What to expect from Aries in a love relationship

How to recognize an Aries

...They did not want to follow the simplest rules that their friends taught them: if you hold a red-hot poker in your hands for too long, you will eventually get burned; if you cut your finger deeper with a knife, blood usually comes out of your finger.

Have you ever met an extremely friendly, assertive person with a firm handshake and a constant smile on his face? If so, then most likely you have come to the attention of Aries. Your assumption will turn out to be even more fair if he also takes the lead in the conversation, not giving you the opportunity to get a word in.

Does your new acquaintance fiercely fight for what is right and passionately defend the offended? This is even more like him. Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences. He will try to sort things out with anyone who dares to interfere with him, be it a policeman or an armed bandit. Later he may regret his ardor, but in the heat of battle it simply will not occur to him. People under the influence of Mars have a very decisive character and are not subject to doubts.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac; it symbolizes life. Aries (ram) thinks only of himself. He is a child and, like any child, he is completely absorbed in his own Self and is occupied only with himself. His interests come first. Like a baby, he is not interested in what others think and feel. The baby is wet or hungry, and he screams heart-rendingly, demanding what he is entitled to. So is Aries. If he needs anything, he won't hesitate to call you at 4 am. Are you sleeping now? How can you sleep if you suffer from insomnia? No, please, get up and get what he needs. Like a true child. Aries views the world around him as an annex to himself. But no one would even think of calling a baby an egoist. The same can be said about Aries. He is so natural and sincere in all his manifestations that this somewhat brightens up his selfishness and aggressiveness.

There is not a trace of cunning in Aries, and he will remain that way for the rest of his life - trusting, making mistakes and believing again. Any grievances received will be instantly forgotten as soon as someone warms him up and caresses him.

Linda Goodman's Aries

Aries can build castles in the air, but not at all in order to deceive anyone. He himself sacredly believes in everything. There is nothing hidden or complex in the character of Aries: he is all in front of you; in full view. Aries is as vulnerable as a child and almost as defenseless. When adults or stronger people try to take away a child’s favorite toy, he begins to protest so violently that everyone understands that it is better not to mess with him, and they give him what was taken away. Aries acts accordingly: the determination to get what is his always contributes to his achieving his goal.

Aries man in love

These are passionate and ardent lovers, but lack of self-discipline and frequent reluctance to obey conventions often become an obstacle to achieving harmonious love relationships. Aries tends to elevate feelings, but he will consider himself the main thing in the relationship. Give leadership into his hands, do not take on the male role, then your chosen one will make important decisions himself, and love will become the meaning of life for him.

Aries man in love

A fire sign in love, despite its temper, quickly moves towards reconciliation. An ideal relationship is possible when the chosen one has a calm disposition and iron nerves. You should not provoke your lover into quarrels; it is impossible to convince him.

Appearance of Aries

There are several features by which you can almost always unmistakably recognize an Aries among others. Aries have rather sharp facial features and well-defined eyebrows; the narrow bridge of the nose often forms the ram sign () together with the eyebrows. (The sign seems to warn anyone who thinks that they can easily cope with Aries). The complexion is usually bright; the hair, especially in bright sunlight, has a slight reddish tint to it, and the face and head are often marked with a birthmark or scar. They are so fast and dexterous in their movements that it seems that sparks fly from them in all directions. They think just as quickly. Aries' bone structure is thin and strong. People of both sexes usually have broad shoulders, and they walk slightly leaning forward, as if they are flying (literally and figuratively). The Ram cannot be called a graceful creature, although the dexterity with which he manages to get out of crisis situations very often puzzles those who underestimate him. In general, Aries's appearance speaks of his extreme self-confidence and self-centeredness. If you meet an Aries with sadly drooping shoulders, it means that in childhood he was deeply and painfully wounded, so he will need time to come to his senses, but he will perk up, you can be sure. There is nothing in the world that could incapacitate Aries for a long time and spoil his character; he is by no means a pessimist.

The one who is patronized by Mars always looks you straight in the eye with captivating honesty and touching trust. You're his best friend, right? And you truly love him, don't you? No? Tears are ready to flow from his eyes, but he holds back. And if you do happen to see him crying, then know: you wounded him in the very heart. Aries would rather die than allow others to notice his weakness; sometimes he literally risks his life so that no one thinks that he is not courageous enough.

When talking to someone, Aries looks straight into the interlocutor's face. If he looks away, it means he is simply not interested in the conversation. At that moment, something else caught his attention, and he doesn't try to hide it. Don't be offended. Remember about the child who, having taken one toy, immediately grabs another.

Aries will do his best to achieve leadership in his chosen career. A loser Aries is easily recognized by the dissatisfied look with which he is forced to obey someone else. The victorious Aries is liberal, unusually generous, but wants everyone around him to loudly sing his praises. But what you will never find in Aries, no matter how much you try, is sophistication, tact and modesty. When the Lord distributed these qualities, Aries was in a completely different place. Aries is quite impatient. If even a very pretty waitress serves him a stale sandwich in a cafe, he will not hesitate to tell her everything he thinks about it. But if he likes the service, he will leave a tip twice the amount appropriate for the occasion.

Aries is overly straightforward, to say the least. Deceit and evasiveness are completely unusual for people whose patron is Mars. Directness and exceptional honesty are the calling cards of Aries, although these qualities are by no means always positive.

Aries is characterized by irresponsibility. Sometimes, in anticipation of something interesting that has completely captured their attention, they may forget about their duty.

Linda Goodman's Aries

What is Aries afraid of?

Although Aries belongs to the sign of Fire and has determination, enterprise and courage, there are things that he is afraid of. He will not flinch if he happens to meet a huge snowman or even Frankenstein, but he cannot stand physical pain. He is by no means a coward, but he will whine and complain at the slightest pain. And dentists are his sworn enemies.

Every Aries, at least once during his life, will get involved in some kind of adventure, the result of which will be a scar on his head or face. Aries suffers from burns and cuts very often, he suffers from severe headaches and migraines, which are often caused by kidney disease. The Ram should improve his health, regularly see the dentist, have his eyes checked, eat right, not get a cold, and, if possible, not abuse alcohol (which is harmful not only to the kidneys, but is generally contraindicated for people under the protection of Mars). Bone diseases, pain in the knee joints and stomach upsets are often found in people born in the second half of March - the first half of April. In general, Aries's body is strong and resilient, unless, of course, one gets carried away with excesses, which, unfortunately, is not the case. Aries works out often. If you see an Aries lying in bed, know that he is really feeling bad. But even in this state, he has to be kept in bed by force so that he doesn’t run away somewhere. Thanks to a strong body, Aries recovers in cases where everyone else would have died long ago. And what drives him to serious illness is his stubbornness and unwillingness to follow common sense. Unfortunately, such an attitude towards health is typical for Aries, and only with age do wise Aries sometimes reconsider their attitude towards this important problem. Aries are almost not prone to drugs; they rarely resort to medications, even such as headache pills or sleeping pills.

Thanks to his ineradicable optimism, Aries (along with two other owners of the Fire sign - Leo and Sagittarius) rarely suffers from chronic diseases, which astrologers have long attributed (and doctors have only recently recognized) to melancholics and pessimists. Those born with the sign of Fire are more often susceptible to severe colds, acute infectious and other diseases, and high blood pressure. We can talk a lot about Aries's ardor, but he rarely gives in to despondency. Depression, even if there are sufficient reasons for it, passes quickly and without a trace in Aries. The passion for leadership and the deep conviction that no one can do anything better than him sometimes greatly hinder Aries and plunge him into the abyss of all sorts of troubles. Aries will persistently conduct his business, check and double-check the performers, and as a result he may develop an ulcer or a nervous breakdown. But what you cannot blame Aries for is laziness.

Being simple-minded by nature. Aries are completely incapable of diplomatic tricks and tricks. One day, an Aries I knew, thanks to his energy and enterprise, acquired an excellent sponsor for the implementation of one of his original projects. Just before signing the contract, the sponsor, quite naturally, offered to conduct an examination to estimate the cost of the project. Aries, who is sincerely convinced that in business terms everyone else is simply zero in comparison with him, said with the humility characteristic of Aries: “Is there anything else you want?” I think it is unnecessary to add that the sponsor immediately refused to support the project, and the brilliant idea of ​​my acquaintance burst like a soap bubble, since with the departure of the sponsor, other participants in the project mysteriously disappeared. So Aries personally killed his unborn child. If he had been at least a little cunning, the matter could have ended brilliantly, but it usually takes Aries half his life to learn basic diplomacy. But if he has comprehended this, then his success, thanks to natural intuition and enormous creative potential, is truly enormous. Surprisingly. Aries often create wealth not for themselves, but for others. Most of them, having not had their own corner all their lives, rent an apartment or house. But, apparently, the pursuit of days is not the main goal of Aries.

Although Aries confidently moves through life, caring little about the feelings of others, and his attitude towards everything can be summed up in the short motto “first of all, I...”, he is nevertheless one of the most generous and kind signs of the Zodiac. There is no cruelty in it. He sincerely believes that he can do any business better than others. If Aries has to choose between fame and wealth, he will, without hesitation, choose the first. This does not mean that he despises money, not at all. It’s just that fame and recognition are more valuable to him.

Aries is very hot-tempered, but outbursts of anger are usually lightning fast, and within a minute Aries forgets the reason for the anger and sincerely smiles at you." In this regard, one cannot help but recall one of the famous Aries - Nikita Khrushchev, who, in order to force himself to listen, in a fit of anger, banged his shoe on the podium in the meeting room of the UN General Assembly in New York.

What is the character of Aries?

People whose patron is Mars are often accused of having an intolerable character. And this is partly true. But they are not vindictive, do not know how to grieve for a long time, and are always surprised by those who cannot forget for a long time about the insult caused. How, do you still remember what he said to you in a passion? But he didn’t think so at all, it just happened by chance. Aries is able to ask for forgiveness even from his sworn enemy. Sometimes, in order to fulfill a cherished dream, Aries can lie. But Aries very rarely resort to even innocent lies, since their lies are always noticeable. Aries are not interested in gossip; they are too focused on themselves and their own affairs to indulge in reasoning about the actions and behavior of others. Aries divides all people into good and bad; there are only two colors in his palette - black and white, no halftones.

Only in the case of a particularly unfavorable position of the planets at the time of his birth can Aries be cruel or unfair, but this happens quite rarely. A typical Aries eats with equal simplicity and apparent pleasure both at the royal table and in the company of vagabonds. And all the rumors about his prejudices are based on only one thing: he divides all people into friends and enemies, and if you belong to the former, you should, like him, hate the latter.

If we put aside the excessive, irritating directness, Aries can serve as a model of social manners. He is able to talk for hours in a fascinating way about subjects about which he has not the slightest idea. However, he will not dwell on the details. This is not his strong point, let someone else do it. Aries will not give himself the trouble to compose a plausible story - what happened yesterday has already passed and no longer interests him, and tomorrow is still far away.

In Aries, a realist and an idealist coexist in an amazing way. Rarely can anyone demonstrate such perseverance and fortitude, and at the same time, few can be as sentimental, poetic and so sacredly believe in miracles. People whose patron is Mars are completely unable to admit defeat, even when it is obvious. They believe in happy endings, whether in love or in a baseball game. Being very capable players, Aries always rely only on themselves in the game. They are not those who will wait for success to fall on their heads. They prefer to conquer it themselves. This is why you will almost never see Aries as petitioners or on lists of people receiving unemployment benefits. Many people do not like this overactive Aries. But Aries, if they want, can be others: calm, wise and serious. Unfortunately, they only come to such behavior in adulthood. Although Aries easily wins the sympathy of people, which is undoubtedly important for a career in politics, they rarely make good politicians. A cautious politician will first listen to all opinions, weigh all the circumstances, and only then express his point of view. For the average Aries, the political arena is not the best place to exert energy. Firstly, because Aries is not strong in economics, and secondly, he is intemperate in speech and hates any restrictions.

The true purpose of Aries is creative creativity. Without the originality, energy and willpower of Aries, many projects will not be able to be fully realized or will take on a completely different, less interesting perspective.

It is very difficult to compete with Aries in the manifestation of individuality. Aries usually prefers to talk about themselves and their affairs than about others. The exception is people whom he sincerely loves. If you managed to win the sympathy of Aries, he will be the most attentive listener, especially if we are talking about something new and exciting for him. He will fully support your idea and generously offer you his time, help and funds. If you end up in a hospital, he may not take the time to visit you, but he will recommend you the best clinic, take you there himself and introduce you to his personal doctor (compared to whom Pasteur is just a novice intern!). Having once helped you in a difficult situation, Aries, without hesitation, will do it again and again. But please don’t forget to express your warm gratitude to him for this. If he is not furious, he will be deeply offended if you ignore his worries and concerns about you (which, quite likely, you do not need at all). He loves to do favors, and the larger the gesture, the better he feels. And if the gratitude you show turns out to be adequate to the efforts expended on his part, you can rest assured that he will be happy to help you in the future. His amazing self-confidence, combined with naive faith in others, often leads to disappointment. But he still won’t become discouraged for long, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new challenges and adventures.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!

Charismatic, energetic, purposeful, enthusiastic and very independent, they invariably attract attention and know how to achieve what they really want. However, they also have their negative sides. So, today it’s Aries’ turn and their shortcomings.

Past to past

Aries never look back; for them, everything that is already gone loses all value. “What’s the point of thinking about a pie that’s been eaten a long time ago if there’s still a lot of delicious stuff ahead.” This approach to life is certainly laudable and eliminates reflection, but it often prevents you from taking advantage of previously gained experience, as well as maintaining relationships with people who at some point ceased to be useful and interesting, but may well be useful in the future.

In addition, Aries easily breaks away from the roots. Becoming independent early, they leave their parents' house and, as a rule, interact with their parents only when necessary. No, of course, they can support them financially, occasionally come to visit, call, but representatives of this sign break all spiritual ties with mom and dad abruptly and without regret, believing that if childhood is over, then they are no longer in the care and parental instructions need, and therefore there is no need to communicate closely.

“I say everyone shut up”

Aries often hear only themselves. They have a certain vision of a particular situation in their head, a scheme of further actions is born, and the opinions of others, even those who are directly affected by all this, are not at all interested in them. You can make arguments, bombard representatives of this sign with facts, illustrate your calculations with examples from life and your own experience, but if Aries have already decided everything for themselves, it is impossible to overrule them.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!
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In addition, they love to be the center of attention, and sometimes even Leos are unable to shut up the fountain of their eloquence. Aries always have something to say, including on topics that they don’t know a damn thing about, and since they are mostly people of a narrow focus, well versed only in what they do on a professional basis, their loud statements and advice sound wild and strange.

Tactlessness bordering on rudeness

Aries are masters of awkward questions. They easily ask about things that others would be embarrassed to even think about, and stick their curious nose into those areas and aspects of the existence of those around them that are, not unreasonably, considered intimate. Representatives of this sign can easily ask their close acquaintances not only about their age and state of health (“You look like crap, buddy, are you sick or something?”), but also about the details of their sex life or the reasons for its absence, their salary and the size of their bank account. jar, reasons for gaining excess weight.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!
Gold brooch with cubic zirconia (order)

Aries, with some special meticulousness, “dissect” the souls of other people with their “how”, “why”, “why” and “how much”, not pursuing any specific goals, but simply indulging their curiosity. Sometimes it seems that they enjoy putting others in an awkward position, but in fact they sincerely do not see anything wrong in asking about something so intimately indecent in order to maintain “small talk.”


Aries are so fixated on getting instant results that they forget that “only cats are born quickly” and that sometimes it is necessary to go through several stages, give something, establish relationships with someone in order to achieve the desired goal. Representatives of this sign want everything at once, they push ahead and force events, push those around them, and at the same time they do not like such concepts as “advance” and “prepayment”, and not only in the financial sense.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!
Gold ring with diamonds (order)

In addition, Aries will not “sit in ambush”, wait for an opportune moment, their tactics are “what to think, you need to jump.” It is important for them to quickly solve one problem and move on to the next. They live with a feeling of constant time pressure, their existence is a complete rush, and, naturally, there is simply no time left for a deep analysis of the proposed actions and their potential consequences.

Sick pride

Aries are incredibly, extremely, exclusively proud (narcissistic too, but that’s not what we’re talking about now). They hate it when someone has the audacity to point out to them their shortcomings, mistakes in work, mistakes in their personal lives. Criticism hurts their inflated ego, and therefore they simply do not know how to perceive it adequately. For them, even justified claims and the pure, but impartial truth are akin to a direct insult, and they react to them accordingly - with universal resentment, statements like: “You’re a fool,” a categorical and final cessation of communication, and sometimes a fight.

Pride, which in fact is pride

Aries often boast of their pride, flaunt it, they think it’s cool to refuse offered help with aplomb, defiantly rely only on themselves in everything, cultivate their vanity, have inflated self-esteem, considering themselves a priori higher (more significant, smarter, better) others, and after a quarrel do not be the first to reconcile.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!
Watch (order)

Representatives of this sign proudly highlight those of their virtues that they themselves consider unique, although in reality it most often turns out that they overestimate themselves and that their qualities, skills, and knowledge are not so outstanding. Which, however, does not prevent them from continuing to “believe in a superman, that is, in themselves” (those who recognize the quote get a carrot). And this already smacks of pride, which, as we remember not only from spiritual books, but also from historical examples, is a mortal sin.


Aries' cruelty manifests itself not so much in physical violence (although this also happens: the influence of Mars, their patron planet, does not pass without a trace), but rather in categorical statements. They can easily tell a friend, relative, or loved one that he will never become anything more than he is now, that he has reached his salary ceiling and will not rise higher, that he is unworthy of something because of physical defects.

Horoscope of shortcomings: be careful, Aries!
Silver bracelet (order)

Representatives of this sign are confident that they are telling the truth, and at the same time do not think about the fact that with their remarks they lower the self-esteem of others, drive them into depression, and “clip their wings on takeoff.” However, in most cases, Aries’ “disappointing forecasts” do not come true, but only for those who don’t give a damn about their opinion and do not take into account the “bitter truth” about their capabilities and abilities.

What do Aries believe?

If Aries believes in something, then you can spend your whole life proving him wrong, but you will never achieve the desired effect. He seems to put blinders on his eyes and stuff his ears with cotton wool, while in a matter of seconds he himself is able to change his mind or come to a completely different decision. Then try to prove to him that his opinion was just the opposite - he won’t even remember it. Aries's ability to instantly discard the old and comprehend the new is truly fantastic (one of the main explanations why he adapts to new people and circumstances with such ease). He perceives those who try to dissuade him from hasty conclusions as an obstacle on his path and, without a twinge of conscience, throws away everything that interferes with his movement forward. Aries especially does not get along with conservative people who weigh every word and deed; most often they become his worst enemies.

The spirit of quixoticism is alive in Aries; he boldly rushes into battle against injustice. But as soon as the heat of struggle fades away, he again becomes a sweet, smiling and affectionate creature. The metal of Aries is iron, which gives its sign inflexibility and enormous vitality, ten times more than that of other people. The fire burning in his soul is like a beacon, illuminating the path in the darkness and giving hope to the suffering.

Aries is a pioneer, leading people to a great goal. His faith is pure - without any admixture of hypocrisy and greed. Aries rarely becomes the owner of a large fortune, but if this happens, he never trembles over it. He will willingly share all his treasures with others, believing that everything spent will be returned to him a hundredfold. Bringing joy to people is one of his main goals. He is sincerely convinced that life is full of miracles, and will gladly share them, if, of course, you yourself want it.


Women discussing acquaintances with Aries men agree on one thing: these are young people with very complex characters. His mood often changes. In one day he can become offended, leave, return, flare up again, and then ask for forgiveness. Among the representatives of this sign, women single out suspicious and even aggressive individuals.

The main advantage in relationships with Aries, women note his ability to awaken the queen in every lady. Even if the romance with Aries was short-lived, all the girls were reborn: they began to love themselves, felt that they deserved only the best. In the past, cold-hearted women have discovered a previously unprecedented sensuality. And all this is the merit of Aries.

Another common feature of Aries, judging by the reviews, is their devotion and fidelity, but at the same time a tendency to flirt. If Aries notices how his beloved is flirting with another young man, then the matter may end not just in a quarrel, but also in a break in the relationship.

Discussing the abilities of this man in bed, women agree that they have never met lovers equal to Aries in their lives.

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