What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

Throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, the woman's breasts begin to gradually prepare for the upcoming breastfeeding of the child. Changes in the breast occur such as:

  • the volume increases, in some cases up to several sizes (most often this phenomenon occurs during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, as well as immediately before childbirth);
  • The breasts become sensitive and increased pain may occur. Expectant mothers begin to feel tingling or numbness in the chest;
  • The nipples and areola also increase in size. Small tubercles appear around the nipple, which are called “Montgomery tubercles”;
  • over time, the woman notices the appearance of colostrum, which is a thick yellow discharge (most often such changes occur in the fourth month of pregnancy);
  • The nipples and the skin around them gradually darken, and a venous network may appear (as a result of increased blood flow in the mammary gland, darkening of the blood vessels occurs).

Pregnancy with a boy: features. How to know if a boy is born

Despite the fact that for most women it makes absolutely no difference whether the pregnancy ends up being a boy or a girl, because a mother will love her child regardless of gender, natural curiosity haunts many. Are there any special features of being pregnant with a boy? Is it really possible to know during pregnancy whether the baby will be a boy or a girl? Are there any signs that can answer such an intriguing question? Of course, only professional medical tests and ultrasound can tell for sure, but there are other features of pregnancy with a boy that you can notice at different stages of pregnancy simply to later confirm your guesses with a doctor or laugh at stupid superstitions.

Pregnancy with a boy: features. How to find out if you're having a boy

Position of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy

The position of the abdomen is often looked at first to determine the gender of the baby. If the belly protrudes forward in such a way that the pregnancy is not noticeable from the back, then most likely it is a boy. And vice versa.

Urine color if boy

It turns out that the color of urine changes during pregnancy. They say that dark urine indicates a boy, while light, cloudy urine indicates a girl.


During pregnancy, the body's hormonal balance is disrupted, which is why many women develop acne and deteriorate skin. So, pregnancy with a boy is sometimes blamed for this sudden outbreak of acne.

Breast augmentation

Typically, during pregnancy, breasts increase in size in preparation for supplying breast milk to nourish the unborn baby. For most women, the left breast is always slightly larger than the right, however, if the right is larger, then this may mean that the baby is male.

Cold feet

Constantly cold feet are one of the obvious signs of pregnancy with a boy.

Hair Growth

If your hair is growing back faster than usual, then it is likely that you are carrying a boy.


It's no secret that pregnancy is accompanied by great cravings for food, often for the strangest and most incomprehensible foods that you didn't even want to look at before pregnancy. Pregnancy with a boy, for some reason, is accompanied by a desire to eat salty and sour foods.

Weight gain

Many pregnant women unwittingly gain weight thanks to an indiscriminate diet and lack of exercise, but the way those extra pounds appear during pregnancy can serve as a signal whether it is a boy or a girl. If excess weight is noticeable mainly in the abdominal area, then the child is male, while mothers of girls noticeably gain weight throughout the body, including the face

Sleeping position

Pregnancy makes many things impossible, such as lying on your stomach or on your back. The most logical sleeping position for pregnant women is the left or right side. However, if preference is mainly given to the left side, then it is possible that a boy will be born

Character change

The gender of the unborn child, according to scientists, can affect some character traits and behavior of the expectant mother. Women who act more bold, aggressive and dominant are more likely to be expecting a son than their opposites.

How to care for your breasts during pregnancy?

Having learned about her interesting situation, first of all, the girl needs to take care of choosing the right bra. It is important to choose a model that will not put pressure on the breasts, but at the same time perfectly supports the breasts. It is advisable to choose models with fairly wide straps, without wires and an adjustable clasp.

The most important thing during this period is to wear only high-quality underwear, specially designed for pregnant women. If you can’t choose underwear on your own, you should consult a doctor who will monitor the course of your pregnancy.

To prevent drops of colostrum from getting on your laundry, you should use special tabs that will prevent drops from leaking onto your clothes. It is also recommended to use such inserts during breastfeeding.

Special hardening of the breasts using a contrast shower, which should be done regularly, also brings benefits. You can also do soft rubbing with a washcloth - gentle circular movements are made around the areola to the base of the breast, but the nipples themselves should not be touched.

To strengthen the skin of the nipples, as well as prevent the appearance of painful cracks on their surface during breastfeeding, it is recommended to use a contrast shower. You should not listen to the advice of your girlfriends and use various methods of irritating your nipples (for example, massaging your nipples with a thick terry towel, etc.). It is important to remember that any type of nipple stimulation can cause the uterine muscles to contract.

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers face the problem of stretch marks on their breasts, which occurs as a result of an increase in their size. To avoid such trouble, it is recommended to perform a light massage using almond oil. This procedure should be done immediately after taking a bath or shower. For this purpose, you can also use special creams prescribed to combat stretch marks, but before using them, you must consult your doctor.

If changes occur in the breasts that cause an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and anxiety in a woman, she should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

If your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy

Breast pain during pregnancy is very similar to symptoms of menstruation. Even with minimal hormonal levels, certain changes begin to occur. At the very beginning of pregnancy, almost imperceptible pain may bother you, but over time it can intensify or subside completely.

Many girls notice that their breasts become very sensitive, as a result of which even the slightest touch can cause a strong feeling of discomfort. Similar sensations can accompany the expectant mother throughout almost the entire pregnancy. But at the same time, such changes occur on a purely individual basis and for some they may appear throughout pregnancy, while for others they disappear a month after conception.

At the same time, there are cases that during pregnancy the breasts not only do not increase in size, but also hurt, and sometimes decrease. It is worth remembering that this is not a sign of serious worries and worries, because the female body can react differently to conceiving a child.

Of course, the beginning of an increase in breast size is one of the main signs of pregnancy, but if this does not happen, this is explained by the characteristics of the body. If this causes a strong feeling of anxiety, then you should consult your gynecologist. It is important to remember that not only physical health is important during pregnancy, but also a lack of stress and a good mood.

The doctor will conduct an examination and will be able to determine whether the pregnancy is normal or if there are any abnormalities. Most often, expectant mothers worry in vain and the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies.

In almost all cases, breast tenderness during pregnancy is a concern until about the 12th week of pregnancy. If over time the breasts decrease in size and there is no feeling of pain, there is a possibility that these signs will appear during the last months of pregnancy.

If your breasts don't grow

Sometimes it happens that no matter what stage of pregnancy a woman is at, her breasts do not enlarge. It would seem that the mammary gland should swell, but this does not happen. It’s worth saying right away that every woman’s pregnancy progresses individually. Breast enlargement does not happen to everyone. Some mothers notice breast growth only in the last trimester.

If you are concerned, consult your doctor for advice. Perhaps he will be able to dispel all doubts; if necessary, he will prescribe an examination. Keep in mind that your pregnancy care provider should be able to answer all of your questions and alleviate any concerns you might have. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts.

While you are pregnant, your body undergoes enormous changes. Breasts are no exception. It not only increases in size, but also changes all the time. What is happening to her, what to expect and what to prepare for, Woman`s Day has collected all the information in one collection.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, her body expects a lot of new things. Noticeable changes also occur in the breasts. “From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to produce a huge amount of hormones, including in the mammary glands, to prepare the expectant mother for breastfeeding,” says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology.

Yale University School of Medicine, author of A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health. You may observe all the changes known and described by obstetricians and gynecologists, or only some of them, but one thing is certain: your breasts will never be the same while you are carrying a child inside you.

They get bigger.
“During pregnancy, it’s not just the belly that grows. From the very beginning, the amount of adipose tissue and blood flow to the breast increases, due to this the mammary glands also enlarge. In just the first six weeks of pregnancy, many women's breasts grow one size,” says Dr. Minkin.

Fans of Sobchak noticed how Ksenia’s shape became rounder during pregnancy

They get heavier.
Due to increased blood flow and expansion of glandular tissue, the breast begins to swell. The whole body, including the breasts, begins to retain fluid - this is a side effect of an increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body, explains Dr. Minkin. As a result, by the ninth month of pregnancy, each breast gains an average of 400 g in weight.

They hurt.
The downside to the “restart” of all systems caused by pregnancy is that the breasts become more tender. Therefore, an increase in blood flow, tissue swelling, fluid retention in the body - all this can manifest itself as painful sensations. In fact, such pain in the mammary glands is one of the very first signs of pregnancy.

They become stringy.
And the blue branches of the veins become more and more noticeable as pregnancy progresses. “This is because veins, like all systems in the body, adapt to increased blood flow,” explains Dr. Minkin.

Nipples enlarge
, become more pronounced and stick out more often than they usually did before pregnancy. The areola becomes larger and darker. Everything is fine, “this is a consequence of high estrogen levels,” the doctor reassures. Montgomery's glands (small tubercles scattered across the areola) also enlarge and secrete an oily substance that protects the nipples and areolas from cracking or drying out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

They flow.
This happens in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother suddenly discovers yellowish discharge from the nipple. This colostrum is a woman’s very first milk, which appears in the second half of pregnancy or in the very first days after childbirth. Colostrum does not necessarily have to flow abundantly; it can also be found in the form of a crust on the papilla, in which case, of course, the woman will not feel any discomfort from dampness in the breast area. This is a natural process. Just use special breast pads.

Stretch marks appear on them
. Increasing volume causes the skin to stretch. And if it is not elastic enough, stretch marks may appear. You can tell that the skin is stretching by itching. To soothe itching and keep breast skin supple, doctors recommend using moisturizer after showering and before bed.


Your tender breasts have become fuller, heavier and now more than ever they need support.
The best investment right now is in a support bra
. Properly selected, it will make life easier and support your back. Choose bras with a wide band under the cups (which now should never be underwire), with wide straps and the ability to adjust nipple access. When choosing between cotton and synthetic, prefer cotton: it allows the skin to breathe. And for a restful night's sleep, wear a cotton sports bra or a special maternity bust.

They have changed forever
. After you wean your baby off the breast, your nipples will gradually return to their previous color and your breasts will return to their pre-pregnancy size. But due to the fact that the skin has been stretched, the resulting stretch marks will not go away. However, instead of yearning for firmer and perkier breasts, embrace your new ones - they are the true sign of motherhood.

Expectant mothers are concerned about many questions during the period of bearing a child, including questions about at what stage of pregnancy breasts begin to change and enlarge. No one can give exact answers, not even an experienced physician, since the female body is individual and the development of pregnancy occurs differently for each woman. Sometimes the fact that pregnancy has occurred is signaled not only by a delay in menstruation, but also by breast swelling, accompanied by pain symptoms.

Around the second week after conception, you may feel a tightening of the mammary glands; in addition, the breasts will become especially sensitive to touch and changes in air temperature. All changes and symptoms in the breast during pregnancy are caused by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

During pregnancy, each woman experiences individual symptoms of breast changes under the influence of hormonal changes. The same can be said about the growth period of the mammary glands; for everyone it is determined by nature differently. But, one way or another, changes in the mammary glands in expectant mothers occur according to the same scenario:

  1. The volume of the mammary glands increases
    . Many pregnant women noticeably felt the growth of the mammary glands at an intensive pace already in the first month of gestation. Sometimes this phenomenon may be delayed, but not later than the first trimester. As the experience of pregnant women shows, the more the mammary glands enlarge during pregnancy, the less they will change during lactation. It is rare, but it happens that breast growth is delayed until the 6-7th month of pregnancy. Breast swelling is caused by the hormonal influence of estrogen and progesterone. The first hormone is responsible for the increase in milk flow, and the second hormone increases the glandular tissue that produces milk. And as soon as lactation ends, all connective tissues of the breast turn into fat cells. This leads to an increase in breast size by 1-3 sizes. Breasts begin to enlarge at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, that is, immediately in the first month.
  2. Strengthening the sensitivity threshold of the mammary glands
    . This symptom is the first clear sign of pregnancy in most women. Due to breast growth, a pregnant woman may feel discomfort in the breast and nipple area caused by friction from clothing and simple touches. Often, from this manifestation, a woman can understand her situation even before the onset of a delay in menstruation.
  3. Changes in the nipple area
    . After conception, many women observe not only an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, but also changes in the size and color of the halos and nipples. Under the influence of active female hormones, tubercles, halos, and the nipple may darken in the area around the nipple. The skin in the décolleté area is already thin and becomes even more “transparent”; after conception, wreaths and blood vessels will be visible.
  4. Colostrum
    . Typically, during pregnancy, a woman should not produce colostrum, since it is intended for the first feedings of the newborn. But due to stressful situations, it can be released from the mammary glands prematurely.
  5. Possible formation of stretch marks on the chest
    . Statistics show that for most women, a characteristic accompaniment of breast growth during pregnancy will be the formation of striae (skin stretches). All this is due to the direct growth of the breast; under its own weight, the mammary glands will stretch, which will lead to sagging skin. In addition, under the influence of female hormones, cells are formed that inhibit the production of elastin and collagen, which also accompanies stretch marks on the chest.

During pregnancy and breast enlargement, stretch marks on the skin may acquire a purplish-red hue, but after childbirth and the breasts return to their normal shape, they will become white and visible. The only disadvantage of this phenomenon is the difficulty in getting rid of stretch marks; they are almost impossible to eliminate.

To ensure that the above changes in the breasts during pregnancy are not so obvious and do not cause the woman discomfort, it is very important to consult a gynecologist and monitor the balance of raging hormones.

What changes occur in the breasts during pregnancy?

Already from the first days of pregnancy, certain changes occur in the female body - the body gradually prepares for the upcoming birth and breastfeeding of the child. Consequently, the mammary glands will also undergo changes.

The structure of the mammary glands consists of 15 or 20 lobes, which are divided into lobules and have milk ducts. As a result of the influence of certain hormonal changes in the breast, the volume of the ducts and lobules begins to increase, and the cells responsible for milk production begin to grow.

In some cases, with these changes, the weight of each mammary gland can reach 600-700 grams. Consequently, as a result, this leads to an increase in breast volume during pregnancy.

Most often, most breast enlargement occurs during the first 10-12 weeks, and of course, in the last weeks of pregnancy. During the 9 months of pregnancy, breasts can increase by a couple of sizes.

What changes occur in the breasts during pregnancy?

There is not only an increase in breast size, but also in its sensitivity. It is the ongoing changes that can lead to increased breast sensitivity, while a feeling of discomfort may appear even at the slightest touch, in some cases even severe pain appears.

Many women experience unpleasant painful sensations during pregnancy, which is normal. If after 12 weeks the discomfort does not go away on its own, it may become less noticeable. But at the same time, it is worth considering the fact that not all pregnant women are such women, and some expectant mothers experience a rather strong feeling of discomfort throughout pregnancy.

Breast changes such as increased sensitivity, tenderness and swelling of the breasts are among the very first signs of pregnancy. However, these are not all the changes that occur in the female breast during pregnancy.

Also, during pregnancy, the appearance of a venous network may occur, which in turn is caused by an increase in blood flow. The occurring hormonal changes lead to the fact that the nipple areolas not only increase in size, but also darken. The nipples themselves swell and begin to protrude.

If your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy

Also, it is during pregnancy that the process of formation of colostrum occurs, which is a precursor to the appearance of milk. A special feature of colostrum is not only its characteristic yellow tint, but also the specific aroma of breast discharge. You should not worry if yellow fluid is released from your breasts during pregnancy, since the appearance of colostrum is normal and does not act as a sign of upcoming problems with breastfeeding. In some cases, colostrum can be released in quite large quantities during pregnancy, so it is recommended to regularly use special bra pads.

The changes listed above are normal and should not cause discomfort; however, they are common. All other changes can be caused by hormonal imbalances and there is a need to consult a doctor.

How breasts change during pregnancy

From the moment of conception, the entire body of the expectant mother is adjusted to bearing and giving birth to a child. And the mammary glands, as the baby’s main feeding organ, undergo significant transformations under the influence of hormones. Most often, women face the following changes:

Breast augmentation

From the very moment of conception, under the influence of the main hormones progesterone and estrogen, the mammary glands increase in size. This is even considered one of the main signs of pregnancy in the early stages. The most noticeable stages of growth are the first 10 weeks of pregnancy , as well as the period before childbirth. At this time, the amount of adipose connective tissue increases, blood flow is activated, and the milk ducts grow.

While waiting for the baby, the breasts increase, on average, by 1.5-2 sizes. The mammary glands swell, become fuller, become heavier, under the influence of hormones they retain more fluid, and this is one of the reasons why breasts hurt during pregnancy. For this period, it is recommended to stock up on comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics, without wires, with the most comfortable bust support.

Why do breasts hurt during pregnancy?

Sensitivity and pain

Increased sensitivity, reacting to the slightest touch with quite sharp sensations, is also one of the first signs of conception. Often in the first months the bust hurts, reacts strongly to any irritating factor, tingling and numbness may be observed, sometimes the breasts itch during pregnancy - this indicates that the organ is preparing for the process of feeding the child. If your nipples become very sensitive, doctors recommend not taking off your underwear even while sleeping.

What to do if your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy

Darkening of the areolas

The nipples also undergo changes. They become much darker, as does the color of the areolas. Their size also changes: the nipples grow up to 12 mm, and the circumference of the areolas - up to 50 mm. In this way, the breast prepares for feeding the baby, and the dark color serves as a clear signal to the baby and makes it easier to find its source of nutrition from the first minutes of life.

Often small pimples and pimples may appear on the areola of the nipple. During the period of bearing a child, it is recommended to pour the bust with water at room temperature every day, without using soap, and starting from the second trimester, hardening, air baths, and contrast douches are carried out.

Did you know? There are so-called Montgomery glands on the nipples. It is believed that when feeding, they emit the smell of amniotic fluid, perceptible only to babies, which helps them find a source of nutrition.

Why do breasts itch during pregnancy?

Nipple discharge

You can often observe discharge from the nipples, especially in the later stages, before childbirth. This colostrum is the first food for the baby, which comes even before the baby is born. It has a viscous consistency and a yellowish tint. If discharge causes inconvenience in everyday life, it is recommended to use special sanitary pads from the pharmacy.

Did you know? Each nipple includes 15-20 ducts from which milk can be secreted during lactation.

Venous network on the chest

Due to increased blood circulation in the chest and rapid growth, protruding wreaths can be seen on the mammary glands. This phenomenon is especially typical for thin women. The skin in this area is quite thin, so veins can appear and stand out as a venous network.

There is no need to worry about this, since after childbirth and breastfeeding it will disappear on its own. Doctors also recommend adding neutral oils (coconut, wheat germ, etc.) to daily care, which will also be an excellent measure to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy.

Important! Even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, it is very important to visit a mammologist and undergo the necessary examination. This will eliminate the risk of possible complications with neoplasms, and the doctor will be able to provide comprehensive information about all possible changes in the breast and recommendations for caring for the mammary glands throughout the entire period of pregnancy and lactation.

What to do if your breasts hurt during pregnancy

How can you better cope with changes in your breasts during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, quite a lot of different changes occur in the female breast, but the most unpleasant phenomenon is the increased pain and sensitivity of the breast, and, of course, an increase in its size.

To make pregnancy one of the happiest times in your life, you can use special bras that have an excellent supportive effect. It is advisable to opt for special underwear for pregnant women, which does not create strong pressure, but at the same time perfectly supports the breasts, and there are no bones that can cause an unpleasant feeling of discomfort.

Bra during pregnancy

The most important thing is that the bra exactly matches the size of the breast, and it should fit snugly enough to it, but not squeeze it. Therefore, during pregnancy you may need to purchase several bras that will come in different sizes.

Not only properly selected underwear can help reduce discomfort in the chest during pregnancy, but also simple physical exercises that help to perfectly strengthen the ligaments and muscles that are responsible for supporting the mammary glands, while significantly increasing the process of lymph drainage from the breast.

The most important thing during pregnancy is not to forget about the importance of hygiene procedures that must be carried out every day - the breasts are washed with warm water, using soft circular movements, and simple wiping with a damp towel also benefits.

Most often, during the release of colostrum there is no unpleasant feeling of discomfort. In some cases, too much colostrum may be released. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of this phenomenon, but with the help of special tabs you can avoid the appearance of discharge on clothes.

Breasts after pregnancy

Many women worry that after childbirth their breasts will lose their attractive shape. Of course, during pregnancy, the mammary glands swell and become more attractive, but after the birth of the baby, everything can change radically.

Breast changes after childbirth

As soon as a woman stops breastfeeding her baby, a gradual return to the original state of the mammary gland lobes begins. As a result of the increase in breast weight during pregnancy, a gradual weakening of the ligaments and muscles that support it begins.

Because of this, you can see that after the end of lactation, the breasts deflate like a punctured balloon, and therefore gradually sag. The development of this unpleasant phenomenon can be avoided if timely measures are taken during pregnancy. It is important to regularly take care of your breasts, not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding.

To ensure that your breasts retain an attractive shape and remain firm after pregnancy, it is recommended to regularly perform simple exercises based on muscle strengthening. It is advisable to start doing such exercises even before pregnancy. The fact is that taking into account how strong and strong the ligaments and muscles are, the level of breast support and maintaining an attractive shape after childbirth will depend.

What else happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

Let's look at the main changes:

Swelling of the nipples

During pregnancy, the mammary glands swell greatly. This is a normal process that will go away after lactation. In 9 months, breasts can double in size. Along with the breasts, the nipples also swell, they become more prominent and stretch out.

You should not be upset about such changes; in most cases, the shape of the breast returns to normal immediately after breastfeeding ends. If the swelling bothers you greatly, you need to go for a consultation with a mammologist, who will help you choose medications to relieve swelling.

Color change

Pigmentation of the nipples is one of the signs of pregnancy. This symptom occurs in about 7 out of 10 women. The color may vary slightly or greatly, both of which are within normal limits. You should be concerned if your nipples turn white.

Hyperpigmentation gradually disappears after childbirth. This symptom does not require special treatment; it is a normal condition of the body. The color of the nipples may change greatly, but this is not a cause for concern.

Lumps around nipples

Small bumps may form around the nipples. Scientifically they are called Montgomery tubercles. Some women mistake them for inflammation, but these formations do not hurt or cause discomfort. They become noticeable only during pregnancy and increase during lactation. They are located asymmetrically on both nipples, there can be many of them, up to a dozen.

There is a sign that the more such tubercles, the more milk there will be. In fact, the vestigial glands usually do not work and are in no way related to the amount of milk during lactation. In some women, they are associated with the conduction system and duct of the mammary gland, but still do not have a significant effect on the course of lactation.

The bumps disappear after breastfeeding ends. For some girls they may remain slightly enlarged. There are girls whose Montgomery tubercles are visible even before pregnancy. This is also not a reason to worry: the presence of such pimples is not a pathology and is considered an absolute norm.

Colostrum pad

Colostrum release

The second trimester begins with the release of colostrum. The liquid can have almost any color: yellowish, white, transparent, cream. Colostrum may begin to be released a little later, in the third trimester, this is also a type of normal. Nipple discharge is caused by the release of hormones that prepare a woman's breasts for breastfeeding. You should be concerned if the discharge has an uncharacteristic color: green, red.

Colostrum should not be squeezed out. If the discharge causes discomfort, you can simply wipe it off with a clean napkin. To avoid inflammation, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene and shower at least once a day. It is very important not to get an infection in the breast before childbirth and lactation.

If there is a lot of colostrum, there is a solution - special breast pads. They are inserted into the bra and protect against discomfort, and also help keep the breasts from infection. Normally, the breasts should be moistened with colostrum to avoid cracking.

Examination by a doctor

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