instructions as closely as possible. This will help avoid possible complications and speed up the healing process.

The patient should drink plenty of fluids. During this period, it is necessary to adjust your diet - the diet should contain a lot of citrus fruits (they are rich in vitamin C), other fruits and vegetables. During illness, it is useful to drink juices: pomegranate, apple.

They stimulate the intestines well, relieve nausea, and increase the resistance of the immune system. When taking antibiotics, an imbalance of intestinal microflora may occur. To prevent this from happening, the doctor prescribes special maintenance medications.

What not to do

During illness you cannot:

  • Take the medications recommended by the pharmacist at the pharmacy. He does not know either the state of the person’s health or what specific pathogen caused the disease.
  • Visit the steam room. With colds, body temperature rises, and an additional increase in temperature can lead to big problems.
  • Rely only on folk remedies. They are ineffective when used independently and can only be an addition to drug treatment.
  • Virus strains change frequently. The usual medications that a person is used to taking to treat colds may be useless against a new form of pathology.

The duration of the disease depends on several factors:

  • chosen treatment;
  • compliance with doctor's instructions;
  • characteristics of the patient's body.

Good sleep, bed rest, timely intake of medications, good nutrition, and adherence to hygiene rules will help to quickly cope with pathology and prevent possible complications.

Telemedicine in the treatment of mental problems

Online therapy sessions and consultations with a psychotherapist can help treat depression, panic attacks and anxiety.
Online therapy and counseling services offer the intimacy of an in-person visit from the comfort of your home. Patients can consult a doctor at short notice unless the situation is an emergency. Virtual communication also removes one of the biggest stressors in the clinic.

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