Gemini man: what is he like in love?

The Gemini man in Love is a special sign of the Zodiac. People born under the sign of Gemini are distinguished from others by their extraordinary character, many talents, unconventional thinking and attractive appearance. But men and women of this sign are very different, and have a completely different set of qualities and habits.

Gemini man

A Gemini man in love, what is he like, how does he behave with the opposite sex? Is he a faithful husband, is he a passionate lover, should we expect romantic exploits from him, or should he take the initiative himself? We will tell you in every detail.

Gemini man characteristics in love

All men are different, but every single one of Gemini knows how to look after someone beautifully. The Gemini man, his compliments and his gifts, his original and beautiful ideas for dates, have no equal.

This is not an ardent romantic and not a passionate jealous person - he is rather rational and calm, he never makes a scene and does not go to extremes. But with a Gemini, any woman will feel like a queen - the most beautiful, desired and the only one.

But there is also a minus. More than one woman, or even two, feels so “the only one” with this man. Alas! He is fickle, he cannot be called a monogamist, but he loves and appreciates women, and knows how to attract and charm them. Men of this sign are very characterized by uncertainty and changeability - today he wants a relationship with you, tomorrow - with another girl. She may forget about the promise she made yesterday or not show up for a meeting, change her mind, or disappear altogether. Libras are constantly tormented by doubts, they are never one hundred percent sure of their choice, and always want to sit on two chairs.

However, there is no need to dramatize. And among Geminis there are also exemplary husbands and devoted family men. In many ways, everything depends on the woman - on how well she studies and understands his character and habits, and learns to manage him wisely, with love, taming him and making him hers forever.

Gemini Man

A Gemini man is a real gift for a woman who dreams of a rich life and most of all values ​​friendship, spiritual intimacy and freedom in a relationship. He is a witty and cheerful conversationalist, a joker and a jokester; you are never bored with him. Gemini is not an owner by nature, he never tries to subjugate his partner, but on the contrary, he will happily get rid of false obligations and establish equal relationships. This is almost the only sign in the entire zodiac that values ​​the independence of others no less than its own. Being around a Gemini is easy and pleasant. But you cannot give yourself entirely to love for him, immerse yourself in it headlong. Take care of yourself - career, spiritual and intellectual development, share with Gemini everything new you learn, try to always be an interesting interlocutor.

For Gemini, in the scale of a partner’s merits, her intellectual level comes first. If you manage to achieve intellectual harmony with a Gemini, you will tie him to you for a long time - this rule has almost no exceptions. Gemini, unlike many other men, is not fascinated by smart women. Despite his sociability, Gemini is very closed, this is a thing in itself, he will not reveal his soul even to his closest friends and lovers. His coldness and detachment can cause a lot of suffering. Try not to pay attention to them. Don't put pressure on him, don't interrogate him. Gemini always reacts the same way to attempts to drive him into a rigid framework - to destroy everything and break free. By putting pressure on him, you will push him away. He sacredly respects the personal space of another person and does not allow himself to be too authoritarian.

Geminis are a fickle nature; there can be no talk of reliability, calm and stability here. Today he can shower you with gifts and shower you with such attention all evening that you will feel at the height of bliss. The next day he may disappear and appear only a month later and in a bad mood. Inconstancy is perhaps the most painful trait of a Gemini for others. But that's his nature. He gets tired of long-term emotional and sexual relationships. This man lives one day at a time, and that is how he should be perceived. Try to be tolerant of his antics. Don't be indignant, don't reprimand him. Act as if nothing happened, do not ask and do not try to find out through friends and acquaintances where and with whom he was. And remember that a bad mood does not last long when visiting a Gemini; soon he will again become cheerful, witty and attentive.

It is difficult for a Gemini to be faithful. He is witty, eloquent, and has a sense of humor, so he is always surrounded by attention. To keep a Gemini from cheating, you must sincerely trust him. Gemini is very sensitive to other people's states; he will immediately sense your distrust and will not fail to take advantage of it, because he cannot stand it when people do not trust him. If he feels trust, he will be faithful to you, or at least he will hide his adventures so skillfully that the thought of betrayal will not even cross your mind. Trust for him is sacred, he will never allow himself to destroy it. Try not to make a scene for him. The Gemini man enjoys communicating with women, but this does not mean that he necessarily craves closer relationships. He needs an audience to listen to his speeches with admiration. Loving a Gemini is also not easy because this person is emotionally cold. He does not know how to love deeply and faithfully, but he longs to be loved. Loneliness for Gemini is tantamount to the end of the world. Therefore, surround him with the care and affection that he so needs, and you will be very generously rewarded.

  • Gemini Love
  • Gemini man compatibility

Gemini man in marriage and love

If you have become the “other half” of a Gemini man, you should not, after reading this information, immediately begin to be jealous of him “for nothing”. It is worth remembering that in every area of ​​life, especially in love and marriage, all people are very individual. Everything depends not only on the Horoscope, but also on upbringing, habits, tastes, worldview and a variety of factors.

However, you have to be careful. Gemini is not the kind of man who, after meeting you, will calm down, sit at home in comfort and become at home. No! His peculiarity is an unquenchable thirst for new things, a passion for studying and absorbing information, gaining new experience. And this is in all areas of life. Therefore, in order to maintain his loyalty and devotion, you will have to make your personal life varied and not let him get bored.

In a family, a Gemini man can become an excellent husband and father, but only if he finds a woman equal to himself. Just as easy-going, cheerful and active, without prejudice, not scandalous. They can travel together, go to parties until old age and attend more and more new courses, explore the world. And if the wife shares these passions and interests, then this man will not need another woman.

Gemini man: what kind of women do they like and who do they choose | RELATIONSHIP.NO

Gemini is a sign of the air element. They are easy to communicate, active, energetic. Creativity and the mass of ideas that flow from them require constant feeding. Airy men find it in fresh emotions and sensations. Their mental abilities are much above average, which provides ample opportunities for successful implementation in various areas of life.

Gemini men have innate charm and charisma. They easily win the favor of the fair sex. But it’s not easy for a woman to conquer such a handsome man. In our article we will talk about what kind of woman a Gemini man needs.

What kind of women will attract his attention?

When a Gemini feels sympathy for a girl, her income, place and position of work are not important to him. Without hesitation, he may prefer a daring intellectual or a mystery girl from a poor family to a rich heiress. The “victim” of this hunter should be an unpredictable predator, and not a humble angel descended from heaven.

A sophisticated lover, a devoted friend who will always support you in difficult times, an interesting opponent in conversations - this is how the Gemini man sees his beloved.


What kind of girls do Gemini men like? Their tastes may change due to the duality of character. However, it is reliably known that they prefer feminine persons. There are no strict selection criteria based on external data. Height, hair color, breast size are not so significant.

The main thing is that the girl’s appearance is harmonious, as is her inner world. A slob who doesn’t take care of herself will only make an airy man feel disgusted. Therefore, a woman should be neat and well-groomed.

Since Mercury’s favorite likes to be the center of attention, he can be paired with a bright, spectacular girl, for example, a stately blonde. But if it turns out that she has a low IQ and there is nothing to talk to her about, Gemini will quickly dismiss her.

External beauty is not a decisive factor when choosing a companion. Next to him there should be an interesting and intelligent interlocutor.

Fiery red-haired beauties have an obvious undeniable advantage: they are impossible not to notice. It is important here not to cross the line between catchy image and vulgarity. A provocative appearance will allow her to stand out from the crowd, but will not generate the necessary response in the soul of Gemini.

The airy man does not ignore dark-haired women. His choice could be an elegant, sophisticated brunette. The main thing is that it is stylish, fashionable and attractive.

Since the dual sign does not like constancy, in order to keep the flighty and impulsive Gemini, the girl must be prepared for frequent changes of images.

If a romantic nature replaces luxurious silky curls and translucent light draperies with a gavroche-style haircut and heavy tractor boots, such an update will cause the sincere delight of a man.

Trying on different roles, experimenting with hairstyle, makeup, and wardrobe, the beautiful intellectual will be able to maintain her relationship with Mercury’s ward for a long time.

The girl should be attractive, harmoniously built. If she is a little plump, but looks great and knows how to present herself favorably, then Gemini will be able to please her. The appearance of the passion in this case fades into the background. Much more important is a common outlook on the world, life values ​​and interests.


What kind of women does a Gemini man like? A quiet woman and a homebody is clearly not to his liking. An easy-going, sociable, devoted, sincere, romantic nature can become his soul mate.

Next to a partner who is characterized by sudden mood swings, there must be a woman with a fairly stable nervous system, otherwise she will not be able to tolerate his whims. An addicted womanizer will not share life and bed with a girl who has a sharp tongue. After all, it is so easy to hurt him with an inappropriate remark or ridicule.

Geminis are akin to peacocks: they also love to demonstrate their virtues to others and always expect a positive response in return. A girl should be generous with compliments. You can praise Gemini's intelligence, gallantry, and erudition. In admiration, in no case should there be falsehood that turns into flattery. Then the girl will hear a lot of pleasant words addressed to her.

Dull evenings in front of the TV, boring occasional sex, weekends repairing a car in the garage - this is not about our heartthrob. He does not belong to the category of homebody. The other half should share his craving for a change of scenery and a constant cycle of events. If children appear in the marriage, their presence will not affect the Gemini’s lifestyle and views.

The wife will be involved in raising the younger generation. The husband can spend time with the children, but only in games and entertainment. Edifications, moral teachings, lessons - he will not burden himself with such worries.

And if his wife, for objective reasons, cannot share his fun, he will go to great lengths alone, without experiencing the slightest remorse.

Not every girl is able to form a long-term union with a Gemini.

She must meet his many needs: be tolerant of his antics, show independence, unpredictability, have a sharp mind, and a sense of humor. She shouldn't ask for much.

She will always have to remember that the flighty needs freedom. At the same time, it is important for Gemini that the girl shines with a presentable appearance and erudition.

Behavior and communication

In relationships, Gemini seeks unearthly and sublime love, at the same time passionate and burning. His companion should be not just a wife, but a muse. When communicating with an airy man, you should not appeal to his sense of responsibility. He needs to be inspired, he needs to be admired. He will be comfortable with a young lady who will appreciate his romantic impulse and reciprocate it.

The favorite of Mercury opens up easily when he is in the thick of things. His passion can be the girl who is ready to tirelessly accompany him to noisy night parties and maintain communication on various topics. It is very important to him that she be popular.

For this you will need a good education, a broad outlook, and a desire to develop. Curiosity, keen interest in different spheres of life, events taking place not only around her, but also in the country and the world - all this will provide the basis for the conversations necessary for an intellectual womanizer.

Gemini does not like to be involved in housework. At the courtship stage, he can show off and help his other half. But when running a joint farm, this is practically impossible. The girl must understand that she will have to cope with household chores alone.

What kind of girls do Gemini guys like? Those that present themselves as an exciting adventure novel or detective story.

Having read it to the end, a book lover should remain puzzled and in slight bewilderment, experiencing a strong desire to re-read everything again, since the actions of his favorite character raise a lot of questions in him.

If a girl can create such intrigue in a relationship, present herself as a rough diamond, the facets of which reveal their beauty only from a special angle, she will no longer need to rack her brains about what kind of women Gemini men love. She can become not only his beloved, but also his only one.

Trying to change a heartthrob is a futile effort. The lady must accept him as he is, with his habits and character traits, believe in him, support, care, patronize him.

How a Gemini man chooses his life partner

Geminis are often accused of duplicity, and this is not without reason. Manipulation and lies are traits inherent in them from birth. They create the illusion of uniqueness and exclusivity around themselves. It will not be difficult for them to lure an inexperienced girl into their network. They generously shower their chosen one with not only compliments, but also gifts.

They declare their sympathy right away, without resorting to the language of signals and half-hints. Many girls cannot resist euphonious praises and assurances of sincerity of feelings. But they should not be taken seriously. Gemini's love is often superficial, not nearly as deep as his words suggest.

You can understand that a guy has sincere feelings not by his passionate explanations, but based on the following observations.

  • He lets you in on his plans for the future.
  • A man asks for your advice.
  • He becomes punctual (although usually not a stickler for precision).
  • The twin changes his wardrobe and hairstyle.
  • He feels comfortable around you. He is in good spirits and often laughs heartily.

The spontaneous Gemini's favorite phrase is: "Let's see what happens." Therefore, his ideal date is full of unexpected twists and turns. Next to him, you should forget about a measured three-course dinner. A romantic meeting will resemble a series of separate pictures: a snack in one place, a couple of cocktails in another, conquering the dance floor in a third.

What kind of women do Geminis like? His mood is like the unstable spring weather. Desires and life attitudes change along with it. Thus, tired of solving financial problems, the selfish Gemini can afford to retire for a while.

In this case, his companion should be ready to take the initiative to obtain funds into her fragile hands. After resting for a while and changing the environment, the airy man will be ready to return to everyday problems before a new attack of apathy occurs.

Gemini's companion must understand this feature of his character, as well as the fact that, despite his excellent ability to earn money, Mercury's favorite is absolutely not inclined to distribute it competently. He is generous, does not consider it necessary to save, save for a rainy day, because of this the couple may experience a lack of funds.

His other half should be able to rationally spend the family budget. After all, if both spend left and right, without thinking about tomorrow, they will soon find themselves in a hole of debt.

There is a beautiful legend that explains the inconstancy of Gemini.

The Creator, who collected the 12 signs of the Zodiac to endow them with distinctive features, gave Gemini questions as a gift. In this world they look for answers and share their enlightenment with people. They broadcast light and joy into the space around them.

If you dream of becoming a twin's companion, you will have to educate yourself. A thirst for knowledge and a penchant for philosophical conversations are integral components of his being. He will be delighted if you can surpass him in some topic.

What girl can hold a Gemini? Paradoxically, the one that gives him the opportunity to feel independent. She should not feel the fear of losing her chosen one.

A girl who is extraordinary in her actions, offering unconventional solutions, with diverse interests and interesting hobbies, who can maintain intrigue in a relationship for a long time, will certainly win the heart of an airy man.

He will be able to build a long-term relationship with a passion that will be similar to him in spirit and way of life. For all his lightness, decency and honesty are important life values ​​for him. He will be impressed by an active, self-sufficient girl who has her own beliefs and knows how to defend them.

What repels Gemini men

Excessive modesty of the fair sex, taciturnity, and love of solitude can become an obstacle to the beginning of a relationship. But there is something that will undoubtedly push Gemini away. Let's consider these points.

  • Demanding him to settle down, putting forward ultimatums, forcing him to set a serious goal and not deviate from the path until it is achieved means personally destroying the relationship with him.
  • Gemini does not tolerate claims against him, does not forgive criticism or reproaches. If the lady does not stop in time, he will enjoy life elsewhere.
  • Arguing with his decisions, contradicting him, imposing your point of view is pointless. He will not allow a woman to control him. One should accept his position, even if it is wrong.
  • The windy zodiac sign treats love quite superficially and can afford several parallel romances at the same time. However, such frivolity is not permissible for a girl. Upon learning of the betrayal, he will immediately give her resignation.
  • Control, limitation of personal space, the desire to drive him into a cage will definitely repel the Gemini man. Intrusive ladies who call several times a day, trying to find out where and with whom their husband is, will cause a negative reaction.
  • Gemini will not allow a girl to lead him. Such attempts will be immediately stopped.
  • Don't let him get bored next to you. This could end in failure. You should always have enough energy, strength and desire to support his ideas.
  • There are many girls in Gemini's retinue, because he is so pleased with the attention of women. This does not mean that he is ready to have sex with each of them. Friendship and communication are very important to him. Do not be jealous of your chosen one for his entourage. Enjoy the role of the main woman in the life of your loved one.
  • A simple simpleton, even if she has a very attractive appearance, will not be able to interest Mercury’s favorite for long. In the first days of dating, revealing your talents to him, baring your soul and swearing love all day and night long is a huge delusion, which, without any doubt, will end in a breakup. He much prefers the trail of mystery.
  • The big mistake that women make when trying to woo this zodiac sign is to immediately force a serious relationship. The word “forever” scares him. “To be continued” is much nicer.

The key to a strong relationship with this horoscope sign is understanding, respect, friendship and trust. Next to him you will always feel his adoration. Your memory will retain many evidences of his affection. Don’t judge him too harshly, don’t be offended over trifles, don’t try to tie him to you. And he will respond with care and love.


Gemini man in love and bed

This sign has one more feature that cannot be taken away from him: he is a master and connoisseur of love pleasures. Geminis love sex, they know a lot about it, it occupies a special place in their lives. He is a researcher by nature, and it is simply vital for him to constantly learn and try something new, in love and sex as well. The sexual sphere is no exception.

A Gemini man in bed is a bold experimenter who cannot stand boredom and will not tolerate monotony. He can be ardent and passionate, he can be rude and subordinate, he can agree to a passive role, he is interested in trying everything different.

An excellent and perhaps the only way to keep this male close for a long time is to offer him erotic experiments and constantly surprise him, excite him, make surprises. As soon as his intimate life becomes monotonous, he will immediately find another woman.

More details here: characteristics of Gemini Man

Compatibility: Which woman is right for them?

These friendly intellectuals can quickly win over anyone. A variety of people are fascinated by Gemini, amazed at their wit and breadth of interests.

There are high chances of becoming the best friend of a representative of this sign if there are common interests and the level of reading is not lower. It is easy for creative people to build partnerships with Geminis, since the breadth of their imagination has no limits, and new ideas pour in as if from a cornucopia.

We recommend: Characteristics of Libra women in love and their compatibility with men of other horoscope signs

Geminis can become good business partners if it is possible to constantly mitigate the consequences of their lack of punctuality. Patient and calm fire signs often manage to maintain working relationships for a long time, becoming infected with the optimism and liveliness of Gemini.

With zodiac signs ruled by the elements of Earth and Water, free-spirited adventurers get bored very quickly.

How to make your twin fall in love with you

The difficult question is how to make a male Gemini fall in love with you. People like him fall in love quite rarely, are pragmatists and are not distinguished by constancy in relationships. But there are still chances.


To make him fall in love with you, you need to be like him. Just as easy-going and a little crazy, passionate and inquisitive. He will fall in love with a woman who does not sit still, loves experiments, discoveries, travel, has a million hobbies and is constantly trying something. She is not afraid of anything, is open to new things, has a positive attitude, and never nags or whines. It's hard to be like that, isn't it? But, if your character is close to the picture described, rest assured that you will fall in love with this obstinate person without difficulty!

But you shouldn’t relax after the first date. Let us remember that Gemini loves women. He can shower you with compliments and look devotedly into your eyes, kiss you as if for the first time, and be a submissive young man, don’t believe him! He is simply carried away, and true love is still far away. To call it, you will have to try.

Read more here: characteristics of the Gemini sign

How to confess your love to a Gemini man

Confessing your love to this man is not difficult; he loves attention to himself. The main thing is not to scare him with excessive seriousness, so that he doesn’t think that you are dragging him down the aisle. Your confession will be pleasant for him, it will stroke his pride, but do not expect that this man will immediately accept and answer you in kind. Is not a fact!

If you want to confess your love to him in order to hold him, to pull him closer to you, forget and immediately abandon this idea, such a trick will not work with Gemini. He will just listen to you, rejoice at your next victory, and maybe even say “thank you” or something like that. It might even be worse to react with a phrase like “I’m pleased to hear this, but you don’t think that everything will be serious with us now?” No girl wants to hear this.

You should not confess your love to a Gemini quickly, already in the first couple of months of dating, this will lead you to tears. He will either take it indifferently or ironically - but he is guaranteed not to reciprocate your feelings. And if the connection between you has just begun to strengthen, then with your confession you risk destroying everything, ruining it, scaring him away. So don’t rush, wait, do everything necessary to tie and hold your loved one, and remember that actions are much more valuable than words.

But if your motives are sincere, and you desperately want to confess your feelings to your lover, you can no longer hide them - speak up! Just speak from your heart, without expecting to hear anything in response. By the way, you've probably heard more than once that you can't confess your love to a man after sex? So, with Gemini it’s the other way around, an excellent option. After good sex, he may even relax so much that he will reciprocate your feelings, if it's true and he's already in love with you!

How to get a Gemini man's love back

And let’s be honest, this won’t be easy. Returning the love of a Gemini man is even more difficult than winning it, because he is so fickle! If this man moves forward, further in life, full of adventures, he very quickly forgets everything that he had before. The past has no significance for him, he is focused on the future, and never clings to past connections.

If you had a short affair with him, an affair, and then he left - spit and forget, find yourself a worthy and loving guy. There is no point in returning someone, because you did not lose him - you cannot lose what does not belong to you. But he didn’t belong to you, it was just a short affair, nothing more! It’s painful and offensive, but you should take it as an experience and move on with your head held high.

But if you had a long and serious relationship with Gemini, you should think about how to restore it. Calm down and think seriously, why did the relationship break down, what didn’t suit your partner? What was he looking for when he left that he didn’t find in you and your partner with him? This mental work requires a lot of effort and can take a lot of time until you understand all the possible reasons for his departure. But they need to be understood and written down, and then decided how to work with them.

Try to change! Attract him with your new look, boldly cut and dye your hair, change your image. Jump from a parachute and post the video on your social media pages. Start drawing or play a role in amateur theater. Take a vocal class or play strike ball with friends. Start discovering a vibrant world, grab all the opportunities and leave home for adventure!

Such a new you is a bait for Gemini; he will not resist and will be drawn to you. But the catch is that, having returned it, you will have to keep it and live like this forever. But believe me, you will enjoy an active and vibrant life! Moreover, you will make a lot of new interesting friends, start going to new places and gradually forget about your ex. New male acquaintances will definitely start courting you and asking you out on a date, because everyone wants to meet such a bright, active and positive girl! And at the moment when your Gemini returns, or rather tries to return, it is not a fact that you will want to let him in... Perhaps by this moment you will be passionate about something or someone more interesting and attractive in your life.

A few words in conclusion. You should not immediately draw 100% conclusions: remember that the Horoscope guides and hints, indicates a possible vector, but does not predict. All of the above is not guaranteed, because man is different from man, and they are all so surprisingly different and unique! What if your Gemini is faithful and devoted, homely and quiet, loving and gentle? This could also happen.

And what can be said for sure and guaranteed is that love will save any relationship and can work real miracles. With sincere and open love you can attract and hold, and build a whole new world, and heal any heart. Don't be afraid to try new things, follow where your heart leads you - and you will always be happy in love!

How to keep a Gemini man?

It can be easy to attract the attention of a man born under the sign of Gemini, but you need to try to interest him and keep him. For this, simply expressiveness and self-confidence are not enough.

Gemini Flirting

The Gemini man loves to be the center of attention. He feels especially comfortable among women. You will have to come to terms with his constant need to flirt. This does not mean that he wants to choose someone over you, it is only a confirmation of his independence.

Reconciliation with Gemini

In matters of quarrels and reconciliations, you will have to recognize your responsibility to be the first to ask for forgiveness. The Gemini man will never apologize; he would rather harbor a grudge or anger. He will come to reconciliation only in a few weeks - this is the minimum period.

Irritation of Gemini men

The Gemini man loses his temper easily and is terrible in anger. Try to smooth out sharp corners as much as possible, or better yet, go around them. Only in this case can you hope for a long relationship.

Gemini men feel jealous

A jealous person with a heightened sense of ownership towards his other half is a Gemini man. What kind of women does he like? Those who consider him one and only and never give a reason to be jealous. The sense of ownership in him is so strong that it gives rise to wild rage in him, which he cannot cope with.

Caring for Gemini

If you want to create something strong and real with a Gemini man, you must be willing to always take care of him. Only if he feels almost motherly care will he understand that you love him and will feel comfortable.

Other important qualities of Gemini men

In addition to all the listed qualities, the chosen one of a Gemini man should:

  1. be a hospitable hostess;
  2. never touch his personal belongings;
  3. be unpredictable and slightly mysterious;
  4. do not limit his freedom;
  5. get involved in something and develop yourself.

There should be a positive and intelligent woman next to the Gemini man. This will be a very harmonious couple that will interest others. He must always solve it, and she must make it interesting for him to do so.

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