Can an impotent person have children and does he have an attraction?

Features of manifestation

According to many specialists in the field of urology, andrology and reproductive medicine, problems with potency in men have recently arisen more and more often. The causes of this condition are frequent stress and the influence of unfavorable exogenous and endogenous factors. Inflammatory or infectious processes do not contribute to full sexual function, as a result of which impotence develops.

It is very important to help your sexual partner, to encourage him to see a specialist. After all, if a man is impotent, this is also a disease that requires certain therapy. The difficulty is that the stronger sex does not always agree to visit a doctor, preferring independent treatment. And therein lies the danger, since it is not enough to simply restore sexual function if the husband is impotent; it is important to find out the cause of this condition, get rid of it, and only then begin to restore erectile function with the help of medications.

My boyfriend is impotent

My boyfriend is impotent, what should I do? Find out in the article of the educational information and entertainment portal You Open Ru

“Every man, in certain circumstances, strives to have an erection. And if it does not arise, he considers himself impotent, and the woman becomes convinced that she is not good enough to attract him. This topic is a real taboo, and a man never discusses it with anyone. He utters the famous phrase: “This is the first time this has happened to me.” Paulo Coelho “Zaire”

Having crossed the threshold of the office, she burst into burning tears. "He left. What to do?" During the questioning, it turned out that this was not the first time. A pile of complaints against her and slamming the door. And then, a week later, a stormy reconciliation. Although, hand on heart, she admitted that passion after a breakup is more emotional than physiological. He has had erection problems throughout his entire life together. Even during the courtship period, things didn’t always “work out” for the young guy. But he still pretends that nothing special is happening. The problem is obvious to her, but it is not customary to discuss it in the family. "What do you? Is it possible to talk to him about this? He’ll be offended for life!”

It is generally accepted that sexual dysfunction in men is an age-related problem. However, more and more often in psychological practice there are stories about young guys with instability “on the masculine side.” Possible reasons:

Regular alcohol consumption. Smoking. Excess weight. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle (office – car – home). Bad ecology.

In fact, there are many more reasons. Among others, real health problems. Organic erectile dysfunction can occur due to endocrine, urological and other disorders. There are also dysfunctions caused by psychological factors (stress, etc.).

The heroine's husband liked to sip beer in the evenings after work. Being under the influence, he was in a hurry to boast of his past achievements on the sexual front, which there was no way to verify. And he also reproached her for the fact that she, they say, cannot create the necessary psychological a).

Over time, the young woman believed that she was the problem. Unfulfillment in sexual terms was accompanied by a persistent feeling of guilt and an inferiority complex. “It’s all because of you, you’re the one who’s not trying! – the husband added fuel to the fire. – Who needs you, such a clumsy person? You are already thirty, old age is not far off. Be glad that I chose you." On top of everything else, he was terribly jealous of her, did not allow her to meet with her friends: “What, do you want to find a new man? A woman should not have freedom. You immediately loosen your belt.”

They lived like this for two years. Intimacy was not pleasing, the nagging and devaluation only intensified. Gradually, the husband began to demand unquestioning submission in everything. His wife desperately tried to satisfy all his requests and whims. However, the emotional atmosphere in the house did not change. Moreover, the old manipulations, which for the time being caused a storm of emotions in the “victim,” became boring, the husband began to “train” the missus in a different way - from time to time he left home for several days without explaining the reasons. And then he would also suddenly return, saying, “I’m bored, accept the loss,” and immediately rush to the bedroom, emotionally excited and wound up by the performance he had staged with his own hands. But, alas, I experienced a fiasco again in bed.

By turning a blind eye to a problem that did not arise suddenly, we often only make it worse. In the case of impotence, the first thing to do is to consult a urologist-andrologist, who will prescribe the necessary examination and identify the cause of the disease.

An andrologist is an exclusively male doctor who deals with the support and restoration of sexual health in the strong half of humanity. If a medical specialist has not identified any physiological problems, then you should contact a sexologist, as well as a psychologist who has specialized in the field of sexology and the psychology of intimate relationships and is competent in matters of human sexual behavior.

Often in such cases, psychological help is needed not only by the man, but also by the woman. Even if a partner does not blame a loved one for regular failures in bed, a woman can secretly convince herself that something is wrong with her (she has lost her former attractiveness, etc.), and then her self-esteem suffers. As a result, family relationships inevitably deteriorate.

No matter how difficult it may be to admit the fact “My boyfriend has difficulties with erections,” it is better to do this in a timely manner in order to begin to resolve this issue on the shore. The hope that beyond the threshold of the registry office the problem will disappear on its own has absolutely no basis. The myth that “For men this topic is too traumatic, and it’s better to pretend that everything is OK in bed” is shattered when you see the tear-stained eyes of women who have been waiting for years for “weather by the sea”, catering to their whims and caprices with hope: “What if this is what stimulates him and sex gets better?”

Recognizing and discussing a burning issue with your partner, and then turning to specialists is a necessity, not a whim. A loving person is capable of facing the truth with all responsibility and taking action. Supporting a woman in such a situation is very important. After all, as you know, together you can move mountains.

Is the wife to blame?

If the husband is impotent, he becomes incapable of intimacy. In the case when sex happens less and less often, this is a reason to think about whether there are problems with sexual function. First, you need to independently analyze the situation and determine the possible cause. Psychological factors could provoke this condition. Sometimes the wife does not even notice that she herself has brought her husband to such a state.

The following factors can make a man impotent:

  1. Criticism of the wife, especially in the presence of strangers, contributes to the development of impotence.
  2. Frequent ridicule of the husband, constant emphasis on one or another of his shortcomings negatively affect potency. This is especially true for the topic of intimacy. Often psychological problems arise after a woman criticizes a man’s sexual inadequacy.
  3. Lack of spiritual intimacy. It is no secret that after acquiring the official status of a wife, a girl no longer strives to take care of herself, naively believing that the man is no longer with her and is not going anywhere now. The result is extra pounds and other negative changes in appearance, which do not suit any woman and completely discourage her husband’s sexual desire, and impotence develops.

It is these psychological factors that negatively affect a man’s sexual functions.

Causes of impotence

The psychology of men is such that most of them prefer to hide their problems, especially the inability to bring pleasure to their other half in bed.

In order to live with an impotent husband, you need to know the reasons why erectile dysfunction may occur.

Psychological component:

  • An unfavorable microclimate in the family - lack of spiritual intimacy, rude ridicule of a man’s problem and shortcomings, a clear demonstration of sexual dissatisfaction, constant criticism in private or in public.
  • Workload, excessive physical fatigue or severe mental stress.
  • Stressful situations (moving, dissatisfaction with oneself, death of loved ones, etc.).

Physiological problems:

Such diseases often reduce blood flow to the penis, making erection impossible. The likelihood that the problems may be associated with the presence of a serious disease is quite high. In this case, the primary issue will be the inability to have sexual intercourse, but the identification of the disease and its comprehensive treatment. Therefore, you need to decide what to do if your husband is impotent and does not want to be treated. At this moment, the woman should provide maximum psychological support and persuade her husband to undergo examination and begin treatment.

The main rule is a calm attitude towards the problem. Not indifferent, but calm. A lot depends on a woman’s behavior during this period. Some tips for successfully overcoming the problem:

Other reasons for the development of impotence

There are also certain physiological factors behind the problem. Often, impotence begins to develop as a result of various diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • drug addiction.

The listed conditions negatively affect blood vessels, due to which they lose elasticity and flexibility, and become fragile and brittle. Illnesses, stressful situations, and taking certain medications negatively affect the possibility of full sexual intercourse.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
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The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Why you need to start treatment on time

It is very important to understand that if a man is impotent, this is not just a lack of a full intimate life. This is also a signal that the body is developing any serious disorders in the organs of the endocrine, cardiovascular, genitourinary or nervous systems. Problems with potency lead to various complications, for example, the development of chronic prostatitis, hyperplasia of prostate tissue, chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. This happens due to stagnation due to lack of sexual life.

That is why it is important to start treatment as early as possible; if a man experiences certain problems in the sexual sphere, the woman should push him to see a doctor, undergo appropriate examinations and treatment. Otherwise, not only will dysfunction develop in many systems, but also the inability to conceive a child.

How to help a wife if her husband suffers from impotence

What should a wife do if her husband has problems? Usually, if a man has difficulties in the sexual sphere, this negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. He withdraws into himself, irritation, anger, and aggression appear. Impotence requires effort from both partners. A woman must do everything possible not to further aggravate her husband’s fears. You have to be very careful in terms of jokes about his sexuality or incompetence.

It is necessary to carefully guide it in the right direction. Do not talk about the fact that he is impotent and this has a bad effect on their life, do not blackmail the man that if he does not see a doctor, she will look for pleasure on the side. This will only make the situation worse. If the wife is not understanding, calm and supportive, even the most effective treatment for impotence may be unsuccessful. Therefore, it is very important, before visiting a medical facility, to establish the psychological climate in the family, get rid of all disturbing factors, restore mutual understanding and friendly relations.

If a husband or boyfriend sees that his beloved is supporting him with all her might and strives to solve the problem, this will be an excellent incentive for him, he will definitely do everything possible to overcome his difficulties.

How to be a lady

A man is afraid even to admit to himself that he is impotent. If it is impossible to have sex, he looks for the culprits (he always finds them), often withdraws, and makes no attempt to solve the problem. Almost always the husband is convinced that impotence is incurable. Let's figure out what a wife should do, how to live in such a situation. The advice given by a family psychologist is as follows:

  • Convince your husband that the problem is temporary.
  • Avoid criticism of your husband.
  • Provide your loved one with the conditions for sufficient rest, adequate physical activity, and nutritious nutrition.
  • Pay attention to your appearance and home atmosphere.

If your husband has problems with potency, you should not criticize him, this can only worsen the problem.

Do not demand sexual exploits from your husband if he is not in the mood for it; forcing sex will only make things worse. Try not to lose psychological contact with your husband, encourage him, and be tactful. Explain that impotence is a temporary phenomenon that happens to all men and can be easily treated. Persuade your impotent husband to visit a doctor together to understand the cause of the condition.

Psychologists give advice to avoid criticism of your husband. An impotent person will interpret any critical or ironic remark addressed to him as criticism of sexual activity. A wife should be especially careful (according to psychologists) in companies where they make hints about problems in family well-being; they traumatize the psychology of the impotent.

A guy can be impotent even before the start of married life if the woman in love did not pay attention to the lack of sexual activity before the wedding. The situation that has emerged, when the husband cannot provide maximum pleasure to his young wife, confronts her with the choice of ending the relationship or deciding how to continue to live with an impotent man. The different sexual temperaments of spouses, affection for each other, and upbringing suggest an ambiguous solution to these issues; the help of a psychologist is often helpful.

Activity on the part of the wife when her husband is impotent

If your spouse's attraction gradually fades away, it is recommended that your lifelong friend take the initiative into her own hands. It is important to loosen up, be confident in your capabilities, and become more relaxed in bed. This cannot but arouse the interest of a man. She will become even more desirable for him. Routine in the sexual sphere invariably occurs; any couple faces this phenomenon. Therefore, it is very important to be able to regain your former passion during a crisis. You should not treat sex as a marital duty. There is nothing wrong with trying in every possible way to create desire in your loved one.

For such purposes, a whole arsenal of romantic tricks is suitable - sexy lingerie, quiet calm music, dim lighting, a glass of red wine. And be sure to give him compliments. A man must be sure that he still attracts his wife, that he is desirable and attractive to his beloved. Only in such an atmosphere can one combat sexual difficulties.

Is impotence a death sentence?

At the very beginning of a relationship and married life, there is a great connection between partners in bed, a lot of emotions and great passion. Sex becomes an integral part of life and plays a big role in building mutual understanding and trust. Very often, after some time, this passion passes, and intimate moments become less and less. Their importance fades into the background.

Sometimes it happens that a man’s erectile function simply stops working under the influence of certain circumstances. Because of this, psychological barriers arise between partners. And an important question arises: what to do if the husband is impotent, how to live and deal with it?

The reason why the husband became impotent

In order to take any further actions, you first need to understand the cause-and-effect relationships. For what exact reason did your husband become impotent?

In general, doctors identify only two reasons: physiological and psychological.

Scientists believe that in most cases, men's impotence is influenced by psychological pressure from the circumstances surrounding them.

Many factors can cause this: blockages at work or problems with its availability, quarrels in the family, death of loved ones, raising children, dissatisfaction with oneself, moving and much more.

Thus, the psycho-emotional state of a man is undermined and this affects his sex life.

With a decrease in the number of sexual contacts, which become less frequent over the years, the partner’s self-esteem may fall. And, as we know, in order for a man to be passionate in bed, it is important that his libido level is always at its best.

But when everyday life begins to put pressure on family life, when work becomes more and more and in order to maintain financial income you need to climb the career ladder, then there can be no talk of any romance and constant bed pleasures.

Is it worth talking about the husband’s impotence if such an unpleasant incident happened only once? Of course not! The cause of this case may be excessive fatigue or illness (cold, flu).

After all, he is also a human being. At some point, he may simply not want sex. It’s important to respond adequately to what happened and not show that you’re upset.

Understand your man and support him without unnecessary pressure.

But when such cases become more frequent, there is already a reason to consult a doctor about this problem. Only he will be able to determine which category your husband’s impotence belongs to.

If the real reason lies in physiology, then he may have any injuries to the genital organ, urethritis, hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, disruption of the endocrine system, prostatitis.

So don’t hesitate to go to the clinic!

In addition to diseases, impotence can also be affected by various bad habits. This could be smoking or addiction to alcohol. So take it upon yourself, as a caring wife, to ensure that your husband tries to give up the harmful effects on his body.

How to behave and what to do if your husband is impotent?

If, nevertheless, you are already convinced that your husband is impotent, then you probably have a question: what to do next? Become an example for your own husband.

Start taking care of yourself, going to the gym, eating right, doing exercises in the morning. In addition, do not show your man that your problems in bed are so great.

This will only make him more gloomy and he will plunge into himself, begin to cheat and the situation will worsen. If you are positive, your husband will feel it.

Experts have long proven that husband and wife are a reflection of each other. When one of the partners tries to become better, the other begins to follow him.

So if you try to find other reasons to be happy and smile more often, you will notice a smile on your man’s face. His mood will noticeably improve. Do not forget about your own ingenuity and create comfort so that your husband enjoys being in your company and he always wants to return home as soon as possible.

What to do if the cause of impotence is a psychological condition?

In cases where a man’s impotence is affected by psychological dissonance, it is important to try to remain as calm as possible and not put pressure on him. Your home should become a refuge for your husband from all troubles and worries. If he has a busy time at work, then try to talk to him about it as little as possible and in your free moments distract him with more pleasant little things.

When serious conflicts arise between partners, it is possible that the man will withdraw into himself and stop wanting you. In the absence of mutual understanding and support between husband and wife, the desire to go to bed in the same place very often disappears, and sex is the ultimate dream. Moreover, it is possible that your dreams are no longer with you at all. Nobody wants such results!

If any controversial situations arise, try not to make a scandal. Disassemble everything as calmly as possible, without raising your tone, shouting or breaking dishes. Any claims must be justified and explained: why you think that your point of view is correct. But this does not exclude the fact that you should listen to your husband’s opinion. Or maybe he's right too?

How to live with the knowledge that your husband is impotent?

Almost no one can answer your question about how to live further. Only you can draw certain conclusions and come to a decision. On one's own.

It’s definitely not worth blaming your husband for this problem and reproaching him for the current situation. Believe me, it’s not sweet for him either. To begin with, try to talk to him in a calm atmosphere, to build his trust. Offer your help, perhaps he will agree to accept it.

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It is not uncommon for a sexual connection to develop after a frank conversation between a man and a woman. Talking to each other is an important piece of the family puzzle. If your spouse understands and feels that he can see his own support in your face, then this will be the key to further happiness.

But if talking doesn't help, then pay attention to yourself. Everyone knows that a woman’s appearance plays a big role.

Perhaps you have stopped taking care of yourself and caring for yourself, you have gained a lot of weight, your hair has become dull and dry? Then take on your image, change something, go on a diet and love yourself.

By the way, self-love is also not an unimportant moment. It is impossible not to want a woman who treats her body and organism with special attention and care.


The restoration of potency can also be influenced by diet. If your husband has high cholesterol or is overweight, then reconsider what you cook in the kitchen. It is very important that the food is healthy. It should include products such as nuts, honey, kefir, sour cream, various greens, vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, bananas.

By reviewing your diet, you will notice that your husband's health will begin to improve noticeably. And if you combine all the tips, you will most likely achieve the most positive results.

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How to increase body tone with impotence

The physical tone of a man’s body greatly influences how powerful the desire and subsequent erection will be. You don't have to go to the gym regularly. It is enough to introduce moderate physical activity into your life. This could be swimming, light jogging or walking. With the help of moderate physical activity, blood circulation improves, and this only has a positive effect on a man’s libido and potency.

It is recommended to give your husband a foot massage. On their surface there are many points that are responsible for a man’s sexual abilities. By performing simple manipulations, you can improve your sex life. Just make circular movements, lightly pressing on the surface of the foot, between the toes and on the pads of the toes themselves. This procedure is very effective for improving blood circulation.

The effect of a contrast shower on impotence

A contrast shower also has a positive effect on the microcirculation of blood fluid. It is recommended to start water procedures with warm dousing, alternating it with hot water. You can gradually reduce the water temperature by changing cold to hot.

In this case, it is not necessary to completely pour over the entire body, only the lower half of the body is possible. After this, rub the skin intensively with a towel. Due to this, the flow of blood fluid into the pelvic area will increase. A visit to a bathhouse or sauna can also help increase blood circulation.

Proper nutrition for impotence

To restore potency, it is recommended to adjust your diet. Introduce a large number of products into the menu that help increase sexual desire. The daily diet should include foods such as eggs, fish, and poultry. With the help of seafood, you can increase your potency by periodically eating mussels, shrimp, and oysters. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and berries will help saturate the body with vitamins. Foods such as ginger, saffron and cloves are famous as aphrodisiacs. Just add such spices to everyday dishes and it will bring results.

It is not recommended to consume foods that contain a large amount of cholesterol, so you need to either completely eliminate or reduce the amount of consumed sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks, smoked and spicy foods. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of coffee and alcohol consumed. They negatively affect male sexual and reproductive functions, as they contribute to the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The following foods can help restore sexual health and restore potency: nuts, honey, dairy products, herbs, garlic, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, large amounts of citrus fruits, lean meat (

What to do if your husband is impotent?

Sooner or later, women begin to complain that their husband is impotent. How to live and what to do in such a situation? Over time, any sex becomes ordinary. To return your husband to his former strength, or to maintain the existing one, you should follow some rules. It is important for a wife to have a positive impact on a man on a psychological level, take care of herself, and balance her husband’s diet. If the spouse is always in a good mood, impotence will not threaten him for a long time. Therefore, to prevent a husband from becoming impotent, a woman needs to make every effort and ingenuity.

Psychological impact

To maintain normal potency in the husband, it is important to maintain a favorable environment in the house. Stress at work is difficult to avoid. Therefore, when coming home, a man should feel relaxed and blissful. If conflicts continue at home, sexual desire disappears very quickly. And sex itself becomes rare. Even if the wife has some complaints against her husband, they need to be expressed calmly, without scandals.

Unfortunately, the statement “my husband is impotent” is not uncommon. Few people know how to live with this problem. If you begin to notice serious changes in your sex life, first of all, the psychological impact lies in a confidential conversation. You can't blame a man for this problem. It is worth positioning him, coming to the rescue, and offering options for solving the problem. As a rule, your spouse, seeing support in your face, will try to change the situation. Sometimes a simple conversation is enough. The husband begins to completely trust his wife, which leads to the restoration of potency. After all, talking with your wife or a psychiatrist is considered one of the options for treating psychological impotence.

Everyone knows that men love their eyes. The main role in intimate relationships between spouses is played by the appearance of the wife. You need to meet your husband from work in full readiness, and not with a dirty head, in an old stretched T-shirt. If the husband is impotent, the woman should take the initiative in sex. At this time, all boundaries and internal prohibitions are relegated to the background. As a rule, such liberation brings new sensations and returns potency to the spouse.


If your husband is impotent, you need to adjust your spouse’s daily menu. Factors such as excess cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, and excess weight lead to impotence. All this is due to poor nutrition. Therefore, fatty fried foods, smoked foods, salty foods, sugar, large amounts of baked goods and sweets are completely excluded from the husband’s menu. Also, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of coffee, carbonated water, and alcohol.

Instead, the menu is filled with aphrodisiac products that increase testosterone levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels. This diet is rich in zinc, selenium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. The following foods can help an impotent husband:

  • Nuts;
  • Sour cream;
  • Greenery;
  • Green onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Seafood;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Bananas;
  • Citrus;
  • Lean meats.

If the husband is impotent, this means that the man cannot have full sexual intercourse. This situation in family life is a common problem for husbands and wives. Life is bad for both, often spouses cannot understand that both are “to blame” for this. Impotence can occur at any age, with very different periods of family life, regardless of whether people live together or separately. Family psychologists believe that the first step in solving this problem is to recognize the existence of such a problem with which the spouses live.

What is not recommended to do if you have impotence?

It is very important for a wife to be attentive to her husband and help him in every possible way in solving difficulties in his intimate life. It is strictly not recommended to use any folk remedies for self-treatment of impotence. This can only worsen the condition. It is very important to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease. It is also not recommended to purchase any sexual stimulants on your own. Firstly, it is necessary to find out the cause of impotence, and secondly, there may be contraindications to the use of such drugs.

There is no need to ignore the problem, but at the same time, you should not overreact to it by intimidating your spouse. Women often wonder whether an impotent person can have children. Impotence directly affects the ability to conceive a child, since with the development of this condition not only blood circulation deteriorates, but also the quantitative and qualitative indicators of seminal fluid. Therefore, in order to improve sperm motility, it is important to restore full sexual functions.

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