Which woman a man will never forget. Battle of the sexes. Which woman a man can never forget. so that a man never stops loving you

What kind of women do men not leave?

Do you think there is no universal secret? And that everything happens in life, and men still leave beautiful, smart women who are both good housewives and skilled mistresses? It only seems so from the outside. The fact that these unfortunate abandoned women are ideal. In fact, everything is not so simple, because there are strong married couples where you look: he is a respectable, stately, handsome, and successful man, and she is an unremarkable gray mouse. And then the whole familiar world collapses and absolute bewilderment comes: “What did he find in her?!?” And he loves her, dotes on her, and all because she behaves correctly with him, like a woman. Let's talk about which women men don't leave. So, this woman:

1. Recognizes authority in her man. Gives him the leadership of the family, primacy in all matters. He is the main breadwinner, her support and protection. He makes decisions and solves any problems that arise. When a woman makes a man feel like a real man, to take responsibility for the whole family, every day he becomes stronger in spirit, more confident in himself, and more successful in his work. And he understands perfectly well that all his achievements are thanks to the wisdom of his wife. Men don't leave such women.

2. Doesn't argue with him. He is her smartest, most prudent, most calculating. And therefore he knows better what to do in a given situation. Of course, a man, having a sharp and focused mind, does not have the intuition that a woman has, so her task is to carefully and unobtrusively direct him in the right direction, to where she feels it is safe. The main thing is to do this in such a way that the man sincerely believes that he made the right decision! Read more in the article “Why can’t you argue with a man?”

3. Admires her husband. No matter what kind of man he is, you can always find good and bad character traits and habits in him. And here it’s up to the woman to choose whether to nag him for what he can’t do or to admire what he can do. If you want to know which women men don’t leave, then this point is very, very important! When a man is admired by his beloved, it inspires him, inspires him and he wants to become even better! Do even more for her! And if she is constantly dissatisfied with him, then the man will immediately give up and lose the desire to do anything. What for? She will still be unhappy!

4. Takes care of himself. At the same time, she doesn’t look at all like a desperate housewife in a dirty robe and curlers on her head. A woman from whom men do not leave always takes care of herself. She is well-groomed and beautiful, looks feminine and gentle.

5. Develops intellectually and spiritually. If a woman has no interests or hobbies, then her main interest becomes her husband. Where was he, why did he come so late, who called, and so on. And also constant grievances that he devotes little time and attention to her. This is very annoying for men, they have the feeling that his freedom is becoming more and more limited with every second and now it will become difficult to breathe. Such a woman very quickly becomes uninteresting to a man, even if he has the most tender feelings for her. Therefore, she must be passionate about something, interested in something and do something. If she is constantly developing, learning something new, setting her own small goals, then a man will become interested in getting to know her better, and will have an incentive to match her.

If after reading these recommendations you are extremely indignant and do not agree with a single word, alas, you are far from the woman from whom men do not leave. And the first step to changing the situation is to admit it.

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

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Why can a man leave even the woman he loves?

During my practice, I quite often came across cases where men ended relationships and even left the women they loved. Based on these stories and cases, I decided to highlight several of the most common reasons why this happened. I hope that this will help many women avoid some mistakes in relationships with their beloved man.

1. If a man does not feel respect and support from his woman

It is always very important for a man to feel support and respect from his beloved woman. After all, then he is simply ready to move mountains. But when he constantly hears “nothing will work out for you anyway,” “you can’t handle it,” “I don’t think what you’re proposing is a good idea,” etc., then this greatly undermines a man’s faith in his own strength and slowly but surely kills all his love and tenderness for this woman. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that even if he still has some feelings for her, he can still leave.

2. Cheating or open flirting of a partner with other men

In general, few people can forgive betrayal. And given the fact that there are quite a lot of “owners” among men, then for them, betrayal or even open and completely immodest flirting of the woman they love with another is simply a “low blow.” They don’t forgive this, they just leave silently.

3. A man’s inability to be himself because of the fear of not meeting all the hopes and expectations of the woman he loves.

The man feels that he simply “falls short” of the ideal man she would like him to be. He feels that she constantly wants to change him and make him “even better.” The man tries, but it’s still not enough for her, because she doesn’t appreciate his efforts at all and all she does is “pressure,” criticize and “nag” him, saying, “others earn more, go on vacation to expensive resorts, most of all they know how to do it in bed, etc.” This is always very depressing for a man and keeps him in constant tension. He feels that the way he is now is not enough for his woman. Therefore, even despite his sincere feelings for her, one day he may simply leave forever.

4. A woman’s inability to cope with her emotions

If a woman constantly makes scandals with “breaking dishes”, is hysterical, openly manipulates a man, for example, always “sheds a tear” on occasion in order to get what she wants, or constantly arranges “showdowns” and scenes of jealousy with her man, then sooner or it’s too late, no matter how much he loves her, his patience may also come to an end and then there will be no turning back.

5. If a woman constantly refused a man intimacy

As you know, it is very important for a man to feel physical contact with his beloved woman. Therefore, if a woman specifically refuses him sex in the hope that this will only “warm up” him even more and thus keep him “hooked,” then this can play a cruel joke on her. The man will simply leave, deciding that the woman does not love him at all, since she does not want to have sex with him. Yes, some men allow sex without love, but love without sex. There are very few of these, if they exist at all. After all, the woman he loves’s refusal to be intimate with him is what hurts and hits the self-esteem of any man the most.

Dear women, try not to make the mistakes listed here and then your relationship with
your beloved man will become even stronger and happier.
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Sincerely, your psychologist, Victoria Kirsta

I can't forget the woman I love

Alexander, whoever wants it, looks for opportunities. Those who don’t want to look for reasons and justifications. A very accurate and important statement. And just on topic!

A person who does not want to do something tries in every possible way to evade this activity. Comes up with 100 reasons why it “can’t be done.” Those who want look for opportunities and in the end, as a rule, find them.

It is important to notice this “desire and reluctance” not only in other people, but also in yourself. Why didn’t you divorce her when you found out about your wife’s betrayal? You forgave her, right, since you stayed with her? But no, you found a mistress . Now you are even with your wife. But you claim that you love someone else, but at the same time you live with your wife and create the appearance of a “family” that has been gone for a long time, why and why? For the sake of your daughter? Yes, family is important for a child, but it is also important to take into account the fact in which family the child grows up and lives. No matter how you disguise yourself and pretend to love, there is still a limit to everything, including human patience.

Why live with an unloved woman? If you have such mutual and great love with another woman? You will divorce your wife, but you will forever remain a father to your daughter. The triangle in which you live is painful and destructive for all parties. Therefore a choice must be made. But choice always involves giving up something, so it’s important to figure out: what do you gain and what do you lose by choosing a wife or “another”? The choice also frightens us because we will have to take responsibility for any of its consequences.

But a choice must be made. Either you save the family, for the sake of your daughter, and refuse to communicate with the woman you love, or vice versa. But your daughter will always remain your daughter, and you will always remain her father.

Since both of you and the woman you love have decided to forgive your spouses and have saved your family, then you must be angry with each other and why do you need to communicate? For what purpose will you communicate? For the purpose of remembering how good it was for both of you?! But you have a family and a child, and her too. So since you don’t want to be with each other and you live in families, then have respect for your choice and for your family.

You gave your wife a chance, so respect your choice. Why write to a woman with whom you once had a good time? Or do you want to live on two fronts? And live with a family and meet with her? Is this fair and normal? Although I think that this is not normal for you, it may be the norm to live like this. Well, if so, then what do you want? Go for it.

A white flag in your hands and a drum around your neck. Your wife is also good, and all of you in this triangle are good. It’s just a pity that your children will suffer from your rash actions and actions. That’s a pity. But I don’t feel sorry for you. Neither you nor your wife. You both deserve each other. And the mistress, what to take from her, she herself doesn’t understand what she wants.

I don’t understand. You love each other, get divorced, become free people and then get back together. But you are not free, both of you have families, although this is unlikely to be a big obstacle and barricade for you. But I don’t understand what you want?! A person always makes his own choice how should he live and what should he do. You made your choice not at gunpoint, so what’s the problem? And she, just like you, made her choice. So what now? Now all that remains is to respect your choice and let each other go. Forever, and the faster the better. Alexander “We have a Family?” or “No, we only live together!” which option is better? How do you live with your wife? I think number 2. So why and why? Yes, your wife is the same traitor as you, but since you forgave her and saved the family, why do you want to communicate with the other? Yes, and she too did the same as you. Respect your choice. Both you and she (your mistress).

Each of us is original, unique, peculiar, with our own cockroaches and fads. Friends accept us for who we are; loved ones, even in shortcomings, try to find the positive and fall in love with it even more. And relationships, living together practically require compromises, polishing, grinding in order to create a unique “We” from the two individuals I and YOU. If this does not happen, then over time, with sadness, sadness and fatigue, we realize that WE did not succeed, the family is formal, and the only common thing in our lives is a single postal address.

So, is there any point in preserving such a family? There is a point in preserving when there is something to preserve. Alexander. What is happening in the lives of each of us at the moment is real, this is not a dream, and not a draft that can be rewritten whenever you want. Sometimes it takes a whole life to build a strong real family. Therefore, if you write a real relationship as a draft, saying that the next one will be better or then I will fix everything, you may simply not have time. Hurry up to love, take care of your relationships and loved ones. Family is you and our family and human happiness depends on each of us.

As I understand it, you saved the family for the sake of the child, and so did your mistress. Although sometimes it comes in the form not of a question, but rather of a forced statement: “Well, for the sake of the children, we need to save the family!” Is it necessary? It is necessary if you are both connected by feelings, a desire to be together, despite a difficult period, a respectful relationship. But all this is not there? And what kind of respect are we talking about when you are both even and you cheated on each other, first your spouse, then you Some people forgive, others don’t, such betrayal. You are one of those who have forgiven. But why then rush headlong into the pool and think about someone else?

If we talk about children's needs, the family, of course, is of great importance. But one where parents, first of all, love and respect each other, where mom and dad are happy together. If parents hate each other and endure for the sake of the child, he inevitably feels it first, and then understands, experiencing bitterness, pain and guilt. In such options, there is much more benefit from a happy mom and dad, even if they live separately. Then the child has the opportunity to learn joy from both, and not absorb the hopelessness and melancholy of those who are “near, but not together.” Even if you get divorced, you will forever remain a father to your daughter forever and no one will ever destroy this bond.

Contrary to popular belief, children from divorced families, where the parents were able to build good relationships with each other without each “pulling” the child in their own direction, can and do become happy people. Therefore, “should I save it?” Yes, if there is anything. And no, if there is nothing. Please think about it, Alexander.

I wish you to take care and value yourself, your relationships and your family, in order to save your children not for the sake of something or someone, but in the name of love.

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