Relax and benefit: aromatic pine bath with fir oil

Fir oil main medicinal properties

Fir oil is not only a cosmetic product, but also a medicinal one. Indeed, in addition to the fact that this delightful and useful extract is capable of providing a disinfectant, bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic agent. It also has a general strengthening, tonic and calming effect.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any other essential oil, fir oil cannot be used in concentrated form. Although the product has strong healing properties, caution is required in use. Unless the recipe specifies otherwise, you must add base oil in a 1:1 ratio before use. If the proportion is violated, it can cause a severe allergic reaction. Inhalation of the concentrate leads to burns of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

  • A drug sensitivity test is always required. This must be done every time you open a new product package.
  • Contact of the product with any mucous surfaces is unacceptable.
  • The oil should be stored in airtight containers, in a cool, dark place out of reach of children.
  • If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking other medications, consult a specialist before using essential oil.
  • Procedures using oil are recommended to be carried out at home, due to the fact that the sun's rays neutralize the effects of beneficial properties.
  • Therapeutic therapy with fir oil does not allow the consumption of alcohol.

Use of fir oil in medicine

Fir oil is often used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis.

This remedy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves irritation. Since the oil is rich in vitamins and phytoncides, it effectively works to strengthen the body, increasing its protective functions. This product brings great benefits during frostbite and hypothermia.

Possessing analgesic properties, it is widely used during the treatment of neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout. It also perfectly relieves swelling.

Fir oil, due to its ability to constrict blood vessels, is used to increase myocardial contractility, stimulate an increase in blood pressure, and also normalize impaired blood circulation.

It helps well in stressful situations, relieves chronic fatigue, fights neuroses, normalizes sleep, restores harmony and restores peace.

This remedy is also used in gynecology and urology - it helps to treat various diseases of this nature.

In addition, the essential product is also used for external purposes, in the form of inhalations, medicinal baths, as a flavoring agent and disinfectant in enclosed spaces, killing pathogenic bacteria and eliminating unpleasant odors. After using it, the air in the room becomes much cleaner and fresher.

In medicine, it is also used to treat burns, arthrosis, eczema and so on, due to its healing properties.

But in addition to the positive characteristics, it, like most other products, has small disadvantages. The product may cause an allergic reaction, so test a small amount of oil on a small area of ​​skin before using it.

If you feel a slight tingling sensation while applying the oil to the skin, it goes away after some time. This is completely normal and there is no need to worry.

Also, people who suffer from kidney disease will be able to use this miracle drug only after their attending physician gives the go-ahead.

Application in dermatology

Today there are a large number of people who suffer from skin diseases. This contingent of people constantly suffers from this, and especially when, against their will, they suffer from the use of counterfeit creams and ointments, which at best have no effect, and at worst cause even more harm and discomfort to a person.

Fir oil plays a major role in the treatment of such cases. It does not contain any impurities or harmful substances, so if used correctly, it can help in this difficult and painful situation. It can even help a person get better.

Treatment with fir oil

This oil dissolves salts in joints, relieves pain from neuritis, rheumatism, gout, and osteochondrosis. This is one of the best ways to treat colds and flu. 10-minute inhalations with 2-3 drops of extract, rubbing the palms, feet, and chest help greatly. For foot or nail fungus, an excellent remedy is warm applications of sunflower oil with fir oil extract. Hypertension cannot resist the traditional healer.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten a piece of sugar with three drops of fir extract.
  2. Take twice a day for 1 month.
  3. For older people, repeat treatment after 3-4 months, for young people - after 6.
  4. The same method is successful for varicose veins. If there is no discomfort, the areas of blockage can be massaged with light circular movements with fir remedy for 3-5 minutes. (at least 2 times a day).
  5. After a month of the course, a break for 3 weeks. Then repeat the treatment.

For a runny nose

For a runny nose, fir extract applied to the nose has an effect. But you need to instill a mixture of fir and sea buckthorn oils in equal parts and warm boiled water:

  1. Dilute 2-3 drops with 100 ml of heated water. Place the solution into the nostrils a few drops at a time. This procedure is dangerous for children.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. vegetable and 3-4 drops of fir extract. Drop into each nostril 3-4 times throughout the day.

For acne

Pimples, blackheads and fungal skin diseases are susceptible to fir oil. It regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, fights comedones and oily shine. The procedures effectively cleanse the skin of impurities. An excellent mask is easy to prepare at home:

  1. For one tablespoon, add 2-3 drops of a mixture of milk thistle, black cumin, avocado, and grape seed oils.
  2. Keep on face for 25 minutes, rinse.
  3. For acne, apply the product pointwise using a cotton swab.

Against cough

Essential oils for bronchitis and other colds that are accompanied by cough are very effective:

  • Inhalations have magical properties. Drop 5-6 drops of essential oil into a bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel, inhale the healing vapors for 5 minutes. Do inhalations 2 times a day, if there is no fever.
  • A medicinal drink is useful. Put honey (a teaspoon) and 6 ml of fir extract into a glass of juice (not citrus). Drink 3 times a day before meals.

Against skin diseases

The product promotes the healing of burn wounds, diaper rash, bedsores, but it must be diluted with baby cream or animal fat. For trophic ulcers, weeping eczema, purulent wounds, an ointment made from internal pork fat with the addition of fir oil in a ratio of 3 to 1 has a healing effect. Treat the wound with the ointment, apply a bandage, cover with wax paper, and fix for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

How to select and store fir oil

If you are planning to purchase this miraculous remedy, then know that when purchasing it you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the container in which it is sold must be dark in color;
  • make sure that the bottle is marked as 100% natural essential oil;
  • the label must also indicate in Latin what type of fir it is made from.

This product can only be stored in a cool place. Also make sure that children and pets do not have access to it. The shelf life of the product may vary, it all depends on what raw materials it is made from. If it is Siberian fir, then the shelf life will be three years, and if it is white, balsam, then about two years.

Where to buy natural fir oil?

You can purchase a real product, not a fake, either at a pharmacy or in specialized stores that sell essential oils.

Fir oil in cosmetology

Typically, in cosmetology, this essential oil is used only when there are serious reasons for this, especially during the acute phase of the disease. It acts as an antiseptic that has a deodorizing effect. The oil is perfect for treating various pustules, boils, acne, and even for relieving swelling. The ecological product effectively fights wrinkles and sagging skin. It is popular among people with mature, aging and aging skin.

It can have a lifting effect on the skin, thereby significantly rejuvenating it.

For people suffering from excessive sweating of the feet, this remedy is perfect, and it will also help in the treatment of dermatoses on the feet.

Using fir oil for an anti-wrinkle mask

In order to prepare a mask that can fight wrinkles, you need to take one tablespoon of basic oil - it can be any, for example: olive, linseed, cottonseed, etc., add three or five drops of fir oil to it and mix everything well. This is exactly what your face needs, but if you want to apply such a mask around the eyes, then reduce the amount of fir oil by half.

Masks with fir oil

Fir oil, in addition to all the listed properties, also tones and strengthens the skin of the face, which is why masks are made with this essential oil. They make the skin much younger, while eliminating wrinkles and acne.

Here is one of the quite effective masks made from grape and fir oils. This mask is preferably applied to the face during the day. To make it, you need to take two oils, which were mentioned just above, the first in the amount of one tablespoon, and the second you need only two drops. Mix everything well and you can use it. The mask should be applied in a fairly thick layer for half an hour, after which it must be washed off. Thanks to this procedure, you can improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and ensure that your face is clean and dry throughout the day.

Fir oil: properties and applications

The use of fir oil in many areas helps achieve the desired results. So, it is used in medicine in the following cases:

to reduce the intensity and relieve pain from rheumatism, osteochondrosis and muscle strains; to normalize blood pressure; for tonsillitis, sore throat, colds and to get rid of a runny nose; to get rid of female diseases and erectile dysfunction; for the treatment of skin diseases, including fungal ones; for depression and neuroses - to normalize mental balance; for insomnia and problems with excessive excitability.

The use of fir oil is thus multifaceted. This healing product relieves various diseases, is used in their prevention and restores mental balance, which becomes possible thanks to the pine aroma.

The pharmaceutical product is also used in cosmetology. The following properties are valuable for the skin:

normalizes water-fat balance; relieves inflammation and eliminates pathogens; tightens pores and draws out impurities; tones; smoothes out folds and wrinkles.

Fir oil is used in the skin care of teenagers suffering from rashes and oily sheen, and mature ladies in need of a tonic and rejuvenating cosmetic product.

It is also used for hair. The essential oil copes with problems such as hair loss, oiliness and dandruff (seborrhea).

In everyday life, fir oil is used in detergents. It is added to water and an aromatic disinfectant composition is obtained, which is used for wet cleaning.

This ether is also used in aromatherapy. The smell of pine needles improves mood, increases performance, and gives the feeling of breathing easier.

Fir oil for treating children

Everyone knows that children's skin is much more sensitive to environmental influences. This is why you should be very careful when using fir oil in children. You can start using it only after the child turns two years old. You can start slowly adding it to the baby care products you use every day. But remember one thing - watch your child’s reaction to this innovation. If allergic rashes appear on your face, you should stop using it immediately.

Until the child turns six years old, it is best to use aroma lamps and air purifiers and only later gradually move on to other ways of using fir oil. For example:

  1. Can be used while massaging your baby's chest. To do this, add one drop of pine remedy to one tablespoon of almond oil. This procedure will not only help your child relax, but will also have a positive effect on well-being during colds. If there are no violations, then you can slowly increase the number of administered drops to three.
  2. It is very effective to add fir oil during inhalation. It will not only have a disinfecting effect on the respiratory tract during colds, but will also help the child recover faster. It's worth starting small. Take a cotton swab onto which you first drop one drop of the product, then let your child breathe. If everything went well and he did not feel sick, you can increase the dose from one drop to two or four per two hundred milliliters of hot water. To enhance the effect, you can add three drops of cedar oil.
  3. Mix baby cream with two drops of essential oil. This will have a beneficial effect on the baby's skin against diaper rash and diathesis.
  4. You can add pine extract during evening bathing. This will help you fall asleep easily and sleep soundly, especially in very active and mobile children. Take one tablespoon of almond or coconut oil and dissolve it in a mixture of fir oil, lavender and chamomile. All these ingredients should be taken in equal proportions - one drop at a time. Add the mixture to the bath where your child will bathe.

The effect of fir aroma on the nervous system has been known since the times of the North American Indians. They added fir needles to their pillows to ensure deep and pleasant sleep.

How to use fir oil

Fir oil cannot be drunk: it is intended for external use.
Fir oil can be used for the following purposes:

  • as an auxiliary drug during the treatment of skin diseases and colds;
  • for local warming of sore joints and muscles;
  • for cosmetic care for face and body;
  • as a room scent;
  • for aromatherapy, massage oil additives and relaxing baths.

This remedy is not taken orally - it cannot be drunk in any doses. Directions for use: inhalation, rubbing, adding to bath, adding to hair care products and face masks, air aromatization.


Fir extract, like other conifers, helps fight coughs caused by colds. When inhaled, it gives an expectorant effect, removes phlegm from the lungs, stops inflammation, relieves irritation in the throat, and soothes it. Fir oil is used to prevent diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Against runny nose

Fir oil is an excellent remedy for runny nose.

Fir essential oil constricts blood vessels and is a good helper for fighting a runny nose and nasal congestion. It has an advantage over aggressive nasal drops from pharmacies - its natural composition has a gentle effect on the sensitive mucous membrane, does not irritate it, does not cause burning or pain.

To treat a runny nose, two methods of use are recommended:

  • inhalation (dilute a few drops of the composition in hot water, cover your head with a towel and take deep breaths over the steam for five minutes);
  • rubbing (apply the product to the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, sinuses, rub into the skin, leave to absorb.

Anti acne

Effective use of fir oil for acne is local cauterization. Apply a small amount of fir essence to a cotton swab and press it with slight pressure onto each inflammation, hold for a few seconds, then move on to the next one.

This application has a “drying” effect and stops inflammation, but may cause a slight burning sensation on the skin. After use, it is recommended to apply face cream so that the skin does not become dry and receives a sufficient amount of moisture.

Fir oil is used as face masks

For the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetic effects, fir oil is used in face masks. It tightens the skin and fights age-related changes - so its use is especially important for aging skin.

Recommended mask compositions:

  1. chicken egg yolk, a tablespoon of aloe juice, 2 drops of fir essence (applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm water);
  2. 2 drops of fir oil, a teaspoon of grape seed oil (recommended for problem skin, applied for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature);
  3. a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of plantain pulp, 2 drops of fir extract (an effective mask against inflammation on the face).

Essential oils in their pure form are rarely applied to the skin; contact with mucous membranes is avoided. It is recommended to mix them with base vegetable oil, face or body cream, and add to ointments.

If signs of a cold have just appeared, then take a bath with 6–10 drops of fir essential oil mixed with salt. The same procedures help reduce joint pain and treat kidney and genitourinary tract diseases. Make 15-minute baths with the addition of aroma oil for hands and feet for joint diseases, pain after bruises and fractures.

In cosmetology it is known as an antikeratosis agent; it is used for wound healing. Helps eliminate calluses, redness, revives dry skin, removes cracks, and relieves clogged pores. Helps resolve hematomas, which is why fir oil is also prescribed after operations.

Fir oil has received very wide application:

  1. Dermatology. Helps fight angulitis, suppuration, rashes, and dermatosis.
  2. Hair care. Eliminates dandruff, greasy strands, heals the scalp.
  3. Treatment of inflammation. Copes with respiratory tract diseases, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis.
  4. Aromatherapy. Has a healing, calming effect.
  5. Frostbite. Thanks to its warming effect, it eliminates the unpleasant consequences of hypothermia.
  6. Eye treatment. Removes symptoms of overexertion, relieves fatigue, and even helps restore visual acuity.
  7. Stress relief. Possessing a pleasant aroma, it improves mood and calms.

Considering the range of valuable components, cosmetologists recommend using fir oil for hair. Copes with flaking, dandruff, gives volume and shine to strands, accelerates growth, strengthens roots. Having received the entire necessary set of minerals and nutrients, the curls quickly return to normal.

What else does fir essential oil do for hair:

  • relieves tissue inflammation, heals small scars;
  • eliminates excess oiliness in strands;
  • moisturizes dry curls;
  • treats split ends.

Fir essential oil is highly valued in cosmetology due to its antibacterial, rejuvenating and cleansing properties. After the course of treatment, the skin becomes tightened and velvety. Helps get rid of acne, rashes, smoothes tissue, eliminates early wrinkles by restoring the epithelium.

Why fir healing oil is especially valued:

  • protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals;
  • forms new, healthy cells;
  • forms collagen, reduces vascular fragility;
  • rejuvenates the skin by saturating it with ascorbic acid.

The value of fir oil, its medicinal properties and uses was known to Siberian healers, who traveled vast distances in search of herbs until they were very old. Their secret is known - using fir to treat joints, it dissolves salts, cleanses, relieves pain, improves blood and lymph circulation.

Fir oil, its properties and use are known to experienced traumatologists; it is often recommended to be used for fractures. The medicine helps bones heal quickly and correctly, nourishing them with valuable extracts, relieves inflammation, heals cracks, and accelerates the growth of callus. It is used after removing plaster in baths, massages, compresses.

Many people remember the “Star” balm, and today it has not gone away, thanks to the valuable properties of fir and petroleum jelly, which are contained in the composition. This oil is an excellent antibiotic; if you have a runny nose, you can lubricate the bridge of your nose; fir oil in your nose helps a lot. Gargling with this additive relieves a sore throat, and coughing is quickly relieved by inhalation and rubbing.

Fir is a tree of the Urals and Siberia, where in the forests you have to escape mosquitoes, and local residents have invented a way to fight insects with the help of needles. Why use fir oil? Once you smear it on your skin, mosquitoes will fly in an arc for at least 40 minutes, because they are afraid of this smell. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. You can also make a valuable aerosol for your home.

Since ancient times, the properties of fir oil were well known to Siberians; not a single bathhouse could do without this valuable product. Steamed with it to recharge with vigor, for colds, phytocides and tannins in the mixture quickly penetrate the pores and have a strong, healing effect. A fir bath broom enhances the effect.

To improve your health in the bathhouse use:

  1. Inhalations. To saturate with steam, 5 drops per scoop of water, which is poured over hot stones, is enough.
  2. Rubbing. Wipe the steamed skin with sea salt, then rub in the oil; it helps with arthritis, rheumatism, and myalgia.

Contraindications for use

Oil, like most products, has contraindications for use. Let's see them, who should not use fir oil:

  • childhood;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the presence of pathologies with the kidneys;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

In addition, under no circumstances take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Due to the fact that this product can cause allergies, it is necessary to conduct a test before you start using it. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the skin of your hand and carefully monitor your condition. Immediately after application, it must be inhaled for five minutes.


Most patients who have at least once tried the effects of fir oil on themselves noted its amazing capabilities. You can do anything with it, from baths to compresses. Let's see what people say about the use of this drug.

Inna shared her story in which she said that during a sore throat, her doctor prescribed fir oil. She was pregnant at that time. Since medications are not advisable in this interesting situation, she smeared this delicious drug on her sore throat, and as a result the sore throat disappeared. Everything is fine, but this procedure is not entirely pleasant.

Evgenia also shared her story of how she was cured with the help of fir oil. She had allergies and her nose was constantly unable to breathe. She went to her doctor for advice, and he recommended that she use fir oil. At first she thought what nonsense and didn’t want to do it, but then she decided to try, since no means helped. And a few days later she was pleasantly surprised - everything went away and there was no trace left of the allergy.

Tatyana also recommends fir oil as a cure not only for a stuffy nose, but for coughs, acute respiratory diseases and herpes. She is also very pleased with the use of masks with this product.

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