Sagittarius according to the horoscope in love relationships: how they behave

Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. Today we asked an astrologer to talk about such a characteristic of zodiac signs as luck.

Remember the consoling phrase “If you're unlucky at cards, you'll be lucky in love”? So these zodiac signs are lucky in cards, in love, and in general in everything they undertake. The craziest business plans go wrong, the only lottery ticket turns out to be a winner, and the plane is delayed when they are late for the airport.

Aquarians are lucky in lotteries, and Aries are lucky in business endeavors

Expert opinion


astrologer of the esoteric service Astro7

— Luck is another characteristic of the zodiac signs, which can be determined by the horoscope. For example, Sagittarians are always lucky because they are patronized by the “planet of great happiness” Jupiter, and Geminis constantly get into dubious situations, but always get out of them.

Sagittarius zodiac sign compatibility

Compatibility of the sign Sagittarius Zodiac sign Sagittarius compatibility: zodiac sign Sagittarius horoscope - sexual and family relationships, zodiac signs suitable for Sagittarius, solving problems in relationships.

Family and sexual relationships of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarians experience their first love already in childhood. They devote themselves to each new novel with all their hearts. Sagittarians are very romantic, they charm easily, but, unfortunately, they are not constant. However, every time, they are truly, sincerely in love, and are seriously worried about the breakup.

Sagittarians are freedom-loving; their partners do not have to count on owning their “other half” completely. Sagittarians value intelligence and erudition above all in their chosen ones. A romance can last long and passionately if Sagittarius finds a partner who is capable of changing, developing together, and better yet, if he is a little ahead. But all the same, the chosen one of Sagittarius will have to try: he is inclined to look for fresh impressions in changing partners, rather than improving existing relationships. The fear of boredom characteristic of Sagittarius also manifests itself in sex . They rarely offer anything new themselves, but they enthusiastically accept their partner’s initiative.

Sagittarius usually has many sexual partners; he is lucky in love. But he is afraid of possessiveness from his chosen ones, so he often limits himself to only sex with them. And he can maintain a long-term relationship with an unfree person - because this does not threaten his freedom.

Family life is uneven: periods of romance and passion are replaced by scandals due to Sagittarius’ eccentricity, unpredictability, and outbursts of anger. He loves to boss around his loved one, but will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself. Criticism offends him; in a bad mood, Sagittarius is able to raise an elephant out of a molehill, bringing everything to a breaking point. Sagittarius does not know how to correct mistakes, although he gradually learns to make amends.

Stubbornness and the desire to teach those who have a different opinion can also prevent Sagittarius from finding personal happiness. An exciting romance that begins interestingly sometimes develops into an alliance where there is no agreement or peace: there are reasons for irritation, claims, reproaches, criticism. Relationships, however, can last a very long time because of everyone's hope that everything will work out soon.

Sagittarians will be happier if they admit to themselves and their loved ones that, regardless of their spiritual strength, activity, energy, they also want to feel protected. Lovers of dangerous adventures, Sagittarians, however, value loyalty, stability and devotion in a partner.

Zodiac signs that suit Sagittarius perfectly

Air feeds Fire, so the union of Sagittarius with the Air signs - Libra , Aquarius and Gemini - is obviously successful.

Zodiac signs that suit Sagittarius well

Sagittarius, who do not want to be burned to ashes in the fire of love, get along well with the Fire signs - Leo , Aries , Sagittarius.

But it makes sense for a representative of the Sagittarius sign to play to the maximum, counting on the passion of an “explosion of dust” (the combination of Fire with Earth - a wonderful union with Taurus ), or on the frantic energy of the “steam engine” (the combination of Fire with Water), here the connection with Pisces. This relationship will be mutually beneficial.

Zodiac signs that are bad for Sagittarius

Sagittarius should avoid representatives of those signs of Water and Earth who can extinguish his fire, being dangerous for his development and self-realization. These are Earthy ones - Capricorn and Virgo, as well as Watery ones - Scorpio and Cancer.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, and more.

Sagittarius zodiac sign compatibility: solving relationship problems

Suitable partner

How to find a partner is usually a problem for Sagittarius who already have life experience and have been burned several times. But young Sagittarius, intuitively understanding that the chosen one does not meet their spiritual needs, ask the same question.

Having fallen in love, Sagittarius tends to follow only intuition, forgetting about common sense. Sagittarius will not be afraid of the difference in ages, worldviews, religious views, or unequal marriage. Believing in your fantasies is very great. However, someday you have to come down to earth again, then difficulties arise in finding contact, a common language with your beloved.

To make life easier for Sagittarius, in romantic relationships it is necessary to trust not only emotions, but be guided by common sense. Extravagant people are, of course, attractive, but Sagittarius needs to remember: dealing with them is very difficult. It is sometimes worth listening to the advice of people who know him, and at least taking into account the opinions of others.

I love it, but it's boring

Freedom-loving Sagittarius does not tolerate restrictions; they constantly need new sensations and emotions. If the chosen one turns out to be a person striving for calm, stability, and predictability, serious difficulties may arise.

The problem is that at first Sagittarius completely surrenders to their lover, not seeing anything around them, but then, unexpectedly, they stop paying him due attention.

It is not advisable for Sagittarius to perceive love relationships as binding and limiting self-realization and achieving goals. If everyone in a couple maintains “personal space,” there will remain opportunities for personal growth that fuels mutual interest. Then, a romantic relationship is an excellent springboard for self-realization, search and new experiences.

If a partner is loved and valuable, Sagittarius should not allow his fleeting hobbies to ruin the relationship. Flirting will cheer you up for a short time, but the consequences can be unpleasant.

Requires too much

Sagittarius strives to maintain independence, even if the attachment to the lover is strong. As soon as things get close to turning an easy relationship into a more serious one, difficulties arise; it seems to Sagittarius that they are expecting too much from him.

If the chosen one is dear to Sagittarius, he needs to look at the situation objectively. A healthy look at your own aspirations is necessary: ​​are the expectations of Sagittarius, who “invites” the partner to adapt to his sometimes selfish, fickle character, too high?

Expecting to be accepted as he is, Sagittarius does not think that the partner in this case is forced to constantly adjust to the next manifestation of mood and aspirations.

It will be easier to achieve harmony if Sagittarius learns consistency and some predictability of behavior, and is more open, explaining his actions and their reasons.

We're quarreling

Sagittarians are often harsh and uncompromising, and reserved people find it difficult to get along with them. Sagittarius protect their own interests, even if they don’t

from whom. It may seem that Sagittarius himself is the initiator of the conflict, but this is because he is simply more emotional.

If Sagittarius is sure that the chosen one is not provoking quarrels on purpose, he will have to work on himself:

  • learn tact and diplomacy; listen to your interlocutor, trying to accept his opinion;
  • part with the “enemies all around” reaction to others, perceive criticism less emotionally, especially constructively;
  • You should be softer, remember your natural gift of “feeling people,” about intuition.

You cannot, by focusing on your own experiences, turn your lover into a toy of your egoism. After all, he was chosen as an interesting and attractive person. It may seem that too many concessions will have to be made, but in reality relations will begin to improve quickly, and the efforts will not be in vain.

Love changes me

Sagittarius is independent, cheerful, and sometimes frivolous. But having fallen in love, he changes, becomes jealous and harsh, while common sense, the ability not to be afraid of anything, to be decisive, are forgotten.

Sagittarius is endowed with a strong will, which must be remembered in any situation.

In order not to fall into emotional dependence on a lover, Sagittarius must preserve his interests, independence, “private territory”, on which his spiritual comfort depends.

Loss of individuality is a serious threat to relationships and personal development.

Not seriously

Sagittarians are cheerful, optimistic people, but they often make the wrong impression. Many consider them frivolous, do not trust them, rarely complain, share worries, and show weaknesses in front of them. They cannot imagine that behind the usual positivity, Sagittarians hide wisdom, a deep intuitive understanding of life.

It is important for Sagittarius to be able to share feelings and worries with a partner, otherwise it is difficult for him to guess how deep Sagittarius’ experiences and feelings are. Sometimes it’s worth taking off the mask of fun and eternal optimism. Often Sagittarius themselves get used to it, not wanting to talk seriously about the future, and the reaction to a difficult situation is to laugh it off, “shine with humor,” and avoid frank conversation. Sagittarius should monitor the line of his behavior, otherwise one should not be surprised that he is perceived as a pleasant person, but not capable of a serious relationship.

Romance doesn't last

For Sagittarius, even an outwardly happy marriage is hard work, because their independent nature does not tolerate being tied down, and the desire for new experience is not identical to fidelity and constancy. Sagittarians have their own values, often different from public values; it is not easy for them to find a person who is ready to live differently from everyone else. Instead of harmony and romance comes the defense of personal ideals.

In order to maintain a love relationship without the cost of sweat and blood, Sagittarius must initially understand their true emotional needs. Sometimes, having fallen in love, Sagittarius can replace his own interests with what is characteristic of his chosen one.

The consequence is internal disharmony, then open conflict or cooling and rupture. Sagittarius cannot compromise without fully understanding what he loses and what he gains in this case. Most Sagittarians, in addition to sensuality and emotionality, have extraordinary intelligence; they should not trust blindly enthusiastic falling in love; prudence and composure will be useful in avoiding mistakes.

Author: Evgenia Bukotina

These are only general characteristics of Sagittarius, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual




Aries are surprisingly lucky. Surprisingly, because the main characteristic of these zodiac signs is impulsiveness. You can’t look for such desperate comrades who act first and think later. Aries has no problem spending his last money, set aside for a rainy day, by buying shares in the Horns and Hooves office, or trusting a gypsy on the threshold of a casino who predicted the winnings. But for some reason the universe favors Aries, and they often hit the jackpot.

a lion

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Leos do not doubt their exclusivity, so they have bags at home with coupons for luck that they wrote out for themselves. Representatives of this zodiac sign are confident in themselves; it seems to them that the planet revolves not around the Sun, but around them, their dear ones. And guess what? It works. Instead of reining in overly self-confident Leos, the universe serves them, making them real darlings of fate.

Who is lucky and who is unlucky in love? Determined by horoscope!

Home / Practical astrology / Who is lucky in love

Author: astrologer Alexey Vasiliev

In one of the question and answer services I saw two surveys. The first of them asked which zodiac sign is most lucky in love, and the second asked which zodiac sign is unlucky in love. From the point of view of professional astrology, the zodiac sign (the one that is solar, the zodiac, to which we are all accustomed) does not affect luck at all. Even if the survey shows some leaders, it will most likely be an accident, which, with a large number of respondents, will result in all zodiac signs gaining approximately the same number of votes in both surveys. But how can you really find out from your horoscope who is lucky in love? It turns out to be quite simple! We need to consider the position of Venus. Let this be simplified, but still much more accurate than solving this issue based on the zodiac sign.

Before reading further, you need to decide where Venus is located in your horoscope. To do this, use the free calculation service or request a horoscope calculation by an astrologer for a nominal fee. If the first option seems difficult to you, I recommend the second. In addition, you will receive data about your horoscope, which you can then use when reading other similar articles on our website or on other resources.

But let's return to the main topic of the article. Venus has three favorite signs in which she feels most comfortable. These are Taurus, Libra and Pisces. If Venus is in one of these signs in your horoscope, it means you will definitely be lucky in love. Even if there is no one next to you now, this may even simply mean the fact that fate is simply protecting you from unhappy relationships. Is it true. But many people with this position probably consider themselves lucky in love. This position of the planet gives a good ability to build relationships.

Venus also has three signs in which she does not like to be. These are Aries, Virgo and Scorpio. If Venus is in one of these signs in your horoscope, then your level of luck in relationships is reduced. But don't be upset! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, this does not mean that you have absolutely no opportunity to build a normal and happy relationship. Not at all. You just need to learn to build relationships, learn to express your feelings correctly. With this position of Venus, there can often be a desire for a large number of relationships. But I would not recommend that you go to great lengths. In addition, it will be very difficult for you to deceive yourself. Believe me, you cannot replace the quality of a relationship with quantity. Therefore, work on your relationship and, even if you are unlucky now, try to learn lessons and do not repeat mistakes in new relationships.

Venus aspects can also play an important role. Unfortunately, aspects of Venus are considered only in the paid version of our calculation service... If you have chosen it, then find the section “aspects of planets” and look at the lines that contain Venus. There may be words there that are unfamiliar to you. Now we will analyze them. Aspects can be lucky or stressful. Sextile and trine are considered successful, square and opposition are considered tense. All that remains is to see what is in your horoscope. The second planet that enters into aspect with Venus and will influence your situation in love.

If it is the Moon, then it will be emotions. That is, if there is a positive aspect between the Moon and Venus in your horoscope, then emotions will help you in love, if tense, they will interfere.

If Venus has a positive aspect with Mercury, then this is a sign that you know how to flirt and communicate with people you like. If the aspect is tense, then communication may be more difficult. You need to learn to communicate with the opposite sex, strive to show your charm more often.

Aspects with Mars indicate assertiveness and activity. If the aspects are negative, then you should reduce your ardor, or, if, on the contrary, you turn out to be too shy, then add activity. The positive aspect indicates that you are courageous and decisive in your personal relationships.

Positive aspects of Venus with Jupiter promise happiness in love. Tense ones indicate a desire for a large number of connections and love, but quantity in this case is difficult to translate into quality.

Tense aspects of Saturn with Venus indicate difficulties in building relationships due to isolation. Positive aspects indicate that you are able to objectively evaluate your personal life.

Uranus in harmonious aspects with Venus indicates that you fall in love easily and your relationships are always interesting. Tense aspects indicate that you should be less spontaneous and more consistent in your relationships.

Neptune in good aspects with Venus indicates that you are capable of high feelings. In tense ones - about tendencies towards illusions in love.

Pluto in positive aspects with Venus will add passion to a relationship, but intense aspects of Pluto attract fatalities into your life, but also provide the opportunity to transform your personality even through unsuccessful relationships.

If there is something still unclear to you, I am always happy to answer your questions about this article. Write your questions in the comments.

Comments, questions, wishes About the features of comments on our website

Name: Valerie

Pluto squaring Venus... could this be the cause of low sex drive?

Name: Anastasia

We look at Venus for both women and men? and will only aspects of Venus play a role in happy love? Thanks in advance for your answer

Name: Sirius

I have intense Saturn aspects with Venus! What should I do, I have no luck in love? No matter what I did: actively searched, got acquainted, and just waited - nothing... and it’s been like that for 10 years! I’m talented, handsome, smart, pumped up, I’m not poor, what’s wrong, what? Does astrology really have that much of an impact? I'm just desperate! I want to make an important digression, I am a very creative person, and I have a heightened aesthetic perception, I like and can only fall in love with the most beautiful girl, I have always met only such girls. You can’t command your heart, others don’t motivate me to do anything, only crazy beautiful ones. =( Because the more grandiose plans a person has for life, the more beautiful muse he needs!

Name: Anna

Where is the sun in conjunction with Venus?

Name: Elena

Good afternoon. What if Venus is not aspecting the planets? Thank you.

Name: Oksana

I have Venus in Sagittarius, trine to the moon, sextile to the ascending node. and square with Pluto. 2 unsuccessful marriages, but having coped with unsuccessful relationships, I changed and grew spiritually. Question: will I still have successful relationships in life? or will I meet partners for the rest of my life only for personal transformation? i.e. the Venus-Pluto square will be the leader in the relationship? But then why won’t the positive aspect with the moon and the ascending node manifest itself? Please help me figure it out.

Name: Olga

Hello Alexey (my favorite name). I have the Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces, Mars in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus, Neptune in Sagittarius. Will I be lucky in love? Thank you.

Name: Tanya

Thanks for the answer. I can also give data 04/03/1987 09:05 Ukraine, Kyiv. Thank you.

Name: Alexey Vasiliev

Tanya! Maybe a square to the Moon. In general, it would be better to indicate the date of birth at the end of such a message. Here the fifth house and the seventh house can play a role too. But since we are talking about Venus here, its square with the Moon suggests that emotions sometimes interfere with building relationships. With Venus in Pisces, you are prone to deep feelings and experiences, while the Moon in Gemini, especially in the first house, gives superficial emotionality. And those around you perceive you rather not as a deep girl, but as light and carefree. This leads to situations when they want to joke with you and accidentally hurt deeper feelings, which ultimately interferes with building relationships. Show your desire for deep and emotional relationships, then men who are more suitable for you will be attracted to you.

Name: Tanya

Hello. I have Venus in Pisces in the 11th house, there is also Mercury 10 degrees from Venus (Venus in the 1st house, Asc in Taurus) in a square to the moon in Gemini in the 1st house, semisextile))) with Jupiter in Aries. In sexile to Neptune in Capricorn on the placidus (Koch 8), trine to Pluto in Scorpio at 6 (exercise 7). You should be lucky in your personal life, but so far there has been no luck ((((Maybe it was the square of the Moon that ruined the whole picture for me?)

Name: Lena

what if Venus is in Gemini? what does it mean? Thank you

Name: Tanya

Alexey, help me determine what is in my case. I have difficulties in my personal life and have for many years now. Maybe your transcript will help? Thank you Sun in Pisces 24 degrees Moon in Leo 27 degrees Mercury in Pisces 8 degrees Venus in Aquarius 29 degrees Mars in Gemini 28 degrees Jupiter in Aries 27 degrees Saturn in Cancer 26 degrees Uranus in Scorpio 7 degrees Neptune in the sign of Sagittarius 14 degrees Pluto in the sign of Libra 11 degrees

Name: Alina

Alexey, please write in more detail about Venus without aspects and retrogranular in the natal chart. Could Venus retro mean that there will be no luck in love, especially with Venus in Scorpio?

Name: Ksenia

I have Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, Neptune in Scorpio and quincunx with the Moon in Virgo which is conjunct Uranus and Pluto. What to expect in love and relationships?

Name: Marina

I have the Sun in Leo Moon in Sagittarius Mercury in Leo Venus in Virgo Mars in Gemini Jupiter in Virgo Saturn in Aquarius Uranus in Capricorn Neptune in Capricorn Pluto in Scorpio What are the aspects to Venus in my horoscope?

Name: Anya

I have the sun in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mars in Capricorn, Mercury in Aquarius, moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Pisces and NEPTUNE in Sagittarius... what am I? what problems could there be?

Name: Alexey Vasiliev

The conjunction of Venus with Saturn is rather a tense aspect; it gives some constriction in the expression of feelings. But there is also consistency in their manifestation. It’s worth fighting a little with tightness; you can do it consistently. With this aspect it will be easier to succeed. Some conservatism may be present in the ways of expressing feelings.

Name: Alexey Vasiliev

If Venus is without aspects, this is a special case. This is probably a topic for an entire article. In short, you may feel like you don't love anyone at all enough. You may often wonder what love is. You may feel unsure when expressing your feelings. However, all this uncertainty is only an internal subjective vision. In reality, everything looks different. You just need to try to look at yourself and your personal relationships more objectively, try to objectively compare them with the relationships of other people. You will discover a lot for yourself. The concept of love will not come immediately. You can love, but you yourself will not immediately notice it. In general, a very broad topic.

Name: Elena

Hello! And if Venus is conjunct Saturn, is this a good or stressful aspect? thank you in advance.

Name: Nata

I didn’t find anything about myself in this article. Venus in Aquarius. There are no aspects with Venus at all. Somehow it’s unclear

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Aquarians are the darlings of fate, but not just like that, but, as they say, according to merit. These are erudite individuals who think outside the box and know how to competently manage the information they have. Another characteristic of this zodiac sign is gambling. It is Aquarians who often win the lottery, and they would win even more often if they remembered: in order for luck to find you, you need to buy a lottery ticket. Or at least just get off the couch.

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