Why am I taking metformin and not losing weight?



Metformin is a medicine in tablets that has a hypoglycemic effect. The drug is intended for the treatment of diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, like Siofor.

Today you can find cases of using it not entirely for its intended purpose. Metformin is increasingly used as a means for rapid weight loss.

Due to its harmlessness and almost complete absence of side effects (when used correctly), it is gaining increasing popularity among those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

About the drug

Description of Metformin and its ability to lower sugar in animals was first described at the beginning of the last century. In the 40s They tried to use it as a drug to treat colds. And in the 50s. diabetologist Jean Stern began using it as a remedy for diabetes. Until the end of the 20th century, it was widely used under the trade name Glucophage.

In modern society, the remedy is well studied and is widely used for non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Metformin belongs to the biguanide family and is available for internal use in film-coated tablets. It has a minimal number of side effects and is well tolerated when used. Long-term and correct use of the drug allows a patient with impaired glucose metabolism to increase the duration and quality of life, preventing the development of cardiovascular pathology.

Contraindications for use

In order not to cause harm to the body, before taking the drug, patients undergo diagnostics to identify possible contraindications.
The medicine cannot be used for diseases such as:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • insulin deficiency;
  • anemia;
  • injuries;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • recent surgery;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • cardiac pathologies.

In the presence of chronic diseases, the possibility of taking the drug is considered by the attending physician.
The drug is contraindicated in children under 13 years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The effects of Metformin on the body

The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the suppression of gluconeogenesis, i.e. the body’s ability to produce glucose. Metformin also has other properties:

  • helps fat oxidation;
  • participates in the formation of free fatty acids;
  • increases tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin;
  • improves cellular glucose utilization;
  • reduces the ratio of bound and free insulin in the blood;
  • prevents the absorption of glucose from the intestines;
  • reduces the level of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins;
  • inhibits the synthesis of glucose from proteins and fats;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • reduces body weight.

After oral administration, Metformin is almost completely absorbed from the intestine into the blood; its maximum amount is observed 2.5 hours after consumption. Food intake has an inhibitory effect on the rate of absorption of the active substance. From the bloodstream, the drug is quickly distributed into tissues; its greatest accumulation is observed in the liver and kidneys. It is excreted unchanged in the urine. May accumulate if renal function is impaired.

To summarize, we can draw the following conclusions about the mechanism of action of Metformin. This tool:

  • reduces the absorption and level of glucose in the blood;
  • produces rapid oxidation of fats;
  • helps reduce weight and remove fat deposits;
  • helps improve sugar absorption by muscle fibers;
  • reduces the production of active insulin;
  • reduces the feeling of hunger.

The tablets have the following indications for use:

  • treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • prediabetic state with impaired tissue tolerance to glucose;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • scleropolycystic ovarian disease.

General information about the drug for weight loss

Metformin is a compound that lowers blood sugar levels. The drug is intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The product allows healthy people to lose weight even when diet and exercise do not help.

If you follow the treatment regimen, the risk of side effects is minimal.

Release form

Pharmaceutical companies produce Metformin in the form of tablets of 10, 30, 60, 100 or 120 pieces.
packaged. The content of the active substance in 1 tablet is 500 mg, 800 mg or 1000 mg.

Properties of metformin.
Properties of metformin.

Operating principle

Taking the drug leads to a decrease in the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin decreases, and all metabolic processes in the body take place in such a way that there is no excess glucose. Insulin production by pancreatic cells occurs as usual.

If a person has diabetes, then while taking the drug, the composition of the plasma is normalized, cholesterol levels are reduced, and adenosine triphosphoric acid is produced in small quantities.

The concentration of glucose in the blood returns to normal due to the following processes:

  • in non-carbohydrate compounds, the processes of glucose production stop;
  • body cells actively neutralize excess glucose;
  • tissues become more sensitive to insulin;
  • glucose is slowly absorbed by the small intestine.

The drug is quickly absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, its full bioavailability in the blood occurs 2 hours after use.
While taking Metformin, the absorption of carbohydrates is blocked, and there is no feeling of hunger or discomfort. The product does not have a fat burning effect. The main purpose of use is to reduce appetite.

Course duration

The course can last no more than 20 days.
After this, they take a break for 30-60 days so that the body does not get used to the drug. But even during withdrawal, diet and physical activity are recommended. You should not take the drug for longer than the specified period, because after 20 days Metformin does not provide the desired weight loss effect. Long-term use of tablets helps the body become accustomed to the active substance.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you take the drug correctly, there are practically no side effects. But it should be used only when obesity is diagnosed; if the weight is normal or exceeds several kilograms, then there will be no benefit from taking it.

The main advantages of the drug are:

  • affordability;
  • safety;
  • lack of teratogenic effect, even when taking doses 2-3 times higher than therapeutic;
  • the ability to purchase without visiting a doctor (sold without a prescription);
  • has an extensive evidence base;
  • effectiveness has been tested in practice;
  • does not provoke gene mutations and does not affect the ability to have children;
  • helps get rid of symptoms of diabetes, excess weight, atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • well tolerated;
  • has no obvious complications;
  • combined with other means, including fat-burning diet pills.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • intended for diabetics;
  • has a number of contraindications that should be considered before use;
  • does not show effectiveness in the fight against excess weight if you do not follow a diet;
  • Long-term use is addictive.

The presence of a number of disadvantages of Metformin requires careful study of the instructions for use. Better yet, consult a nutritionist, endocrinologist or attending physician.

Reviews from doctors

All medications intended to treat a disease should not be taken for any other purpose. The human body works in a certain rhythm and it is impossible to disrupt this if you want to lose weight. Today you can find a lot of information about losing weight, but you cannot believe it unconditionally.

In addition, to lose weight with the help of Metformin, you need to make a lot of effort, just taking pills will not make you lose weight, so why put yourself in danger if it is quite possible to remove extra pounds naturally.

Boris Anatolyevich, endocrinologist

As a doctor, I believe that you need to lose weight gradually and without pills. Metformin can help you lose weight, but there are many side effects and contraindications. People, having read on the Internet about Metformin’s ability to burn fat, rushed to drink it without studying the information.

The likelihood of harming your body is much higher than the likelihood of losing weight. Ultimately, those who want to lose weight must understand that this cannot be achieved without food restrictions, and physical activity is important. Metformin is not a panacea for obese people.

Olga Petrovna, nutritionist

Admission rules

Experts believe that the optimal dosage for weight loss should be 500 mg immediately before meals, immediately after or during meals, 3 times a day. The same amount of the drug should be used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The duration of the fat burning course is no more than 18–20 days. After this, you should take a break for -2 months to prevent addiction and loss of effectiveness.

If side effects appear during treatment, then you need to reduce the dosage to 1 dose per day (it is best to do this in the evening, during dinner) and continue this for a week. Then add 1 more dose for the next 7 days, at lunch. In the third week, you can use the original recommended dose. The highest daily dose should not exceed 2000 mg.

To make the process more comfortable, a number of rules should be followed:

  • follow a calorie-restricted diet (no more than 1200 kcal/day, but do not starve);
  • exclude easily digestible carbohydrates and sugar from the diet (they can cause diarrhea when taken);
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • flatulence and discomfort in the intestinal area can be relieved with Simethicone and Activated Carbon;
  • simultaneously engage in aerobic exercise;
  • Before the first use, you should not use 500 mg of the drug at a time; the maximum permissible single dose is Metformin 850.

How to take metformin correctly for weight loss

Who does the drug help to lose weight?

  • For diabetes and prediabetes in combination with excess weight;
  • With metabolic syndrome;
  • In special cases of significant completeness.

Doses and regimen

Start taking it with a small dose - 500 mg once a day (!), optimally after dinner.

Spend 1-2 weeks like this. From the intestines, flatulence, discomfort at the costal angles and behind the navel, and non-critical loosening of the stool are possible. Gas formation is relieved with activated carbon or simethicone at night.


Starting with a high dose is fraught with significant side effects - nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

The next step is to increase the dose by another 500 mg. So over the weeks you can reach 1500-200 mg per day.

Facilitating weight loss with metformin may be safe under 3 conditions:

  1. On a diet of more than 1200 kcal/day (preferably low-carbohydrate) + no alcohol;
  2. Learn possible side effects with constant monitoring of well-being;
  3. In collaboration with a doctor who has observed the drug in practice many times (he treats various patients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and morbid obesity).


Metformin is taken strictly after or during a meal. A dose of more than 500-850 mg is divided into 2-3 times.

What must be observed during the reception?

  • Strict low-calorie diets are strictly prohibited. You cannot drop your daily caloric intake below 1200 kcal.
  • Avoid alcohol completely.
  • Remove sugar from your diet and reduce the total amount of carbohydrates.

Don't rely only on the drug! You won’t be able to lose weight on metformin tablets while continuing to eat pies on the couch.

Side effects and overdose

During use, side effects occur infrequently, especially if dosage and nutritional recommendations are followed. But sometimes the following symptoms develop:

  1. Digestive disorders. Often occurs at the beginning of biguanide treatment. Nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, colic occur, and gas formation in the intestines increases. Rarely, liver dysfunction may occur (drug-induced hepatitis), which goes away almost immediately after stopping use.
  2. Diarrhea. It happens when you abuse sweets and easily digestible carbohydrates. It stops after adjusting the diet.
  3. Disruption of metabolic processes and accumulation of lactic acid in the blood (lactic acidosis). This condition is dangerous and occurs when there is an overdose of the drug. Symptoms of sudden weakness, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, hypothermia and seizures are the first signs of this disorder.
  4. Allergic reaction (rash, urticaria, itchy skin).
  5. Impaired absorption of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and the development of megaloblastic anemia.
  6. Transient headache.
  7. Decrease in testosterone in men.

Numerous studies prove that Metformin is not dangerous when used in therapeutic doses, but there is a risk of negative symptoms. They develop extremely rarely, and this fact is confirmed by scientific research. From the gastrointestinal tract, everything goes away after reducing the dose and adjusting the diet.

Side effects of Metformin

But do not forget that this is a drug that acts on metabolic processes. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the proposed dosage regimen, this will allow you to get a positive result and prevent the development of negative symptoms.

Possible side effects

In case of overdose, a dangerous side effect such as lactic acidosis occurs.
The patient's metabolism of lactic acid is disrupted, its content in the body increases. The main signs of lactacytosis:

  • headache;
  • nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting;
  • impaired respiratory function and heart function (breathing and pulse increase);
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • loss of consciousness.

When taking pills to lose weight, you must constantly monitor your well-being.
If the first symptoms of intoxication appear, body temperature rises, and health worsens, then the dosage is reduced or the medication is stopped. Other side effects that may occur:

  • skin rash;
  • decreased blood glucose concentration;
  • pernicious anemia caused by poor absorption of vitamin B12.

The appearance of these symptoms is a reason to stop the course of treatment and consult a doctor.


The use of Metformin is not indicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of metabolic acidosis;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • state of precoma and coma in a diabetic;
  • impaired renal function, liver and failure of these organs;
  • severe dehydration;
  • severe infectious disease;
  • acute surgical pathology;
  • severe hypoglycemia;
  • age over 60 years (there is a possibility of developing acidosis);
  • hard physical labor;
  • all acute and chronic conditions leading to oxygen deficiency in tissues (cardiovascular or respiratory failure);
  • conducting contrast research methods with an iodine-containing substance (CT, urography, angiography);
  • preparation for surgery and 2 more days after it;
  • alcohol intoxication and alcohol dependence;
  • sensitization to the active substance and additional components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended, since Metformin has the ability to penetrate the placental barrier and is found in breast milk. There is no scientific evidence yet of the safety of the product for the mother, fetus and newborn child. If absolutely necessary, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor if the benefits of its use in a pregnant woman are not lower than the probable risk of developing negative effects.

The following points should be taken into account during treatment:

  1. When using this drug for a long time, it is necessary to check the condition of your kidneys at least 2 times a year, and if muscle pain occurs, immediately consult a doctor.
  2. In combination with sulfonylurea or insulin, biguanide can cause a sharp decrease in glucose and the development of coma. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar concentration.
  3. During treatment you should completely abstain from drinking alcohol.

What results can be achieved?

You can expect different results while using the medicine. Weight loss will occur only if you combine the intake with a diet that reduces the amount of calories and fast carbohydrates. At the same time, you should do exercises in the fresh air. If all the rules are followed, excess body weight due to the fat layer disappears, and the muscles become stronger and increase in volume.

Lack of results is observed in people with normal and reduced body weight when using tablets in insufficient dosage. You should not expect to lose weight if physical activity remains minimal and there are no dietary restrictions.

Metformin study
Study of the effect of Metformin on patients

Metformin-based drugs and their cost

If you go to a pharmacy and ask for this remedy, the pharmacist can offer many drugs containing a similar substance. Many people are interested in what is best to choose for weight loss and what the price is. Let's consider the main types of biguanides present in the assortment:

  1. Siofor. Produced in Germany. The average price for it is 250 rubles. per package. Available in 500, 850 and 1000 mg.
  2. Metformin-Teva (Israel). Available in the same dosages, prices range from 87 to 303 rubles.
  3. Metformin-Richter (RF). Tablets of 500 and 850 mg. The cost ranges from 169 to 264 rubles.
  4. Metfogamma (Germany). Available in 3 dosages, the average price is 115–350 rubles.
  5. Glucophage (France). It has dosages of 500, 850 and 1000 mg, costs from 113 to 318 rubles. The same company produces Glucophage-long, which is slowly absorbed and acts throughout the day, in doses of 0.5, 0.75 and 1 g. Its price ranges from 300 to 700 rubles.

The dosage regimens are the same, regardless of the manufacturer. For weight loss with an excess weight of 10 kg, it will be enough to use 500 mg of the product, 3 times a day. For obesity of 10 to 15 kg, you can take 850 mg, and the maximum dosage of 1 g is required for excess fat of more than 15 kg. But it is best to start treatment for the first time with a minimum dose and gradually increase it to the maximum. When asked which drug is better, you can note the product from Teva, judging by the reviews, it causes the least number of complications and gives a positive result.


Biguanide is also included in other medicines. The following domestic products are analogues of Metformin:

  • Formetin;
  • Novoformetin;
  • Merifatin;
  • Bagomet.

Among the foreign analogues, the following tablets can be noted:

  • Sophamet;
  • Metfogamma;
  • Nova Met;
  • Formin Pliva.

Before choosing a weight loss product, you must carefully study the instructions. The pharmacy may sometimes offer other tablets that are also glucose-lowering, but do not promote weight loss. Biguanide is also included in a number of drugs that contain other active substances. This increases the list of contraindications and side effects, but is not suitable for weight loss.

Proper nutrition

An important aspect when losing weight while taking Metformin is to review your diet. If a person is unable to limit himself in food and continues to consume sweets and fatty foods, then in this case the use will not have the desired result. But this will increase the likelihood of intestinal problems.

Allowed and prohibited foods when taking Metformin for weight loss

The diet during treatment contains a number of mandatory rules:

  • complete refusal of sweets;
  • if an unpleasant aftertaste appears, the dosage is halved;
  • You should drink 2 liters or more of water per day;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not use fasting days; the consequences of fasting while taking medications can be severe;
  • It is mandatory to count daily calories;
  • when you feel hungry, you can snack on vegetables or fruits;
  • You should eat small portions up to 5 times a day;
  • products are prepared by boiling, baking or stewing; fried foods are excluded in this case;
  • men are recommended to use more dietary meat, and women to consume vegetables, fruits and berries.

If you wish, you can contact a nutritionist, and he will write a menu low in calories and carbohydrates, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person (gender, age, weight, physical activity). While taking the pills, proper nutrition will allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of extra pounds.

honest reviews

Metformin "Glucophage Long" for weight loss - You can’t lose weight while taking Metformin, why and what to do?
After publishing my review of How I lost 10 kg with metformin Glucophage Long, I received many similar questions - “I take metformin for weight loss, but the weight doesn’t go away, I can’t lose weight.” I will try to look at all the reasons why taking metformin may not be effective for weight loss.

Why can't I lose weight with Glucophage Long?

Glucophage Long is not a magic diet pill

. Its effectiveness for weight loss depends on many conditions. For example, its effect can be reduced to almost zero due to an unhealthy lifestyle with minimal physical activity or an extremely unbalanced diet with a predominance of fast carbohydrates.

The solution is to eliminate or minimize sources of “empty” calories. Cookies, sugary drinks (including juices - even freshly squeezed ones should be limited to breakfast), candy, white bread... All these products lead to side effects from taking metformin (bloating, flatulence) and a decrease in its effect for weight loss. Try sweets from the diet food department, where sugar is replaced with stevia, sorbitol and other sweeteners, fiber and various healthy ingredients are added;

Every day, walk at least 7,000-10,000 steps at a brisk pace (and the more, the better). You can count your steps using the pedometers built into most smartphones or an inexpensive fitness bracelet. Try to use stairs more often instead of elevators and escalators. Increasing physical activity significantly enhances the effect of metformin on weight loss


Honest reviews - metformin "Glucophage Long" for weight loss - harm and benefit

Another possible reason for the ineffectiveness of Glucophage Long for weight loss is an incorrectly selected dosage. As I mentioned in the review earlier, you should increase the dosage gradually, starting with 500 mg per day.

If you do not lose weight while taking metformin, try gradually and gradually increasing the dosage. Let's say from 1000 to 1500 mg per day. To avoid possible side effects, divide the daily dose into two parts - take the first tablet after dinner and the second after breakfast. Carefully monitor how you feel and reduce the dosage back if any discomfort occurs. If you feel dizzy or weak, then you should increase the amount of “slow” carbohydrates - dark bread with fiber, cereals, etc.;

Metformin may be significantly less effective when taken in the regular immediate-release tablet form. They are significantly cheaper than long-acting tablets, but they are also more difficult to adhere to, which leads to less effectiveness.

Thanks to the slow release of metformin, Glucophage Long or the cheaper domestic analogue Metformin MV can be taken only once a day (during dinner), which additionally helps to avoid side effects. For high dosages, it is more appropriate to divide the dose into two parts, as I mentioned above.;

Take your medicine always and without interruption. Slow-release metformin, when used in relatively small dosages, has virtually no serious side effects, and its contribution to health and smooth weight loss is simply invaluable and has been proven by numerous studies.

Do you want to lose weight for the beach season? Start taking metformin very early, in the fall or winter. Together with positive changes in lifestyle and nutrition, you will definitely achieve the desired effect and will not only lose significant weight by summer, but will also be able to maintain an acceptable weight.

Consult your doctor when taking any prescription medications!

© 2020 Photo and text: Evgeny Ivanov for chestno.online | For any use of the material “Metformin “Glucophage Long” for weight loss - You can’t lose weight while taking Metformin, what should you do?”, please indicate the source using an active link.

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