Regular exercise with yoga elements

The benefits of morning yoga

  • Clarifies thoughts. Mental burnout and intrusive anxious thoughts can be more depressing than you think. If you are tired of waking up and falling asleep with a bad mood and an overloaded head, practice yoga, it will sort all your thoughts into categories.
  • It lifts your spirits. Instead of a frantic rollercoaster of mood, your consciousness will enter the “calm ocean surface” mode and your state of mind will always be good.
  • Awakens the brain. If you feel like a zombie the first couple of hours after waking up, try yoga, which will awaken your body and prepare it for a productive day.
  • Supports endurance. Yoga prevents sudden bursts of fatigue, muscle flaccidity and increases productivity.

Yoga Poses for Beginners

Cat-Cow Yoga Pose
This is a great way to directly impact the spinal cord and restore energy throughout the body. Get on all fours, then inhale, raise your head and buttocks, and lower your stomach. As you exhale, arch your back in the opposite direction - lowering your buttocks and head.

yoga poses for beginners

Downward facing dog.

To best understand this pose, simply make a triangle with your body, with the base being the floor. Your legs should be together and your buttocks should be the top point of your triangle. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to a minute.

yoga for beginners

Low lunge forward.

This yoga pose will provide good tone to the lower body. Lunge onto your right leg so that it forms ninety degrees. Stretch your left back and your arms towards the ceiling.

morning yoga

Shoemaker pose.

Sit on the floor and put your legs in a butterfly position. The feet should touch each other. Slowly bend forward and hold Cobbler Pose for as long as you can.

yoga poses

Warrior Pose II.

Good pose for balance and flexibility. Lunge onto your right leg, extend your left leg behind you. Straighten your back and straighten your arms so that they form the letter T.

morning yoga poses

Tree pose.

You've probably seen tree pose a lot because it helps develop balance and strengthen your legs. Stand up straight, shift your weight to your right leg, bend your left leg and place it on the inside of your right thigh. If it’s hard for you, bring it to your calf, most importantly, don’t put pressure on your knee. Keep your hands at your chest in a prayer position. Hold this pose for a minute or two, and then repeat the same with the other leg.

yoga tree pose

Be patient: how effective is yoga for weight loss?

Bridge Pose.

This position aligns your spine and hips and strengthens your balance. Lie down on the mat, bend your legs and lift your buttocks and back off the floor. Keep your arms at your sides for balance and stability. Hold bridge pose for at least a minute.

bridge yoga

And if you want to learn these and other poses on video, try watching the video of the famous Canadian blogger Cassandra. Just 10 minutes of yoga every morning will provide you with a boost of energy and good mood for the whole day!

Undoubted benefit

As you can see, warming up will not take much time, and in combination with a refreshing shower and a full breakfast, they will charge you with energy for further action. You can change the sequence of exercises; they will not affect the healing properties of the morning warm-up.

You will certainly get a boost of energy before work!

Dedicating 30 minutes to exercise every day or carving out time in the evening is a must-have program that you should start with. I took care of you and developed a 30-day yoga marathon. Its participants receive a 30-minute training plan daily by email, which includes a simple set of exercises and pranayama. You can get a free trial lesson.

This morning yoga complex for beginners will help you wake up and keep your body in good shape. Morning yoga is a set of exercises for beginners that absolutely everyone can do.

Everyone knows that there are a lot of long-livers among yogis. Take Pattabhi Jois, the founder of the Ashtanga Yoga school, who died at 94; Sri Krishnamacharya - died at 101 years old, practicing yoga until the last days of his life; Indra Devi – 103 years old; B.K.S. Iyengar did not live to be 96 years old; Sri Swami Yogananda Maharaj Babaji passed away last year at the age of 106.

Of course, there will be examples of those who will give a list of great yogis who passed away much earlier than many people who do not have even the slightest idea about yoga. But I personally am convinced (and my beliefs have scientific evidence) that yoga has a positive effect on the body. And even if we discard factors such as ecology, nutrition, stress and lifestyle, there are results of practical experiments that have proven the effectiveness of yoga practice. For example, American scientists have found that with regular yoga classes, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases (according to research results - by 30%), blood pressure normalizes, anxiety levels decrease, and concentration increases. And for me personally, as a person living in the frantic pace of a big city, in conditions of constant “deadlines” and “time pressures”, but striving to preserve youth, health and natural beauty as much as possible, these positive arguments seem more than sufficient for in order to do at least something that is within my power. Moreover, regular yoga practice does not require much: a few minutes of time a day or several hours a week (it all depends on your time management) and a matJ

For those who are interested in how you can maintain youth with the help of yoga, I will give a number of asanas that are aimed at enhancing vital energy, cell regeneration, improving the condition of facial skin and developing flexibility, and therefore have a positive anti-aging effect.

(position No. 1)

(position No. 2)

A simple but very effective exercise for the spine: it allows you to get rid of drowsiness, eliminate back and neck tension, improve blood circulation and awaken the body. The exercise is ideal for morning practice. During its implementation, the back and neck are massaged, muscle stiffness is eliminated and prophylaxis against muscle cramps is provided. This should be done 6 to 20 times.

2. Abdominal retraction (to replenish the vocabulary of a beginner yogi - “Uddiyana bandha”)

I note that for this exercise, the condition of the abdominal muscles and the size of the abdomen do not matter at all, as it may seem at first time. The technique is based solely on correct breathing: you need to take a deep breath and, as you exhale, draw in your stomach, trying to press your navel to your back, as if “sucking in” your stomach and pressing it to the spine. Having completely released the air and pressed your stomach as much as possible, hold your breath for about 10 seconds. After mastering this stage of practice, instead of delaying, you need to work with the abdominal wall back and forth, which further enhances the effect.

Regular practice of Uddiyana makes the abdominal muscles strong and has a beneficial effect on the internal organs, and also tones the abdominal muscles. Girls, pay attention, this exercise is ideal for achieving the “flat tummy” effect.

3. Inverted poses: Shoulderstand “Birch” (Sarangasana) and “Bent Candle” pose (Viparita Karani)

(position No. 1)

(position No. 2)

Not even a page is enough to describe the effect of performing inverted asanas. They are simply a storehouse of health and rejuvenation of the body. The secret of effectiveness is that inverted positions stimulate the thyroid gland and help achieve hormonal balance, which directly affects weight correction, improves appearance and promotes a person’s harmonious well-being. In addition, blood flow to the face has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating signs of aging and preventing formation of wrinkles.

In addition to the main effect, regularly performing inverted asanas for a few minutes a day improves blood circulation in the body, ensures healthy stretching of the neck muscles, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. Moreover, the asanas help relieve pain during the menstrual cycle (however, note: performing inverted asanas directly on the days of the cycle is not recommended).

4. Plow pose (“Halasana”)

The pose well develops the flexibility of the spine and back as a whole, eliminates tension in the neck and lower back, reduces the risk of arthritis, has a massage effect on the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands, helps reduce excess fat deposits, and thereby helps maintain the youth of the physical body .

5. Forward Bend (or “Padahastasana”)

When performed correctly, the pose has a beneficial effect on the spine, developing its flexibility, effectively reduces fat deposits in the abdominal area, prevents diseases of the stomach, liver, and intestines, reduces the risk and helps stop the development of diabetes, and even helps stimulate the functioning of brain cells. But I never tire of repeating for those who have just started practicing: do not forget that when bending, you need to pull your shoulders down and keep your back straight. Even if in your version the pose with a straight back is performed only a third of what is presented in the photo, remember that the main qualities that contribute to success in mastering yoga asanas are gradualism and patience. Be hardworking, patient and keep practicing, then everything will definitely work out!

6. Fish Pose (Matsiyasana)

The pose activates the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, which affects mainly the condition of the skin; promotes gentle stretching of the muscles of the face and neck, serves as an excellent preventive measure against the “double chin” effect, and also distributes energy throughout the body. The pose serves as compensation for inverted asanas, so do not forget about it so that your practice is balanced and harmonious.

7. King of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

The pose helps to stretch the lateral surfaces of the body, giving the body flexibility and slowing down the aging process, restores posture and eliminates lateral curvatures. The rejuvenation of the entire body is facilitated by such positive effects achieved in the process of performing this asana, such as improving the process of absorption of nutrients and removing toxins from the body.

8. Gymnastics for the neck muscles

Unfortunately, we often forget about such an important organ as the neck, bypassing it while performing various training complexes. But it is through the neck that the body is connected to the head and blood flow to the face and brain is ensured. Therefore, neck exercises are necessary: ​​it helps maintain skin tone, prevents salt deposits and the appearance of a “double chin,” and corrects the facial contour.

Exercises for the neck muscles are extremely simple: they can be performed by anyone, even those who have never done yoga or other physical exercises. However, all exercises must be performed very slowly and consciously: controlling each muscle and paying attention to each muscle, without jerking or sudden movements.

My complex for home practice is this (about 10-12 repetitions):

  • turns the head to the right and left, leading the chin from one shoulder to the other,
  • tilting the head back and forth, while inhaling, lifting the chin up and exhaling, bringing it to the chest;
  • pulling your chin to your chest, perform head rolls, moving your chin from one shoulder to the other along the trajectory of a crescent;
  • tilting your head back and pointing your chin towards the ceiling, tilt your head to the right and left shoulders;
  • pull your shoulders down as much as possible and slowly perform a full circle with your head in one direction and the other.

The given set of exercises is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It is advisable to perform it in the morning, since all asanas are selected in such a way as to fill the body with energy and help you set yourself up for a successful day.

And remember: “You are young as long as your spine is flexible.”

I am sure that 24/7 everyone can find a few minutes for themselves.
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Select a target (2 minutes)

  • Close your eyes and just be aware of your body and thoughts for a minute. What do you need today? Maybe you're nervous and want to calm down, or maybe your body feels stiff and tense and you need to relax?
  • Use your sensations as the goal of your morning practice. Let this goal - to be more relaxed, calm, peaceful - set the tone for the whole day.

Practice even breathing (3 minutes)

  • Sit on a chair or mat in a comfortable position.
  • Breathe through your nose and count to yourself: inhale in three counts, exhale in three counts.
  • You can increase the length of your inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.
  • If you need to calm down, exhale twice as long as you inhale. For example, inhale for three counts, exhale for six counts.
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