10 things about love that only an introvert will understand

It is important for an introvert to be understood

It is really important for an introvert that a loving person understands him. Sometimes he remains alone with himself for too long. An introvert is used to thinking about a lot of things. Being in a relationship with someone who understands this characteristic of an introvert is what helps them become more outspoken. So if you are interested in something, just ask. Introverts appreciate that you notice and support them, and when they are ready to step out of their world, you need to be there for them.

Manifestation of personality

An introvert’s “software” code is quite intricate, so it’s not easy to “hack” it. This means that an introvert puts on a “mask” for people and can even mimic an extrovert, but is not one. No, the introvert is not at all two-faced or hypocritical, it’s just that in some aspects of his activity (for example, at work), he is forced to play a certain role (for example, a sociable employee), which has little to do with his personality. Now, if during communication you understand that he is ready to lay out information about himself in detail, touches on personal issues and raises philosophical questions - then you are definitely interesting. The introvert will also begin to engage in active discussions, ask your point of view on various issues, share impressions and plans for life.

Introverts love to know you're happy

They know that they are different from others, or at least they feel different. So they don't expect everyone to be like them or enjoy the same things. Introverts want to make their partner happy. They need to know if you are happy with the level of social activity you share with them. They need to maintain a balance of sharing with each other without giving more than they have. It is important for introverts to know that you share their views, because this is the only way to meet your needs and make you happy.

It's not all that mysterious, is it? Introverts are some of the most loyal, peaceful, and supportive people among us. If an introvert chooses you to share his love, it means you are an amazing person and worth taking the risk. Enjoy this honor and get to know the one you love every day.

How does a man in love behave?

A man in love behaves as befits his personality type, character and mentality. This means that every man behaves differently! More on this below. Take a break and watch my latest YouTube video:) SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL

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It is very important to understand that the actions of men are different, since many women expect specific behaviors from men, and when these behaviors do not occur, the woman begins to think that the man is indifferent to her, but this may not be the case.

And so let's start from the very beginning.

Firstly, the biggest difference between people’s characters depends on which direction their attention and energy goes. Specifically, I'm talking about extroversion and introversion.

For extroverts, attention goes to the external environment. Therefore, extroverted men in love will always try to take you somewhere, spend an active holiday with you (for example, sports, entertainment, etc.).

And this is if they are confident in themselves.

If a man is not confident in himself, he has complexes, then even if he is an extrovert, it will be difficult for him to invite you somewhere - he will simply be embarrassed by you. This is, so to speak, an “undisclosed extrovert.” This is a man who, because of his complexes, cannot allow himself to behave the way he truly wants.

With such men you can get a little confused if they fall in love with you, especially if you know them in life. It will seem to you that this man is usually very sociable and self-confident, but as far as you are concerned, he is somehow cold and uncommunicative.

This is normal, most likely he is just shy, most likely he is just an “undisclosed extrovert”.

Extroverts who are self-confident will have active actions, they will invite you for walks and in general to places where there is usually a lot of movement or a lot of people. Because such an atmosphere ignites them with energy.

Well, now let's talk about introverted men.

In introverts, energy is directed inward rather than outward.

This gives them a very large and deep inner world. This world is filled with different feelings and understandings. If these feelings and understandings are positive, then this is very good, if they are negative, then the man begins to suffer from depression, etc., as I described in my other videos and articles.

So, how will an introvert man in love behave?

Such a man usually behaves much more modestly than an extrovert, and much more traditionally. And here, girls often don’t understand how this man feels for them, thinking that he doesn’t feel anything for them since his behavior is very quiet and not bright, like that of extroverts, for example.

But that's not true.

An introvert may feel even more love for you than an extrovert, since an introvert's inner world will be filled with you, while an extrovert's attention is usually scattered around the outside world. Each personality type has its own strengths and weaknesses, so don't think that you'll be happier with an introvert than an extrovert or vice versa. Each has its pros and cons.

If an introvert invites you somewhere, it will usually be quiet, secluded places. Sometimes an introvert in love will ask to come to your home or invite you to his home.

Often girls misunderstand such proposals, thinking that the man wants sex, but this may simply be an introvert who does not like external fuss.

I explained this in detail in my article, “What to do if a man asks for food!?” - here.

That's about it in a nutshell; this is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. The main thing for you to understand is that there are no typical behaviors of men in love, it all depends on the man’s personality type, his psychological complexes and many other factors.

Watch my video at the beginning of this article for my other explanations and ask any questions below in the comments.


Invitation to personal space

Introverts like to keep a distance from unfamiliar people, subordination at work, etc. He does not enjoy a kiss on the cheek of an acquaintance in the European style, or a hug from a distant relative after a long separation. And physical intimacy, in the understanding of an introvert, is impossible without a full-fledged spiritual combination of two personalities. They are not embarrassed by prolonged loneliness and staying in their “shell”. But if he is in constant physical proximity with you, hugs you with pleasure, and simply agrees to spend time next to you for a long time, then he is really interested in you. Kisses and hugs for an introvert are not just a typical gesture on first dates, but a real feat that demonstrates his serious attitude towards you.

An introverted man - how to fall in love and get along with an introverted man - Women's secrets

How to get along with an introverted man. All the subtleties of the psychology of this type of man - advice from the magazine “f-Journal.Ru”

Who are introverts and why do they eat them? So, psychologists conditionally divide all people into two types - introvert and extrovert, refined nature and the soul of the party. There are, of course, unique individuals who walk between these two communities, but basically every man usually has pronounced traits of belonging to either one or the other group. And introverts are those people whose entire life energy, dreams, goals and aspirations are aimed at harmonizing their inner world.

Introverted men are excellent scientists, programmers, and even managers. They are sensitive, vulnerable, but very diligent and attentive. They are well versed in psychology, and their only drawback is that they are too “homey”, and this can get boring.

Where do introverts come from?

Some psychologists are convinced that introverts do not grow up in good, calm and prosperous families. These come from an emotionally unhealthy family, where it is customary to insult and humiliate each other. Introverts have many spiritual wounds, and therefore throughout their adult lives they work on healing them and searching for spiritual, inner happiness. They love going to psychologists, reading relevant literature, and communicating on deep topics. They know a lot and are perfectly erudite, very sensitive and friendly. For them, making a person angry is like a disaster. Often introverts even become excellent psychologists themselves.

How to recognize an introverted man

You can spot an introvert and an extrovert from afar. But, having gotten to know each other better, you can note that such a man is silent, always looks very carefully into the eyes, his thoughts are always deep and interesting.

Such a man may be dressed slightly casually, his gaze may be slightly absent-minded, and in a cafe he will probably occupy the most distant and comfortable table.

How to scare off an introverted man

To get rid of an introverted man, you should do this:

  • Talk incessantly like Malakhov - a lot and about nothing;
  • Laugh at the most intimate of a man - at his dreams, confessions and feelings;
  • Show insincerity and inconstancy;
  • Demonstrate your low spiritual level and zero erudition;
  • As soon as you appear in your loved one’s house, you immediately begin to establish your order there;
  • Become like a Barbie doll - without feelings, depth and intelligence.

In general, you just need to become the opposite of introverts themselves. But they don’t like “shallow water”.

How to make an introverted man fall in love with you

An introvert and an extrovert differ in love. So, introverts love depth - thoughts, feelings, relationships.

To please such a man, you need to do this:

  • Love long, heartfelt conversations;
  • Demonstrate your level of erudition;
  • Learn to listen - for a long time, carefully looking into the eyes while the interlocutor pours out his emotional experiences;
  • Find quotes from famous classics and quote them whenever possible;
  • Read this man’s favorite book, no matter how boring it is, and be sure to tell him about it;
  • Avoid bright cosmetics and tasteless clothes - now you have to take your image seriously.

And the most important thing is to be yourself. Introverts can smell any insincerity a mile away, but they especially value those who are open-minded and generous at heart.

Loving an introverted man is a real pleasure. Such a man is always attentive, calm, vulnerable, for him to offend someone is worse than death. But surprising, making surprises and delivering quiet joys is his element.


Introverts do not like to express emotions violently.

At first glance, they may seem devoid of feelings. In fact, such people have a very developed emotional component of their psyche; they experience things much more deeply, but this is hidden from human view. They do not like to demonstrate their inner world. And even more so, introverted men do not like questions like: “What did you feel then? How are you feeling now? What will you think if such and such happens? The inner world of an introvert belongs only to him. And he will be reluctant to share it even with the dearest person.


This cannot be changed, only accepted as a fact. You shouldn’t expect an introverted man to carry his lover in his arms or talk passionately about his feelings. His feelings in his actions: silent care, loyalty and honesty.

How to understand an introverted man?

He timidly courted, paid compliments, read poetry. You walked through the park, visited exhibitions and museums, went to a quiet and cozy cafe. Everything was so romantic! But the morning after your first night together, you washed your hair with his shampoo, and he looked at you so strangely... He would never agree to go to the club on Friday or even to your friend’s birthday party. No, he's not weird, he's an introvert. He is like this, and you need to accept him, because he will not change. How to understand an introverted man and how to build a relationship with him?

Introverts, extroverts, ambiverts...

Carl Gustav Jung was the first to propose in psychology a new criterion for dividing people based on the “direction of their mental activity.” Introverts tend to turn to their own inner world, analyze it, and reflect. Extroverts are aimed at understanding the world around them and other people. They find pleasure in communication, unlike introverts who prefer solitude.

Who are ambiverts? These are people who are “in the middle” between introverts and extroverts. They are the majority, because human behavioral reactions are multifaceted. In one situation he behaves like an extrovert (for example, in the company of friends), in another he shows signs characteristic of an introvert (in a depressed emotional state he withdraws from communication). “Pure” extroverts or introverts are less common.

There are, however, fewer myths about extroverts, because they are open and sociable people. Introverts prefer to remain in the shadows. But they have distinctive features, which, once understood, will make it easier to understand an introverted man. And even an extroverted girl.

An introverted man: what is he like?

An introverted man can be described as follows:

  • He doesn't like to be in crowds. And in company he feels insecure, preferring loneliness to communication.
  • He will not open up to a stranger. He will listen if the need arises, but he will not talk about himself.
  • Doesn't like long conversations. Communication with strangers is kept to a minimum; such a man will talk for several hours only with someone dear and not indifferent to him.
  • He is reserved and shows emotions sparingly. It's impossible to tell from his facial expression what he's thinking.
  • He's conservative. This manifests itself in behavior and attitudes. Therefore, he honors traditions and values ​​family values ​​highly.
  • Doesn't like irrelevant chatter.
  • He read a lot of books. He devotes most of his free time to reading and is ready to discuss books with like-minded people and friends. For an introvert, a book is a long-awaited gift.
  • Values ​​sincerity and devotion. He has few friends, but they are tried and true and the best.
  • Makes decisions independently and takes responsibility for what is done. He listens to advice, but does it his own way.
  • Prone to introspection. An introverted man listens to his inner voice, his world is interesting, and his personality is multifaceted.
  • He is wise and has a philosophical mind. He knows how to analyze events, the actions of others, and understands the consequences of what he has done.
  • His outstanding intellectual abilities help him build a career. Introverted men often occupy leadership positions. They also manifest themselves in scientific research.

It is not necessary that your chosen one will have all of the listed signs. But their predominance in character means that your man is an introvert. How to understand it? In reality, everything is not so complicated, although women are characterized by extroversion.

Men are more likely than women to be introverts. The ratio of introverts to extroverts among men is 70 to 30, while for women the figure is different – ​​40 to 60.

When the inability (or unwillingness) to understand a person of the other sex is mixed with a difference in the psychological orientation of the individual, building relationships becomes more difficult. But if there is attraction, sincere feelings, the situation becomes simpler.

Sometimes relationships fall apart before they can get stronger. “They didn’t get along” is a universal explanation that is used both by people who have just tried to live together and by couples with 20 years of experience. How to “get along” with an introverted man?

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In this article we will look at how a man’s personal life is structured, depending on whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. The fact is that the sexuality of extroverted men and introverted men has significant differences in its manifestations. And this is not surprising, since the sexuality of any person directly depends on his psychological characteristics.

Active sexuality of extroverts

The sexuality of extroverted men is bright, active, dominant. Therefore, the image of an extroverted man, in the minds of most women, coincides with the image of a real man, a kind of alpha male - courageous, strong, courageous, decisive, sexy. Extroverts charm women with their assertiveness and determination, and therefore easily win women's hearts, even without being particularly beautiful or rich. Typical extroverts have a strong “masculine side” - and this is the main reason for their amazing success with women.

Any woman, deep down in her soul, dreams of feeling protected from any adversity in life and shifting all her worries onto strong male shoulders. Therefore, next to an extrovert, so passionate, self-confident and decisive, it is easier for a woman to show her “feminine principle” - to become weak, fragile, tender, soft and defenseless. Looking at such a man, a woman has no doubt that behind him, as if behind a stone wall, and therefore immediately begins to dream that this particular man will become her husband and the father of her children. In addition, an extroverted man greatly excites a woman and attracts her sexually. A woman likes it when a man takes the initiative in a relationship, looks after her, conquers her, achieves her, and then completely subjugates her to himself.

Passive sexuality of introverts

Introverted men are passive, quiet, shy and indecisive. Introverts are not popular with women for two reasons: firstly, it is difficult for them to take initiative in personal relationships, and secondly, they do not give the impression of strong and decisive men. Therefore, alas, no matter how good qualities of soul and character an introverted man may have, no matter how handsome or even rich he is, it will always be more difficult for him to build relationships with women than an extroverted man. Looking at a quiet and indecisive introvert, it is difficult for a woman to believe that he can become a reliable support for her in life. And in vain, since in fact, introverts often make wonderful husbands - caring, kind, faithful.

According to many psychologists, one of the main reasons for pronounced introversion in men, when timidity and passivity take extreme forms, is parental overprotection. Men who are overprotected by their parents in childhood do not have the opportunity to learn to defend their positions in front of their peers and do not gain useful experience in overcoming life’s problems on their own, and therefore in adulthood it is difficult for them to self-determinate, and even more difficult to take responsibility for the family. Incorrect upbringing received in childhood also affects the sexual sphere of a man, forming in him the so-called Oedipus complex - when an adult man looks for an analogue of a caring and nurturing mother in each of his partners.

Introversion and extroversion

It would be wrong to think that extroverts are completely ignorant of fears and doubts, and that introverts are pathetic and incapable of weaklings. Both introversion and extroversion have their strengths and weaknesses. Often, behind the façade of an extrovert’s self-confidence, there are fears and complexes hidden, the existence of which others may not even realize. And a quiet introvert, under the influence of a strong feeling, can accomplish a lot. Introverts are essentially no less active than extroverts, but their activity is more internal than external, manifesting itself not at the level of actions, but at the level of feelings and emotions.

A typical extrovert outwardly seems very passionate and temperamental, he knows how to passionately and beautifully court, although the emotions he experiences are most often superficial. This is why extroverts often change their social circle, and their love affairs are short-lived. Introverts are less amorous than extroverts, but, having fallen in love, an introvert is able to carry his feeling through many years. An introvert's circle of friends is usually not wide, but an introvert always values ​​his few friends very much.

A typical introvert can experience the whole gamut of passions, while outwardly remaining restrained and calm, while for an extrovert the slightest emotion can prompt active action. This is why it is usually more difficult to understand an introvert than an extrovert. An introvert experiences any event at the level of feelings and emotions much more acutely than an extrovert. Let's give an example for comparison: for an introvert, confessing his love to a girl is a real emotional shock that can leave a strong mark on his soul, while for an extrovert it is a pleasant, but quite ordinary life episode.


The ability to show external activity and initiative is very important for any person, as it helps him achieve all kinds of success in all areas of life. But it is equally important to have a rich inner world and be able to analyze your own thoughts and feelings. The poem's two opposite poles - introversion and extroversion, like "yin" and "yang", must interact with each other and complement each other. Introverts must learn to avoid needlessly clinging to dreams and illusions and not be afraid to step out of their so-called comfort zone in order to realize their plans. And it wouldn’t hurt for extroverts to look into their souls more often in order to better understand the motives of their own actions and actions. Only a person who is not afraid to look inside himself can understand what he really needs to be happy and what he should strive for so as not to be disappointed in what he has achieved. Therefore, a harmonious person is, first of all, a person who was able to find and establish a golden mean between internal and external, between introversion and extraversion.

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We all know the personality types of introvert and extrovert. Dialogue between people of different temperaments is not always easy. What should an extroverted girl do if the guy is an introvert? Will love really be consumed by the phrase “We don’t get along”? Let's find out from our expert.

Ekaterina Fedorova is a famous psychologist, a leading sex trainer in Moscow, an expert on sexual relationships with many years of experience. Founder and director of the women's center, coach, member of the Hellinger Club, participant in TV programs, author of educational books.

Most people on the planet are extroverts: cheerful, sociable, open and emotional. They radiate colossal energy that nourishes the family, team, and society. But in nature there is always a place for opposites. White - black, north - south, water - stone. This world system originated billions of years ago and has its own undeniable charm. Antipodes also exist in psychology. The opposite of extroverts are introverts. These people are focused on their inner world, they are closed, not inclined to communicate and have difficulty establishing contacts with the outside world.

Not all relationships can be called ideal. And who said that they have to be perfect. If there is a fire woman in the family, then a water man will be the perfect complement, and vice versa. As they say, opposites attract. But very often women, when faced with difficulties, try to find the reason for their occurrence in anyone, but not in themselves. A bad mood means “it’s your fault, we sit at home all the time and don’t go anywhere,” bad behavior in a child means “it’s because my son’s father is melancholic and can’t raise a normal person.” In fact, introverts are faithful husbands, loving fathers, thoughtful interlocutors and surprisingly subtle humorists. It is important to learn how to correctly convey information to them, hear and understand their point of view.

Rules for living with introverts

Avoid emotional discussions and heated arguments

Introverts do not like conflictual communication and try to protect themselves from unpleasant dialogue. For an ardent extrovert, being ignored often provokes even greater anger. Ultimately, the woman burns out emotionally, despairs and adds a couple more wrinkles to her appearance. Agree, it’s an unpleasant story for both partners. Try to solve any problem tactfully and calmly. Yes, it’s not always easy, but you definitely won’t achieve anything with angry speeches. Hurtful words are remembered by an introvert for a long time, and even if it is not always noticeable on the outside, deep down they can experience emotional trauma for a very long time.

Embrace their leisurely pace of life

Introverts are in no hurry and enjoy every minute of their lives. They know how to enjoy small things: admire a blooming flower, be touched when you bathe a child. Rhythmic extroverts often lack this. People of ardent temperament are always in a hurry to get somewhere, they fly into the office like lightning and disappear, always leaving behind a pleasant or unpleasant aftertaste. It’s hard not to notice them, they burn, but they forget that the lamp cannot burn forever. If your partner is an introvert, rejoice and learn from him to love simple human things, which sometimes bring indescribable pleasure and peace.

Let's have a chance to be alone

The inner world of an introvert is multifaceted. They love to dream for a long time, paint rainbow pictures and walk for hours along the river bank. There is no need to steal precious moments of privacy from them. While your loved one is adjusting the frequency of harmony between the soul and nature, take care of yourself. Many women lack personal space, but you will always have it. Drink coffee with a friend, visit a cosmetologist, read a book. Each person should have personal time, which he has the right to dispose of at his own discretion.

Don't suppress or humiliate

A man is the head of the family, and it doesn’t matter what his temperament is. Women increasingly forget about this and begin to pull the blanket to their side. Perhaps the post-war situation led to modern matriarchy in the family. There were few men in the country; many mothers had to play the role of father, mentor, and overseer. Gradually, society got used to this way of life, and today in many families the man has lost respect and the right to have the last word. This is a huge mistake that definitely needs to be corrected. Respecting your man means respecting your choice. Let him be who he needs to be. Do not humiliate either in a team, or in a family, or alone with each other.


An introvert is ready to help and come to the rescue of loved ones, but he does not strive to do this on his own initiative. It’s all about respect for someone else’s space and personality, even if she herself doesn’t need this “respect” and distance. If an introvert is really interested, then he can dramatically change his behavior - begin to actively help in matters even without requests or hints, organize spontaneous meetings, agree to unplanned proposals, etc. An introvert in love begins to lose natural boundaries and can even become obsessive. Do not rush to reject his initiative, otherwise you will cause serious injury and are unlikely to be able to pull him out of the “cocoon” again.

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