12 qualities men want to see in a woman

What is female happiness

Every girl has her own understanding of happiness. But when the plan comes true, and fate turns out as desired, the woman feels happy. There are many desires and aspirations, so there is no exact recipe for female happiness.

Many are repelled by the fact that a woman’s mission is to create a family, give birth and raise children. Being married, you can experience the full happiness and joy of motherhood. However, many do not agree with this. Not all women want to get married, have children, or build a family nest.

There are different answers to the question of what is needed for female happiness:

  • a loved one is nearby;
  • good health for yourself and your loved ones;
  • healthy children;
  • successful career;
  • a cozy family nest;
  • money and a prosperous life;
  • support, attention, care of the husband;
  • regular sex and satisfaction in bed;
  • gifts, surprises;
  • strong and stable relationships;
  • the presence of love and mutual understanding;
  • career growth and financial independence;
  • the opportunity to live as you want, and not as you should;
  • absence of enemies, ill-wishers.

The list can be continued endlessly, but it is worth highlighting a few points: some women need inner peace to be happy, others need money, independence, financial freedom. The world is changing, and along with it, the desires of modern girls are changing.

What kind of wives do men want? And why are we valued?

Your best friend tells you from time to time that her husband loves her for her gentle character, her mother claims that the most important thing for a man is breakfast, lunch and dinner, prepared by you with great trepidation and, of course, according to your husband’s favorite recipes, and your work colleague I'm sure the main thing is the stunning appearance. But some psychologists argue that a woman must have a large set of qualities in order to build an ideal relationship with her loved one, including those that we have listed and more.

Male representatives increasingly began to make it clear to their opposites that in a couple one of the partners should be on an equal footing with the other. What could this mean? Do guys really think that we, the weaker half of humanity, should be able to do a man's work on our own?

No, of course it’s not that sad. The main misconception of women is that they take all of the above “at face value.” Men don’t want us to fix the faucet or hang the curtain rods ourselves. And especially, they don’t like it when we defend our opinion to the end, no matter what.

Logically, it turns out that they themselves don’t know what they specifically want, right? But, in fact, all the problems are due to the fact that when receiving information from another person, the perception of reality is often distorted.

It is unlikely that an intelligent man will turn his attention to an uneducated acquaintance, and a young man with a creative mind will certainly not be attracted to a girl who likes to sleep for a long time and watch TV series.

A man’s interest will be aroused by a woman who is similar to him in his main life positions. Therefore, if you dream of becoming ideal for your one and only, match him, look in the same direction with him, and do not play the “who will win” relay race.

However, in the modern world there are quite a lot of strong women who do not know how to behave if there is a burning desire inside them to achieve everything on their own. Only deep down in the soul of each of these individuals lies a secret, which none of them is ready to admit even to herself: she wants a man to pick her up after work, cover her with a blanket at night, pay the bill at a cafe himself and admire her as a woman.

And I also don’t want to work like a man, placing too much on myself, even if you are strong. And most importantly, for a woman, the reverent attitude of her beloved towards herself and his respect are important. And to get it, you don’t have to aggressively insist on your own, showing that you, too, would make a good guy if you were him.

In order to be a happily married woman, you need to remember that no man likes being asked to adapt to a woman’s desires. Instead, pay attention to yourself and engage in self-improvement.

And here is a set of qualities, the presence in you, which will definitely have a positive effect on your marriage: the presence of sexuality and femininity (Don’t get hung up on your career, be a muse for him that will inspire him to exploits even after a long day of work);

  • correct use of your own mind (Don’t demonstrate your incredible knowledge by showing how smart you are, just smarter than everyone else - this is repulsive);
  • the ability to respect a loved one (Yes, yes, that’s right. This is our female lot - having children, work and other worries, to make sure that the loved one still feels like the center of the universe);

    Always remember the golden rule: they love those who are easy to be with. Don’t create unnecessary problems out of nowhere and try to think not only about your desires, but also about what your other half wants!

What happy women look like

When a girl shines, smiles and walks with a confident gait, they say that she is happy. You can determine that a woman feels good next to a man by the following signs:

  • she wants to be close;
  • pressed to the chest;
  • tries to please and do something nice for a loved one;
  • in good spirits;
  • feels great, doesn’t get angry, doesn’t look for reasons to quarrel;
  • smiles and sings when no one is listening;
  • loves hugs and kisses, does not refuse sex, citing a difficult day and a headache;
  • talks about everything;
  • prepares your favorite dishes and serves tea with pleasure;
  • does not imitate orgasm, but enjoys sex;
  • supports her man, says compliments, nice words.

How a guy can interest a girl: a selection of fresh and classic ideas

A happy woman is happy with her life, so she quarrels less often, does not enter into conflict and does not get irritated over trifles. Inner harmony manifests itself in external beauty. The girl is attractive, seductive, mysterious, but inaccessible to other guys.

What do they want from men?

The desires of a girl in the status of a bride and a wife are significantly different. In the first case, you want a sea of ​​attention, affection and tenderness, in the second - stability, confidence, support. At the same time, there are moments that are relevant for women in any status.

Emotional connection

Without emotions, relationships are meaningless. Girls who are sensitive by nature require constant nourishment. When the chosen one understands that she is needed and valued, she is ready to move mountains to make her partner happy. Emotional connection provides support in difficult and happy moments.

Admiration and compliments

Every girl wants to feel like she is the one and only. Compliments and admiration are needed for:

  • increasing self-esteem;
  • improving well-being;
  • attracting attention;
  • reminders of warm feelings;
  • achievement assessments;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional background.

At the same time, you need to understand that women value “smart” compliments and sincere admiration. If the phrase is inappropriate or feels false, the effect will be the opposite.

Love and devotion

When a woman wants to marry a man, she thinks a lot before making an important decision. He hopes that the chosen one takes the union just as seriously. The main goal is to love and be loved. Only in this case can you achieve inner harmony and feel the signs of human happiness. Girls value loyalty and remain faithful to a guy.

Friendship and fun

There are no friendly relations between representatives of different sexes. Relationships are built on the fact that someone likes someone. Such a relationship either ends or turns into love. In most cases, a woman, making friends with a man, pursues selfish goals. You can go with a friend to have fun, pass the time, and get all kinds of help. The girl doesn’t mind having a friend nearby “in the wings.” You can cry to him, complain, and get practical advice from him.


Sex for a woman is a manifestation and proof of feelings. Intimate intimacy means new positive emotions, relaxation, peace of mind and inner balance. Regular sex life makes women healthy, balanced, and happy.

During sex, hormonal levels change. As a result, the woman’s mood improves and she experiences a surge of strength and performance. Intimacy is needed for psycho-emotional relief and maintaining normal hormonal levels. A caring husband or boyfriend always makes sure that his chosen one has pleasure during sex.


What kind of guys do girls like: qualities, appearance and achievements


Protection and support

Men want support, stability and confidence in the future. When this is not the case, the question arises: “Why do we need such a chosen one?”

Modern young people are slowly abdicating responsibility and “joining” strong women who can stand up for themselves and also support their lover morally, physically and financially. This scenario is also possible, but deep down, even a strong and independent woman expects protection and support from a man.

What women expect from men


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Legend has it that there was only one man who managed to understand a woman. But he died laughing. Therefore, we will find out the opinion of a professional female psychologist. How to understand the desires, dreams and thoughts of women?

Understanding a woman is not an easy task. And it is unlikely that a man will ever understand at least one representative of the fair sex completely. But there are things every man should know about women.

A caring man is an attractive man

Women highly value men who do not hide their sensitive side, especially in cases where the other half is upset. Hug the woman, comfort her. Caring is one of the most important components of any relationship.

Chivalry never goes out of style

When it comes to love relationships, women always prefer to give the leading and masculine role to a man. As psychologist Diana Kirschner notes, any woman is naturally able to push back her chair or open the door in front of her, but it is much more pleasant for her when a man does this. Always remain gentlemen.

Your wardrobe plays an important role

Everyone knows that women are great fashionistas, and everyone wants a partner to match her preferences and tastes. This also applies to men's wardrobe. Moreover, this is an important aspect, both at the first meeting and during the honeymoon and later life. “You have to look good to make a good impression,” Kirschner notes. “If your lady loves distressed jeans, then you should definitely wear them.”

What women expect from men

Bright things will conquer a woman's heart

These findings come from an intriguing study that analyzed women's subconscious preferences. The results show that a man who has red clothes in his wardrobe looks more masculine and sexually attractive to a woman. This doesn't mean you should throw away your current items and buy all the red T-shirts. It will be enough to make a bright accent, for example, by buying a red tie.

Don't hide your flaws

Nothing captivates a woman's heart more than a good man who strives to become even better. Kirschner notes: “Women like men who are committed to personal development, as well as thoughtful and not shy about showing their feelings.” Women also appreciate recognizing and working on flaws: for example, if you have a short temper or are always in a bad mood after work, you can be sure that a woman will notice your attempts to change these traits.

Don't try to fix her world

When something bothers a woman, she wants your support, not your advice. “Men simply need to correct the problem, as it is inherent in their very nature,” says Kirschner. “But women tend to want more support than a miracle solution.”

Nodding your head is not enough

Listening is very important, but a woman also needs to know that she has been heard. And just nodding is not enough. When a woman pauses in her story, this is a call for you to tell her something, encourage her, support her. If a woman says that her boss unfairly reprimanded her at work, she wants to hear from you: “I’m sorry that your work day didn’t go so well.” And remember: resist the urge to solve her problems.

First sex after third date

Forget about it right away, because this is a hackneyed cliché of many films and books about love. Women don't count down how many dates have passed since they can let a new partner into their bedroom. Sometimes some women take much longer to take their relationship to the next level. Therefore, be patient, and according to experts, it should take about two months before moving to this level.

For women, foreplay is more important than sex itself

Men usually tend to go straight to sex, but women prefer foreplay. “Women love variety, and that includes foreplay,” says Kirschner, who has helped hundreds of couples improve their sex lives. “They want men to understand this and be more creative about it.” That is, you will need more time, words, touches - in a word, foreplay.

Only safe sex

Naturally, both partners should take care to purchase contraceptives in a timely manner. But your partner will have a much better time if it's always on your shoulders and you're always prepared.

Find out what she wants in bed

Considering your partner's sexual preferences is very important. Women love to talk about it in bed, the main thing is not to be shy about asking questions and discussing it. Find out from her what she likes best so she would like to try more. If your chosen one is shy, then start such a dialogue by admitting your feelings.

Fear of possible failure must be shared

If you doubt your sexual abilities that night, then she too will feel anxious. A woman may begin to doubt that she remains sexually attractive to you.

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