Why does dandruff remain after washing your hair?

What is dandruff and why does it appear?

Let's start with the unpleasant: dandruff is a disease. It is called seborrheic dermatitis, and, according to medical statistics, every person encounters it at least once in their life.

Dandruff can also be a manifestation of other, more serious diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Only a doctor can diagnose them.

I got it. But what should I do about dandruff right now?

Here is a small checklist, the stages of which should be followed by everyone who is faced with dandruff:

  • Get a medical examination. This way you will understand that hair problems are hair problems, and not a symptom of some more serious disease.
  • Normalize your diet. Eat healthy and varied foods, paying special attention to getting enough protein in your diet.
  • Make sure that the flakes in your hair are dandruff and not something else. The cause of dandruff may be advanced seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, lice, or simply dry skin.
  • Choose a good shampoo. Or several. And don't forget to read the instructions for use.
  • Get rid of dandruff with professional products. If radical measures are needed, use a drug containing ketoconazole, a substance with proven effectiveness.

There are contraindications. Before use, consult a specialist.

What to do and what not to do if dandruff appears

Firstly, if the problem does not go away after using anti-dandruff shampoo, consult a trichologist. He will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

If you want to get rid of dandruff, remember two things:

folk remedies such as rubbing castor or burdock oil will not bring any benefit, but they can cause harm;

limiting hair washing is also harmful; On average, it is recommended to wash your hair at least once every three days, or better just when it gets dirty.


Treatment of dandruff without seborrhea is carried out exclusively with local non-hormonal agents. Antifungal drugs are often not indicated. It is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of cosmetics that reduce the amount of sebum and include fungicidal (antifungal) components. In the presence of seborrheic dermatitis, treatment is medicinal, aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease.

The occurrence of dandruff during puberty is caused by a hormonal surge. There is no need to treat it. You can eliminate unpleasant phenomena with the help of hygiene procedures and enhanced hair care.

Eliminating dandruff

Treatment of dandruff without obvious inflammatory signs is carried out using specialized shampoos. They contain the same components that are used in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, but their concentration is lower. Shampoos include antifungal (zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole), exfoliating (salicylic acid, tar) and stopping increased cell proliferation (sulfur, zinc salts) components. Well-known brands of anti-dandruff shampoo: Nizoral (contains ketoconazole), Wellreal, Head & Shoulders (contains zinc pyrithione). Less known, but effective hair washing products are: “Tar Shampoo”, “Mirra”, “Clandestine”, “Sibazol”.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, shampoos should be used correctly. First, the hair is moistened with warm water. After this, apply 5-6 ml of the composition to the head and carefully distribute it, trying to affect the skin and hair roots as much as possible. The applied shampoo is not washed off for 3-10 minutes so that the active substances have time to penetrate the skin. Next, the product is removed with running water, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried. Medicinal shampoos should be used 1-3 times a week. After dandruff disappears, the frequency of their use is reduced to 2 times a month.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is treated using local and general medications. Local medications include ketoconazole (Mycoquet). The drug disrupts the life processes of fungi, leading to their death. Available in ointment form. It is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore it has virtually no contraindications. An exception is allergic reactions to the components of the product in the past.

The drug is applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day, lightly rubbed. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. For the purpose of subsequent prevention of relapses, the product is used 1-2 times a week. During therapy, contact dermatitis, itching, and burning may develop. It is possible to use 2% ketoconazole in the form of shampoo, which is more convenient for the patient. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will be reduced.

The use of other antifungal agents is allowed: ciclopirox, selenium sulfide, climbazole, zinc pyrithione. Some of these drugs exist as independent medicines, others are included in medicated shampoos. The best therapeutic response is achieved with the combined use of hygiene products and ointments with antifungal action.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, topical steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The most famous representatives of this group include acriderm, celestoderm, betamethasone furoate. The drugs have pronounced anti-inflammatory activity, quickly relieve itching, redness, swelling, and stop peeling. They have a symptomatic effect and do not affect the root cause of the disease. Steroids reduce local immunity. If the drug was used without concomitant antifungal treatment, after its discontinuation, symptoms resume within 1-2 weeks.

Long-term use of hormonal ointments leads to baldness, skin atrophy, and hypercortisolism in children under 15 years of age. Therefore, steroid ointments should only be used as a short-term treatment for the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

Systemic (tablets) treatment is used only for severe diabetes. To suppress increased cell growth, hormones are prescribed (prednisolone up to 48 mg/day for 1-2 weeks). The fungus is eliminated using tableted ketoconazole (200 mg once a day). To prevent secondary infection, antibiotics are used (amoxiclav 250+125 mg every 8 hours).

Anti-dandruff cosmetics

An important step in scalp care is a special shampoo. It must contain the following ingredients:

keratolytics - substances that provide exfoliation of excess keratinized cells (salicylic, lipohydroxy, lactic acids and mechanical abrasives);

substances with antifungal activity: piroctone olamine, plant components;

antibacterial components: zinc, selenium, tea tree oil;

soothing ingredients.

Additionally, the shampoo may contain cooling and refreshing ingredients.

Review of anti-dandruff cosmetics

Fructis, Garnier 2-in-1 anti-dandruff shampoo with zinc pyrithione eliminates dandruff and prevents its reappearance for one and a half months. Suitable for all hair types.


Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for normal and oily hair Dercos, Vichy soothes the skin, relieves it from discomfort and itching. Selenium-DS actively fights dandruff, ceramides strengthen hair, salicylic acid delicately exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. The product prevents the appearance of dandruff for 6 weeks after the end of the course of treatment.


Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for dry hair Dercos, Vichy with glycerin, which has moisturizing properties. Directions for use: apply a little product to damp hair, massage, rinse after 2 minutes. Use 2-3 times a week for a month. Then - once a week to prevent dandruff.


What leads to dandruff, how quickly it can be cured, whether folk remedies are effective and why anti-dandruff shampoos do not always work, explains dermatologist-venereologist, cosmetologist-trichologist Samir Goreishi.

Personal archive of the doctor at the Blossom Clinic

— What causes dandruff?

— People come to me with the problem of dandruff quite often, and both men and women come to me equally. Often this problem becomes an accidental finding during an examination by a dermatologist. Dandruff is a symptom of other diseases. For example, it may be a consequence of chronic skin diseases. The most common of them is psoriatic lesions of the scalp.

In adolescence, when puberty occurs, the problem may arise due to endocrine disorders. And in adults, one of the main factors is stress, this has already been proven. Dandruff can also appear due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and improper hair care.


— Can dandruff occur due to rubbing your hair too much while washing?

- No. Sometimes dry scalp is interpreted as dandruff, but this is not entirely correct. A little peeling is not scary: the keratinized part of the epidermis is regularly shed. But when the plates of exfoliated skin are very large and there are many of them, this is dandruff.

- How to get rid of it?

- We need to eliminate the cause. First of all, regulate the psycho-emotional state. Secondly, tidy up the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes sedatives and enzymatic drugs are prescribed (if there are problems with the digestive system).

If the problem is seborrheic dermatitis, then azole antifungal agents are prescribed. Plus keratolytic shampoos: they eliminate flaking. They contain tar, salicylic acid or ichthyol. In severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis, antifungal drugs must be prescribed for oral administration, including zinc preparations, which regulate the secretion of sebum.

— Let's return to etiology. If the reason is increased sebum secretion and the presence of fungus, and we only dry out the skin, then we remove one reason, but the second remains. Treatment must be comprehensive.

— I read that it is not recommended to use anti-dandruff shampoo for more than two months in a row.

- Absolutely right. The pH and moisture of the skin may be disrupted and the therapeutic effect may decrease. Therefore, the recommended period must be observed.


— How soon can we expect the effect?

— Most often, after the first use of drugs, the condition of the scalp worsens. It scares people. Why is it getting worse? There is a loosening of the top layer, increased rejection of keratinized cells, so there is more dandruff. This literally lasts a week. Then the skin calms down. You will see the first effect within two weeks after starting treatment. You can completely get rid of dandruff within one to one and a half months.

- Is it possible to cure her once and for all?

- Unfortunately no. If there are stressful situations again, disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, the problem will repeat. Therefore, to have a healthy scalp, you need to lead a full, healthy lifestyle.

— Do folk remedies such as egg masks, burdock oil, kefir work?

— This question is often asked to me. Because they prefer to resort to the help of a dermatologist and trichologist as a last resort. When all means have been exhausted, the advice of my grandmother and mother has been tried, but there has been no improvement, then okay, I’ll go and listen to the doctor. As a doctor, I cannot say that traditional methods are good or bad. In order to evaluate them, it is necessary to take a group of patients with the same scalp condition and divide them into three groups: the first to be treated with the classical method, the second with the traditional method, and the third not to be treated at all. Then we’ll see if egg masks and kefir really work. But I also cannot deny their effect, because, I repeat, I have not checked.

— To get rid of dandruff, the Internet also advises rubbing table or sea salt at the roots of your hair.

- This is a very dangerous technique, since salt acts on the scalp in the same way as soda - we risk getting burned. And given that table salt now contains iodine, other problems may arise. There is no need to experiment with the skin. This is the organ whose diseases manifest themselves very quickly and make a person feel uncomfortable in society. While the fact that you have a sick stomach may not be noticeable to others, blemishes on your skin are immediately visible.


— How to properly care for your hair to prevent problems?

- If we are talking about a healthy person, then he needs to use shampoo with neutral pH - not for oily and not for dry skin. I prefer clear shampoos without added salts. I am against extracts, dyes, and flavorings in the composition.

You need to wash your hair twice a week, no more often. Otherwise, we will dry out the skin and it will take this as a signal to secrete more sebum. As a result, the hair will become oilier more often, dandruff may appear, and if it is not treated, then the problem will be more serious - hair loss.

— Does this recommendation apply to everyone? What if you workout three times a week?

— What vitamins/products should be in the diet for healthy hair?

— I am for a nutritious and varied diet. Eat a little bit of everything - meat, fruits, and vegetables. What foods are healthy? Anything that contains a large amount of zinc: for example, beans, buckwheat, beef, liver. There is very little of this microelement in our diet. You also need ascorbic acid (it is found in cabbage, citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes), vitamin A (fish oil, butter, milk, carrots).

In what cases should you resort to vitamin tablets? In my opinion (many experts may disagree with him), only if it is required by the treatment of some disease. In other cases, if there are no pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract and the products are well absorbed, if the person is wealthy enough to afford fruits and vegetables, there is no need to consume artificial vitamins. Of course, if you have pasta and sausages all year round, then such a diet cannot be considered complete. But, believe me, an excess of vitamins is much worse than a lack of them.

All artificial flavor enhancers and dyes have a negative effect on the condition of the scalp. Smoked and pickled foods should be consumed limitedly or eliminated altogether. During puberty, foods with high levels of fatty acids are undesirable. If a teenager eats peanuts from morning to evening, this will lead to increased secretion of sebum and provoke seborrheic dermatitis. Chips and crackers are harmful. But in general, you will agree that a healthy diet is good not only for the scalp.

Dandruff brings considerable discomfort; you have to constantly shake it off your clothes, but the main problem is irritation of the scalp.

Against the background of this disease, obsessive states appear; a person constantly checks dandruff on his clothes and tries to hide it from others, which is why he becomes nervous and excited. But what to do if dandruff appears, and doctors’ recommendations do not give results? Expensive shampoos do not always help, but why not use unconventional methods of treatment? In this article we will talk in detail about the treatment of dandruff from personal experience.

The article will include the following blocks:

Effective anti-dandruff shampoo for women

Here are the best shampoos, sprays and lotions that effectively deal with dandruff; in addition, pay attention to the list of pharmacy anti-dandruff shampoos.


Anti-dandruff shampoo 2-in-1 from Garnier.

Zinc pyrithione combats white scales and their reappearance; as a result of use, the hair becomes soft, well-groomed, and the disease recedes.

The product from Schaum, designed to fight dandruff, not only helps to defeat the disease, but also cares for curls. The line includes three shampoos for men:

  • Lemongrass;
  • Intensive;
  • The power of caffeine.

And one for women:

  • Almond milk.

The shampoo is effective due to the content of zinc pyrithione.

Shampoo-rinse with zinc pyrithione is designed for use for all hair types and, with regular use, successfully copes with the manifestations of dandruff. It gives the most pronounced effect in complex therapy in the treatment of oily dandruff.

Intensive care shampoo relieves itching, eliminates flaking, and helps hair maintain a fresh look longer. Effectively fights pustules on the scalp. Suitable for normal to oily hair.

Zinc friederm

Has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. It is recommended for use twice a week, for a course of two months.

Anti-dandruff spray

The anti-dandruff spray Belosalik has proven itself to be excellent, containing betamethasone, which has an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, as well as salicylic acid, which has an inhibitory effect on fungi and bacteria.

Kapous remedy helps to cope with the problem of dandruff in just a few applications. The lotion should be applied to clean scalp twice a week, lightly rubbing. The product relieves itching and prevents the re-formation of dandruff.

Important! There are no anti-dandruff balms; instead, special ointments are used.

Find the reason

Before you begin to solve the problem, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence. The fact is that dandruff does not appear for nothing, but is preceded by certain factors. For example, this could be: improper hair washing (including the wrong shampoo), poor diet, hormonal imbalance, dry scalp, and stress.

As you understand, taking measures to get rid of annoying dandruff without eliminating the cause is illogical. Therefore, try to determine what exactly caused your dandruff. Having found the cause, eliminate it, but along with eliminating the cause, also tackle the problem with dandruff itself.

Can dandruff occur due to diabetes?

With diabetes, the likelihood of developing dandruff doubles. The fact is that metabolic disorders in themselves worsen the body’s resistance to external pathogenic factors. In addition, due to diabetes, the body always suffers from a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements, which negatively affects the patient’s immunity. Pathology also often provokes complications that manifest themselves in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. All this together causes an increased likelihood of dandruff, since it combines the main factors in the development of the disease.

How else does diabetes affect skin and hair?

Diabetes negatively affects the condition of the hair and scalp.
The constant circulation of large amounts of glucose in the blood disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, which leads to poor elimination of toxic substances and toxins that accumulate in the body due to regular use of medications. Their stagnation, in parallel with a weakened immune system, lack of nutrients and metabolic disorders that protect the skin from drying out, contribute to dehydration of the skin. Therefore, diabetes mellitus very often becomes the cause of various dermatitis, dermatoses (purulent inflammations) and mycoses (fungal infections). In addition, this negatively affects the nails and hair of the patient. Nails regularly peel and become brittle, and hair splits and falls out severely.

Getting rid of dandruff

First you need to understand that everything in this life comes from the inside out, and it’s the same with dandruff. It is necessary to fight not only the symptom, but also the root cause. Everyone knows that if you improve your diet, many diseases will disappear; the same principle applies to dandruff. Do not eat fatty, fried and salty foods, and forget about flour and sweets, this contributes to the appearance of dandruff. The sebaceous glands will stop secreting too much oil, and dandruff will quickly recede. It is necessary not only to get rid of harmful foods, but also to add healthy foods to the diet, for example, dairy products and fresh vegetables. You also need to consume a lot of vitamins, but there are very few of them in fruits and vegetables, so it is advisable to take a course of the following vitamins: A, B, C, E. You can take calcium and zinc, but in limited quantities, it is advisable to consult a doctor about dosages and contraindications .

Despite the fact that the root cause is inside, you need to fight the external signs of the disease. Buy a special shampoo, they are really expensive, but these medicated shampoos can cleanse the scalp and not cause allergic reactions. In the pharmacy you can see different shampoos, prices for which start at 500 rubles for a small bottle. Choose a shampoo for your hair type; no need to experiment and buy shampoo for dry hair if it is oily. Hair masks are very useful in this situation; they are sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores, and you can make them yourself.

How to wash your hair correctly?

For anti-dandruff shampoo to really help, you need to follow the rules.

There are also general rules for washing your hair that are not related to getting rid of dandruff.

  • Wash your hair not with hot, but with warm water. Hot water expands the pores of the scalp and activates the sebaceous glands. Because of this, your skin will quickly become oily and your hair will become dirty.
  • Dry your hair using a hairdryer on a gentle setting. You won't waste much time, and your hair will thank you.
  • Don't rub your head with a towel. Wet hair is most susceptible to damage.
  • If you use styling products, wash your hair at night. Gel and wax can clog the openings of hair follicles, and stale products are more difficult to remove, even with shampoo.
  • Apply shampoo to your hair twice. The first time the foam picks up dirt particles, the second time the active substances begin to act in full force.
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