if you strain your buttocks

"Glute Bridge"

The “glute bridge” (pelvic lift) is an exercise that helps train the front and back of the thigh and improve the shape of the gluteal muscles. This exercise is especially popular among girls (the male part usually believes that squats are enough). But in fact, a glute bridge with enough weight will "break through" your glutes in a way that even squats won't. And if the quadriceps look massive, but the gluteal muscles do not, this exercise will generally be worth its weight in gold.

"Glute Bridge"

The order of the exercise is as follows:

  1. Rest your shoulder blades on the bench and lift your pelvis until it is parallel to the floor.
  2. Ask your partner to place the barbell on top of you and lower yourself until you feel the maximum stretch in your gluteal muscles as you inhale.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position, squeezing your buttocks at the top of the movement.

It is necessary to monitor the position of the spine: you should not bend in the thoracic and lumbar regions.

If you are already working with heavy weights, it is best to use a bar pad (or, for example, a jacket) so that the barbell does not cause pain during the exercise.

A few sets of glute bridges will give you a rounder butt. Also, the exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, thanks to it the back of the thigh is stretched, the tone of the pelvic organs improves, as blood circulates, and libido increases.

Another advantage of this exercise is that it is almost impossible to do it incorrectly. The process occurs naturally, without causing any discomfort to the person.

Hieronymus Bosch, "The Temptation of Saint Anthony"

Location: Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon

On the left side of the work there are two images of prominent buttocks. One of them is at the top of the picture. This is a naked man on a flying ship.

Top 10 beautiful buttocks in works of art

In the center of the work is a mysterious structure in the form of a human image. Not far from her there is a procession of certain characters, which is a mockery of the procession of religion.

Knee Squats

This exercise can be classified as both basic and isolated exercises aimed at working the buttocks.

Kneeling squats have a number of advantages over classic ones:

  • buttock enlargement occurs without leg enlargement;
  • the exercise develops the strength of the hips and buttocks;
  • the load is relieved from the knee joints;
  • the muscles of the lower back are strengthened.

Knee Squats

The algorithm for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Get down on your knees.
  2. As you inhale, moving your pelvis back, begin to lower yourself to the point where you feel maximum tension in your buttocks. Do not let them touch the floor!
  3. From this position, rise up, tensing your muscles as you exhale. You can use a barbell, a dumbbell, and a kettlebell here. You can try exercises with different weights to find the one that is most comfortable for you. The main thing you should feel is that all your muscles are involved in the work.

Before performing this exercise, you need to do a warm-up, as there will be a heavy load on the spine in the process. If the lower back muscles are tight, it will make it difficult to lift weights.

In order for the exercise to bring maximum benefit, you must follow the following rules:

  • when squatting, go down as low as possible, stretching the gluteal muscles;
  • lower slowly and return to the starting position quickly;
  • hold in the upper position for 1-2 counts, squeezing your buttocks;
  • lower as you inhale, rise as you exhale;
  • try to keep your back straight;
  • To avoid injury, you need to choose the right weight.

Deep squats

A deep squat is a variation in which the pelvis is lowered as low as possible, until the thighs touch the calves. A fundamental exercise that is extremely effective and gives a powerful workout to the lower body.

Deep squats

The technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  1. Take the starting position: take the barbell, sit under it, bending your knees. Feet are shoulder width apart.
  2. Place the projectile on the rear deltoid.
  3. Bring your elbows and shoulder blades together.
  4. Lock the bar and take a step back. Keep your back straight and look ahead.
  5. As you inhale, maintaining a straight body position, slowly lower by moving your pelvis back.
  6. The legs bend at the knees, the knees do not move inward.
  7. Lower yourself until your hamstrings touch your calf muscles.
  8. As you exhale, tense your muscles as much as possible and in one powerful movement return to the starting position, straightening your knees.

If you typically squat to parallel with the floor, your quadriceps will bear the brunt of the load. And the buttocks are included in the work after parallel with the floor and below. Therefore, it makes sense to take a lighter weight and go deeper.

This exercise requires good physical fitness, stretching and flexibility. Deep squats will be useful for girls seeking an ideal buttock shape, as well as athletes to increase strength.

Beautiful buttocks: diagnosis by shape

Beautiful buttocks are not only the aesthetics of the body, but also an indicator of health. Don't underestimate their diagnostic value!

Size and quality are the main criteria for evaluating buttocks.

According to research, a big butt is not that bad, at least better than a big belly. Fat in the thighs and buttocks inhibits the storage of fatty acids in the heart, arteries and liver, thereby reducing the threat of heart defects and other complications such as diabetes.

Yes, a big butt can indeed protect you from heart disease, but only for the time being. With hormonal problems and with the onset of menopause, this protection is reduced to nothing. Therefore, it is better to strive for ideal forms of the lower body - monitor your health, eat right and exercise regularly.

What your buttocks say about your health

Normally, the buttocks are rounded and toned, cellulite is not pronounced or absent, and the skin is elastic. The owners of such buttocks have good hormonal levels, normal connective tissue, and the lymphatic system works as it should.

If a woman has large buttocks with grade 2-3 cellulite , while the upper body is often normal or thin, there is most likely estrogen dominance, connective tissue weakness, and lymphostasis.

Large buttocks with grade 3-4 cellulite and general obesity indicate the presence of metabolic syndrome. Since adipose tissue is a powerful endocrine organ, there is also a lot of estrogens in this case. The risk of cancer is increased tenfold.

Sagging buttocks indicate a deficiency of growth hormone, androgens, and weak connective tissue, often caused by a deficiency of collagen and elastin.

Flat buttocks (when the legs smoothly flow into the back), where cellulite is most often absent, and muscle tone in other parts of the body is normal - the situation is not easy, but fixable. It is difficult to correct with fitness and strength training. Also, the “absence” of the buttocks may indicate hormonal deficiencies (often estrogen and androgens).

Wrinkled, saggy, “senile” buttocks are, first of all, a consequence of a decrease in muscle mass in this area. Buttocks that have lost their former volume signal a general hormonal deficiency. In general, sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) is an alarming sign.

How can a woman improve her hormonal levels?

Have sex Regular sex helps maintain a number of hormones at optimal levels, including estrogen, which is responsible for attractiveness. And in general, sex has a lot of benefits!

Take care of the health of your adrenal glands. Minimize stress and learn how to behave correctly in stressful situations, ensure quality sleep, reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet. Consider taking supplements: vitamin C, magnesium, pantethine, royal jelly. See also the Adrenal Restoration chart.

Get rid of excess weight If estrogen dominates, be sure to reduce fat tissue, work with the intestines, gall, and liver.

See also diagrams:
“Cellulite” , “Collagen” , “Digestive Support” , “Liver & Gall” , “Intestines” .

Bulgarian lunges

This exercise can be performed without additional weight, or with dumbbells. Or you can get into a Smith machine.

Bulgarian lunges

The step-by-step technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  1. Install the step platform behind the machine at a distance of 50 - 60 cm.
  2. Set the required weight on the machine.
  3. Place one leg behind you on the bench and the other one forward.
  4. As you exhale, lower yourself into a split squat, bending your knee and hip joints.

Please note that only the working leg bends at the knee joint. The supporting leg remains on the stand. After you have done an approach in one direction, start doing it in the other.

You must try to keep your back vertical. You need to stand up in one motion, pressing your heel and foot into the floor.

Exactly performing this exercise in a Smith machine will not have any disadvantages. The only thing that can be better than free weights is the additional inclusion of stabilizer muscles. However, if you are interested in improving your physical fitness, then it is better to use a Smith machine.


The deadlift is a basic barbell exercise that is performed in weightlifting, powerlifting and CrossFit. An untrained person, even with minimal weight, will not be able to technically perform this exercise correctly.

What is a deadlift? In short, this is a lifting of a barbell performed using the muscles of the legs and back. This exercise helps to gain muscle mass and helps increase strength. When performing a deadlift, the buttocks stretch well at the bottom of the amplitude and squeeze powerfully at the top.

As is often the case, opinions on the deadlift vary. Some believe that this is the core exercise of any program. And the latter will say that this is a movement that has more effective alternatives in terms of bodybuilding.


The algorithm for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Grab the bar shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull your shoulder blades and shoulders back a little.
  3. The movement begins with the legs - you need to “break” the barbell using your quadriceps and buttocks. After passing 20 - 30% of the amplitude, you need to start moving your back, straighten your lower back and lock in this position.

Leonardo da Vinci, "Standing Nude"

Where is it: Royal Collection, London

Leonardo da Vinci, "Standing Nude"

This figure is Leonardo's symbol of male beauty: powerful, stocky and showing off the best backside ever drawn. It is so artfully shaded that when you stand in front of the original painting, it appears three-dimensional.

We have already written about the most famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, including the drawing “Vitruvian Man”, with a four-armed and four-legged figure demonstrating ideal human proportions. But the drawing of a standing naked man is even stranger, because the center of gravity of this faceless man is his rounded seat.

Buttock extensions

A good isolation option that allows you to specifically engage the buttocks is extension with an emphasis on them.

The main thing here is to securely fix your lower back and lower yourself under control as you inhale, and as you exhale rise up, working specifically with the gluteal muscles. If in previous exercises it was difficult to feel the work of the target muscles, then in this you will be able to make up for lost time one hundred percent.

Buttock extensions

The algorithm for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Place your feet flat.
  2. Adjust the position of the machine support under your hips.
  3. Slowly lower yourself as you inhale.
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting position using the muscles of the buttocks and the muscles of the hamstrings. The back remains in a fixed position throughout the entire movement.

If you are not a beginner and have grown out of the option of performing exercises with your own weight, then you can use any weight.

"Good morning"

The “Good morning” exercise, or, in other words, bending over with a barbell, allows you to effectively pump up the lower body - provided, of course, that it is performed correctly. If the technique is not followed, there is a high risk of injury.

Since we want to primarily work with the gluteal muscles, we need not just bend over, but abduct the pelvis back. And so that the main load is taken not by the spinal extensors or the back of the thigh, but by the buttocks, is our goal.

"Good morning"

The technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Gradually begin to move your pelvis back while inhaling, stretching your gluteal muscles, and synchronously with the abduction, release your body until it is parallel to the floor.
  3. Once completed, return to the starting position as you exhale.

Author not identified, "Charioteer"

Location: Villa Whitaker Museum in Sicily.

This enchanting figure of a chariot driver cannot be classified as a nude statue. However, he is dressed in such a tight outfit that it is possible to see every little detail on the young man's body.

Top 10 beautiful buttocks in works of art

“Charioteer” is one of the best expressions of the inhabitants of ancient Greece for the male physique, including the gluteal muscles.

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