How to increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis

Women's libido and sexuality are not inferior in strength to men's. The problem lies in the complexes that fill the consciousness of the fair sex regarding their own appearance. This leads to missing body signals that interfere with liberation and a fulfilling sex life.

The author of the Journal of Sexual Medicine study, psychologist Cindy Meston, characterizes her position with the following statement: “When a man approaches orgasm, he doesn’t care what his partner’s breasts look like at that moment, he doesn’t even open his eyes. The woman, on the contrary, is full of thoughts: “Oh, God, in this position my breasts look like spaniel ears, I need to change them urgently!” The man has nothing to do with it, it’s all about women’s self-esteem.”

Uncertainty about one’s external attractiveness is the first on the list of factors that prevent one from fully enjoying intimate intimacy. How to increase a woman's sexuality? Solve the main problem - when consciousness “does not keep up” with physiology.

Several years ago, scientists made an important discovery according to which the physiological and emotional are not interconnected. University of Toronto sexologist Meridith Chivers concluded that when watching videos of erotic content, a man with an erection experiences sexual desire. The woman, feeling a rush of blood to the genitals, did not feel sexual desire.

The longer the ladies watched erotica, the more consistently these two types of arousal manifested themselves. Representatives of the fair sex need more time to “catch up” with their body. For them, foreplay before sexual intercourse is a prerequisite for achieving orgasm.

Origins of the problem

“The vast majority of women do not listen to the signals given by the genitals; it is not in our nature to pay due attention to them,” says Cindy Meston. Intimate organs are invisible, small, and the changes occurring in them are not noticeable in order to send a signal to the consciousness about the desire to satisfy carnal needs. Experiencing a strong erection, a man will not be able to ignore it, hence the active offensive reaction.”

How to increase feminine energy and sexuality? Learn to understand your body! The varying degrees of agreement between physiological and psychological arousal among the sexes, according to Chivers, goes to the root of biology. It has been proven that men understand their bodies better than women. For example, the stronger half has a more developed interoceptive consciousness; they will determine their pulse rate almost accurately. The weaker sex does not have such skills.

Perhaps the harmony of mind and body during physical arousal in men is the result of receiving direct carnal signals from the organs; women are “tuned” to a wider range when personal ideas about their own attractiveness come into play.

Reasons for decreased sensitivity

The degree of sensitivity of the head varies among men, as does the duration of sexual intercourse. If it is not possible to achieve ejaculation within 5 minutes of continuous friction (excluding foreplay), and the man does not experience increasing pleasant sensations, then sensitivity is considered reduced. Some people get orgasm only through masturbation (read more about the reasons for the lack of orgasm in men).

Weak sensitivity of the head can be either congenital or acquired . In the first case, there are anatomical features or pathologies of the nerve endings, in the second the cause is diseases, surgical interventions or a psychological condition.


Diseases leading to decreased sensitivity:

  1. Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the head and the part of the foreskin covering it. Most often it develops against the background of phimosis (narrowed foreskin, which does not allow the head to fully open). A sluggish inflammatory process leads to disruption of the structure of nerve endings and provokes loss of sensitivity.
  2. Diabetes. Men with this disease often suffer from impaired potency due to diabetic polyneuropathy - a serious complication that provokes dysfunction of nerve cells due to a failure in metabolic processes.
  3. Chronic prostatitis. Symptoms: a feeling of slight numbness of the head, disappearance of preliminary lubrication, blurred orgasm.

  1. Injuries of the lumbosacral spine, in which the sexual centers are located, exchanging signals with the receptors of the head. The cause of deterioration in the quality of communication can also be hernias that protrude towards the nerve fibers, or osteochondrosis.
  2. Cardiovascular pathologies that provoke circulatory disorders and tissue malnutrition.
  3. Head injuries (impacts, pinching), frostbite, resulting in damage to nerve endings.
  4. Damage to the central nervous system (syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis).

Sensitivity may decrease due to alcohol, smoking, or drug abuse. With prolonged intoxication, nerve tissue is damaged. The areas of the brain responsible for sexual sensations are also affected. Even a single dose of alcohol leads to a lack of orgasm, regardless of the type of stimulation.

Surgical interventions

In some cases, poor sensitivity of the head is provoked by surgical interventions . For example, after ligamentotomy (lengthening the penis by cutting the upper ligament), a similar complication occurs in 3-7% of men, and the condition is irreversible. The cause is damage to the dorsal nerve. Prostatectomy also often deprives a man of normal sexual sensations.

The problem of partial loss of sensitivity can also arise after injecting the head of the penis with hyaluronic acid in order to enlarge it. This is due to the creation of a layer between the surface of the skin and the receptors. Sensitivity will be restored as the gel is absorbed (from 5 months to a year). In some men, it remains reduced due to the development of the reflex.

Sometimes the sensitivity of the head is partially lost after the circumcision procedure (we'll talk about the pros and cons of removing the foreskin). The absence of the usual protection in the form of the foreskin forces the skin to adapt to the external environment, which is why it becomes rougher. The problem is especially acute for men who were forced to undergo circumcision due to phimosis and balanitis . The epithelium of the head, thinned by chronic inflammation, reacts to any touch with severe pain; when urinating, the stream splashes (the result of edema). The condition is gradually returning to normal, but it will take months. Several crusts will come off from the head of the penis, and the epithelium will be restored.

Why is surgery needed to circumcise the foreskin of the penis, says urologist, andrologist, plastic surgeon R. Yu. Petrovich

Some men experience significant loss of sensation after circumcision due to damage or removal of the frenulum . According to reviews, oral sex after this loses its meaning, since the man receives the main pleasure from caresses of this area. It is no longer possible to fully restore either the frenulum or the foreskin.

Masturbation, sex life

Masturbation is a common cause of partial loss of sensitivity of the head (more about the dangers of masturbation for men). The receptors adapt to the pressure created by the hand, the force of which is not comparable to the degree of compression of the vaginal walls . During natural sexual contact, a man no longer receives the necessary sensations.

In some cases, loss of sensitivity occurs due to depletion of the genital centers of the spinal cord. This is caused by sexual excesses : frequent masturbation and sex, especially with the use of stimulants in the form of aphrodisiacs or drugs. So-called “spinal impotence” occurs.

Urologist-andrologist Ekaterina Makarova talks about the loss of sensitivity of the head after habitual masturbation

Psychogenic causes

For some men, sensations during sexual intercourse disappear for psychogenic reasons : memories of past women, unsuccessful sexual intercourse, inadequate perception of the female genital organs. In such cases, the only way out for them is to masturbate alone, which further aggravates the problem.

Some complain that sensitivity has decreased after cheating on his wife, attributing this fact to infections, although these are not found during examination. In this case, there is a subconscious feeling of guilt that prevents you from relaxing.

What to do if feeling guilty about wanting sex is stopping you


Challenge: learn to concentrate your mind and direct it in the right direction every time distracting stimuli arise.

Hindus know how to increase sexuality; it is not without reason that among the masters who have mastered the art of meditation to perfection, there are so many trainers of tantric practices and other erotic directions.

You should start with the easiest exercise - pick up a coin or button and slowly study the object: look at it from all sides, touch it, smell it, taste it. If the brain begins to be distracted by extraneous stimuli, it is necessary to return it to the object calmly and carefully. It is enough to devote up to 10 minutes a day to exercise - in the subway, while walking.

Useful exercise: close your eyes, remain silent, abstract yourself, concentrate on your own breathing.

Exploring your own body

Task: during intimacy, ignore thoughts about your weaknesses and strengths.

How to increase sexuality? Accustom yourself to accept yourself as you are, without complexes and embarrassment. When taking a bath or shower, drying yourself with a towel, look at your body. As soon as your consciousness begins to form an assessment of appearance, switch to impartial contemplation. Repeat the procedure with a small mirror, examining each part of the body in detail, paying attention to the genitals. Refrain from value judgments, just contemplate and concentrate on what is in front of your eyes.

How to reduce and reduce the sensitivity of the penis, glans penis?

In certain diseases (neurosis, hysteria, vesiculitis, prostatitis, balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis, colliculitis), pathological conditions (fear, overexcitation, irritability, stress), pathological processes, a man may experience increased sensitivity of the glans penis, increased sensitivity of the penis , increased or increased sensitivity of the penis, sometimes pain, frequent or rare, mild or moderate, medium or strong, aching or pulling, acute or chronic, subacute or dull, sharp pain, pelvic or inguinal pain, perineal or prostatic pain, daytime or nighttime weak or moderate, medium or strong, aching or pulling, sharp or dull, sharp pain in the male organ, including with pressure, after sex, during sex, inside or outside, on the skin or under the skin, in the foreskin, left or right, above or below, radiates into the pubis or perineum, into the testicles or eggs, into the anus or anus, under the testicles or groin, groin area. And often there is deep or superficial pain in the skin of the head of the penis. The causes of severe sensitivity of the head and the entire penis can be congenital, hereditary and acquired factors, hypersensitivity. And then the man wants to reduce and reduce the sensitivity of the penis. How to reduce penis sensitivity ? How to reduce, lower, weaken, level out the sensitivity of the glans penis? These are very relevant questions.

Sexuality in every movement

Men compare graceful ladies to cats. The animal’s movements are smooth, graceful, there is no fuss or haste in them, and it does each with a sense of dignity and superiority. What woman doesn't want to be described like that? People with increased sexuality watch their gestures, facial expressions, and move with a leisurely, attractive gait. Unfortunately, there are only a few of these. There are more people who are always in a hurry, who do not have time to do anything, who are abrupt and fussy. With their behavior, such women scare men away. For example, dressing up in a beautiful dress, doing a stunning hairstyle and makeup, but moving ugly, will not succeed in seducing the object of desire. Have you ever wondered what you look like from the outside? A few simple recommendations will answer the question of how to increase and develop sexuality.

The gait of a tigress, ready to jump at any moment

How wide do you spread your legs when walking? Spread some newspapers on the floor and wet your feet. Take measurements using fresh footprints - measure the distance between the footprints with a ruler. The optimal width between the legs is 7-10 centimeters. If you have more and you are not pregnant, work on your gait!

You can measure your stride length in a similar way. The permissible figure for women is up to 65 centimeters. Even if you are late for an important meeting, you should not run like a marathon runner after a trolleybus and jump over a step on the stairs - you still won’t be able to gain much time, and you will definitely lose “face”.

Beautiful shoes. Properly selected comfortable shoes can change your gait, and heels can increase the length of your legs. The rule is simple: a rise of up to 7 centimeters visually lengthens it, from 7 centimeters and above shortens it.

How to increase the sexuality of a woman at 48 years old? Let's reveal the secret! Men prefer stiletto heels that fit the leg; the toe should be pointed or open.

Correct postures are an important step towards perfection. When practicing the correct gait, do not forget about taking beautiful poses. Try to sit sideways on a chair, starting a smooth movement from the hip - this looks attractive. Do not stand with your back to the chair, the result of such a landing will be a flabby “plop”. To avoid causing ridicule from others, practice sitting on a chair “from the hip” at home in front of a mirror.

Laughter increases sexuality. Cheerfulness and healthy irony are constant companions of attractiveness. Appropriate, ringing laughter, without extraneous sounds, a radiant smile is guaranteed to add “points” to a woman in a man’s eyes. Agree, few people would like to contemplate a gloomy person opposite them, ready to cry in the next second.

The presence of a man who evokes unbridled desire and passion puts you in a stupor, don’t be too tight. Relax (take a deep breath of fresh air, splash your face with cold water, pat yourself on the cheeks). Don't fuss - it won't increase a woman's sexuality, gesticulate as little as possible, don't laugh with your mouth wide open, don't stumble, don't fly into objects like a whirlwind. All these actions will work against you, and the man will be left with a bad impression.

Don't write off the game elements either. Got an awkward pause in the conversation? Fill it with playful manipulation of your hair (winding a curl around your finger, throwing a strand back), rocking a shoe, fingering a glass of wine. It's important not to overdo it here. Otherwise, the interlocutor may interpret your gestures as outright boredom, when you are ready to do anything to take your mind off his stories.

How to increase microphone volume on Android using built-in methods

Before looking for advanced tools or seeking help from specialists, it is advisable to turn to the standard tools that are available on every smartphone. The sound volume on an Android device is adjusted individually by the system depending on the task being performed:

  • incoming calls;
  • music, videos, games and other multimedia files;
  • system sounds;
  • notifications;
  • recording a voice or conversation with another subscriber.

You can adjust the volume of a particular parameter using the volume up/down carriage or through the general menu. To do this you need:

  • Open “Settings”;
  • Go to the “Device” section;
  • Select the “Sound” tab;
  • Find the “Volume” item and adjust each parameter separately on the page.

It wouldn’t hurt to configure it using the special “echo” service. To do this, you need to activate the recording and say a few phrases. The service will automatically redirect the call to the subscriber’s phone, who can check the functionality of the microphone and make adjustments.

To do this, you will need to obtain Root rights and change parameters in system files or use presets for your device.

Products to help

In war, all means are good, therefore, having studied and worked out the methods of physical attractiveness, you should move on to gastronomic attractiveness. We are talking about aphrodisiacs - products that enhance sexuality. When planning to cook dinner, use the ingredients described below as the basis of your dishes and you are guaranteed an unforgettable evening!

Oysters. They contain the enzyme dopamine, which can increase desire in both sexes. Seafood is rich in zinc, which is responsible for the growth of the hormone testosterone and stimulates sperm production.

How to increase feminine energy and sexuality? Eat more bananas! Bromelain contained in fruits increases sexual activity. High concentrations of potassium and vitamin B stimulate the production of sex hormones. Banana is a generator of sexual energy.

Dark chocolate is a well-known aphrodisiac that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Intense production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, improves mood and stimulates the pleasure center in the brain. This is a good answer to the question, how to increase sexuality in men? Phenylethylamine increases sexual arousal in the stronger sex; it is also called the “substance of love.”

How to increase sensitivity

Methods for increasing the sensitivity of the head depend on the reason for its decrease. Doctors believe that the congenital form of the pathology can no longer be corrected, but in most cases it is possible to influence the acquired form .

In case of spinal injuries, treatment is aimed at relieving inflammatory swelling of the tissues surrounding the nerves and restoring the integrity of the disc (surgery to completely or partially replace it). In most cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapeutic methods are sufficient: therapeutic exercises, hardware procedures, mud therapy.

If the provoking factor is depletion of the sexual centers or frequent masturbation, then doctors prescribe abstinence and B vitamins, which help restore nerve tissue and improve the quality of their conductivity. To regain sensitivity, you must abstain from any sexual stimulation for at least 2-3 weeks .

Ekaterina Makarova talks about a case of loss of sensitivity of the glans penis at the age of 25

Loss of sensitivity of the head due to diabetes mellitus can be partially restored with the help of drug therapy:

  • Sugar-lowering drugs;
  • Thioctic acid, B vitamins;
  • "Actovegin".

If there are infectious processes in the pelvic area, antibiotics that are active against the detected pathogens are prescribed.

In some cases, diagnostics do not show any obvious physiological reasons for decreased sensitivity of the head . Options suggested by doctors: congestive prostatitis, injuries to the penis during sex without externally visible manifestations, tension in the pelvic floor muscles. With the latter, massage of trigger points is recommended to restore nerve conduction.

Hyposensitivity of the penis can be caused by a dysfunction of one of the nerve endings included in it. To restore the full functioning of peripheral nerves, you can try a course of medications: Berlition, Milgamma and Dibazol. But there is little chance of complete regeneration.

Lubricants and special devices

Before topical use of any means, you should first undergo a diagnosis. If the cause is infections, then stimulating blood circulation will contribute to their activation and spread.

If the sensitivity of the head decreases, doctors recommend using warming lubricants and stimulating creams , for example:

  • "Maxoderm";
  • Wicked Ultra Heat;
  • SPRING Hot Exaz;
  • StimuLove Strong.

To increase arousal, you can use erection rings with vibration. There are also devices that fit directly onto the head. For example, the Plunging Pete model provides maximum stimulation by inserting a gold-plated rod into the urethra and weak electrical impulses passed through gold-plated balls located on the sides.

Plunging Pete glans ring with electrical stimulation

In some cases, heparin ointment helps increase the sensitivity of the head (read how to use heparin ointment to improve potency). Apply a small layer twice a day and rub lightly until absorbed. The course is about 10 days.

You can improve the sensitivity of the head with a course of dietary supplements based on Peruvian maca or burning mucuna. Extracts of these plants help increase blood flow and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Traditional methods

Some men try to increase the sensitivity of the head using traditional methods, for example:

  • A small amount of “Star” balm;
  • Diluted ginger juice;
  • Soda bath.

Regular massage using shea butter or coconut oil may help. On the forums there are recommendations for training receptors by stroking with feathers. All these procedures can be done at home on your own or with the help of a partner.

Woman and man are two sides of the same coin

The nature of male and female sexuality is different. It is hardly possible to call two people of different sexes who have identical character traits and personal qualities attractive. An analogy can be drawn with the concepts of masculinity and femininity - what we consider feminine and masculine.

Increased female sexuality is determined by her ability to be fragile, meek, tender, mysterious, sensitive and emotional. A woman who is open to everyone and everyone, just as she is rude like a soldier, cannot arouse desire. Masculinity is completely different: the sexuality of the stronger sex is perseverance, toughness, the desire for dominance, independence and self-confidence.

It is necessary for both sexes to take care of their appearance within reason. Pedantic men, fixated on their appearance, cause antipathy.

Sensitivity of the penis, glans: traditional methods and treatment

Unfortunately, folk treatment and traditional methods, methods and homeopathy, hypnosis and medications, drugs and gels, ointments and prolongators, infusions and decoctions, tinctures and yoga, massage and exercises, complexes do not give tangible results in restoring the innervation of the penis. On the website you can discuss your problems with a doctor for free.

Record a consultation. There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Text: ® SARCLINIC | \ Photo: (©) Dreamdesigns3747 |\

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