Sexual constitution or how much sex a man needs?

Components of the sexual constitution

The following factors influence its formation.

  • Parents' health status. A person suffering from a serious illness is unable to guarantee good health for his child, which is invariably reflected in the formation of systems that ensure the proper functioning of the sexual sphere.
  • Genetic predisposition. A father with a strong sexual constitution is likely to pass on his hot genes to his son, which is why representatives of the same genus are so similar.
  • Nationality. Each nation has its own physiological characteristics, primarily at the hormonal level, which explains the difference, for example, between hot Argentines and reserved Norwegians.

Varieties of sexual constitution in men

A man’s sexual constitution is the degree of his need for sexual satisfaction, the level of libido. It is determined by a set of physiological characteristics that are formed mainly under the influence of heredity. Sexual constitution in men depends on the following factors:

  • Age of awakening of sexual desire.
  • Age at which first ejaculation occurred.
  • Type of pubic hair growth: thickness, vertical or horizontal orientation.
  • Maximum excess is the number of full-fledged sexual intercourses per day.
  • The time before the transition to a conditional physiological rhythm - UFR, as well as the age at which this transition occurred. This concept is relevant for men in long-term relationships. After the “honeymoon”, you usually get used to your partner and sexual intercourse becomes less frequent.

Anna Koteneva, head of the interdisciplinary department of sexology at the RNSO, explains what a man’s sexual temperament is and what it depends on
. Based on the above characteristics, sexologists distinguish three main types of sexual constitution:

  1. Weak.
  2. Average.
  3. Strong.

The boundaries between them are blurred. In each group there are several categories depending on the severity of characteristic features.


Men with weak constitutions are practically indifferent to sex. If we talk about puberty and the awakening of libido, then everything happens slowly, palely, and belatedly. Interest in sexual relations arises only at the age of 17-20. Wet dreams are rare or do not occur at all. Even in youth, men with low sexual constitution may only have one sex per month.

External signs: a small amount of hair on the body, pubic hair is scanty, sparse, horizontally oriented. There may be problems with erection and ejaculation that are not caused by physical or psychological problems. Some men with a weak sexual constitution, after the first unsuccessful sexual intercourse, begin to avoid intimate relationships in the future, and may even refuse sex completely. Due to their innate sexual coldness, they often remain single, do not understand their more passionate friends, and condemn them for promiscuity.

Men with a weak sexual constitution make successful couples only with women who are equally unpretentious in terms of intimacy, for whom sex is more of a burden than a pleasure. If a partner has an active libido, then she will face constant sexual dissatisfaction, since it is almost impossible to stimulate such men in any way.

Among persons with a weak sexual constitution, one can distinguish those whose sexuality periodically increases. They begin puberty at about 15-17 years of age. During this period, wet dreams occur; some practice masturbation, others do not. Externally, such men can be recognized by their relatively short torso and long legs. This feature is due to the pace of puberty.

For such men, one sexual intercourse per week is enough. They can easily give up sex for several months without feeling any discomfort. A surge of sexuality occurs against the backdrop of falling in love with a new partner.

However, libido quickly returns to its usual low level. Sex takes too much energy from these men and plunges them into melancholy, which forces them to avoid sexual relations. Any external factor negatively affects erection. It is almost impossible to achieve it if the woman does not meet their sexual standards.


Men with an average sexual constitution are considered the best option for sexual relations. They are active enough to regularly satisfy their partner, but are not intrusive, and are quite able to control their libido. Such men value sex; it occupies an important place in their lives. The erection is stable and easy to achieve. After orgasm, they feel satisfaction, joy, and elation. Several weeks of no sex can cause significant discomfort.

Signs of puberty appear at 13-14 years of age. Many people take up regular masturbation. The body of such men is proportional. Hair growth is normal.

See also: What are the benefits and harms of male masturbation.

After getting used to the partner, the frequency of sexual intercourse is 2-4 per week. After 45 years, most are not capable of repeated sex within 24 hours. Men with an average sexual constitution can, within reasonable limits, adapt to a less temperamental partner. Complete harmony is achieved when the sexual rhythm coincides - in a day or two.


Men with a strong sexual constitution are called erotomaniacs, sexaholics, preoccupied, ladies' men. Interest in everything related to sex awakens in them from early childhood. A boy can have his first erotic dreams as early as 10-11 years old. Around this time, they begin to have wet dreams, and masturbation becomes part of daily life. Obsessive sexual thoughts often interfere with full development and learning.

External sexual characteristics are clearly expressed: dense hair growth, the genitals are usually completely formed by the age of 14. The limbs are often short in relation to the body.

Men with a strong constitution begin to have sexual relations at the age of 16-17, and sometimes earlier. Abstinence for several weeks is very difficult for them, both emotionally and physically. Such men are capable of several sexual acts during the day, even after 50 years. Sex brings them elation, good mood, and vigor. At a young age, they can easily perform 6 acts per day, with a minimal recovery period.

When choosing women, men with a strong sexual constitution are not picky. They can satisfy their passion with completely opposite types of partners. They get excited quickly, do not need foreplay, external factors do not interfere.

In family life, only a sexually active woman with the same powerful sexual energy will be happy with such a man. Sexaholics are capable of experiencing tender feelings and love, but physical fidelity is often alien to them.

Among men with a strong constitution there are hypersexual ones, for whom sexual intercourse pathologically comes to the fore. To feel normal, they need several acts a day. Hypersexuals become obsessed with sexual relations and are constantly dependent on the endorphins they receive as a result of orgasm.

Determination of sexual constitution

There are scientific and non-scientific theories about signs that indicate sexual constitution.

Scientific approach

It is based on data from physiology - the science of how the body functions, so the conclusions drawn with its help are reliable.

Male body hair density

The abundance of vegetation on the stomach, chest, back, arms and legs indicates a high level of testosterone, the hormone responsible for masculinity. It is he who gives strength to the sexual temperament.


This symptom is also due to high levels of testosterone, although early baldness may be due to other reasons.

Time of onset of wet dreams in boys and menstruation in girls

In adolescents with a strong sexual constitution, they begin at the age of 10, with its average level at the age of thirteen, and with a weak one at the age of 16.

Psychological characteristics

Testosterone is responsible for the power of sexual temperament, and it also affects a person’s character. Those with a higher level are distinguished by strength, straightforwardness and some aggressiveness.

Testosterone girls and effeminate men

Women also have testosterone in their blood, in smaller quantities than men, and in some of them its level is at the upper limit of normal - it is this that gives them a special sexuality.

Testosterone girls have a masculine figure - wider shoulders compared to hips, slender and strong. Oddly enough, at first glance, it is they, and not women with large breasts and hips, who have a strong sexual constitution.

The sexual temperament of curvy young ladies is restrained by an excess of the female hormone estrogen. By the way, pot-bellied men with female obesity indicate their weak sexual constitution. Estrogen, which is closely associated with fat deposited on the stomach and buttocks, is to blame for everything.


Sexual constitution, also known as temperament, also known as Tao energy, is a mysterious human quality that does not depend on external attractiveness, but greatly influences the intensity of sexual life, the ability to procreate and the age at which one quits having sex.

Sexual constitution, also known as temperament, also known as Tao energy, is a mysterious human quality that does not depend on external attractiveness, but greatly influences the intensity of sexual life, the ability to procreate and the age at which one quits having sex.

Sexual constitution is one of the aspects of the general constitution of a person and determines the intensity of sexual manifestations. It cannot be seen, but it can be measured. For what? Firstly, you will be able to determine a man’s sexual potential offhand, and secondly, you will really assess your capabilities in terms of childbearing. This may be important. For example, with a weak sexual constitution, you need to give birth at the first opportunity, otherwise there may not be a second one. Take a piece of paper, a pencil, answer the test questions and write down your (or his) scores.


In order for the mechanism to work properly and last a long time, you must follow basic operating rules. The fragile mechanism requires careful care and a gentle schedule of use. The robust mechanism can be used more harshly. In any case, it’s better to find out how durable the mechanism you’ve got in your hands is at the start. So, it’s exactly the same with men.

Regular sexual activity:

  • 1-2 times a day – 16
  • every other day - 12
  • 1-2 times a week – 8

Sexual excess - the maximum possible number of orgasms per day (no matter how obtained):

  • 9-12 times - 16
  • 5-8 times - 12
  • 2-4 times - 8

Age of awakening interest in women:

  • 9-11 years - 10
  • 12-15 years old - 8
  • 16-17 years old - 6

Age of first ejaculation (no matter under what circumstances):

  • 10-12 years - 10
  • 13-15 years old - 8
  • 16-18 years old - 6

Age when sexual excess decreases:

  • 40-45 years old - 10
  • 30-35 years old - 8
  • 20-25 years old - 6

Age at which sexual activity decreases to a conditionally physiological rhythm (2-3 acts per week):

  • 45-50 years old - 10
  • 30-40 years old - 8
  • 20-25 years old - 6

The angle between the thigh and shin along the back of the leg (when looking at the legs from the side):

  • 175-180 — 6
  • 180-185 — 5
  • more than 185 – 4

Arm bending. If you stretch your arms forward, join your palms and try to join your forearms, then:

  • nothing works - 6
  • it works, but not completely, the gap still remains - 5
  • forearms come together easily - 4

Toe Length Ratio:

  • thumb shorter than the next one - 6
  • thumb the same length as the neighboring one - 5
  • the thumb is the longest - 4

Trochanteric index. Ratio of height to leg length (leg length is measured from the floor to the hip bone):

  • more than 1.98 - 6
  • 1,92 — 1,98 — 5
  • up to 1.92 - 4


  • almost perfect, success in sports, long-lived relatives - 3
  • normal, no chronic diseases - 2
  • poor, tendency to be overweight, relatives have disabilities - 1


  • a lot on the body, a little on the head - 3
  • something on the body, something on the head - 2
  • a lot on the head, a little on the body - 1

Pubic hair:

  • a lot of curly pubic hair, a “path” to the navel and a hairy chest - 3
  • pubic hair extends into a path up to the navel - 2
  • hair is straight, forming a triangle with an upper horizontal border - 1

If he scores more than 90 points

– he has a strong sexual constitution, which means that even if you let it slip purely by chance that he doesn’t have the biggest one, he won’t need a psychologist to restore his erection, it will recover on its own, in a couple of minutes, then in another hour, then before bedtime, Well, in the morning, of course, and so every day. By the way, if you are not there, it will not change anything.

If he scored 70-90 points

- he has an average sexual constitution - everything is in order, until you are fifty, you will uninterruptedly receive your legal 2-3 orgasms a week, but then - without guarantees.

If he scores less than 70 points

c - he has a weak sexual constitution, this is not a reason to sprinkle ashes on his head, this is a reason to roll up his sleeves and take on... in short, take on him. According to doctors, the level of sexual activity significantly affects the functional state of the reproductive system. That is, if you do not fully use its modest capabilities, they will fade away offensively quickly, but with regular training, proper nutrition and the absence of stress (at least at home) - 2-3 times a week until the age of fifty - it’s easy. And, by the way, when he swears allegiance to you, most likely he is not lying.


The intensity of a woman’s sexual life in marriage depends mainly on the capabilities and needs of her husband. The sexual life of a free woman, in general, is in the hands of providence, that is, it depends mainly on a random combination of circumstances. Knowing your sexual constitution will help you find out your capabilities and really assess your needs.

Regular sexual activity:

  • 1-2 times a day – 16
  • every other day - 12
  • 1-2 times a week – 8

Sexual excess – the maximum number of orgasms per day (no matter how obtained):

  • 9-12 — 16
  • 6-8 — 12
  • 3-4 — 8

Age at first menstruation:

  • 10-11 years old - 10
  • 13-14 years old - 8
  • 15-18 years old - 6

Regularity of menstruation:

  • regular, painless – 10
  • episodic disorders due to adverse external influences - 8
  • with long-term disorders - 6

First orgasm after the start of regular sexual activity:

  • in the first month - 10
  • in 3-10 months - 8
  • in 3-12 months - 6

Age of achievement of 50-100% orgasmicity (i.e., when at least every second sexual intercourse ends in orgasm):

  • 15-18 years old - 10
  • 20-30 years old - 8
  • 35-40 years old - 6

Nature of pregnancy:

  • normal course - 10
  • mild toxicosis – 8
  • pathologies, toxicoses, threats of interruption - 6



  • lungs - 10
  • medium duration and severity - 8
  • long and severe, with large loss of blood - 6

The angle between the thigh and shin along the back of the leg (when looking at the legs from the side):

  • 175-180 — 6
  • 180-185 — 5
  • more than 185 – 4

Arm bending. If you stretch your arms forward, join your palms and try to join your forearms, then:

  • nothing works - 6
  • it works, but not completely, the gap still remains - 5
  • forearms come together easily - 4

Toe Length Ratio:

  • thumb shorter than the next one - 6
  • thumb the same length as the neighboring one - 5
  • the thumb is the longest - 4

Trochanteric index. Ratio of height to leg length (leg length is measured from the floor to the hip bone):

  • more than 2 - 6
  • 1,97 – 2 — 5
  • up to 1.97 - 4



  • almost perfect, success in sports, long-lived relatives - 3
  • normal, no chronic diseases - 2
  • poor, tendency to be overweight, relatives have disabilities - 1

Pubic hair:

  • a lot of curly hair that goes down to the navel - 3
  • curly hair, clear upper horizontal border of hair growth - 2
  • sparse straight hair, slightly thicker in the center - 1

Bust size:

  • up to 1st (inclusive) – 3
  • 1-3 — 2
  • more than 3 (silicone does not count) - 1

If you score more than 110 points

– you have a strong sexual constitution, which means that you are able to have a lot of sex with pleasure, give birth to a bunch of children without problems, and you will experience menopause no earlier than 50 years of age.

If you scored 80-110 points

– you have an average sexual constitution, and with a good partner you are capable of much. You won’t leave great sex before 45.

If you score less than 80 points

– you have a weak sexual constitution. Menopause can occur as early as 40 years old, and the joys of motherhood will come with more problems for you than for everyone else. But then you don’t climb the wall after two weeks without sex, and then, who needs this strong constitution if it comes complete with short legs, microscopic breasts and increased body hair.

Why know about sexual constitution?

The simple tests given in the article will help prevent problems in relationships when the candy-bouquet period gives way to normal life. A man and a woman will not encounter a surprise in the form of a partner cooling off towards sex and subsequent dissatisfaction, resentment, and betrayal. If the sexual constitution is approximately the same, then the need for sex after the “honeymoon” will be equal and will decrease proportionally.

Another reason why it is worth soberly assessing your optimal sexual needs is the correspondence of the existing rhythm of intimate life with the physiologically laid down one. If there are discrepancies, then it makes sense to undergo an examination by a urologist or talk to a sexologist to find out the reason. For example, it is not normal for a man with a strong sexual constitution to not want sex for weeks.

The vector scale is important for sexologists. By comparing the values ​​of indicators, it is possible to determine the cause of a number of sexual pathologies. For example, the very early awakening of libido gives reason to assume the presence of psychological disorders.

Kulgavchuk Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, President of the “Professional Association of Sexologists”, full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League, sexologist tells why it is important to know your sexual constitution and how it is determined

Female sexual constitution

What needs to be taken into account to determine the sexual constitution of women? Typically they look at the following indicators:

  • time of the beginning of the first menstruation;
  • current age;
  • time required for orgasm;
  • the nature of the pregnancy (if any);
  • the period of onset of the first orgasm;
  • the nature of the vegetation on the body;
  • calculation of trochanteric index;
  • age when arousal first occurred;
  • the number of sexual acts ending in orgasm.

With a weak sexual constitution

In women with a weak constitution, menstruation occurs late (later than 15 years), and orgasm comes only 5-10 years after the first sex. Vegetation on the body may be barely noticeable or even practically absent, and pregnancy is often accompanied by severe toxicosis.

With an average sexual constitution

Women with an average sexual constitution learn early what libido awakening is. Menstruation occurs between the ages of 12 and 14. And such women can feel an orgasm several months after the first sexual intercourse, although this varies. As for pregnancy, it is progressing well and without severe symptoms.

A woman with a strong sexual constitution

Interestingly, puberty in such women occurs very quickly. Literally at the age of 10-12 they begin to have periods, and a little later sexual desire appears. Orgasm is experienced quite often, and it comes almost immediately after the start of intimate life. Pregnancy in women characterized by an increased degree is easy, but due to increased testosterone production, many of them experience increased hair growth.

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