What happens to the female body after 45 years

What should be in a cosmetic bag?

Due to the fact that after 45 years the skin becomes porous and not so elastic, at this age the choice of decorative cosmetics should be taken with special responsibility. It should lie well, not cause irritation and have a lifting effect.

  • Primer. In age-related makeup, this decorative product is a must-have. It acts as a base, making the makeup more durable, filling in fine wrinkles and relieving inflammation. The primer should be applied to the previously cleansed dermis in a thin layer.

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  • Foundation. Give your preference to light products with a high SPF filter, anti-aging and moisturizing effect.

  • Concealer. This is the same foundation, only with a thicker consistency. It is used to disguise various rashes and other skin imperfections that foundation could not cope with.

  • Powder. Choose products that do not dry out the skin and have a calming effect. These include loose mineral powders.

  • Blush. With their help, you can highlight the natural blush and give the skin a healthy appearance. The color palette should be as natural as possible and have a slight highlight on the face.

Interesting! For brown-haired women and blondes, blush in a light peach shade is perfect. But brunettes can highlight their cheeks with pink.

  • For eyebrows. After 45 years, you need to highlight your eyebrows. For these purposes, you can use special wax pencils, gels or shadows. The color palette should be one or two shades darker than your natural hair color. As for the shape, it should be natural, but in no case in the form of “strings”.

  • Shadows. Avoid overly bright colors, especially those with shimmer. On women over 45 they look vulgar and ugly. It is better to prefer natural palettes that only slightly shade the eyelid.

  • Mascara, eyeliner. Despite the fact that colored arrows are in fashion now, they can no longer be used in age-related makeup. The best option would be small arrows in black, brown or gray. The same applies to mascara.

  • Lipsticks. If your lips have not lost their natural pigmentation, then you can use glosses. Otherwise, you need to choose lipsticks from predominantly natural palettes with a moisturizing effect.


Choose the one you like or like. Or write your own in the comments.

The children have grown up and have time for themselves. You can once again go to the hairdresser or for a massage, to the gym, to the pool. Accordingly, the woman becomes prettier. Especially compared to forty-year-old girlfriends who are still worried like bees.

The ability to bear children is sharply reduced. There are no longer such fears of what is called “getting pregnant.” A woman at 45 becomes more relaxed. Men feel this instantly.

After about two decades of marriage, interest in other men appears and increases. Moreover, my own husband is also already looking elsewhere.

There is money for going to plastic surgeons. Many women at this age undergo plastic surgery. True, the expression “45 is a berry again” appeared long before plastic surgeons. However, there is something to this explanation.

There is an explanation for the sharp preening of women at the age of 45, which is that brain functions begin to decline around this age. And men have always been delighted with stupid women. It’s not for nothing that jokes about blondes are wildly popular among the stronger sex.

There is another explanation, of a scientific nature. From the point of view of Mother Nature, a woman is programmed to bear children. But it is more difficult to get pregnant at 45 than at 30 or even 40. Therefore, women subconsciously make more contacts with men.

One way or another, I agree with the opinion or saying that at 45 it’s a berry again. I myself have repeatedly been convinced that at this age women are somehow different. Just a sudden transition. What do you think?

A study was conducted in the UK that showed that for spouses under 34 years of age, obtaining sexual satisfaction matters much less than for older generations.

And for citizens 35-45 years old, sex is the key to a happy family life. The state of falling in love becomes almost the most important thing for a woman when she turns 45. And one more thing: women from 55 to 65 years old have the highest interest in adultery!

A lot of companies are targeting respectable ladies, advertising shouts that “a 40-year-old can be sexier than a 20-year-old.”

And finally, the thing is the standard of living.

A generation ago, women gave birth to their first children at about 23, and at 35 they completely switched to string bags and pancakes. Today people have their first child after 30, and at 45 they find their second wind. And in their spare time they indulge in all sorts of bad things.

The peak of male sexual activity occurs between the ages of 19 and 25, after which it begins to gradually fade away. Women's need for sex reaches its peak at the age of 26-30 and remains at the level until 45-60.

In the ever-undecaying West, television is already promoting with all its might the commercial theme “My years are my wealth.”

The 30-year-old Samanthas, who fully express themselves in Sex and the City, are being replaced by Disappointed Housewives.

In the new “soap” bomb, respectable mothers of families or divorced ladies shine with all parts of their bodies. All of them are girls under 50, all of them are simply defiantly sexy.

In Russia, after all, there is already a “Balzac age”. And the passionate Alla Borisovna, whom the male population still seems to want more than the slender Christina.

True, here it is already a matter of taste.



Suitable makeup techniques

Women over 45 can afford different techniques for applying makeup. Below we will look at the most popular options today.

  • Emphasis on lips. Despite the fact that many makeup artists do not recommend using bright lipsticks in age makeup, they are still acceptable. These can be warm shades of red, burgundy or crimson.

Interesting: Haircuts for women 45 years old that make you look younger

The eyes here should only be emphasized, for example, by drawing the interlash line with a black pencil and applying makeup to the eyelashes. The skin in this make-up should be smooth, without any imperfections or redness.

  • Strobing. Makeup done with a highlighter is an ideal solution, since with its help you can visually improve the condition of your skin and, without the use of additional decorative products, emphasize your advantages.

  • With arrows. Universal makeup designed for women over 45 years old. It makes you look younger and suits both brunettes and blondes. The main requirement for this make-up is a well-prepared eyelid.

It is necessary to apply a base on it, and then, as a base, use light satin or matte shadows. The arrow itself should not be too wide and only slightly extend beyond the boundaries of the eyelid.

Women's health after 45 years

We asked these questions to Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the department of gynecological endocrinology of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, scientific consultant of the Vallex-Med Preventive Medicine Clinic in Moscow, Professor Vera Petrovna Smetnik. After 45 years, a special stage begins in a woman’s life - a step between youth and old age. During this period, changes occur in all organs and systems, but changes in the reproductive system still dominate. These changes relate to a progressive decrease in the levels of female sex hormones produced in the ovaries. Nature has programmed a woman in such a way that an extremely important gland - the ovary - “turns off” at the age of 45–55 years. First, the ability to conceive stops, and then, as the level of sex hormones decreases, menstruation also “turns off.” Problem: Menopausal syndrome Solution: Sex hormones are amazing creatures. Their representatives are found in many organs and tissues. When their deficiency occurs after 45 years, menopausal symptoms may develop. The most common of them are hot flashes, increased irritability, sweating, insomnia, and depression. Subjectively, these symptoms are, of course, unpleasant, but in 80–90% of women they disappear without special treatment within 1–2 years. If menopause is severe, hormone replacement therapy is used. Problem: Age-related ailments Solution: Hormone replacement therapy - HRT - is especially recommended for those women whose menstruation stops early and menopause occurs before the age of 45. There is also artificial menopause, which occurs in young women after surgical removal of the ovaries. This is a risk group for early myocardial infarction, stroke, genitourinary disorders and osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, here HRT plays not so much a therapeutic as a preventive role. At this age there are more contraindications and chronic diseases. Therefore, special types of drugs are used - natural and low-dose. They contain 10 times less hormones than are produced in a young body. They are also necessary for those women who have previously had periods of prolonged absence of menstruation, deficiency of sex hormones, or operations to remove the ovaries. Those whose mothers or grandmothers have experienced hip fractures deserve special attention. At this age, diseases of the mammary glands occur more often, therefore, with a favorable family history, at the age of 40–45 years, mammography is indicated once every two years; After 50 years, annual mammography is strictly recommended. Even if there are no complaints, you should regularly donate blood for cholesterol and check the condition of bone tissue - undergo densitometry. The insidiousness of the hidden course of such age-related ailments as atherosclerosis and osteoporosis is that there are no complaints, but the process develops slowly. And after 5–10 years, serious, often unsolvable problems may arise. Conclusion: How to avoid disorders and disorders associated with age-related changes in the body, and maintain health and performance for a long time? Timely and high-quality diagnostics will help with this, providing comprehensive information about the state of health, taking into account heredity, risk factors and lifestyle. Prepared based on materials from the Women's Health website Source: www.woman.ru

Applying makeup correctly: step-by-step instructions

Regardless of what event you are going to attend, age-related makeup should be performed according to the sequence of actions below.

  • Cleanse your face thoroughly. If necessary, scrub and tone. Apply serum, followed by makeup base or primer.

  • Draw inverted triangles under your eyes with concealer. Use it to mask other areas with obvious imperfections as well. Blend everything thoroughly with a brush or sponge. Finish preparing your skin by applying foundation.

  • Shape your eyebrows.

  • Apply a base to the upper eyelid, and then a base in the form of a light shade of shadow. In the outer corner of the eyelid, apply shadows several shades darker than the base and blend them well into the crease.

The final stage in eye design is drawing the interlash area or small arrows, as well as mascara.

  • Set everything with powder. If desired, highlight your cheekbones with bronzer or blush.

  • Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips.

Important! In the article we presented detailed photo examples of age-related makeup design.

What everyone should have in their wardrobe

Nice dress

It doesn’t matter whether you are a housewife or a businesswoman – dresses should a priori dominate in your wardrobe. Basic models are distinguished by calm colors that suit your color type, simple cut and excellent quality.

A win-win option for any figure is the sheath style.

Interesting: Summer wardrobe for women over 50 from Evelina Khromchenko

Dress for every day

A shirt dress is a case where a basic item matches fashion trends. This universal model can be combined with almost any shoe and fits harmoniously into looks for any occasion.

Versatile shirt dress. Suitable for any age.

Women over 40 years old are recommended to choose plain models or dresses in the current vertical stripe print.

Little black dress

This outfit can help you out for literally any occasion. It doesn’t matter if you have an apple or an hourglass figure – you can choose the right style of black dress in any case. Depending on the accessories, it can always sound different and create different images.

The right jeans

The right jeans, according to Evelina Khromchenko, are distinguished by a dark blue color and a classic cut.

The fashion expert is confident that jeans are strict and respectable clothing that should look appropriate for their declared status. Of course, all kinds of appliques, embroidery, rhinestones and holes have no place on basic jeans.

White shirt

The ideal style will resemble a men's shirt as in the photo; a fitted fit is possible, but in a light version. Evelina is sure that without such a thing it will not be possible to create a developed wardrobe.

A woman in a fresh white shirt is attractive because she always looks great. She can wear this attire to the office, or create a spectacular evening look with a white shirt.

A white shirt can pull together any everyday look; it even adds significance to simple jeans. But Khromchenko’s favorite combinations are a shirt + a men’s suit or a women’s tuxedo. It's very elegant and sexy.

The only drawback of a white shirt is its fragility. Buy a new model whenever you notice a hint of color fading, because the base shirt should be crisp white.


Ultramini and tight style are not an elixir of youth, but a contraindication for an adult woman.

Fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko say: a laconic straight cut is a much more advantageous style.


Evelina identifies 3 cardigan colors as basic models: gray, black and warm beige.

Decide on one color or buy 3 models at once - provided they are of good quality, they will serve you for many years.

Black and white turtleneck

Yes, yes, exactly 2 copies and no half measures. Let them be of the highest quality and with a perfect fit - only in this case can a turtleneck claim the proud title of a component of a basic wardrobe.

White tank top or t-shirt

This model is contemptuously called “alcoholic” and is often underestimated due to its simple appearance.

But, by the way, a white T-shirt is indispensable in combination with a jacket or jacket. A woman aged 45 should not wear such a T-shirt solo; it is better to complement it with outerwear and accessories.

Fashionable look - a white T-shirt combined with a jacket

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Beige cashmere coat

This is an investment in a basic wardrobe that cannot be saved. You deserve only the best and highest quality, so let the coat meet the stated standard - it should be of high quality, solid, stylish and simply chic.

Trench coat

A basic wardrobe for a 45-year-old woman is unthinkable without a trench coat, which Evelina calls “an absolutely universal category of clothing.”

Note! A basic wardrobe does not at all exclude the purchase of trendy items. You can treat yourself to trendy purchases, but trying to keep up with fashion at the expense of basic things is extremely impractical.


A few final tips

To ensure that your makeup lies smoothly and lasts, below we have presented recommendations from leading makeup artists who will help you achieve this result.

  • Use cleansers with natural oils. They cope well with impurities, cleanse pores and moisturize the dermis.

  • Buy skincare and decorative cosmetics taking into account your age. If you take products intended for younger girls, they simply will not cope with the existing problems.

  • Use lip pencils in the same tone as your lipstick. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this decorative product altogether, since an excessively contrasting contour emphasizes age-related changes in the skin of the lips.

  • Focus on only one area. You shouldn’t highlight everything at once, otherwise you will look ridiculous.

  • After applying foundation, always remove excess foundation with a soft cloth.

Interesting: Basic wardrobe for a 45-year-old woman from Evelina Khromchenko

We hope that we were able to help women over 45 years of age figure out how to do makeup that visually makes them look younger and that, guided by the step-by-step photos and video tutorials presented in the article, they can quickly and easily create a stylish make-up.


How to change your image at 45

Scientists say that today women who have their own business and live in complete harmony with themselves do not in any way correspond in appearance to their biological age. 45 is a crisis age only for those who succumb to social stereotypes and complaints from mature relatives that “the best years are already behind us.”

Scientists say that today women who have their own business and live in complete harmony with themselves do not in any way correspond in appearance to their biological age. 45 is a crisis age only for those who succumb to social stereotypes and complaints from mature relatives that “the best years are already behind us.” Successful women have now realized that it is after a certain age that they can take a step to a new stage in their personal growth. After all, many no longer young celebrities have undergone dramatic changes in their lives and only benefited from it.

Appearance: elegance is the secret of success

Some women, as soon as they turn 45, immediately throw away youthful clothes and start dressing in suits that hide their figure. At best, they prefer more modest classics. The fear of wearing something that does not correspond to your biological age is a purely psychological problem! Don't be afraid to wear jeans in a casual, informal setting. In this democratic way, you will quickly “rejuvenate” your image without the risk of being branded as a lover of radical experiments. Always choose accessories to suit your mood and don’t ignore high-heeled shoes, they always make a woman look younger and slimmer!

If you want to change your image, pay special attention to your hairstyle. You shouldn’t immediately agree to short haircuts for men. Experiment with a bob, like Anna Wintour (who is 60 years old), or flowing long curls, like 45-year-old Brooke Shields. Let the hair color be as close to natural as possible. There is no need to overuse varnish and other styling products. Hair that stands up in a “stake” will not only make you look older, but will also reveal you as a tasteless person.

Natural makeup is the finishing touch to the portrait of an ageless woman. First, find a good foundation care cream that, in addition to the decorative effect, will tighten and smooth the skin throughout the day.

Avoid dark lipstick and do not line your eyes too brightly. The best effect of youth is achieved with light smoky makeup, a carefully smoothed tone, peach blush and soft pastel lip gloss. Follow these simple rules, and the effect will be immediate!

Health: change of image, change of lifestyle

It's worth starting with a healthy diet. A fully balanced diet with daily intake of fruits and vegetables will help maintain skin elasticity. Without low-fat dairy products, you will not have strong bones and nails. Cereals and nuts will take care of the beauty of your hair. Eating seafood will create immunity against many malignant tumors. Citrus and celery juices will give you vigor and energy for the whole day!

Remember to get adequate sleep, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Start getting enough sleep and you will immediately feel refreshed. Make friends with anti-aging cosmetics, as your skin now has slightly different care needs. Let your beauty arsenal always include day and night cream, cream for the eye area, soft scrub, brightening serum, various collagen masks, tonic with vitamins, nourishing natural lip balm, pure thermal water, moisturizing body milk and products for beach with a protection factor of at least 35 SPF.

Taking into account hormonal changes in the body, you need to develop an individual fitness program together with a good instructor. You can stay in shape with yoga or take up classical dancing. They combine physical activity and passionate emotions. Don't forget about daily walks in the fresh air. Let the fashion show along the embankment or the nearest square during your lunch break become a good habit!

After 45 years, it is difficult for the body to cope with toxins and harmful fats on its own, so nicotine, alcohol and cholesterol must be completely eliminated. At this age, you should not rely on natural processes.

Maybe at 20 you could look great after a sleepless night at the club, but at 45 such experiments with the body can end badly. Let self-restraint in food, complete rejection of bad habits, periodic detoxification and healthy sleep become mandatory elements of your image. And then, looking in the mirror, you will sincerely understand that your years are a wealth that is worth being proud of!

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