Features of the menstrual cycle in autumn

Such a natural phenomenon as human life support directly depends on physiological transformations throughout a person’s life, characteristic of hormonal functions responsible for the growth, formation and aging of the body.

The entire process of the body’s vital activity directly concerns hormonal work, which in turn, like metabolism and the work of all organs, is controlled by the central nervous system.

Many studies have confirmed the fact that hormonal imbalance in women often manifests itself in interruptions in the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon should always be a cause for concern and examination to identify changes in the endocrine sphere.

In addition, there are other quite diverse symptoms, but treatment for a specific symptomatology is determined only by a specialist in this field based on individual parameters.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

The root causes of this phenomenon in women and men can be various.

Let's look at the main causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

  • Representatives of the fairer sex encounter this problem due to physiological characteristics - with the onset of menopause, at the moment when the body, due to some properties inherent in nature, at a certain time, reduces the production of estrogens and other female hormones.
  • And in young girls, the first hormonal disruption occurs during the transformation of a child’s body into an adult, when the body is transformed to carry out its reproductive functions. There are cases when an imbalance of hormones in adolescence persists for a fairly long period, and the synthesis of hormones is normalized only after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Conception, pregnancy itself and the birth of a child can also be a factor in such hormonal imbalance in the female body. An imbalance of hormones after childbirth usually provokes rapid gain or loss of total weight. Such a manifestation of a malfunction returns to normal after a certain period of time without any therapeutic effect. However, if hormonal imbalances have not returned to normal even after a period of breastfeeding, specialist help may become necessary.
  • In addition, changes in female sex hormones can also appear after termination of pregnancy, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the female body, after fertilization, the entire body is reorganized and prepares for gestation and childbirth, and abortion complicates its adaptation to an unnatural state. This causes an interruption in the synthesis of hormones.
  • The persistent stressful state in which any representative of the fairer sex finds itself can also become an indirect cause. This is actually why in today’s society many women are susceptible to failure, since in their lifestyle and employment they are often not inferior to the male half of the population.

Regarding other factors, we can talk about:

  • non-compliance with proper nutrition and its regimen, with frequent consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods, and foods containing hormones (chicken meat, etc.);
  • physical inactivity and lack of the required amount of physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the female organs, in addition to common viral and infectious diseases; use of oral anti-conception pills;
  • great physical activity.

Reasons for missed periods

Problems that contribute to delay can be physiological or pathological, and the latter are divided into gynecological and non-gynecological causes.

Physiological causes of delayed menstruation

The first reason for a normal delay in menstruation is pregnancy. This reason accounts for the bulk of delays. Also, during lactation and the postpartum period, due to an increase in the hormone prolactin, the concentration of estrogen is not stable, which makes the cycle irregular.

Normally, girls' first menstruation begins between the ages of 12 and 14, and during the first two years the cycle is just forming, so delays are not uncommon. During menopause, the concentration of sex hormones drops, which causes cycle disruptions and later the complete cessation of menstruation. A delay of 5-7 days is normal. Having a late period once or twice a year is also normal. Everything else is considered pathology and requires a gynecological examination.

Pathological causes of delayed menstruation

Pathological causes of delayed menstruation are divided into gynecological and those not related to the reproductive system.

Gynecological problems that cause a delay in menstruation include:

  • Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women and their appendages (adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis).
  • Cystic formations or polycystic degeneration of the ovaries. Also, simultaneously with the delay, an increase in male hormones is observed, which is manifested by the growth of hair on the face and body, the appearance of acne and an increase in body weight.
  • Oncological diseases of the female genital organs (benign and malignant tumors - fibroids, fibroids, uterine polyps, cervical cancer).
  • Abortion. When scraping, the endometrium (the mucous layer of the uterus) is damaged, which increases its recovery time. Also, during an abortion, hormonal levels are dramatically disrupted.
  • Ectopic pregnancy (a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity, usually in the fallopian tube).
  • Anomalies in the development of the genital organs.

Other reasons for missed periods

  • Adaptation of a woman’s body when changing climate, lifestyle, place of residence or work.
  • Emotional stress (positive - for example, excessive joy, or negative - depression, anxiety).
  • High and unusual physical activity (cycle disruptions are often observed in athletes who engage in weightlifting).
  • Increased mental load (during the period of passing and preparing exams).
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Sudden weight loss. Adipose tissue is actively involved in maintaining the concentration of estrogen in the body. It is logical to assume that menstruation is disrupted during sudden weight loss, and the body responds with a defensive reaction - a delay or complete cessation of discharge. This is observed when following exhaustive diets, prolonged fasting and anorexia. Menstruation resumes when weight normalizes. Excessive weight gain will also affect the regularity of your cycle.
  • Surgical interventions, injuries.
  • After stopping taking contraceptives. Since the latter are hormonal drugs, after their discontinuation, time must pass for the restoration of hormonal levels. Use of emergency contraception medications.
  • Viral and bacterial infections (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and others).
  • Poisoning and intoxication.
  • Disruption of the thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, as well as chronic diseases and periods of exacerbation (pyelonephritis, gastritis).
  • Taking hormonal medications, antidepressants, anti-tuberculosis therapy.


Hormonal disorders can manifest themselves as unexpressed signs, but a woman should be informed about them so that if they change at the slightest level, she will immediately consult a doctor to determine them.

You should be alarmed if you have the following symptoms:

  • Irregularity of critical days;
  • Irritability, which with hormonal imbalance results in causeless aggressiveness, gloomy mood, anger, pessimistic views on current events;
  • Unreasonable weight gain while maintaining characteristic eating habits and habits. Such a response to problems in the functioning of endocrine secretion often appears and it is necessary to understand that the dietary method of combating excess weight is not effective;
  • Symptoms of disturbances in the functioning and synthesis of hormones also include lack of sleep, characterized by lack of sleep in the evening, or frequent interruptions of sleep in the middle of the night;
  • Constant fatigue, which cannot be gotten rid of in any way, be it long rest, usual activities, physical activity, leisure, walking;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Migraine.

When a hormonal shift occurs in the fair sex, individual manifestations are characteristic, and for this reason it is definitely possible to say that hair loss and a change in its color are acceptable, all this refers to the symptoms of this condition.

Expression and therapeutic measures are very interconnected processes, where the main emphasis is unmistakable correctness in diagnosis.

Hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system

At a young age, an imbalance in the functions of the sexual sphere is expressed in the following:

  • In a girl aged 12 to 17 years, a delay in sexual development occurs, with a delayed development of secondary sexual differences.
  • Along with this, there is often the manifestation of ontogenetic characteristics that are unusual for a given gender. In women, secondary male differences are formed (masculinization), and in men, female differences are formed (the phenomenon of feminization).

In addition to all of the above, reproductive characteristics change:

  • Libido decreases significantly, up to absolute absence;
  • Erectile ability in the stronger sex decreases;
  • Women experience some difficulty in achieving orgasm (anorgasmia);
  • Infertility occurs.

Hormonal imbalance in the nervous system

With hormonal disorders, the development of such a phenomenon as cerebrasthenia occurs.

Signs of exhaustion are as follows:

  • Hypersomnia;
  • Irritability and short temper, groundless aggression;
  • Feeling tired after minor activities and activities;
  • Emotional instability, tearfulness;
  • Interruptions in the emotional state, which can lead to stress and nervous disorders;
  • Decreased mental-intellectual potential, which has a restorative property.

Hormonal imbalance in metabolism

Difficulties in the metabolic process, manifested by hormonal imbalance, often arise as excess weight gain and obesity. A sudden jump in weight is a reason for specialists to talk about problems in the hormonal sphere.

In addition, many patients develop a disease such as osteoporosis. Difficulties in solid bone structure occur due to factors such as disruptions in calcium metabolism.

But still, with targeted and timely treatment, all symptoms are easily eliminated. However, if these disorders are neglected for a long time, then this circumstance can significantly worsen health, provoking long-term disruptions in the functioning of many significant systems and organs of the human body.

Why do hormonal imbalances occur?

Are these exceptional cases or an obvious pattern?

This issue is worth understanding in detail and carefully. The reasons for such violations lie in various provoking factors. They look like this:

  • tumor or inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • failure at the genetic level;
  • failure of the neurohumoral regulation system;
  • use of contraceptive hormones.

You can talk for a long time using medical templates that won’t tell the average person anything. Regarding the tumor, everything is very clear, because we are talking about benign formations. Much has been said about cystitis, too, because of the inability to ignore painful urination. Still, questions remain that require clarification.

Unnecessary "baggage" from parents"

What does it mean if a hormone imbalance is associated with “bad heredity?” Again, I can show you such an imbalance in the body using the example of my friend. Due to early menopause, she developed endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus. Simply put, the menstrual cycle became unstable and was accompanied by heavy bleeding. The doctor prescribed hormones, which she took for six months. Her daughter inherited the same heredity; her friend simply did not expect such an early manifestation of female pathology in her. In addition, there were disorders associated with the thyroid gland. For this reason, she regularly sent her 16-year-old daughter to consult an endocrinologist. So far, no endocrine system disruption has been detected. But it’s still worth being careful and consulting with a specialist. The main thing is that the daughter does not hide anything about the changes in her body.

Poor nutrition

New-fangled diets are already becoming a fetish among young people. Symptoms begin to appear in lovers who replace their meat diet with low-fat yogurt.

At a young age, you need to eat well, and not frantically calculate calories in foods.

It’s good when a person loves to eat, but excessive weight gain does not occur. These indicators need to be closely monitored. As a rule, signs of hormonal disruption concern teenagers who are “chubby.” It is definitely necessary to get the substances the body needs, but no one has canceled weight control.

Consequences of stress

Depression will soon also become a fashionable attribute among young people. The subculture has always found its fans. Let us remember the hippie philosophers who proclaimed themselves “children of flowers.” True, they cannot be called pessimists. The same cannot be said about modern youth groups.

Often teenage hormone disruptions can be observed among emo people.

For them, depression is the main component of their life position.

Infectious consequences

Who would have thought that ARVI could also provoke hormonal imbalance. Any changes in the body cannot be ignored.

Do you think that a runny nose and a slight increase in temperature should not be taken to heart?

As a result, treatment of failures is simply necessary after unsuccessful therapy for infectious diseases. It is often easier for teenagers to go out under the strict supervision of their parents in warm clothes, and at the entrance to change into a more glamorous version. By the way, I always did this and honestly earned cystitis for the rest of my life. I suspect that many once followed in my footsteps.

What could be the consequences of hormonal imbalance?

A lack or excess of biologically active substances can lead to a variety of functional disorders. A woman's reproductive function is primarily affected. Hormonal imbalance is often the cause of infertility, frequent miscarriages or cycle disorders. Other consequences are fibroids, mastopathy, vaginal polyposis. A separate group includes the formation of hormone-dependent tumors. The impetus for their development is precisely an excess of certain hormones. General poor health, irritability and low mood can contribute to the development of depression.

Mastopathy and hormonal imbalance

It is known that mastopathy and hormonal imbalance are almost always closely related. The development of the mammary glands during puberty, cyclical changes in these structures in women of reproductive age, as well as the function of formation and secretion of milk during lactation are under the control of the hormonal system. Therefore, any fluctuations in hormone levels affect the condition of the breast.

Signs of hormonal imbalance during puberty

The time of puberty is a very difficult time for both children themselves and their parents.

This is especially true for girls, since at this stage of body restructuring, their hormones are developing to the limit.

In medical terminology, the onset of sexual development is normally at the age of 7–8 years, and the process of maturation should be completed by the age of 18.

Correction of hormonal imbalance

During this period of time, the young female body is formed especially intensively, grows, secondary sexual differences appear and the female reproductive sphere matures. If everything is done normally and correctly, then upon reaching the age of 18 the girl is ready to begin her sexual life, can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

There are two types of pathologies that indicate hormonal imbalance:

  • Early gender maturation. In girls with this type of pathology, up to 7 years of age, secondary gender characteristics develop, menstrual flow appears long before the due time, and they also experience sudden growth spurts;
  • Slowing down of gender maturation. In such girls, breasts begin to enlarge after 16 years of age, during the same period other gender differences develop. The onset of menstrual flow occurs at the age of 17-18 years.

Delayed puberty

The so-called “standard” of normal gender identity among representatives of the fairer sex is its occurrence in childhood and adolescence from 7 to 18 years. This physiological phenomenon ends by the age of 18.

At this time, which is called the puberty period in scientific annals, there is an acceleration in the rate of restructuring of the body, a significant increase in height and weight, and the development of secondary gender differences.

It is during this period of time that the female gender sphere matures, which subsequently ensures the entire process of reproduction.

In the case when secondary gender differences are detected in children under 7 years of age, gender formation is considered early, premature.

This phenomenon is accompanied by the premature onset of menstrual flow (in medical practice, cases of this process have been observed at 4 years of age), development and increase in the volume of milk secretion. In girls, body weight and height quickly increase, but ultimately it stops at 152 cm. The reason for this is the ossification of skeletal fragments, which ensure further vertical growth.

A number of types of premature puberty are identified:

  • Premature formation as a deviation from the norm, caused by malfunctions in the central nervous system or arising due to the presence of ovarian tumors that synthesize estrogens and other hormones. Often, only neoplasms located close to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are the root causes of early gender development;
  • Premature gender maturation of a constitutional type, often its basis is the girl’s chromosomal genetic tendency to a premature start of puberty. At the same time, there are no global deviations from the norm or failures in the systems that are responsible for hormonal stabilization. Such young women have a good ability to become pregnant and give birth and do not require therapy. The onset of the menstrual cycle in such a situation does not start until the age of 6 years.

Delayed puberty

Evidence that a child has a slowdown in the onset of the transition period will be the non-emergence of secondary gender differences before the age of 16.

The reason for this development of the female body may be a genetic tendency. However, at the same time, all important systems and organs after the start of the menstrual cycle (at 17 or 18 years old) will be normal, which in no way complicates the process of further pregnancy and childbirth.

However, there is also a lag for pathological reasons. This may be caused by Shereshevsky-Turner disease, or deviations in the intended work of the pituitary gland.

Today, such root causes of slowing down the process of restructuring the body as nutritional dystrophy (a consequence of a deficiency in the diet of proteins, microelements and vitamins) are very common.

This happens because all sorts of diets and eating regimens are very fashionable now, and girls dream of being very slim and thin.

Sexual development with erased virilization

Gender formation with erased virilization means a type of puberty in which both female and male gender differences arise.

For example, hair appears in areas where its presence is not normal, and in addition, a masculine skeleton develops.

Such manifestations are accompanied by excess weight, teenage acne and stretch marks.

The main reason for these abnormal symptoms is clearly pathology in the functions of the adrenal cortex and appendages, which come with heredity

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a large volume of blood loss that is not related to menstrual flow.

In situations where they appear in girls during gender maturation, these are juvenile hemorrhages.

Normally, they occur after 14 days or 2-3 months of delay. They can be in large volume or spotting, but then their duration reaches 2 weeks.

This is a very common problem of the female genital area for girls in this age group.

Experts believe that the root cause is the excessive intellectual and physical workload of modern teenagers; for this reason, such a deviation is often observed among girls who are keen on playing sports and studying in specialized educational institutions.

Seven signs of hormonal imbalance and how to deal with it

Author of the article: Taz Bhatia is a certified physician and teacher at Emory University (Atlanta, USA), specializing in the interaction of Western medicine and holistic practices.

It is very important to protect the endocrine system. Without the clear functioning of hormones, acting harmoniously, like musicians in an orchestra, and extracting magical music from their instruments, we simply cannot be ourselves.

The symptoms are different, the situations are not similar, but the complaint that you hear from patients suffering from hormonal imbalance is the same: “I don’t feel like myself.” From thinning and falling hair to constant fatigue, hormones affect many aspects of health and our appearance.

The following are the most common signs of hormonal disorders:

Disappearance of hair on the top of the head

I experienced this problem personally. In fact, baldness was the magic bullet that brought me into the world of alternative treatments. At the age of 28, my luxurious head of hair, the source of my pride, began to disappear, leaving islands of bald spots in its place. They were especially noticeable on the top of the head. Under the influence of family members and, in particular, my husband, I began to search for answers.

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The life cycle of hair is influenced by a large number of hormones. To find out which one is the “culprit” of what happened, it is necessary to check the work of everyone.

Baldness in the crown area is a symptom of a thyroid disorder or insulin imbalance. Low levels of thyroid hormones or sudden spikes in insulin can stimulate increased production of androgens, resulting in hair loss. Androgens are male sex hormones. Under their influence, the hair follicle decreases in size, the hair itself becomes thinner and, ultimately, falls out.

What to do. The first step is to get a blood test to make sure your thyroid hormones and insulin fluctuations are within normal limits. Sometimes, in order to understand how hormone concentrations change over time and find out your personal normal values, the analysis is carried out every six weeks.

Regulate your blood glucose and try cutting out sugar completely. Start eating regularly. To keep your glucose stable, eat small portions of protein (7-10 grams) every 3-4 hours.

Hair loss in the temporal region

Hair loss in the temple area is a classic sign of an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. This disorder is often observed during pregnancy and menopause. This is a signal calling to check the level of these hormones and pay attention to the food products from which they are formed in the body.

What to do . Introduce into your diet foods containing healthy fats and even cholesterol, which is a building material for sex hormones. Add to your diet daily one egg, a teaspoon of ghee or soups, the recipe of which includes herbs that regulate the functioning of sex hormones. For example, dong quai (angelica), gui ji (cinnamon branch) or goji berries.

Fatigue and low energy levels

Changing the concentration of any hormone leads to energy spikes, so it is important to check the values ​​of all hormones. You can find a clue if you observe exactly what phase of the menstrual cycle the energy decline occurs. If this happens at the beginning, the cause is increased estrogen. If after a week from the start, then most likely the culprit will be progesterone.

On the other hand, severe fatigue that lasts throughout the month is a manifestation of cortisol deficiency or low levels of thyroid hormones. Both hormones need close attention during times of stress. High or low cortisol causes fatigue, brain fog, mid-afternoon energy slump, or makes you feel “high but drained.” An overactive or underactive thyroid gland leads to fatigue, accompanied by muscle cramps, general weakness, poor exercise tolerance, and even shortness of breath.

What to do. Finding out exactly when you feel tired will help you identify the root cause of the imbalance much faster. Start increasing your energy levels by increasing the amount of protein and healthy fats you eat and decreasing the amount of sugar you eat. Then add a B complex of vitamins - they promote vitality and help hormones work adequately.

Monitoring how you feel over the course of a month will help you and your doctor ultimately understand what needs to be done to achieve stable energy levels.

Fat deposition in the waist and abdomen

Losing weight is a challenging task for a woman navigating through different periods of her life: puberty, 20s, fertile years, premenopause and menopause. Unpredictable hormonal changes are a serious problem. They lead to increased appetite and to exhausting workouts as a way to lose weight.

If you are fighting an irreconcilable battle with a rounded waist, then know that insulin along with its “friend” cortisol is often to blame. Both hormones are released into the bloodstream in response to stress and contribute to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area. In this case, improving digestion and reducing the hormones cortisol and insulin to normal levels will help you lose weight.

What to do. Eat regularly, at regular intervals. To maintain proper metabolism and digestive system function, do not eat after 8 pm and take a 12-hour break during the dark hours.

Breast engorgement

An increase in breast size is a sign that there is increased estrogen, or that the body cannot remove it effectively.

What to do. Add foods that help metabolize estrogen. For example, cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, kale or cauliflower, which will help the liver process this sex hormone. Exercise also has a positive effect on estrogen metabolism. The goal is to move for at least 45 minutes every day.

Fat deposition in the thighs and buttocks

The deposition of fat reserves on the hips and buttocks indicates problems with the thyroid gland.

What to do. In addition to checking the function of the gland, help it by eating foods rich in iodine and iron. Both microelements are important for proper metabolism and adequate functioning of thyroid hormones.

Problem skin

The skin is one of the largest organs in the body. The condition of the skin on your face tells a whole story about you. Chinese medicine considers pale, dull skin color to be a deficiency condition in which the body's biochemistry lacks the substances it needs to achieve hormonal balance. A reddish tint to the skin may indicate an overworked liver and problems related to regulating the balance and elimination of hormones. Acne on the chin and lower jaw is a sure sign of hormonal imbalance. They usually indicate high levels of androgens, impaired insulin activity, or imbalances in estrogen and progesterone.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of endocrine disorders will allow you to take measures to eliminate them and maintain hormonal health for many years.

Thanks for the material: https://mindbodygreen.com/0-26193/7-signs-your-hormones-are-out-of-whack-what-to-do.html

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Hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age

Every girl who has crossed puberty enters the childbearing period. At this stage of her life, she is capable of conceiving and bearing a fetus. However, even at this stage, a disturbance in the production of hormones can make itself felt.

Prolonged non-occurrence of menstrual bleeding in women of reproductive age, unrelated to pregnancy and breastfeeding, is called amenorrhea. But it has its own types with individual characteristics.


The term hypothalamic-pituitary amenorrhea means prolonged absence of menstruation in middle-aged women.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be considered:

  • infectious diseases to which a woman was exposed in childhood;
  • difficult physical activity;
  • severe and prolonged stress;
  • inadequate diet, hunger.

Regarding descriptions of this type of amenorrhea, we can talk about:

  • physical loss of strength;
  • fragile nervous system;
  • anemia;
  • hypotension.

Amenorrhea is often provoked by a violation of the functionality of the adrenal cortex.

The primary causes of this manifestation include: Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, a deviation characterized by a certain disruption in the intended work of the adrenal cortex, resulting in the production of an excessive amount of its hormones. The basis for this process is often a neoplasm and the hormones it synthesizes.

The descriptions include the following:

  • weight gain;
  • often purple face;
  • layers of fat accumulations in the upper part of the body;
  • weakened limb muscles;
  • hair growth in unusual areas;
  • purple stretch marks;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bone diseases.

Regarding amenorrhea due to abnormalities in the appendages, the most common cause for its occurrence should be considered - polycystic appendages.

Such amenorrhea is expressed as follows:

  • excessive weight gain of types 1 and 2;
  • hair on the upper part of the mouth, on the inner thighs, on the chin;
  • multiple stretch marks;
  • weakening of hair and nails.

Uterine bleeding

The concept of uterine bleeding implies a pathological transformation of menstrual periods, provoked by a failure in the level of female hormones.

Described as a significant increase in the amount of blood released, or prolonged critical days.

Here, a change from long-term amenorrhea to the prospect of heavy bleeding of various volumes and frequencies is likely; the consequence of these pathologies is often anemia.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of symptoms that appear in the luteal stage of the cycle, presumably 2-10 days before the start of menstruation.

It is found in women of all age groups, but often young women over the age of 30 are exposed to it.

The reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • depressive states;
  • diseases in the pelvic area, infectious or bacterial origin.

As usual, it begins a week before the critical days and extreme pain occurs on the first day, then the wave of pain subsides and completely disappears.

According to numerous descriptions, there are more than 150 symptoms, the most famous of them:

  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • weakening;
  • aggressiveness;
  • nervousness;
  • tearfulness;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • slow pulse;
  • painful feeling and engorgement in the mammary gland;
  • pronounced perception of odors.

Hormonal imbalance after abortion

Experts say that termination of pregnancy has a much greater impact on the body of women who have not yet given birth. The likelihood of infertility and severe complications in reproductive purposes.

Therefore, gynecologists advise carrying out abortions in the early stages; this can to some extent protect the woman’s future.

Descriptions and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women after termination of pregnancy:

  • sudden weight gain;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nervousness;
  • stretch marks;
  • migraine;
  • increased heart rate;
  • surges in blood pressure.

Hormone imbalance due to abortion entails a shift in the menstrual cycle and difficulties with reproductive function.

Blood loss, inflammation of the female genital organs, abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands may occur.

Milk secretion is also covered by the consequences; from the beginning of pregnancy, some transformations are carried out in them, and following a sudden interruption of the processes, there is a threat of the development of neoplasms and nodules.

Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy

The female body always undergoes transformation following fertilization.

From the moment conception occurs and the egg attaches to one of the walls of the uterine cavity, the production of the hCG hormone begins.

A large amount of its content in the bloodstream becomes the basis for a change in the production of other hormones.

The endocrine sphere is forced to adapt to the resulting transformations in the body, but still, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is a physiological process inherent in nature, aimed at a positive outcome of pregnancy.

However, there are pathologies that can lead to the risk of miscarriage:

  1. Insufficient amount of progesterone;
  2. Excessive testosterone;
  3. Insufficient amount of estrogen.

These are the three main hormonal changes that women in pregnancy experience quite often. In order to correct them, the doctor prescribes drug treatment.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

During the period of bearing a child and after delivery, a woman’s hormonal picture changes significantly, for this reason the body is unusually vulnerable at this time.

Under the influence of stress and other negative factors, disturbances in the synthesis of hormones may occur.

The female body without abnormalities has the ability to recover within 3-4 months after childbirth.

If breastfeeding is carried out, the hormonal picture changes again, emphasizing prolactin and oxytocin, the founding hormones in lactation and control of breastfeeding in general.

After some time has passed after breastfeeding, hormones return to normal.

Hormonal imbalance during menopause

The main and common symptoms of hormonal imbalance during menopause:

  1. Quite a long period of time spent in a state of apathy and stress, inability to concentrate;
  2. A strong manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. Usually, with the onset of menopause, 7 days before the first discharge, a woman feels pain in the chest, diseases of the digestive tract worsen, and migraines also unbalance her;
  3. Sleep disturbances (vigor at 4-5 o’clock in the morning (this is the moment when hormone production decreases)).

Why can't the problem be ignored?

By frivolity it is possible to lead the existing situation to a dead end. Let's talk again without dry medical statistics. Let’s leave aside infertility for now, which the question of why a hormonal problem occurs reduces to “no.” The woman simply will not be able to get pregnant in the future. As a result, she makes claims against her husband, and the once strong couple breaks up. We are talking about isolated cases now, because we should consider the more widespread consequences of imbalance in the body.


Osteoporosis is an inherently unattractive thing. Often it is an age-related disease, if symptoms of hormonal imbalance are not recorded at 17 years of age or a little older.

How does it ultimately threaten the growing body?

Bone density is important when it is necessary to bear a child with different parameters of the pelvis. With catabolism, this process will grow from a small problem into a huge catastrophe. If you are still underweight, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Early maturation

What to do if hormonal dysfunctions occur during early maturation?

It is necessary to understand that the situation is reaching a dead end and we are talking about sexual dysfunction. In this case, no one is forbidden to hesitate, but atherosclerosis with its side effects is not far off in the young lady. You can also put the brakes on such a prospect as a malignant tumor.

Did you seriously think that such a “disease” was not capable of acting harshly?

Believe me, cancerous tumors against the background of imbalance do happen.

Heart attack and stroke should also be expected when the causes of hormonal imbalance were previously ignored.

Age cannot be adjusted in this case. He will say that dysfunction will progress at an incredible rate over the years. Why didn’t I understand this myself at the time? You won't follow my example, will you?

PMS may not be a universal explanation

One of the main theories of the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome considers it to be an inadequate response of the woman’s body to a change in the ratio of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - at the end of the menstrual cycle.

Impaired perception of hormonal fluctuations leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, which primarily cause inconvenience to the woman herself. But this fact cannot be a reason to attribute what you don’t like in the behavior of a particular woman to PMS: it does not occur as often as many people believe.

Yes, weakness, engorgement of the mammary glands, heaviness in the lower abdomen, headache and increased appetite on the eve of menstruation occur in 90% of females - but this is not PMS. Only 10% of women are familiar with real PMS, which seriously affects their well-being and emotional state.

In the latest International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), you won't find PMS, only premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a serious disorder that often requires treatment. It occurs even less frequently: in 3% of cases.

If PMDD interferes with everyday life, regularly puts you into depression, forces you to take sick leave, take painkillers in batches, and give up sex and entertainment, you need the help of a doctor. But only three women out of a hundred suffer from it: to understand the behavior of the other ninety-seven, you will have to think and look for more rational arguments.

Main causes of pain

Normally, before menstruation begins, a woman may experience discomfort in the chest area . There is breast swelling and heaviness. The main reasons for the phenomenon are:

  1. Disturbed hormonal levels. One of the main reasons why breasts hurt during menstruation is a high level of the hormone estrogen in the blood. This may indicate a malfunction of the organs.

  2. Physical damage to the chest.
  3. Uncomfortable underwear. Some bras can put pressure on the nerve endings in the chest and interfere with normal blood circulation. This becomes the reason why the chest hurts after menstruation.

Hormonal imbalance

The main factors that are included in this group are both physiological deviations from the norm and external stimuli. Among the physiological (natural) factors are:

  1. Pregnancy. With the onset of pregnancy and changes in the amount of hormones, a woman may experience discomfort in the chest. This also includes the period of breastfeeding. Swelling of the nipples may occur.
  2. Disease. The breast may become full and painful due to the development of certain pathological processes in it. You will need to consult a doctor to find out.
  3. Climax. When a woman reaches a certain age, she may experience problems with the mammary glands.
  4. Tumors. Unfortunately, a cancerous tumor, both benign and malignant, can develop in the mammary glands. It will be useful for girls and women to make it a rule to visit a mammologist once every six months for consultation and routine check-ups. Between visits, it is recommended to make notes and notes in case of other pathologies - they can indicate why the breasts may continue to swell.

Depression after childbirth is not just a bad mood, but a serious problem

But another disorder caused by sharp hormonal fluctuations due to the end of pregnancy and childbirth - postpartum depression - is ignored by most people.

For some reason, people around them often attribute an incredibly happy state to women with babies with the same persistence that PMS is attributed to women without babies.

However, according to WHO, every sixth new mother, precisely because of this disease, not only does not experience joy after the birth of a child, but is also in a health- and life-threatening state of clinical depression.

Symptoms of postpartum depression:

  • despondency and loss of interest in previously favorite activities,
  • lethargy, apathy, weakness,
  • loss of appetite,
  • sleep problems,
  • decreased concentration and memory impairment,
  • increased level of anxiety, tearfulness,
  • feeling of one's own insignificance, incompetence,
  • anxiety and guilt about the lack of love for the child,
  • suicidal thoughts.

Postpartum depression is a real, serious problem. A woman suffering from this disorder needs understanding, support and treatment. Otherwise, depression can last for years and lead to other serious health problems.

Features of the menstrual cycle in autumn

The stability of a woman's menstrual cycle is influenced by many factors. Stress, diets, excessive physical activity, flights to other climate zones, alcohol abuse - all this can lead to a delay or, conversely, an earlier onset of menstruation. The nature of the failure largely depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the body. Most women note that they most often encounter cycle disorders in the off-season.

The end of summer is always associated with stress for many people. The reasons for this are very varied:

  • start of school for children;
  • studying at the institute;
  • sudden deterioration of weather conditions;
  • increased frequency of colds and viral diseases;
  • understanding that vacation time has come to an end.

The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. Cooler weather forces people to wear tighter, heavier clothing. The female body immediately reacts to such factors. In this regard, it should not be surprising that during this period, disruptions in the menstrual cycle often occur. The fine organization of the female hormonal system reacts vividly to decreased tone and lifestyle changes. In this case, both a delay in the onset of menstruation and an earlier onset of bleeding are possible.

This situation should not cause concern for a woman if her periods are not accompanied by severe pain and other atypical symptoms. In this case, the cause of the failure has natural roots and does not require serious medical attention.

If a woman notices previously uncharacteristic sensations during menstruation, she should consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps seasonal changes did not play a role in this case, and the failure occurred due to some serious disease of the reproductive or hormonal system.

The cause of this phenomenon is most often overwork, stress, diets, and unbalanced nutrition. Often, scanty periods can be combined with delays. If such phenomena occur in the autumn, a woman should take more careful care of herself. To restore your cycle, you need to get enough sleep, eat well, don’t get nervous over trifles, and give up bad habits.

Emotional disorders after abortion - a medical problem

Few people even acknowledge the existence of post-abortion depression.

According to many, a woman who has had an abortion does not deserve compassion, and her “whims” look, to put it mildly, strange. Nevertheless, there are many studies confirming the relationship between abortion and psycho-emotional disorders.

Abortion increases the risk of suicide six times and provokes various disorders, primarily the development of depression and anxiety disorders with panic attacks. Therefore, post-abortion rehabilitation includes not only the normalization of the functions of the reproductive system disrupted by abortion, but also the restoration of the woman’s psycho-emotional state.

Both post-abortion and postpartum depression are associated with a sharp change in hormonal levels and an “unfavorable” ratio of estrogen and progesterone.

But these are not all hormones that can influence a woman’s psycho-emotional state. Hot temper, aggressiveness and anxiety can be the result of an increase in the amount of thyroid hormones and the adrenal hormone cortisol. Hypothyroidism, or decreased production of thyroid hormones, on the contrary, leads to apathy, lack of initiative and slow reactions.


Since any imbalance of hormones has some consequences, this condition becomes the basis for quite severe consequences, such a condition always needs medical correction.

But still, first of all, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the hormonal disorder.

For such purposes, consultation with an endocrinologist is required, and in addition, an analysis of the biomaterial for hormonal status is required.

It is necessary to mention that this kind of analysis is carried out before and after critical days. Further, if, after performing a laboratory test, a shift in the level of any hormone is determined, auxiliary studies must be carried out to clarify the cause of the disorder.

Instructions for testing hormones

If the above problems are familiar to you, you need to check your hormones. You can do a blood test for hormones in any independent laboratory - but you will still need to go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist for clarification.

Laboratory test results are always evaluated in conjunction with existing symptoms. Additional examination and consultations with other doctors may be required.

General rules for “studying” all hormones:

  • Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach, so it is better to go to the laboratory in the morning without breakfast.
  • The day before the test, you need to exclude alcohol, sex, sports training and heavy physical labor. Limit smoking if possible.
  • You should not take any hormonal medications, and if you cannot refuse them, warn the laboratory technician about this.
  • Try not to be nervous: emotional outbursts affect the production of hormones and the results of the analysis.

When to get tested depends on which hormone you want to determine. Typically, diagnosis is carried out in two stages - in the first and second phases (half) of the menstrual cycle.

On the 3rd–5th day of the menstrual cycle (counting from the first day of menstruation in a 28-day cycle), determine:

  • estradiol,
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
  • luteinizing hormone (LH),
  • prolactin.

In the second half of the cycle, on the 22–23rd day (counting from the first day of menstruation in a 28-day cycle), they are tested for progesterone and estradiol.

If you suspect that the problem is related to male sex hormones, you need to get tested for:

  • free testosterone;
  • dihydrotestosterone;
  • androstenedione (precursor of testosterone);
  • sex hormone binding globulin (sex steroid binding globulin, androgen binding globulin, sex steroid binding globulin).

The analysis is carried out on any day of the menstrual cycle, because the formation of male sex hormones in a woman’s body is constant and depends little on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

To check whether menopause is approaching, you need to take a test for FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) - a special substance that is constantly formed in the ovaries and allows you to judge their functional reserve. Blood for analysis should be taken on the 2nd–5th day of the menstrual cycle, but if there is no menstruation, the analysis can be done on any convenient day.

If you feel that something is wrong with your hormones, but you don’t know how to approach solving the problem, immediately go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests and conduct an examination.

Sex hormones

The hormones estrogen and testosterone belong to both men and women. Progesterone is a female hormone only and prepares women for pregnancy. Before the start of the cycle, it leads to fluid retention, slower movement of food through the digestive tract, and increased appetite (so that the woman consumes more nutrients before pregnancy). Reduced levels of testosterone and estradiol (one of the estrogens) also lead to weight gain in women. In men, female hormones also affect weight. Therefore, when a man drinks a lot of beer (and it contains phytoestrogens), he becomes the owner of a “beer belly.”

As women age, estradiol levels decrease. It happens like this:

  • Estradiol decreases, fat is deposited around the abdomen. This visceral fat produces “bad” estrogens, which lead to tumors and increase cortisol levels, which in turn leads to cardiovascular problems and diabetes.
  • With a decrease in estradiol, muscle mass decreases. Body weight becomes more difficult to reduce.
  • A decrease in estradiol and an increase in cortisol lead to disruption of the thyroid gland.
  • A decrease in estradiol leads to insulin resistance, which leads to additional weight gain.
  • A decrease in estradiol negatively affects sleep - and again the level of cortisol increases and the production of growth hormones decreases.
  • A decrease in estradiol negatively affects the production of endorphins. Mood swings are compensated by high-calorie foods.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal shifts are a circumstance that has an extremely negative impact on a woman’s healthy state. This means not only reproductive failures, but also a significant deterioration in health.

A lack or excessive amount of any individual hormones, without treatment in time, entails the following complex consequences:

  • Infertility;
  • Lack of desire to lead an active sex life, complete loss of libido;
  • Overweight;
  • The development of malignant neoplasms, the increase of which is subject to hormonal status;
  • Bone fractures caused by osteoporosis;
  • Coronary heart disease caused by atherosclerotic plaques;
  • Type II of such a dangerous disease as diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

The method of therapy is determined by which hormone changes its value and quantity from the norm. In some certain cases, difficulties arise with the synthesis of any hormone, but often a simple analysis of the biomaterial reveals the presence of difficulties with regard to several hormones.

Any specialist has his own concept of the treatment of pathology, and yet gynecologists-endocrinologists are conditionally divided into two classifications: some choose to prescribe the use of oral contraceptives as treatment, while others choose to control a particular hormone with certain medications.

Correction of hormonal imbalance using oral contraceptives

To normalize the synthesis of hormones, medications such as Yarina, Diana 35, Jess, Lindinet can be prescribed.

This treatment is like two sides of the same coin:

  • Firstly, it is a very comfortable solution for each specialist: there is no need to select a specific regimen - the drugs contain all synthetic hormone modulators, distributed in advance on a daily basis relative to the cycle.
  • However, there is another side to the coin - such corrective treatment can result in negative consequences: Immunity to oral contraceptives, manifested in daily nausea and vomiting;
  • Conception outside of plans and the onset of unwanted pregnancy after stopping the course of taking the medicine. And because of the rebound action, it may be that a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets;
  • Increased symptoms of hormonal shifts after stopping the use of oral hormone-modulating drugs.

Correction of hormonal imbalance using an individual selection of hormonal drugs

It is very difficult to create a corrective treatment regimen. There may be a need for parallel use of more than one hormone-modulating drug; for this reason, the gynecologist-endocrinologist must choose drugs extremely carefully to prevent shifts in the synthesis of other hormones, the number of which is normal.

Remedies for deficiency or excess of certain hormones:

  • Excessive testosterone - the following is used for therapy: Dexamethasone, Cyproterone, Metipred;




  • Lack of progesterone - Duphaston and Utrozhestan are used to bring its value back to normal;



  • Lack of estrogen - corrected through the use of Divigel, Premarin, Proginova;




  • Excessive estrogen - can be cured through the use of Clomiphene, Tamoxifen. Clomiphene Tamoxifen

Hormonal imbalance - what is it?

When there is a hormonal imbalance, disturbances occur in a person’s hormonal background. All processes in a woman’s body are controlled by the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for puberty, monthly menstruation, and the functioning of the reproductive system.

Therefore, it is so important that hormones are in a certain balance to maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and all vital organs. A decrease or increase in the production of one of the hormones (estrogen or progesterone) causes changes in well-being, affecting the condition of the internal organs and the appearance of the woman.

Unfortunately, recently hormonal disruptions have become significantly “younger” and are increasingly observed not only in women of “Balzac’s” age, but also in very young representatives of the fair sex.

Prevention of hormonal imbalance

To prevent hormonal imbalance in the body, you need:

  • Regularly undergo tests and medical examinations.
  • Also, try to exclude those factors that can lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • At the first symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you must immediately consult a doctor, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences, and restoration of hormonal levels in this case will require a longer period of time.

The consequences of ignoring hormonal imbalance can provoke:

  • breast cancer,
  • infertility,
  • obesity,
  • excess body hair growth and other consequences.

What causes a delay in the onset of menstruation?

This may depend on physiological and pathological reasons.

Physiological (natural) reasons for non-occurrence of menstruation are:

  • pregnancy in a woman. Its signs will be morning sickness, breast swelling, and a change in taste habits. To confirm pregnancy, a test or blood test is performed to measure hCG levels;
  • lactation. When breastfeeding, a woman’s body produces the hormone prolactin in increased quantities, which interferes with the onset of ovulation. When the lactation period is over, menstruation will resume;
  • teenage years. At this time, the girl experiences a change in hormonal levels associated with puberty. The formation of a permanent cycle occurs within 1-2 years;
  • the period before the onset of menopause (menopause). In women after 45 years, ovulation stops and the body ages. Before menopause occurs, the monthly cycle changes, becoming long, and in the future it disappears altogether.

Pathologies that cause absence of menstruation:

  • Diseases of a gynecological or endocrine nature that provoke hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. There is an increased production of male sex hormones. Female sex hormones are produced in smaller quantities. This failure disrupts ovulation. Among the signs of polycystic disease will be hirsutism (growth of facial hair), the development of acne and comedones, and weight gain. If the disease is not treated, the patient develops infertility.
  • Inflammation in the appendages and fallopian tubes (adnexitis). Caused by a disruption in the synthesis of hormones that regulate the cycle.
  • Endometriosis. Endometrial cells actively grow and extend beyond the uterine cavity.
  • Myomatous nodes (fibroids).
  • Endometritis. Inflammatory process in the surface layer of the endometrium.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the thyroid gland, changes in the level of hormones produced by it.
  • Viral colds.
  • Sunburn, overheating.
  • Violation of the location of the intrauterine device.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs and urinary system.
  • Carrying out abortion (including medication). An interrupted pregnancy entails a hormonal imbalance in the body; it needs time to rebuild the production of hormones.
  • Long-term use of medications such as antidepressants, anabolics, contraceptives, cytostatics and others.
  • Stop using contraceptives. This condition is called ovarian hyperinhibition. The absence of menstruation can occur for up to several months (up to 4). If the cycle is not restored, the gynecologist recommends taking medications that stimulate egg maturation.
  • Increased physical activity and fatigue. This condition leads to the production of hormones that cause the cessation of menstrual bleeding. Proper rest and reduction in physical activity will help restore the cycle.
  • Long-term stressful conditions, moving to other climatic zones.
  • Significant weight loss. Lack of nutrition affects the menstrual period.
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Bad habits that lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Drugs and alcohol lead to hormonal imbalance.

If you notice similar symptoms, make an appointment with a gynecologist. Even if it turns out that there is no pathological process in the body, a preventive check with a doctor will not be superfluous.

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