Why you need to eat spinach every day and for whom it is strictly contraindicated

Bright juicy foliage and incredible benefits - that's all about spinach. Let's look at its beneficial qualities in more detail in the article.

Spinach is a unique vegetable crop. It has amazing medicinal qualities, and therefore fans of these green leaves always enjoy good health. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Persia widely used spinach for treatment. In Europe, in ancient times, spinach was also valued for its properties, and in France it still grows almost everywhere today.

Many people who live in apartments today grow crops on window sills in flower pots. You, too, can plant spinach seeds, and in just 3 weeks it will delight you with its young and green leaves.

Spinach: benefits and harm

Although spinach is considered an affordable product at any time of the year, it is best eaten in the spring. Not all people know about the positive properties. And in vain, because this product is very useful.

General Benefits of Spinach

  • Helps lose weight. The product is nutritious and contains a lot of fiber that burns fat. These fibers improve digestion, eliminate the risk of constipation, and prevent blood sugar from rising above normal. Doctors often recommend adding spinach to any diet.
  • Fights cancer. Spinach contains many flavonoid phytonutrients, which have a negative effect on cancer. Spinach inhibits the development of neoplasms, since it prevents damage to cell DNA and reduces oxidative stress. Spinach contains chloroplast as well as chlorophyll. Thanks to these components, the inflammatory process is reduced and the body is freed from free radicals.
  • Helps in improving vision. Green leaves contain special substances that protect the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration. Spinach also contains vitamin A. Thanks to it, the mucous membrane of the eye always remains healthy, and vision does not deteriorate. The risk of eye diseases in old age also decreases.
  • Maintains bone health. Spinach contains a lot of vitamin K. It is necessary for stronger bone tissue. Just a glass of boiled leaves allows the body to obtain this vitamin in large quantities. The substance monitors the formation of osteoclasts (because of these cells, the bone structure is destroyed faster).
  • Eliminates the risk of hypertension. As a rule, this disease causes other serious illnesses. Consumption of green spinach leaves lowers arterial hypertension, reduces stress and anxiety. The beneficial components of spinach support the balance of sodium as well as potassium.
  • Helps relax. Spinach is considered a wonderful anti-stress food. It helps relieve stress in the body. The product contains zinc and magnesium. Thanks to them, a person’s sleep becomes stronger, and the body begins to restore itself.
  • Helps in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat a lot of spinach, you can heal your stomach and intestines much faster. Since the product contains vitamin C, it protects intestinal cells from free radicals. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on bowel movements and cleansing. Has a beneficial effect on microflora.
  • Prevents atherosclerosis. Due to the consumption of fatty foods, the arterial walls, as well as the walls of blood vessels, thicken. This can lead to atherosclerosis. To avoid this, doctors recommend eating spinach. The product contains lutein, which prevents the walls of blood vessels from becoming thicker, thus preventing the occurrence of an unexpected heart attack.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties. Spinach can prevent inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, headaches.
  • Improves the speed of the immune system. Since vitamin A is present in the leaves, it has a positive effect on the mucous membranes, respiratory and urinary systems. And thanks to the presence of vitamin C, the immune system begins to work faster, the body fights bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances that cause various diseases.
  • Fights anemia. Regular consumption of spinach prevents the development of this disease because it contains a lot of iron. This substance plays an important role in the menstrual cycle and in the development of the child’s body. In addition, spinach contains more iron when compared to meat. Thanks to iron, a lot of energy is produced, and the substance is also involved in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Helps cure diabetes. Spinach contains steroids that increase glucose metabolism and normalize blood sugar levels. Spinach is useful for people who suffer from diabetes and other metabolic-related ailments.
  • Cleanses the body. Spinach contains phytonutrients. They cleanse the body, support liver function, and prevent the risk of bacteria in the intestines. Carotenoids present in spinach can also reduce inflammation in the intestines.
  • Favorable for the functioning of the thyroid gland , since it contains selenium.
  • Spinach is rich in chlorophyll , which improves blood quality, thanks to which the blood is better saturated with oxygen and alkalized, since spinach is an alkaline product.

The benefits of spinach for women

  • Thanks to spinach, hormonal levels are normalized. For women, green leaves are useful during menstruation disorders and infertility. Spinach also helps the body recover after a miscarriage.
  • Doctors recommend consuming spinach during PMS. It alleviates all symptoms, supplements the body with iron if menstruation is heavy, and helps cope with unpleasant sensations in the back and abdomen.
  • Useful for pregnant women. Spinach reduces toxicosis, it contains a lot of vitamin A. It is thanks to it that the fetus develops correctly.
  • It is also very useful to eat spinach during lactation. Thanks to it, vitamins and nutrients get into the milk. In addition, spinach normalizes the immune system and gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother.

The benefits of spinach for men

  • Spinach improves potency . It enhances it because it contains a lot of proteins and a substance such as tocopherol. Blood flow to the organ increases, and all this thanks to fatty acids and vitamin B9.
  • Increases libido. Spinach contains zinc, which is very useful for the stronger half. Doctors say that due to a lack of this substance, men's libido may decrease, which leads to insufficient sperm formation and deterioration of erection. Prostatitis can develop from a lack of zinc, and young men have underdevelopment of the genital organs. If you eat spinach every day, it will cover the need for zinc, which the body lacks.
  • Helps overcome infertility. Thanks to spinach, male hormonal levels are normalized and testosterone is produced faster. In addition, green leaves contain vitamin E. Without it, the prostate gland ceases to function normally. And with a severe lack of vitamin E, muscle tissue dystrophy and complete infertility can occur.
  • Spinach is very useful for men who are actively involved in sports . It helps to build muscles faster and maintain them in perfect condition. Spinach contains a component involved in muscle building. The plant is recommended for use by athletes, as well as those men for whom hard work is a constant job.

Harm of spinach, contraindications

  • Spinach can cause intestinal upset. Since the plant contains dietary fiber, it can cause gases to form in the intestines, cramps, and constipation. To avoid these problems, you need to include spinach in your diet slowly.
  • May cause diarrhea . Spinach is a plant that has a slight laxative effect. Therefore, very often some people develop diarrhea against this background. This happens because spinach contains a lot of fiber. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat the plant immediately with other foods that contain a lot of fiber.
  • Spinach can cause kidney stones . The plant contains purines, which, when absorbed into the body in large quantities, form uric acid. It is because of this that calcium can settle in the organ and then turn into stones.
  • Spinach is not recommended for people with allergies . This happens rarely, but still an allergy appears due to the plant.
  • It is also harmful to people who have problems with the kidneys, excretory tract, or gout.

Spinach should not be eaten if you have certain illnesses.
Doctors do not advise people who have fibrosis, arthritis, asthma and other inflammatory ailments to consume the leaves.

Folk recipes

To make spinach juice, take the juiciest plants with bright green leaves. They are washed and the drink is squeezed out using a simple juicer. To take it, it is better to immediately dilute the juice with water in a 3:1 ratio, but you don’t have to do this. The juice is stored in the refrigerator for a day, after which the acid in its composition begins to form harmful compounds.

For constipation

On an empty stomach in the morning you should drink 400 ml of spinach juice daily. Typically, the effect against chronic constipation occurs already on the 4th day, after which the stool returns to normal for a long time. But to consolidate the results, it is better to continue treatment for 7-10 days.

From vitamin deficiencies, for immunity

Every spring, to strengthen your immune system, you should drink a spinach juice cocktail for at least 10 days with meals. Its benefits are also obvious for eliminating vitamin deficiency. The cocktail contains 200 ml carrot juice, 50 ml spinach juice, 50 ml dandelion juice. You can take the product at any time of the day, and to improve the taste you can add another 50 ml of apple juice without pulp.

For a cold

If an acute respiratory viral infection develops or after hypothermia, spinach juice will help you recover faster. For treatment, squeeze 200 ml of juice from the plant, add 1 spoon of honey and drink before lunch. The course of treatment is until recovery.

For hemorrhoids

Mix 100 ml of spinach juice, 50 g. almond oil (edible). You need to drink the product a day, but in small portions. Bleeding from hemorrhoids quickly stops, the nodes retract, and the pain goes away.

For eczema, burns

To cure skin diseases, the affected areas are lubricated three times a day with a mixture of 50 ml of olive oil and 50 ml. spinach juice. Wounds, eczema, burns heal soon.

Recovery after surgery

To help the body recover faster after severe surgery, you should take spinach juice mixed with wine. For 50 ml of natural red wine you need the same amount of juice, and the intake rate is 70 ml of the product (this mixture) per day with meals. The course of treatment is 1 week.

How to properly eat spinach?

  • Spinach can be frozen, canned, or used fresh for cooking. The most ideal option is fresh leaves.
  • The leafy vegetable makes delicious fried, stewed, and baked dishes. Spinach is also very often steamed.
  • Green leaves can be added to soup, any side dish, or salad. Even juices and smoothies with spinach turn out excellent, and most importantly healthy.
  • There are 2 types of spinach . One is grown in spring, the other in summer. It is better to boil the first one, then add it to the salad. It is also good raw. But it is advisable to boil summer spinach.

During cooking, the plant should not be overheated or stirred too much. Its cell membrane may collapse, resulting in the loss of many useful elements. To ensure that the vitamins contained in the plant are absorbed faster, it is better to season spinach with olive oil.

Chemical composition of spinach juice

Like most fresh greens, spinach and its juice contain many useful components - the minerals copper, calcium, iodine, manganese, vitamins K, E, A, C. The concentration of iron in spinach juice is high, and this valuable element for the body is fully available from the drink, but not from the heat-treated plant.

The benefits of spinach are largely due to the presence of a huge number of plant antioxidants, which perfectly fight tumors and prevent them. The content of oxalic acid in spinach is very high, and this substance helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The juice contains a lot of starches, sugars, bioflavonoids, ash and other beneficial elements.

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