Suprun told how to properly care for wisdom teeth

Rehabilitation after wisdom teeth removal: rules of care.

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common procedures performed in the dental surgeon's chair. This is a complex group of teeth, and often treatment and, especially, removal are difficult, and the rehabilitation period can last several weeks. But proper oral care, as well as following the dentist’s recommendations, can reduce this time. MedAboutMe will tell you about the features of rehabilitation after wisdom teeth removal and the rules of care.


Rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring or compensating for lost functions as a result of injury or illness. Removing a wisdom tooth is often difficult or even atypical and requires a whole range of measures to restore the patient and return him to his usual lifestyle.

Most modern dentists recommend suturing the edges of the socket after extraction, which is necessary to speed up healing and also prevent complications. Improvement in condition after wisdom tooth removal is gradual. Pain and swelling are the main symptoms that worry patients during the rehabilitation period, but their manifestation subsides every day.

The entire healing process of an extracted tooth socket takes place in several stages:

  • a few minutes after surgery - the formation of a blood clot;
  • within 2-3 days the swelling should completely disappear;
  • on the 7th day after surgery, the dentist removes the sutures;
  • 7-10 - complete disappearance of pain;
  • 14 days - complete recovery: the mouth opens fully, there are no unpleasant sensations, a mucous hood begins to form at the site of the extracted tooth.

These are the main stages of recovery after tooth extraction. But if complications arise in the form of inflammation or infection, then this period may drag on and take about 2-4 weeks.

Is it necessary to remove the “eights” immediately, even before problems arise?

However, it is worth noting that there are a number of countries where these teeth are not given a chance at all: according to the regulations, if they are detected, all 8 teeth must be removed at the stage of formation. As a rule, this occurs during adolescence and is a completely normal everyday procedure in a dental clinic.

In Russia, things are a little different. There is no law or requirement for the removal of wisdom teeth, which means that each patient makes a decision independently, or trusts the advice of his or her attending dentist.

Dentist advice

After tooth extraction, an open gaping wound is left, which quickly closes with a blood clot. Its role is not only to stop bleeding, but also to prevent infection from penetrating into the thickness of the jaw. Therefore, dentists recommend treating this substance with extreme care.

Doctor's advice after removal is an integral part of the rehabilitation of patients, who must follow the following recommendations:

  • It is strictly forbidden to reach into the socket of an extracted tooth with your tongue, no matter how much you want to do so;
  • When brushing your teeth, you must avoid the area of ​​the extracted tooth and avoid damaging the clot with the bristles of the toothbrush;
  • On the first day after tooth extraction, it is forbidden to rinse the mouth. But if mouth rinsing is necessary, the dentist gives recommendations on an individual basis;
  • For the first few days after tooth extraction, nutritional correction is necessary: ​​the food served must be warm, hot food is prohibited. Dentists recommend eating ice cream, but within reason and depending on the time of year. It is also necessary to exclude irritating foods from the diet and limit the consumption of sweets;
  • within 24 hours after tooth extraction, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited; it is also recommended to limit smoking and, especially, vaping or hookah. Strong retracting movements create pressure in the mouth, which can cause damage to the blood clot;
  • To reduce pain and swelling, the dentist may recommend taking painkillers and applying cold to the cheek of the extracted tooth according to a certain algorithm.

Rules for caring for an extracted tooth socket

Complete hygienic oral care is the basis for preventing complications after wisdom teeth removal, and not only that. The oral cavity is distinguished by a wide variety of microorganisms, a significant part of which are classified as opportunistic microflora, that is, when certain conditions are formed, they can provoke complications in the form of inflammation of the socket of an extracted tooth.

But hygienic care and following all dentists’ recommendations will help avoid risks, as well as shorten the rehabilitation period for patients. After tooth extraction, at a follow-up appointment, the dentist gives recommendations for oral care:

  • rules for brushing teeth, as well as rinsing the cavity with antiseptic solutions, which reduces the likelihood of infection. Antiseptics, rules and duration of their use can only be recommended by a dentist;
  • use of anesthetics, both local and general. Sometimes the removal of wisdom teeth is quite difficult, and pain after removal can persist for a long time; their preservation is also facilitated by anatomical features;
  • To relieve pain, the dentist may recommend sleeping in a semi-sitting position, which may alleviate the condition somewhat.

In order to shorten the rehabilitation period and return to a normal lifestyle, dentists recommend talking and singing as much as possible, even despite the pain.

Sometimes proper hygienic care can also cause some discomfort, but it cannot be weakened. By the way, using electric toothbrushes in the first few days after removal is extremely undesirable.

Oral care products

The results of your efforts depend on what you use to care for your teeth and gums. Nowadays, oral care products are not limited to just toothpaste and brush. The best and most affordable means are described below.

Caring for teeth and gums toothbrush


The most important tool for oral care. There are different criteria for choosing a brush. Firstly, the stiffness of the bristles. It can be soft, hard and medium. There is also a grouping of toothbrushes by age: for children (the bristles more carefully and gently clean the teeth and gums) and for adults (as we are used to seeing a regular toothbrush).


There are a huge number of varieties of toothpastes: preventive, whitening, therapeutic, hygienic, mineral, etc. A toothpaste without fluoride is considered universal - it maintains the natural color of the enamel, preventing it from yellowing, and ensures healthy teeth. For diseases of the oral cavity, pastes with biologically active substances and protective components that promote recovery are recommended.


It is recommended to use tooth powder once a week

This product is not as popular as it was before, but even now it has a lot of fans.

Tooth powder copes better with caries and tartar.

Dental floss

Gum and teeth care dental floss

One of the most important daily dental care products. Dental floss removes food particles between the teeth, as well as most bacteria. Dental floss comes in different shapes: flat, square, round and triangular.

Dental floss was invented in 1815 by dentist Levi Farmley, who recommended that his patients use silk floss to clean their teeth.

Benefits of dental floss:

  • floss is easy to use,
  • complete cleaning of interdental spaces, which cannot be done with a toothbrush,
  • affordable price.

How to use it correctly?

  1. wash your hands,
  2. you will need at least 40 cm of floss,
  3. wind the thread around 2 fingers of your left and right hand, leave about 4 cm between them,
  4. change the spacing of the floss for each tooth, otherwise plaque and infection will be transferred from one tooth to another,
  5. floss carefully, without touching the gums,
  6. repeat for each interdental space.


It also performs the function of removing remaining food particles, but it does a better job than dental floss, as it can also handle hard-to-reach places. Moreover, toothpicks are more common than dental floss.

Sealants (dental sealants)

Sealants fill cavities in teeth

These are synthetic plastics based on acrylates, used for the prevention of caries. To do this, the fissures (grooves) of the chewing teeth are clogged with a sealant. There is an opinion that sealants are a fairly reliable method of preventing fissure caries, but it is quite labor-intensive.

Rinse aids

For daily use. Removes up to 70% of bacteria and freshens breath. They can be either therapeutic and prescribed by dentists, or conventional for any type of oral cavity.

Nutrition correction

The concept of rehabilitation also includes nutritional correction, which will help not only improve well-being and shorten the recovery period, but also prevent complications. Dentists recommend a diet consisting of liquid and semi-liquid foods that should not be hot or cold.

All irritating foods should be excluded from the diet: spicy, salty, sour, foods containing large amounts of acids. You should also limit your intake of sweets and sticky foods.

At the same time, the diet should be varied and contain all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

With proper postoperative care and following all dentist recommendations, rehabilitation lasts about 2 weeks. But if they are violated, complications and unpleasant consequences can form, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.

And even if you follow all the recommendations, dentists advise paying attention to the appearance of alarming symptoms: if the pain in the socket of an extracted tooth does not go away for a long time and increases, bleeding has started, and the body temperature has increased. If there is at least one of them, you must immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

How to brush your wisdom teeth.

Due to the inconvenient placement of wisdom teeth, it is not always possible to completely clean them of food particles. These teeth are most often destroyed due to caries and decay, as most people do not take proper care of them. You can resort to a drastic measure, namely, removing all wisdom teeth. But this is not always correct, since they hold the teeth and participate in the process of chewing food.

In this material we will look at how to brush your wisdom teeth, what is needed for this, and what should be taken into account. By following simple recommendations, you can maintain their health and whiteness, as well as ensure the prevention of various dental diseases.

How to choose a toothbrush?

Toothbrushes with a small head are more suitable for cleaning wisdom teeth. It is better if the brush is narrow and has soft bristles. The fact is that in most cases there is not enough space for wisdom teeth to erupt, so they do not come out completely. Most often, the operculum remains, which is sensitive. This can make brushing your wisdom teeth uncomfortable and even painful.

For best cleaning, use electric brushes with a round or elongated head. Such brushes best remove all food debris not only from the enamel, but also from the interdental space. You can adjust the rotation speed depending on the sensitivity of your gums, avoiding pain and bleeding.

How to brush your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth require special attention. You should clean them twice: at the very beginning of the hygiene procedure and at the end. The first time it is necessary to remove the main plaque and food debris using circular and scrubbing movements (from the gums down). Then, after brushing your main teeth, you should go over your wisdom teeth again. The fact is that some removed particles can move around the oral cavity and become clogged again in the space under the operculum. Therefore, don’t be lazy - spend an extra 30 seconds on your wisdom teeth at the end of brushing to ensure their maximum protection and prevention.

Just brushing with toothpaste and brushing is not enough to keep your wisdom teeth healthy. It is also necessary to include in your daily hygiene program brushing with dental floss, using an irrigator and using a mouth rinse.

Floss before or after brushing your teeth. It allows you to remove food debris from the interdental space - from those places where a toothbrush simply cannot penetrate. There are no restrictions: the more often you floss, the better. Ideally, after every meal.

Mouthwash is a real lifesaver in cases where it is not possible to use dental floss or a brush. The rinse provides not so much cleansing of plaque as the removal of germs and dangerous bacteria that multiply in the oral cavity at high speed. It freshens breath, partially disinfects and strengthens the gums and all mucous membranes.

The irrigator should also take its rightful place in the cleaning program. It provides, firstly, the removal of plaque from the teeth, secondly, the removal of food debris from the interdental space, and thirdly, massage and microstimulation of the gums. The cleaning procedure with an irrigator does not cause discomfort - it lasts only 1-2 minutes, and after it the mouth remains feeling fresh and clean.

Suprun told how to properly care for wisdom teeth

The acting head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ulyana Suprun, told how to prevent problems with wisdom teeth and what treatment is required if it hurts.

In the photo: Ulyana Suprun

She wrote about this on her Facebook page.

“Wisdom teeth (eighth teeth, third molars) most often emerge between the ages of 16 and 26 years. They belong to vestigial teeth, that is, teeth that have lost their importance evolutionarily, so there was a decrease in the size of the jaw associated with the transition to softer food and there was practically no room left for wisdom teeth. This is why wisdom teeth often grow at random, or may remain in the jaw for the rest of their lives,” the report says.

Some scientists believe that more than 10 thousand years ago every person had wisdom teeth. However, now not all people have them.

In order to prevent complications associated with wisdom teeth, Suprun recommends periodic examinations with a dentist and, as prescribed by the doctor, taking x-rays to assess the condition of wisdom teeth and adjacent tissues.

It is noted that the doctor may suggest removing a wisdom tooth if the following signs occur:

  • if purulent-inflammatory processes develop in the adjacent soft tissues;
  • with the development of jaw cysts or tumors from wisdom teeth;
  • in case of permanent injury to the wisdom tooth of the oral mucosa;
  • if it is necessary to prevent a fracture of the lower jaw in people involved in contact sports, since the location of the lower wisdom teeth is a prerequisite for a fracture of the jaw in this area when injured.

There are also orthodontic indications for wisdom teeth removal, such as crowded teeth or misalignment of the upper and lower teeth.

“At the age of 7-11 years, the doctor can predict whether there is enough space in the lower jaw for the eruption of wisdom teeth. If it turns out to be insufficient, removal of such wisdom teeth at the rudimentary stage or the stage of primary calcification is indicated (and such an intervention is called hermectomy). If the wisdom tooth is “sick” - there is caries, pulpitis or periodontitis, then in this case treatment is not prescribed,” explained the acting director. head of the Ministry of Health.

She noted that wisdom teeth have little chewing efficiency: often a wisdom tooth does not have an opposing tooth (antagonist tooth) and is not involved in the act of chewing at all; root canals are statistically difficult to treat; they do not play an aesthetic role in a smile.

It is emphasized that the most common surgical complication from eighth teeth is inflammation of the mucous membrane around the wisdom tooth (pericoronitis). Patients mistakenly regard this condition as “cutting out a wisdom tooth.”

In reality, these teeth are already those that have erupted (partially or completely) since the roots of the teeth are already formed. And discomfort or pain arises as a result of injury to the mucous membrane or insufficient cleaning of this area and the development of acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane around such a wisdom tooth.

Pericoronitis manifests itself as follows:

  • discomfort in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth;
  • added pain when swallowing;
  • complications when opening the mouth;
  • increased body temperature;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

In order to relieve pain, it is recommended to frequently rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions (for example, an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine), and take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (but not more than 3-5 days). And, of course, you need to consult with a dentist as soon as possible about further treatment tactics.

In addition, Suprun emphasized that the most popular myth about the removal of wisdom teeth is that they are allegedly related to the work of the heart and their removal can harm it.

“In fact, only a wisdom tooth with a focus of chronic inflammation (the development of odontogenic chroniosepsis - a condition in which an infection constantly enters the body) can lead to disturbances in the heart (the development of infectious myocarditis).

But removing such a tooth, on the contrary, will improve the condition and prevent the development of other serious complications, since it will eliminate the source of infection,” Suprun concluded.

Earlier, the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun gave a number of tips on how to avoid the autumn blues.
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Some recommendations

To ensure maximum protection for your wisdom teeth, follow these guidelines:

  • during any cleaning (dental floss, toothbrush, irrigator, etc.), spend at least 20 seconds on each wisdom tooth;
  • first make circular movements, and then “sweeping” ones - if you do the opposite, there is a high probability that the removed plaque will again fall into the interdental space of the wisdom teeth;
  • remove food debris under the area of ​​skin that partially covers the wisdom tooth;
  • When using mouthwash, be sure to hold the liquid on each cheek for a few seconds so that your wisdom teeth are completely washed with it;
  • if wisdom teeth become inflamed after brushing, you can make applications from chamomile decoction (use a cotton pad or a piece of cotton wool for this);
  • do not forget to change your toothbrush every 3-4 months;
  • Keep in mind that wisdom teeth should not cause discomfort: if they constantly become inflamed or bleed during cleaning, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible - in some cases it is better to remove the wisdom tooth than to fight to save it.

Wisdom tooth.

What is a wisdom tooth, when and how does it erupt?

A wisdom tooth is a permanent tooth (the third, last in a row of large molars or molars), which erupts after 18 years and often causes a wide variety of complications, they are called - difficult eruption of a wisdom tooth.

The peculiarity of the wisdom tooth is that it is located last in the row, which means it is supported by the neighboring tooth on only one side, which allows it to freely deviate to the side. This tooth generally has difficulty making its way, firstly, because there was no milk tooth in the place where it erupted (which means the place was not prepared), and secondly, by the time it erupted, the jaw bones had already formed and punching them is much more difficult. All this contributes to the fact that the tooth often “goes to the side” and erupts incorrectly.

In some cases, teeth erupt earlier or later than expected. Delayed tooth eruption is called retention, and a tooth that is “stuck” in the jaw is called impacted. When teething, the wisdom tooth sometimes deviates to the side; such an incorrect position is called dystopia. Sometimes cysts form near such a tooth, causing inflammation of the surrounding tissues and pain.

Often, when a wisdom tooth erupts, it simply does not have enough space in the dentition and this causes various complications of its eruption.

Complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth

Incorrect eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the periodontal tissues, since when soft tissues are injured, they can always become infected, which always “lives” in the oral cavity. First, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) occurs, then such inflammation can spread to the deeper tissues surrounding the tooth, then periodontitis occurs, and if the ligament holding the tooth in the socket is damaged, periodontitis occurs. A sign of inflammation in this area is redness and swelling of the gums around the wisdom tooth, bad breath, and severe pain if periodontal disease is affected.

If the cause of inflammation is an impacted wisdom tooth, it is usually removed after treating the inflammation.

Already erupted but incorrectly positioned wisdom teeth can also lead to the development of inflammation, since in some cases it is difficult to carry out daily oral hygiene and the resulting plaque is often a source of infection. In such cases, the wisdom tooth is also removed.

Sometimes, when a wisdom tooth erupts, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve may begin, then severe pain occurs along the branches of this nerve.

Rules for dental care in children

Unfortunately, many parents of young children are sure that caring for baby teeth is a waste of time, and all attention should be paid only to the molars.
However, this opinion is erroneous, because even infants need to brush their teeth. The fact is that the enamel of the first teeth in children is very weak, so caries easily affects the deciduous incisors and molars. Oddly enough, breast milk contains a lot of sugar, which also does not have a positive effect on the baby’s teeth. What can we say about milk formulas! Teeth affected by caries can cause an infection in the oral cavity. Bacteria can subsequently even provoke serious diseases such as tonsillitis or pyelonephritis. And of course, caries from baby teeth will easily transfer to molars over time. Therefore, oral hygiene should be practiced from a very early age.

Dentists agree that the beginning of teeth care should coincide with their eruption. One baby's first tooth appears at 4-6 months, and another only at one year, so brushing a child's teeth in each family is done individually. By the way, some doctors also believe that you should take care of the oral cavity even before the appearance of the first teeth - bacteria accumulate in the child’s mouth, which leads to stomatitis, candidiasis and other troubles.

Thus, caring for a baby’s oral cavity includes wiping the tongue and gums. A soft gauze swab or a special napkin is suitable for this, but not cotton wool, as it leaves fibers in the mouth that can cause inflammation. Moisten the gauze or bandage with boiled water and wipe the inside of your mouth to remove plaque with light circular movements.

As your baby gets a little older and starts teething, he will need a gentle massage of his gums to relieve the itching. To do this, parents use a silicone fingertip. At this age, children are not yet able to help themselves. Therefore, a special brush in the hands of dad or mom will ease the discomfort.

You can resort to classic teeth cleaning with a brush after one year of a child’s life. A tool with soft, short bristles and a comfortable handle is suitable for this. Toothpaste should also be appropriate for the child’s age - adult menthol flavors can cause discomfort and negative emotions in the baby.

Surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth

If the question of the need to remove the wisdom tooth is resolved, then an operation to remove the impacted tooth is performed. To do this, under local anesthesia, the mucous membrane is separated along with the periosteum, part of the bone that is located above the wisdom tooth is removed, and then the wisdom tooth itself is removed (if it cannot be removed entirely, then it is removed in parts). After this, the mucous membrane and periosteum are restored using sutures, and the socket (the place where the extracted tooth was located) is tamponed with special tampons.

Extra wisdom

Before surgery to remove a wisdom tooth, the dentist should ask the patient in detail about his health. Including finding out whether he suffers from any disease, what medications he takes (even taking aspirin, which slows down blood clotting, may be a contraindication to surgery). The next step is one or more x-rays. Based on this data, the surgeon plans how to perform the removal.

The operation begins with anesthesia. To prevent the patient from experiencing discomfort, an anesthetic gel is applied to the injection site before the injection. Thanks to this, the injection is not felt. If the wisdom tooth is located deep in the bone, the doctor cuts out a triangular-shaped mucoperiosteal flap and removes the bone tissue located above the tooth, and then removes the wisdom tooth in whole or in parts (by sawing it with dental burs). Then sutures are placed on the wound, and iodoform turunda is placed in the hole.

There is suture material that subsequently dissolves on its own; other non-absorbable threads are removed by the dentist himself. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. For psychological comfort, you can take sedatives before and after surgery. You need to come to the doctor for examinations on the 1st, 3rd and 7th days after removal in order to monitor the dynamics of recovery and to adjust prescriptions if necessary.

Complications that may occur after wisdom tooth removal

After a wisdom tooth is removed, a blood clot should form in the socket. If it is not there, then a so-called “dry socket” is formed, which can cause acute pain a few days after tooth extraction. To relieve this pain caused by nerve injury, topical numbing pads are applied.

Sometimes after the removal of a wisdom tooth, numbness of the lip, tongue and chin occurs, which does not go away within a few days. This occurs due to injury to the nerve endings of the sensory nerves. This disorder is sometimes difficult to treat and remains for a long time.

Remember: if a wisdom tooth begins to erupt incorrectly, the sooner it is removed, the easier it is and the less it causes all sorts of complications.

Recommendations for care after removal of the “eight”

What to do after a complex wisdom tooth extraction? Any mini-surgery on third molars carries a risk of complications. Even after a relatively simple extraction of a “wise tooth”, careful care of the wound and hygiene measures are required. Competent actions and accurate implementation of recommendations will prevent complications.

Find out the rules for using an ultrasonic toothbrush and look at a review of popular manufacturers.

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What is allowed to do

If certain rules are followed, the postoperative period will be relatively calm. The dental surgeon is obliged to tell you how to proceed after the extraction of the capricious “eight”.

Helpful Tips:

  • remove the gauze swab from the hole in time. The optimal time for a protective tampon to remain over the tooth extraction site is no more than half an hour. Gauze soaked in blood is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Carefully remove the tampon, making sure that the blood clot does not stick to the surface;
  • apply a cold compress. Wrap ice or any frozen product in a clean cloth and apply it to the cheek, in the place where the projection of the removed molar passes. A simple technique will reduce swelling of facial tissues. Apply cold in the first hours after mini-surgery. Three to four “approaches” with an interval of 5–7 minutes are enough. After 7–8 hours, it is useless to apply ice;
  • make antiseptic baths for the oral cavity. Treating a hole can hardly be called a rinse: the antiseptic solution should be on the wound almost motionless. Active rinsing dissolves the blood clot and provokes tissue inflammation. The ideal remedy is an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.05%. Three times a day, keep the liquid in your mouth for no more than a minute;
  • taking painkillers correctly. In the absence of inflammation, with uncomplicated removal of the “eight”, painkillers administered before the operation are sufficient. The following drugs will help completely eliminate pain, which cannot be avoided after the anesthetic wears off: Nurofen, Nise, Ketanov (the drug is effective for severe pain). Observe the frequency of administration: many potent drugs should not be taken more than two to three tablets per day.

Important! On the day after mini-surgery in the oral cavity, limit physical activity, do not bend over for a long time, and do not carry heavy bags. Rest, proper care, and careful hygiene after eating are recommended. Food – only pureed, not sticky, without lumps. Warm dishes: cold and high temperatures irritate the socket and slightly swollen gums.

Prohibited actions

Violation of recommendations threatens complications, suppuration, swelling. In severe cases, flux develops, inflammation covers the soft tissues of the face and jaw bone.


  • warming up in any way (dry heat to the cheek, hot rinses of the mouth). High temperature provokes swelling of soft tissues and accelerates the proliferation of pathogenic microbes;
  • food, food for the first 2–3 hours after removing the “eight”;
  • active facial movements. You should not open your mouth wide if the surgeon applied sutures when cutting the gums;
  • hot bath (you can take a warm shower);
  • heavy physical labor, cleaning premises, playing sports. Violation of the rule provokes bleeding from the wound;
  • constantly checking the condition of the hole using the tongue or foreign objects;
  • active rinses. The correct approach is antiseptic baths, minimal impact on the wound.
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