The best recipes for nail masks with photos and videos


Sufficient intake of iron in the body can eliminate brittle nails. Products containing iron vary greatly in their concentration. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. High iron content: peas (7 mg), buckwheat (6.7), beans (5.9), rye bread (3.9), spinach (3.5), hazelnuts (3), veal (2.9 ), rabbit (3.3), millet (2.7), corn (2.7), ham (2.6), pears (2.3), apples (2.2), lamb (2), wheat bread (1.9), pork (1.4), chicken and pasta (1.6), semolina and rice (1 mg);
  2. Average is fish and some vegetables and fruits: Atlantic herring (1 mg), tomatoes (0.9), cod (0.7), carrots (0.7), stellate sturgeon (0.6), grapes (0.6 ), cabbage (0.6), plum (0.5), pike perch (0.05);
  3. Some iron is contained in dairy products and products of plant origin: cheeses (1.1), onions (0.9), milk powder and cottage cheese (0.5 each), condensed milk and sour cream (0.2), curdled milk, kefir, milk ( 0.1 mg each);

Of all the iron entering the body, only about 10% is absorbed. To get a daily requirement of 10 (men) to 20 (women) mg, you need to get 100 - 200 mg of iron from different foods.

Products for strengthening and growing nails

Before you take drastic measures in the fight for beautiful nails, you should pay attention to the composition of your diet. Perhaps the problem of slow growth lies in poor nutrition.

  • Fruits and vegetables are indispensable for nail growth.
    They are sources of vitamins A, C, B and D. Regular consumption of fresh foods in combination with proper care will help cope with fragility;
  • Gelatin.
    Jellied fish, jelly and marmalade will help combat brittleness and prevent flaking.


Oddly enough, there is not as much calcium in milk and dairy products as they write and talk about. Most of all there are 1460 mg in poppy seeds, less in sesame (783), nettle (713) and halva (670). Almonds and hazelnuts contain about 250 mg, cabbage about 210 mg. At the end of the list are dried fruits (80), milk (120), fish (about 60 mg), cottage cheese (80); bran bread (60). Meat, offal, cereals and beets contain less than 50 mg of calcium.

Salt interferes with calcium absorption. Moreover, it is able to flush it out of the body. Therefore, it is important to exclude (or at least reduce) “oversalting,” as well as spicy and fried foods.

The average daily calcium requirement of an adult is 800-1200 mg.

Don't forget about simple folk remedies

In addition to the internal influence of our body on the growth and strengthening of the nail plates, we should not discount the available external positions from the category of traditional medicine. It can be:

  1. Compresses on nails with boiled chamomile, linden blossom, dandelion or nettle extracts specially prepared for this purpose.
  2. Simple rubbing of the nail plates with chamomile, sandalwood, rosemary or tea tree oil.
  3. Various baths with:
  • Essential oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, patchouli, myrrh, frankincense, pine;
  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit, lemon, orange juices;
  • Sea salt, iodine or mineral water.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you the following. Enrich your diet with fresh berries and fruits. Eat more meat, fish and legumes.

Well, if you decide to take pharmaceutical drugs, be sure to consult a doctor to check the status of your health, determine the presence of individual intolerance to any components and choose the individually optimal composition for yourself.

Have strong nails! See you!


This element is necessary not only for healthy nail growth, but also for the functioning of the entire body. It is not difficult to obtain from food. In the products available to us, it is found in horsetail, raspberries, nettles, honey and other products of plant origin. But it is worth considering that the main consumers of silicon are parasites and fungi.

The daily requirement of an adult for silicon is 20-30 mg.


A lack of selenium in the body can cause serious changes in the nail plate, including dystrophy. Therefore, the diet for nails must necessarily include foods containing selenium: coconut (0.81), pistachios (0.45), lard and garlic (0.3), sea fish (0.02 - 0.2), wheat bran (0.11), porcini mushrooms and eggs (0.1), soy, wheat-rye bread and beef liver (0.06 each), brown rice (0.05), beef heart (0.05), chicken meat (0.02), beef (0.01 - 0.35), sunflower seeds (0.07).

The average daily requirement of an adult for selenium is 0.020-0.15 mg.

How to speed up nail growth in 2 days. Nail growth and nutrition

It is impossible to accelerate the growth of the plates if the body does not receive the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the plates. A special role is given to:

1. Vitamins E and A. Their sources are pork and chicken liver, fish, eggs, cheese, fresh fruits, vegetables.

2. Vitamin B, present in nuts, cereals, brewer's yeast, milk, legumes, green salad.

3. Calcium, which is rich in dairy products, fish, seafood, spinach, cabbage.

4. Yoda. The microelement is found in small quantities in milk, champignons, pineapple, and spinach. Seafood is the richest in iodine.

5. Zinc, the lack of which manifests itself in the form of white spots on the nails. To get healthy, long nails, you need to diversify your menu with lamb, pumpkin seeds, and pork.

6. Magnesium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the implementation of the construction function in the body. Sources of microelements are chicken, fish, eggs, sweet peppers, bananas, blackberries.

7. Silicon, which is responsible for the strength of the nail plates. Cellulose-rich foods - oatmeal, bran, black bread - help speed up growth.

8. Vitamin C, which helps prevent the development of fungal infections. Sources of ascorbic acid are garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, greens.

9. Nicotinic acid, the lack of which is reflected in the dullness of the nail plates. Nicotine is present in rice, seeds, and porcini mushrooms.

10. Sulfur, the absence of a sufficient amount of which leads to deformation and slower growth of nails. The main sources of the necessary substance are onions, garlic, tomatoes, oatmeal and buckwheat.

As you can see, the list of products is quite simple. The main thing is that the daily menu is comprehensive and varied, and then long nails will not become an unattainable dream.

Proper nail care

You can keep long nails strong and healthy by following a number of rules:

  • When correcting the shape of the nail plates, it is better to use a nail file rather than scissors. With this approach, your nails will grow quickly while maintaining an attractive appearance.
  • To avoid damage to the structure of the nails, every time you wash dishes or take a shower, you should moisturize your hands with a special cream.
  • In frosty and cold weather, seasonally appropriate gloves become a must.
  • Special rubber gloves are required for washing and cleaning.
  • Using regular nail polish remover at home, you should moisturize your nails with a suitable cosmetic product.


Fluoride is also necessary for our nails. The most fluorine is found in: fish (5-15 mg). But it is also found in other seafood: shrimp, mussels, squid. Red meat, wholemeal bread, and some cereals can serve as a source of fluoride. But the best sources are fluoridated water and tea (up to 0.2 mg of fluoride). There is not much of it in milk - up to 0.02 mg per 100 ml. Some plants are also rich in fluoride: wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice, peas, carrots, plums, apples, pumpkin.

The average daily need for fluoride for an adult is 2-3 mcg.

Proper nutrition and healthy nails

By adjusting the menu, you can eliminate some problems that have arisen due to the poor condition of the plates.

Nutrition for fast growth

Amino acids involved in the synthesis of keratin enhance nail growth. But the body is not able to produce the required amount of these substances, so you need to eat healthy foods that contain them:

  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • sesame.

Foods rich in vitamin B6 are beneficial for nail growth:

Products to strengthen the nail plate

Biotin is needed to strengthen nails. It is found in the following products:

  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • offal;
  • milk;
  • yeast.

Helps strengthen nails:

  • rennet cheese;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • bread made from whole grains.

Useful for brittle nails:

  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • black chocolate;
  • potato;
  • rennet cheese;
  • cocoa;
  • fish.

Nutrition for peeling nails

Nails peel due to a lack of magnesium and potassium, so you should include in your diet:

  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • dried apricots;
  • berries;
  • fruits.

Vitamin E strengthens the structure of the nail plate and helps smooth its surface.

To replenish the reserves of this element in the body, it is recommended to consume:

  • vegetable oil;
  • rose hip;
  • soy;
  • lard;
  • beef.

Vitamin A, which repairs nail plates and promotes their growth, is found in the following fruits and vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • green onions;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • Bell pepper;
  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • peaches.


We have already discussed more than once the need for zinc to accelerate nail growth. Let us remind you what products nails need to compensate for the deficiency of this important element: oysters contain it in extremely large quantities (up to 400 mg). They are followed by brewer's yeast (8-30), wheat germ (13), blueberries (10), pumpkin seeds (10), mushrooms (7), oats, onions, sunflower seeds and lentils (5 mg each), soybeans, cheese Edam, wheat (about 4 mg), cocoa, crab meat and beef, yolk and rye (about 3 mg), pasta with egg, corn, fish and nuts (about 2.5 mg).

The average daily requirement of an adult for zinc is 10-50 mg.

Reasons for slow nail growth

Fingernails are constantly exposed to damage from coatings and housework. All this can significantly slow down the regrowth of the plate. There are other factors that influence this indicator:

  • Poor nutrition.
    Lack of nutrients and deficiency of important vitamins primarily affects the nails. They slow down in growth, change color and structure.
  • Diseases.
    Kidney problems, diabetes and impaired blood supply are the main enemies of the plate. If you can’t grow beautiful nails, and their quality leaves much to be desired, this is a reason to consult a doctor;
  • Bad habits.
    Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking and alcohol. Remember that giving up addictions will have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body and nails are no exception;
  • Injuries.
    A serious injury to the nail growth zone slows down the regrowth of the plate and distorts its appearance.
  • Fungus.
    The spread of the fungus occurs gradually and is not always noticeable. Onychomycosis affects the appearance, structure and thickness. The plate becomes deformed and stops growing completely. Seeing a doctor will help you get rid of the fungus.

A guide to diseases and problems with nails: diagnosis, causes and remedies for 12 diseases

Vitamin C

Products containing ascorbic acid: rose hips (1200), red sweet pepper (250), black currants (200), sea buckthorn (200), greens (150), green peppers (150), dried porcini mushrooms (150), Brussels sprouts (120), red rowan (100), cauliflower (70), red cabbage (60), oranges, strawberries, spinach and grapefruits (60), sorrel (43), lemon (40), tangerines (38), fresh chanterelles (34), green onions (30), gooseberries (30), radishes (25), potatoes, melon (20), lingonberries, cherries, lettuce, zucchini (15), apples, onions, carrots (10).

The average daily requirement is 70 – 150 mg.

What vitamins to take for nail growth

The action of vitamins and vitamin complexes is aimed at stimulating the body, producing the necessary acids, and enhancing metabolism. This action affects the growth rate of nails and hair, regenerates and nourishes them from the inside.

Most ready-made complexes are equipped with all the necessary vitamins and minerals; the dosage is calculated for an average daily intake. These drugs are available in pharmacy chains in capsules or tablet form. Balanced compositions simultaneously strengthen, stimulate, nourish nails, hair, and the body as a whole.

Frequently used drugs, with many positive reviews, time-tested:

All vitamin preparations are taken according to the instructions printed on the insert. It is not recommended to increase the dosage at your own discretion, otherwise instead of the desired result, they will only bring disappointment and harm to health.

Results from taking vitamins should be expected no earlier than in a month. They accumulate in the body gradually and begin to act from the beginning of the third week of use. That’s why many people can’t stand it and, not seeing quick results, quit taking them.


Home care for hands and nails is essential. Salon treatments are not affordable for everyone, but you need to have beautiful, well-groomed hands every day. After all, beauty for a woman is a guarantee of peace and confidence. It inspires and helps you achieve your goals. Use the recommendations provided. Be dazzlingly beautiful and happy!

Vitamin E

Products containing tocopherols: wheat germ oil (100-400), sunflower oil (40-70), cottonseed oil (50-100), corn oil (40-80), soybean oil (50-160), olive oil (4 ,5-7 3), butter (1.0), beef liver (1.62), green peas (fresh) (1.73), lard (0.59), beef (0.63), apples (0.51), white bread (0.23), whole milk (0.093). Oils are useful not only to use internally, but also to apply externally.

The requirement for an adult is 30-60 mg.

Recipes for baths for nail growth at home. Recipes for homemade baths for nail growth

Well-groomed hands and long nails are the calling card of every woman.
However, modern lifestyle does not always allow for thorough nail care, and due to lack of time, it is not possible to regularly visit beauty salons.

Stress, poor nutrition, and the environment have a negative impact on the condition of the nails; they become fragile and brittle.

And you can get rid of this problem in several ways: by extending your nails or regularly using home baths for nail growth.

And today the Beauty Pantry offers you a selection of the most effective home baths, which have been tested by more than one generation. And thanks to their regular use, your nails will become noticeably stronger, break less and grow faster.

Baths for nail growth: recipes

Soda baths

Having dissolved 1 tbsp of soda in 200 ml of heated water, lower your hands into the liquid. You can also add ten drops of iodine to it. We hold our hands in this bath for 15 minutes, after which we wash off the remaining soda from the skin and lubricate our hands with a rich, nourishing cream. Course – three times a week.

Sea salt baths

Mix a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of warm water and keep your nails in the bath for 20 minutes. We carry out the procedures every day for at least one decade, after which we allow ourselves a break for a month.

Bath with iodine and salt

Add a couple of tablespoons of salt and ten drops of iodine to a bowl of warm water (about two glasses of water). Hands must be kept in this solution for at least 15 minutes. This bath not only promotes rapid nail growth, but also strengthens the nail plate. Course – twice a week. If skin irritation occurs from the use of salt, it is necessary to immediately stop such baths.

Bath with iodine and orange juice

Mix a third of a glass of water and orange juice, add 3 drops of iodine solution and a couple of teaspoons of table salt. We heat all the ingredients, and, after mixing thoroughly, put our hands down for 10 minutes. Then we dry our hands and lubricate them with cream.

Bath – with salt and oil

Stir vegetable oil (a third of a glass) with table salt (100 g) into preheated vegetable oil in a water bath. We dip our hands in the solution for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, we put cotton gloves on our hands and wear them for another three hours. After the allotted time, you can wash your hands with soap and apply nourishing cream.

This procedure is only suitable for people who do not have sensitive skin with microcracks.

Recipe for a bath for nail growth with oil

Take 50 ml of sunflower/almond/olive oil, heat it in a water bath, add a teaspoon of glycerin and ten drops of iodine. We dip our nails in this bath for a quarter of an hour, after which we blot them with napkins. By using this product weekly, you can achieve not only nail growth, but also a healthy shine.

Oil and Vinegar Nail Treatment

Pour a glass of apple cider vinegar into a glass of vegetable oil heated in a water bath and stir. The procedure lasts ten minutes, after which we wipe our hands with a napkin.

Vitamin bath

Mix a quarter cup of sunflower seed oil with five drops of vitamin A and three iodine drops. Apply the product to the nails and leave for 15 minutes. A cotton swab or a brush from an old product, well washed with nail polish remover, will help to apply the vitamin mixture evenly.

Bath for rapid nail growth with lemon juice

Heat any type of vegetable oil, heat it in a water bath, add 15 drops of lemon juice and immerse your hands in this mixture for 20 minutes.

Mineral water bath

Take half a glass of cabbage juice and mineral water, mix with two tablespoons of tea leaves, mix the ingredients well and use this product for no more than 15 minutes.

Bath with grapefruit

Turn one small grapefruit into a pulp, add 50 ml of glycerin and ammonia to it, mix vigorously. We dip our hands in the paste for 15 minutes, after the procedure you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and apply any fatty cream, even for children.

Herbal bath

Brew chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root, taken 2 tbsp each, in a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes of steaming, lower your hands into the broth for 20 minutes. This remedy is effective if used once every three days.

Bath for nail growth with milk

Heat half a liter of milk, add 2 tbsp to it. honey, apple and lemon juice, as well as 2 tsp. table salt. We keep the nails in the composition for a quarter of an hour, rest for half an hour, during this time we heat the mixture and repeat the procedure. Rinse your hands and apply moisturizer. It is recommended to do this procedure every other day.

Vitamin H

Foods containing biotin: pork liver (250), beef liver (200), pork (75), soy (60), beef heart (8-50), peanuts (40), green peas (35), yolk (30) , white cabbage (24), cauliflower (17), champignons (16), condensed milk (15), veal (15-2), rice (12), salmon (10), wheat (10), chicken eggs (9) , apples (9), halibut (8), spinach (7), green beans (7), corn (6), beef (5), cow's milk (5), strawberries (4), tomatoes (4), herring ( 4), low-fat cheese (4), tuna (4), onion (3.5), melon (3), lettuce (3), lamb (2-2.7), carrots (2.5), oranges (2 ), beets (2), peaches (1.7), potatoes (1).

The average daily requirement for an adult is 150-300 mg.

Vitamin PP

Products containing nicotinic acid: coffee beans (17), yeast (11.4), beef liver (9), dried apricots (7.8), rabbit (6.2), porcini mushrooms (5), beef (4.7 ), buckwheat (4.19), wheat grain bread (4), lamb (3.8), egg (2.74), squid (2.54), cod (2.3), wheat flour (2.2 ), pork and peas (2.2), hazelnuts, pearl barley and green peas (2), cocoa powder (1.8), cod liver (1.79), rice (1.6), wheat cereal (1. 55), potatoes (1.3), pasta (1.21), garlic (1.2), wheat and rye flour (1.2), oatmeal (1.2), carrots, rolled oats, walnuts, sweet red pepper (1), kohlrabi (0.9), white cabbage (0.74), peaches, apricots, milk powder, cookies (0.6).

The requirement for an adult body per day is 20-50 mg.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Products containing them: fresh sea fish, fish oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, hemp, rapeseed and flaxseed oils, evening primrose oil, blackcurrant and borage seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.

The average daily requirement is 1000-2500 mg.

As we can see, these lists contain many products that are present on our tables every day. So you can always make a balanced lunch (breakfast and dinner) and provide proper nutrition to your nails and the whole body.

You can read about the compatibility of vitamins and microelements here.

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