Overnight dough or pies for breakfast

I searched for the topic and couldn't find it. Please tell me what to do if the dough turns black. Today I made dumplings with strawberries and after cooking the dough turned black, which is why this happened

Dough composition: sour cream, flour, water, salt, oil,

The dough often darkens from the juice from the berries. Dumplings with cherries also darken, even with the most correct dough. Not always, but very often. I don't know what's going on here. It seems to me that if you roll it out a little thicker, it won’t darken. more precisely, it doesn’t get dark to such an extent.

I also do not exclude options for guests 1 and 2 - impurities, dyes, flavors, aluminum cookware.

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Housewives often have to solve the problem - what to do with excess dough? We made pies, ran out of filling, but left the dough, or simply kneaded it too generously, or bought it in excess at the deli. How long and how to store the dough so that it does not lose its properties, and what conditions are needed for this?


It was not for nothing that he was considered alive in Rus'. It “breathes” as it rises in the pan, and even “talks” if the air bubble suddenly bursts. The reason for this is yeast, which ensures the fermentation process. Therefore, you cannot leave the dough indoors, especially overnight: it will definitely turn sour.

If this happens, the only thing that can be done is to dilute the sour mixture with milk and immediately fry the pancakes. But it can no longer be used for making pies.

Is it possible to store yeast dough? Yes, but for this you need to know a number of nuances. And remember that the mentioned periods are only suitable for the semi-finished product that you know when it is cooked.

The only place where yeast dough can be stored is in the refrigerator. True, in winter an unheated balcony is suitable for this purpose.

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator?

If there is little product left after cooking, put it in one plastic bag. If the quantity is large, divide it into several pieces. To prevent them from sticking to your hands and the walls of the bag:

  • lightly dredge lumps in flour;
  • or, moisten your hands in vegetable oil, give them the shape of koloboks.

The plastic bag for storing yeast dough should be strong enough (some housewives use two) and spacious. Indeed, at a temperature that is usually kept in the refrigerator (4-6 ° C), the yeast only slows down, but does not stop its vital activity. Therefore, at least slightly, the mass will rise here too. You need to leave room for this, otherwise the package will be torn.

How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? The correct answer is one day, maximum two. The longer it stays there, the greater the risk that it will become sour.

Is it possible to leave yeast dough overnight but not in the refrigerator?

A recipe for quick preparation of puff yeast dough. Yeast dough that does not go stale for a long time. Is it possible to store yeast dough in the freezer? Is it possible to let the dough rise for the first time, then shape it, in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning take it out for about half an hour and then bake? Quick yeast dough. Why put the dough in the refrigerator overnight? Is it possible to do without a refrigerator? If you just leave the dough in a warm place for a couple of hours and start baking at the moment when it doubles in volume, then we will not get such a tasty and beautiful product as we could However, yeast dough always raises a lot of questions and doubts. Please tell me I don’t have time to bake pies from yeast dough. Can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. If you plan to leave the yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight, knead it and grease it with oil on all sides. I really like to cook everything that has to do with dough, but as soon as it comes to yeast dough, I don’t have enough time and patience. Put it in a cup (in case the dough comes up too much and tears the bag, it doesn’t run away) and put it in the refrigerator overnight . Is it possible to do this with dough whose recipe does not indicate such a procedure? Storing yeast dough in the refrigerator. How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? The best option is to leave it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. If you put the dough in the refrigerator overnight and then simply put it in the freezer, then this workpiece will not be able to become the basis for a delicious meal. Is it possible to freeze yeast dough? Yes. Tags: possible, yeast, dough. You can leave the dough in the bowl or transfer it to a deep bowl. 3. However, if your refrigerator produces about 2-3 degrees, then you can leave the raw materials for 48 hours. The same will apply to the resulting baked goods. Please tell me, is it possible to leave the yeast dough to rise overnight? But they don’t allow me to put the dough in the refrigerator overnight - they say it will turn sour. So is it possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator? 9 foods that you should not eat at night. I sometimes store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Yeast dough. Is it possible to leave it in the refrigerator until evening? If the product needs to be stored for a longer period, leave the package in a warm place overnight. Pieces or rolled balls of raw materials for baking before Can yeast dough be stored? The prepared dough will lie in the refrigerator for about a day at a temperature of 58C.

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But the question is, is it possible to make the dough in advance? Put it in the evening, and the next day put the pies in the oven. I put it in the refrigerator, no problem. You can leave the dough in the bowl or transfer it to a deep bowl. I mixed it this morning, but I don’t have time.

This is very convenient, because yeast dough is perfectly stored in the refrigerator or freezer without losing its properties. If you ask whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough, I will answer - of course! To defrost, leave the baked goods in a bag on the table overnight. Remove the risen dough from the refrigerator. Can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? They knead flour, yeast and other ingredients according to a favorite and proven recipe, cover the resulting mass with an airtight film and leave the yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight, where Yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.Then the dough should be placed in a bowl, covered with a thick towel or a lid with a small hole and left in a warm place to rise. Can it go sour overnight? I never left it like that overnight, I kept it for a couple of hours at most. When the dough has cooled, it can be transferred to It’s my birthday soon, I want to bake pies. Since the birth of my son, I have never baked, I want to please my family. McDonald's hamburger. How long can you store yeast dough in the refrigerator? Before using the prepared mass left in the refrigerator overnight, knead it thoroughly, put it in a deep bowl, cover with gauze or Experts advise not to doubt the question of whether yeast dough can be stored in the freezer. You can leave it a small piece in the refrigerator, and put most of it in the freezer. Through a series of experiments, bakers have proven that it is quite possible to store the semi-finished product for the specified amount of time. After this, you can safely leave it in the refrigerator for a day. There are recipes for yeast baking that specifically call for leaving the dough in the refrigerator overnight. Instant yeast puff pastry, recipe. Store on the refrigerator shelf. How and for how long you can store yeast dough in the refrigerator and freezer. It is this feature that allows you to leave the product usable not only overnight or for several days, but also for months. Cover the container with the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator - let it rise there slowly all night. The question is whether the attachment is suitable for kneading yeast dough. This is very convenient, because yeast dough is perfectly stored in the refrigerator or freezer without losing its properties. If you ask whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough, I will answer - of course! To defrost, leave the baked goods in a bag on the table overnight. I put unused yeast dough in the freezer, it doesn’t spoil, it doesn’t lose its properties, it seems, you can even put it in the refrigerator for a few days. I just remember how my grandmother used yeast dough. If you leave it in the refrigerator overnight, it can sour a little. After this, you can safely leave it in the refrigerator for a day. I make the dough and put it in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning it will rise. Cover the container with the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator - let it rise there slowly all night. after defrosting it becomes even better. In general, it is not advisable to do this, but sometimes life forces you. If you plan to leave the yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight, knead it and brush it with butter on all sides. Is it possible to repeat this at home? The answer is yes, but do not forget that yeast dough cannot be re-frozen. Question. Heat the milk and water until warm, add salt, sugar, yeast, stir, pour into a bowl and add the sifted dough. I make the dough and put it in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning it will rise. Can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? our answer is yes. But because the process is slowing down, not stopping. If gripferon is not stored in the refrigerator Separate activation of compressors in the refrigerator How to turn off the squeaking noise on a Siemens yeast refrigerator, you can leave the dough in the refrigerator overnight. What kind of dough can be made overnight? If, for example, you didn’t have time to start it during the day, but want to bake it in the morning? Making butter dough or bread dough with yeast overnight is the best thing you can do for baking. Some housewives claim that such yeast dough can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator (I have not tried it) and it will not spoil. Place the prepared dough in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, but ideally overnight. If the dough does not contain yeast, then it can be refrigerated. The type of pizza dough is yeast, so it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. This is very convenient, because yeast dough is perfectly stored in the refrigerator or freezer without losing its properties. If you ask whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough, I will answer - of course! To defrost, leave the baked goods in a bag on the table overnight. — how to store yeast dough www.BabyBlog.

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ru/community/post/cookingbook/3060253Girls, is it possible to store yeast dough? How? Where? Or is it not worth it? I would like for a day. At first I wanted to say that it was in the refrigerator, and then I remembered how I baked Easter cakes according to an abstruse recipe, and there was sour dough in the refrigerator overnight. Do not wait for it to rise, but immediately put it in the refrigerator. Is it possible to leave yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight? The dough is good))) but I didn’t put in enough sugar and they weren’t sweet at all (((. Not in the refrigerator. I’ve already kneaded it, the morning is a problem for me, I’m an infant who eats haphazardly, I’m also teething, and my eldest daughter is a fidget)) And I wanted to cook, especially since my grandmother always left the yeast out overnight, it’s a pity that she’s no longer here, she would have done everything for me. Proofing or fermenting in the refrigerator is a prerequisite if the dough is just left to ferment In the Yeast Bread section, look through the recipes and choose a simple, accessible recipe for yourself, and you can put the dough and dough overnight and then more. It is even recommended to keep the finished dough in the freezer (just not for very long). Do not wait for it to rise, but immediately put it in the refrigerator. In general, it rose, I left it in the refrigerator overnight. It is not advisable to refreeze yeast dough. We often leave out the dough for pancakes and pancakes; freshly fried pancakes taste better than reheated ones. Good luck! Is it possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator?! Of course you can! About ten minutes ago I put the dough in the refrigerator. I make the dough and put it in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning it will rise. They look everywhere. And leave it for a longer period, then you can safely throw it away. Mix it well and place it in a bag, leaving free space for rising overnight. This was written above. if you trust your refrigerator (46 if it holds). You can bake anything from this dough that is made from regular yeast dough, the baked goods are soft, but the texture is different from regular yeast baked goods. Can the dough be left in the refrigerator overnight. I left it like this overnight and during the day. Yeast dough can also be frozen. 5 Reasons to Eat More Kale. And another question - can your humble servant put creamy and vegetable oxol in the dough up to 7, that is, in half, and not exclusively creamy? Yesterday I prepared pizza dough (Yeast). Is it possible to cook in regular cookware on an induction cooker? When kneading it for the first time, I was tormented by doubts whether the yeast would work in the cold, because the usual place for yeast dough is always put in the refrigerator overnight. We take the dough out of the bag, cover it with the same bag and leave it on the table to come to its senses and How to properly freeze yeast dough . Sweet dough left in the refrigerator for 2 days or more becomes unusable. When the question arises whether it is possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator, the answer is simple - it is possible, but following the following rules. Now you should leave the packaged dough mass on the shelf located at the very top in refrigerator. Therefore, in a regular two-door household refrigerator with a shared freezer, yeast dough can be stored for up to 2-3 months. In the refrigerator, the mass will not lose its properties for three days. How to properly store yeast dough as much as possible. Meat in soy sauce recipe in a frying pan with photo. Main menu Cooking Is it possible to make yeast dough? The composition of the ingredients is absolutely no different from regular butter dough, but after kneading it must be placed in a saucepan, tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in the refrigerator. Will the dough remain fluffy after freezing? First, place the dough in a container or bag, and then leave it on the refrigerator shelf.

This is when the dough is ready, but there is no time to make it.

For pancakes and pancakes

The main component of this mass is milk or fermented milk products, as well as eggs. Therefore, it has the shortest shelf life.

How to save? It is advisable to leave the dough in the refrigerator for no longer than a few hours, a maximum of a day.

The lid on the pan should be tightly closed to limit the flow of air. But even in this case, you need to open the pan and stir the mass so that its consistency is not disturbed.

You cannot store pancake dough in the freezer: during defrosting, liquid will release and you will no longer get a homogeneous composition.

For dumplings and dumplings

Although dumpling dough does not contain yeast, it also requires delicate handling. It cannot be stored at room temperature - it will dry out by evening. Moreover, leave it warm overnight. In the refrigerator, the mass will not lose its properties for 3 days, but products made from it will be different - less soft and tender.

We answer the question: why does the dough darken in the refrigerator?

The dark color appears mainly due to oxidative processes in the flour. Therefore, it is important to limit air access to the product.

If there are no eggs in the dough, then darkening is not a sign of spoilage. But if the batch was made with eggs, then such a mass cannot be used.

The optimal storage place is a food container with a lid. Lightly sprinkle the sides of the container with flour. You can use food grade film instead.

The shelf life of the dough is quite long - it can be kept in the freezer for a month.

Dough for dumplings is stored in the same way. If you do keep the semi-finished product in a warm place and it begins to sour slightly, you can fry it into delicious flatbreads or make dumplings for soup.

Can yeast dough be refrigerated overnight?

Why sprinkle the yeast and put it in? I put the dough for pancakes in the refrigerator overnight. Without eggs, the dough can not be dipped in water; it will be soft and tender; there will be a little less flour, otherwise it will turn out rubbery. There are recipes for yeast baking that specifically call for leaving the dough in the refrigerator overnight. January 25, 2020, 21:13. But the question is, is it possible to put the dough in advance? YuliyaLulu You do it as usual, but you embroider it right away and immediately put it in the refrigerator overnight; it rises and rises, then you don’t need to knead. In general, it rose, I left it in the refrigerator overnight. In the refrigerator, the mass will not lose its properties for three days. Yeast dough stores well in the refrigerator or freezer. put it in a plastic bag and were never stale on the trail. Is there a recipe for some kind of “slow” dough that you can knead in the evening, let it sit overnight, shape it in the morning, let it rest for about 20 minutes and bake? Put the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. I once bought frozen yeast dough, only had time to defrost it, and didn’t dare to bake that night. How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator. Construction and repair. Is it possible to store yeast dough? The prepared dough will lie in the refrigerator for about a day at a temperature of 58C. So is it possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator? 9 foods that you should not eat at night. put it in the refrigerator. then pour into a bowl with flour. This dough can be put in the refrigerator. Yeast dough for the lazy is dough that has been preserved, and not one that had to be prepared again. You can divide it into parts and put it in the refrigerator, but such dough cannot be stored for more than two or three days. Please tell me, is it possible to leave the yeast dough to rise overnight? I very often put the dough in the refrigerator at night. Yeast dough overnight. SOURCE - personal experience. no, it will run away overnight, and even peroxidize.

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Plus they have another good property - soda or But I usually make this dough in the evening, so I put it in a bag, squeeze out the air if possible, tie it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. This dough is not suitable for every baking. During this time, the dough will rise, occupying the entire volume of the bag, and the yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Immediately put it in the freezer, choosing the coldest place for this. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and sugar and let it begin to ferment. Answer from Ekaterina[guru] calmly put it in the refrigerator - the baking will not be worse.

day But I put them in the refrigerator at night in a regular bag, the next day I take what I need and on. You can also bake them in a cold oven - turn it on to the desired temperature and immediately place the pies, yeast dough loves this very much. Yesterday I made pizza dough (Yeast). Before putting the mixture into a bowl or container, sprinkle the surface of the bottom and walls with flour. You can improve beautiful, overnight juice, noodles, and in a notebook, and scrambled eggs, and guests. In our country, they simply stew the richness from yeast dough - this and their favorite dough in a simple plastic bag, leaving a little air and putting it in the refrigerator. You can leave a small piece in the refrigerator and put most of it in the freezer. I think that you shouldn’t leave it there for more than a day either. I’ve never stored biscuits, and yeast was previously sold in stores; what wasn’t sold was put in the refrigerator overnight, and that’s how they sold it. Baking powder or soda in yeast dough contributes just to this. If they find themselves in the cold, they will curtail their activity. Experts advise not to doubt the question of whether yeast dough can be stored in the freezer. This method is not suitable for large quantities of dough. You can, just knead it and put it in the refrigerator. It will be better to freeze, it will fall off overnight. Until tomorrow, the yeast dough will “wait” in cellophane in the refrigerator. I really like to cook everything that has to do with dough, but as soon as it comes to yeast dough, I don’t have enough time and patience. Put it in a cup (in case the dough comes up too much and tears the bag, it doesn’t run away) and put it in the refrigerator overnight . If you ask whether you can freeze yeast dough, I will answer - of course! To defrost, leave the dough in a bag on the table overnight.

What kind of dough can be made overnight? If, for example, you didn’t have time to start it during the day, but want to bake it in the morning?


How long does puff pastry last? Here a lot depends on whether it contains yeast or not.

  • It is recommended to store yeast puff pastry at room temperature for no more than an hour, in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, and for 12 months in the freezer, provided that it does not defrost.
  • For yeast-free, these periods increase slightly. Accordingly, 2 hours in the room, 3 days in the refrigerator, and the same 12 months in the freezer.

The optimal container is cling film and a container sprinkled with flour.

If you bought ready-made frozen dough in a store, and it managed to defrost on the way home, keep it in the refrigerator and use it within the next 24 hours. It cannot be re-frozen.

How to make “Overnight yeast dough for pies”

Prepare the ingredients to make the overnight dough.

Crumble the yeast into a bowl. You can take dry ones, they will need three times less.

Pour in warm milk.

Add salt.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar.

Break two eggs into a bowl.

Add sifted flour. Mix milk, yeast, sugar, vanilla sugar, eggs and flour.

Add soft butter.

Mix the dough again until smooth. It doesn't have to be cool. And it should stick to your hands. Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate until morning.

This is what the dough looks like in the morning.

Remove the dough from the bowl, knead and bake the pies.


Shortbread dough - sweet, soaked in butter, crumbly - lies quite well. When storing it, you can follow the general rules:

  • Divide the entire available mass into pieces sufficient, for example, to bake cookies once.
  • Divide portions into containers or bags and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  • Shortbread can remain in the freezer for 3 months without losing its taste properties.

Many housewives believe that the dough should be specially frozen - after this it only becomes tastier.


This dough is special - it is neither dense nor liquid, so it is especially important to create suitable conditions for its storage.

The mass will be good for the longest time if you first place it in a bag or cling film, and then put it in a container. 3-4 days is the “life” of the dough in the refrigerator. You can also freeze the custard. In the freezer, the product may remain usable until defrosted.

Prepared eclairs made from choux pastry are stored for the same amount of time.

The dough is called choux because when preparing it, part of the flour is poured with boiling water and brewed for up to several hours. This creates large voids in the finished product, which are filled with cream or other filling.

Knowing the storage features of each type of dough, you will always be “fully armed.” Baking from a product that has been saved according to the rules is delicious, and a piece of dough removed from the freezer will allow you to pamper your household with delicious pies even in the days before payday.

And how to store it: on a shelf or maybe freeze it?

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Achievement received 08/22/2018

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