How to behave in a women's team

How to behave in a women's team

Feminists never cease to be outraged by how prejudiced men are towards the weaker sex, especially when it comes to careers. However, life shows the opposite. It is women who tend to be biased towards other women, and it is in women's groups that many ladies feel very uncomfortable. How to survive in a women's team and not become an outcast? Let's figure it out.

Don't show off

Women do not like competition, and anything can become a reason for envy. Of course, there is no need to hide in shapeless bags if you have a beautiful figure, but there is no need to boast about expensive trips and designer bags if your colleagues live modestly. Why do you need other people's envy? The same applies to clothing style. If your office has a specific dress code, try to adhere to it as much as possible.

How to behave in a women's team

Praise your colleagues

If there is a reason, of course. Did your colleague buy a new dress and does it fit her well? Don't ignore it, she will be happy with the compliment. Another colleague delivered a project quickly? Praise her for her efficiency. As they say, a kind word is nice to a cat, and even more so to female colleagues. Do this sincerely, and you will be known as an open and kind person in the team.

Don't gossip

About colleagues, and especially about bosses, it’s either good or nothing. Even if you really trust your office friends. Any friend of today may tomorrow be offended by you for something and go and report to your boss how you threw mud at him (her). Don't initiate gossip yourself and don't allow others to involve you in discussing other people's “underwear.” Ideally, stop such conversations. It is possible that over time, your colleagues will understand that gossiping is not good, and will stop entertaining themselves this way.

Don't talk about your personal life

Don’t rush to pour out your soul in a group. Any interesting information about you may make people want to gossip behind your back. If you hear colleagues gossiping about someone in your team, rest assured that they are gossiping about you too. Don't give them any extra reason.

Don't try to please everyone

It still won't work. Someone is bound to not like your manners, your appearance or your voice. Don’t try to immediately fit into the team and become “one of our own”; don’t impose yourself. Keep your distance, communicate with everyone politely and evenly. If your relationship with someone is absolutely not working out, leave these people alone and communicate only about work. Don’t even try to find out the reason for the hostility towards you. It’s almost impossible to do this in a women’s group, but you can be branded as a troublemaker and a gossip.

How to behave in a women's team

Try to adopt some of the traditions

Observe your colleagues, take note of what traditions are in place in the office. If they do not contradict your principles, do not ignore them. It is not necessary to follow all the traditions, but you should not completely distance yourself from the team. If you are invited to have lunch together, do not refuse the offer. You don't have to immediately become the center of attention. It is absolutely normal if at first you listen more than talk.

Don't break the rules

Who among us has not at least once been late for work and asked the boss to go to the doctor? But there is no need to turn this into a common thing. If you are often late, spend a lot of time chatting about non-work matters, or drink coffee instead of doing your work, your female colleagues may dislike you and complain to your superiors. And long legs and neckline will not save you.

Be peaceful

If there is a conflict in the team, do not rush to take someone’s side. You are not obligated to delve into other people's disagreements and figure out who is right and who is wrong. Don't let the parties to the conflict pull you over to their side, remain neutral. The conflict will be resolved sooner or later, and if you take someone’s side without really understanding it, you may find yourself in a very awkward situation.

How to improve relationships with bosses

A work team is a specific social group in which relationships and communication between group members are very important. And a good relationship with the manager is even more important.

This affects both the atmosphere in the team and your personal success at work. But how can you improve relationships at work with your superiors if the manager, to put it mildly, is a difficult person? How to find a common language with your boss without being branded a sycophant?

It also depends on how well the relationship is in the team and with management. How successfully you will perform your duties and how long you will remain in your position. If conflicts in a team can only lead to moral discomfort, then misunderstanding in communication with superiors can lead to demotion or dismissal. Therefore, you should remember a few basic rules in order to know exactly how to improve relations with your superiors.

1. Don't take things too personally

In no job can you avoid reprimands and disapproval from your superiors. Therefore, you should not perceive any remark from the manager as the end of the world or a declaration of war.

To improve your relationship with your boss, it is better to listen to his words; perhaps he will really help you correct some mistakes. If his claims are not substantiated, and he is simply dissatisfied with everyone, then there is no point in dwelling on his words at all. Therefore, there is no need to criticize your leader in the team, condemn him for being picky and strict. It is quite possible that you, if you were a manager, would do the same.

2. No need to be afraid

No matter how despot your boss is, you shouldn’t be afraid of him and avoid communicating with him. If you hesitate to submit a document drawn up by you to the director for signature, he may conclude that you are not working. If you try to show your bosses as little as possible, they will conclude that you are simply not working or are hiding something.

The right thing to do would be to communicate with the director, seek contact with him, and appear in front of him as often as possible. Thus, he will see you as an active, proactive employee, which means your value will rise.

3. Don't overdo it with communication

Constantly being in front of your superiors is also not the best option. As you know, you need to know moderation in everything, so you shouldn’t turn into an annoying fly and follow on the heels of your boss. Too often your appearance in front of your superiors can also arouse suspicion.

4. Be careful

Try to study your boss carefully. Start from the first day at your new job. Catch his habits and character traits. If you know for sure that you don’t need to approach him with important questions in the morning, and that it’s best to do this in the afternoon, then you can avoid many conflicts. It is always useful to know what words calm a person down and what actions can make him angry. This information will always be useful to you in finding a common language with your superiors.

Every job has its own team. And it is very important not to stay away from him; you need to know how to improve relationships with work colleagues. How comfortable you feel in the team determines how long you will work in this company.

After all, if you don’t work well with the team, if conflicts constantly arise at work, most likely you will very soon have to quit and look for a new job. To prevent this from happening, start from the first minutes of your stay in a new place to establish relationships with the team.

New job - new colleagues. We all found ourselves in a new team at least once. And we know how difficult it is sometimes to fit into an established group of employees. In this article we will give some tips that will help you build relationships in your new team. By the way, not only in labor. By following them, you will avoid annoying troubles at work and establish yourself on the positive side.

How does the first working day in a new place begin? Of course, from acquaintance. Ideally, you should be introduced to the team. It doesn’t matter who does it - the boss, the HR employee or the secretary. If you weren’t introduced, that’s okay. You may well introduce yourself. Decide in advance how you want to be addressed - by your first name or patronymic or simply by your first name. Introduce yourself loudly and clearly. If you wish, please state your position. For example: “Good morning! My name is Tatyana. I'm your new accountant." Your new colleagues will not ignore your greeting and will introduce themselves too. Try to remember the names of the employees right away, and if you don’t succeed, then don’t approach the person with the words “Sorry, I didn’t remember your name.” You will get the impression that it doesn’t matter to you what this person’s name is - Katya, Sveta or Sergey. It’s quite offensive, and it’s not advisable to start life in a new working “family” with such mistakes. This will cause you to have a negative attitude towards yourself from the very first days. Tactfully and discreetly find out the name of your colleague. Finally, listen to how others address him.

Be nice. There is no need to prepare yourself in advance that the new team will not accept you and will treat you negatively. All in your hands. The attitude of your colleagues in the future depends on how you behave at first. Be prepared to be watched closely and warily for some time. But if you “behave well”, you will soon become “one of the people” in the team. Friendliness, politeness, smiling are wonderful qualities. Give compliments – but in moderation. There is no need to turn into a flatterer. Boasting, rudeness and rudeness are excluded. Address your colleagues as "you". You will switch to “you” if the person asks you to do so.

Determine the most authoritative person in the team. Build a relationship with him. He will help you join the team. Just remember: no flattery or sycophancy. These qualities immediately catch the eye and repel people. Behave the same way with everyone - don’t belittle juniors, don’t curry favor with seniors. Don't be afraid to ask more senior and experienced employees for advice based on their professionalism and skill. But know when to stop – constant questions (even to the point) can be annoying.

Your workplace is your face. You must keep your desk in exemplary order. You should not clutter your desk with unnecessary papers, apple cores, seed husks, cups with leftover coffee, and so on. People around you won’t really like working, to put it mildly, with a slob. It is also not recommended to display your personal photographs and belongings on your desk on your first day of work. You don’t want your intimate life to become public knowledge, do you? For the same reason, never discuss your personal problems with colleagues, and so on. Remember that relationships with colleagues should be working. Do not discuss the personal lives of other employees with employees, otherwise you will be known as a gossip.

Appearance. If the company has a dress code, then there should be no problems with clothing. And if the clothing style is free, then there are many traps for “newbies”. How to dress so as not to turn the entire team against you? A short skirt and deep neckline will immediately cause women's disapproval and men's sexual interest, which does little to create a healthy working environment in the office. Remember that people are greeted by their clothes. At least for the first time, choose soft, modest clothes, for example, classic shirts and medium-length skirts. Refuse jewelry and expensive, exclusive clothes and shoes if you plan to work in a female team - you cannot avoid envy, and, accordingly, a negative and prejudiced attitude too.

Communication. Do not refuse to communicate with colleagues, do not neglect invitations to various corporate events. Even if you are invited to a smoking room or to lunch, you should not refuse. This is a good chance to communicate with colleagues on general topics, learn corporate rules and features. If you refuse, your colleagues will decide that you are a snob and don’t need their company. But when communicating with colleagues, you should adhere to strict rules. For example, don’t allow yourself to be made into an “errand girl.” At first, your colleagues will definitely make such attempts, especially if you are a young employee. Having fulfilled the personal requests of colleagues once or twice (run for cigarettes; wash my cup; finish this work, and so on), in the future, give a categorical answer “no” to such “requests”.

As you can see, everything is simple. Follow all the “DON’Ts” from our advice, and you will avoid squabbles and troubles at work.

For many of us, work has become a second home, because we spend a significant part of our lives in the office. Therefore, good relationships with colleagues are an important component of any job. It's nice to work in a friendly atmosphere where you feel calm and confident.

However, the psychological climate in the office largely depends on ourselves. To work comfortably, it is enough to follow simple rules.

Choose topics to discuss

Communication with colleagues is only on general topics. Leave your personal life, and even more so, family problems and troubles, for discussion among close friends.

Ignore gossip

In any team there will always be people who would not mind gossiping about someone.

Since the consequences of gossip are unpredictable, it is best not to listen to gossip, and if you hear it, do not spread it further.

Those who tell you about someone are probably telling them about you. Just remember this.

Keep your communication in moderation

Closed and silent people in a team look suspicious and quickly acquire the label “in their own mind.” At the same time, a tireless talker who interferes with his colleagues’ work is even more annoying. This behavior immediately raises the question: “Don’t you have anything to do?”

Be polite

Observing basic rules of politeness is a matter of your upbringing. Say hello to all your colleagues, even those with whom you do not know personally and do not overlap in their job responsibilities.

Addressing “you” is acceptable only between colleagues of equal position and age. Don’t “poke” your subordinates, especially if they are older.

Never address your friends and colleagues on a first-name basis during formal events.

Follow corporate rules

Without corporate rules, life in the office would turn into chaos. They establish work routines, requirements for appearance, behavior and help workers cooperate with each other. Compliance with corporate standards is usually strictly monitored, and violation of them can be severely punished.

Also, in any company there are always unspoken rules established by the employees themselves. To break them is to challenge the entire team.

Participate in corporate events

Do not distance yourself from the team, take part in corporate events. Participation in collective celebrations is a chance to build good relationships with colleagues.

There are no strict rules of behavior at corporate events, but if you value your reputation, then you should adhere to decency and listen to the “inner censor”.

A small corporate event can ruin a big career.

Avoid office romances

Non-work relationships tend to do more harm than good. In any case, rumors about romances at work spread like lightning. Don't want to be the main character of all corporate gossip? Avoid intimate relationships with colleagues.

Don't suck up to your boss

Employees who flatter their bosses rarely earn their respect. Colleagues do not tolerate sycophants either.

Try to maintain a neutral relationship with your superiors.

Maintain chain of command

Compliance with subordination is one of the basic principles of corporate culture. It is expressed in the vertical of service relations, that is, it presupposes subordination to a superior person.

Therefore, you cannot contact the top management of the company without going through your immediate superior. The only exceptions may be cases of force majeure.

Avoid criticizing management

Never criticize your superiors to their faces, much less behind their eyes. As they say, the boss is not always right, but he is always the boss!

Create an atmosphere

The situation in any team depends, first of all, on the boss. If you have subordinate employees, create a friendly work atmosphere and set the tone.

“No matter how high your position, you are responsible for what is done at the very bottom” (B. James, American writer).

When communicating with people, always follow the golden rule: praise to a subordinate should be public, and criticism should be private.

Be considerate of others

Show small signs of attention to your colleagues. A cute birthday card or chocolate for a holiday will be pleasant for any person and at the same time will not oblige him at all. And a good impression of you will remain for a long time.

Help your colleagues

You need to offer your help to colleagues, if only because you, too, may someday need advice or consultation. This is a great opportunity to build friendships.

Good relationships in a team are the key to comfortable and productive work. Therefore, the best motto for communicating with colleagues will be the words from the children's song “Let's live together”!

© InformOboz

Even if you pay a lot of attention to your job, attend all kinds of trainings and absorb dozens of books, it may turn out that work is not at all enjoyable. And the point is unstructured or bad relationships with management or colleagues. Before you decide that you are not understood and write a statement, try to change the situation.

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