Model diet before and after

Model diet for 3 and 7 days

The self-explanatory name of the diet makes it clear that the results will not be long in coming. Who else but models needs to constantly keep themselves in shape and lose a couple of kilograms as soon as possible. Read about how they manage to do this in this article.

The effectiveness of the model diet

The model diet is very strict, which is why it is effective. In 3-7 days it is quite possible to lose 3-6 extra pounds. You should stock up on considerable willpower, since it is almost impossible for an unprepared person to go through this.

There are two diet options: express, which includes a menu for three days, and full - for a week. Naturally, if you choose the second one, you will get the best effect, but you should still start with a three-day diet.

Model diet for 3 days: essence, menu, reviews

First of all, the model diet is distinguished by the paucity of the menu. Eating minimal calories can lead to health problems. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before switching to a “skinny” diet.

Sample menu: option 1

  • Breakfast: egg, soft-boiled.
  • Lunch: tea without sugar (you can choose any), 100 g of dietary cottage cheese.
  • Nothing is allowed for dinner.

Such a menu in just 3 days can lead to a weight loss of 4 kg and remove a couple of centimeters in volume. But sticking to it for longer than the specified period is strictly prohibited.

Sample model diet menu: option 2

This option is more loyal, but no less effective. Its principle is not to exceed 1000 kcal per day, and the essence is to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. For three days, it is advisable to drink only green or black tea without sweeteners, or in extreme cases, just hot water.

  • Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., boiled chicken meat - 50 g, a slice of rye bread, green tea.
  • Lunch: boiled fish, dietary varieties - 100 g, cucumber and herb salad - 300 g, 2 oranges, a mug of tea without sugar.
  • Snack: tea.
  • Dinner 1: a piece of rye bread, tea.
  • Dinner 2: tea.

This diet can be extended over a longer period, for example, a week and a half. Sometimes you can cook yourself vegetable broths and snack on them.

The effectiveness of the diet is confirmed by positive reviews. All those losing weight achieved the expected results not only in terms of weight, but also in volume. In three days it took up to 3 cm.

Model diet for 7 days: menu, results, reviews

Examples of breakfast for 7 days

  • Egg, ham, or diet cheese - 50 g, natural yogurt 0%.
  • Crispbread - 2 pcs., grapefruit.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g, ham - 50 g.
  • Muesli prepared with 0% milk or water - 100 g, banana.

Examples of lunch for 7 days

  • Soup in onion broth with rye croutons, salad consisting of herbs and vegetables.
  • “Sea” salad (for example, shrimp + chopped greens) - 100 g, boiled beef - 100 g, low-fat yogurt.
  • Stewed cabbage - 100 g, mushrooms, kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Stewed beets, sprinkled with oil - 100 g, boiled rice - 100 g, freshly squeezed tomato juice - a glass.
  • Beef liver - 150 g, boiled egg, 0% dietary yogurt.

Examples of dinner for 7 days

  • Dietary cheese - 50 g, kefir 0% - a glass, stewed meat - 100 g.
  • Cauliflower seasoned with soy sauce, 1 loaf of bread.
  • Stewed pink salmon - 100 g, 200 g 0% yogurt.
  • Stewed vegetables, bread.
  • Fresh cabbage salad, 2 kiwis, bread.

Quitting the Model Diet

Such a strict diet requires the most careful termination. First, eat plant foods that are easy to digest. Then gradually include heavier ones, such as fish. During this period, it is very important to listen to your inner feelings; the body itself will tell you what it needs, and what it is better to hold off on.

Finally, some useful tips that will help you go through the model diet with dignity and not break down.

  • If you feel very hungry, snack on an artichoke. The latter suppresses appetite very well.
  • Use ginger as a seasoning when cooking. It helps burn fat.
  • Avoid salt, it retains fluid in the body and causes swelling.
  • Season your dishes with plenty of chopped herbs. She also fights hunger.
  • Eat fruits that help burn fat: pineapple, grapefruit, plum, orange, watermelon, apple, peach.
  • The three-day diet cannot be carried out more than once a month.


Advantages and disadvantages of the model diet

Basically, the presented method of losing weight is preferred to be used before serious fashion shows, as a result of which fashion models are forced to deny themselves the use of many products. But they get results within a few days.

Strict adherence to the diet leads to good results. After all, our body, with a lack of calories, begins to produce them itself through the breakdown of fats. The benefits of the model diet include:

  1. Lose extra pounds in a short time.
  2. Cleanse your body.
  3. The list of allowed products includes only healthy ones, that is, you can improve the condition of your skin.

Disadvantages include:

  1. You may feel hungry.
  2. The diet should not be followed by pregnant women, breastfeeding women or those with chronic diseases. You must have a healthy body.

Model diet - description, menu for 3 days and 7 days, reviews

Models sometimes have to get into shape in a matter of days before shows. Most often, they resort to protein diets and sharply reduce the caloric content of their diet.

In 7 days on such a model diet you can lose up to 9 kg of weight, so this method is popular among those who have only a few days before the cherished date.

A detailed description, menu, advice from nutritionists and reviews from those who have lost weight will help not only lose weight, but also consolidate the result.

Basic principle of the diet

The models' diet works due to the fact that the daily calorie intake is approximately half of the required amount. As a result, the body begins to use fat reserves that were left “for a rainy day.”

The menu is based on protein foods, which provide longer saturation than slow carbohydrates. In addition, the absence of salt and sugar prevents fluid retention in the body, and this also affects both weight and volume.

There are two options for the model diet: for 3 days and for 7 days.

Both are quite tough, so you can resort to them no more than once a year .

The main contraindication to this method of losing weight is diseased kidneys. If you have diseases of these organs, you should not consume increased amounts of protein. The second warning is disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


The food will be quite tough, and the meals will not be fractional with short time intervals, which cannot but affect gastritis and ulcers. And the third contraindication is increased activity on diet days.

The daily menu is very low in calories, and vigorous exercise can lead to fainting.

The main advantage of this method of losing weight is its undoubted effectiveness. Even those who have virtually no excess weight, and for whom other diets no longer work, lose weight.

And the main disadvantage is associated precisely with the reduced calorie content of the menu, because this often leads to dizziness, lethargy and the desire to eat something forbidden.

In addition, the diet necessarily requires a very smooth and long exit, so as not to regain the lost weight in the next few days.

There are other diet options that models use to lose weight:

  • cottage cheese , when for three days you can only eat cottage cheese and drink tea;
  • vegetable , in which you can only eat vegetables with a negative calorie content (cucumbers, greens, eggplants, etc.);
  • cabbage mono-diet, in which you can eat this vegetable in any of its variations, including stewing, fermenting or boiling for soups;
  • apple-kefir diet, when during the day you can eat 5 apples and drink 1 liter of kefir.

The essence of the diet and menu

The diet is based on the fact that you can only eat permitted foods. If you feel hungry between meals, you need to drink water, because its volume is not limited. You cannot use salt, spices or sugar, so as not to retain fluid in the body. There are 2 menu options: for 3 and for 7 days. The first is more rigid and stretching it for 7 days is dangerous.

Therefore, if you want to lose more weight, it is better to resort to a more varied menu and stick to the seven-day option.

  • Breakfast : a cup of black or green tea without sugar and 1 hard-boiled egg without salt or sauce.
  • Lunch : 2% cottage cheese (low-fat should not be taken) without sugar and other additives – 200 g.
  • Dinner : similar to lunch, but the portion is reduced to 150 g.

You can stick to this menu for no more than 3 days . If you feel very hungry and dizzy, you can eat a couple of lettuce leaves. Sometimes it is recommended to have dinner before 16.00, but to benefit the stomach, the breaks between meals should be the same, and it is better to eat the second portion of cottage cheese 4 hours before bedtime.

On the subject: Coconut calorie content and importance in diet

This menu is the same every day, but at the same time offers a little more variety than the 3-day diet.

  • Breakfast : 50 g of boiled chicken breast, 50 g of bread with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch : a cup of tea.
  • Lunch : 100 g steamed cod, vegetable side dish.
  • Afternoon snack : 1 boiled egg, cup of tea.
  • Dinner : 100 g boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad.

to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day . If you feel dizzy, then once a day you should eat 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or add it to a vegetable salad. A week before the seven-day diet, you need to start taking multivitamins and do this until the person returns to their usual diet.

Quitting the diet

You need to exit the diet slowly , so the process can take up to two weeks . Protein foods should be diluted with carbohydrates: add rice or buckwheat to meat, and add fruits and berries to cottage cheese.

It is not recommended to use salt and sugar for a few more weeks. Total caloric intake should be increased by 200-300 kcal per day .

If you suddenly start eating the same way as before, then after a long “starvation” the body will begin to make new fat reserves, and the weight will return along with a couple of kilograms on top.

I realized that I had gained weight, just before the wedding. There was 4 days of time, but it was no longer possible to alter the dress. As a result, for 2 days I sat only on cottage cheese, and for 3 days I added chicken breast. I really wanted to eat almost all the time, and in the evening I quickly went to bed.

As a result, on my wedding day I weighed 4.5 kg less than before the diet. The fitting the day before showed that the dress fit perfectly, so on the morning of my big day I already heartily ate a bowl of oatmeal with milk, and felt great during the ceremony.


This may not be the healthiest way to lose weight, but in emergency situations, any measure is good.


The model diet was definitely the hardest in my life, but also the most effective. I sat on it for 7 days and managed to lose 8 kg. Over the next month, 2 returned, so the total weight was 6 kg, which I consider the final result.

The meat menu is very difficult, and in the first couple of days I was constantly hungry. Around the third day it became easier, and in case of an attack of hunger, I always kept a bottle of water on hand. Surprisingly, after one glass, hunger subsided for one and a half to two hours.


For myself, I chose a seven-day model diet, but decided to “cheat” a little. I added lettuce leaves and cucumbers to absolutely every meal. These foods have a negative energy value, but my GI tract did not feel terrible eating protein alone.

Despite this retreat, in a week I lost 5 kg, which is a very high figure for me. I didn’t feel hungry, except that I wanted something sweet. The most difficult thing was not to break down on the eighth day, when it was possible to eat other foods.

I didn’t touch meat for another month.


So, although the model diet is not the most nutritious and balanced, the results obtained with its help are truly amazing.

It is best to lose weight this way on vacation days or on weekends, when you have the opportunity not to leave the house and not bother yourself with various chores.

You should not resort to the model menu too often; nevertheless, reviews have shown that this is more of an emergency measure than a nutrition system suitable on an ongoing basis.

What do you think of the model diet? Have you tried to sit on such protein days? How much weight did you lose? Share your stories in the comments!


What are the most effective crash diets?

Any strict diet will be a real test for your body, since an unbalanced and low-calorie diet entails a deterioration in the functioning of all internal systems and organs. That is why strict diets should be treated with extreme caution. But if you need to get rid of extra pounds urgently, then such a diet will simply be a salvation!

We suggest you read: How to eat right to lose weight

Moreover, if you don’t get carried away with such dietary courses and don’t drag them out for too long, doctors say, a limited diet can even benefit the body. This is due to the fact that these diets perfectly cleanse the body of harmful accumulations, remove excess fluid, thereby helping to normalize the functioning of all internal processes. Below we will look at what diets the models go on.

Low carb

A low-carbohydrate diet is one of the most popular among strict weight loss systems. It is aimed at seriously limiting the daily calorie intake. It is important to understand that low-carb does not involve a complete rejection of carbohydrates - in fact, their daily amount is 60 grams, which is not so little. In general, this diet is considered one of the most gentle among the entire category of strict weight loss systems.

During the course, it is recommended to consume a large amount of fluid - about 2 liters of water per day. Alcoholic drinks, all fruits (except grapefruit) and fruit juices are strictly prohibited.

Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast - 30 grams of hard cheese, grapefruit, a slice of black bread, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • lunch - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, some boiled beans, a slice of black bread, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • dinner - 100 grams of fish or meat without fat with a vegetable side dish, a cup of unsweetened tea.

Diet "Jockey"

This diet must be followed for three days, but you should not use it too often. The effect will be much better if you supplement your diet with a visit to the sauna and massage sessions.

  • first day - baked chicken (divide into 3 servings and eat throughout the day);
  • second day - up to 300 grams of lean veal (divide into 3 servings);
  • third day - from 3 to 5 cups of natural black coffee throughout the day.

First day:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 5 boiled potatoes.

Second day:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 500 grams of lean meat.

Fourth day:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese.

Fifth day:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 500 grams of dried apricots.

Sixth day:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 500 grams of sour cream.

This entire volume of food is distributed over 5 meals. Thus, one serving will be 100 ml of kefir and 100 grams of product (or one fruit).

If you need to get rid of a few extra pounds as quickly as possible, you can use one of the diets described above. But experts advise using such harsh methods only in extreme cases.

Model diet for 3 and 7 days

As you know, the modeling business, which attracts the attention of both women and men, is a rather tough “sphere” of activity and self-realization. The thing is that already established and popular models are regularly replaced by new girls, younger and more ambitious.

With age, women working in the modeling business find it increasingly difficult to maintain their figure within ideal proportions.

However, many famous female models quite successfully manage to cope with this task and be attractive and sexy, regardless of age and the number of children they have born.

The well-known model diet, which has several menu options, helps them in this.

Every diet that exists today has its own demand. And the model diet is no exception, and not only models, but also ordinary women of various professions use it to lose weight and maintain normal weight.

The high popularity of the model diet for weight loss is explained by the fact that following it allows you to quickly make the dream of many women, called a “flat stomach,” come true.

All diet options are a series of fasting days, during which the diet is strictly limited.


These restrictions include a complete rejection of confectionery products, fatty, smoked, pickled and fried foods, sweets and sugar.

The fundamental rules of the model diet, as one of the most effective, are:

1. The total volume of products consumed cannot exceed 1000 kcal;

2. Meals should be fractional and five times a day, and the portions should be equal in volume, which does not exceed 150-200 g;

3. The last meal should take place before 15:00;

4. You must drink two liters of clean water per day;

5. The recommended duration of the model diet, photos of the results of which are given below, is 3 or 7 days. The maximum possible duration is 14 days.

In pursuit of a flat stomach and thin waist, you should not forget about your health, otherwise the consequences of mindless fasting or too little nutrition can be very disastrous.

How much can you lose on a model diet? This question interests many women. Based on reviews from people who managed to control their appetite and follow all the rules of this diet, experts concluded that weight loss can be very significant.

Thus, some women managed to lose 5 kg in 3 days of the model diet, i.e., more than 1.5 kg of excess weight was lost every day.

It is important to understand that such results can only be obtained subject to the strictest adherence to all rules.

Those women who chose the model diet menu for 7 days and were able to hold out for this entire period of time and not “sin” by eating forbidden foods said goodbye to 7-9 kg.


The results of the model diet for 3 days, presented in the photo below, are really impressive, but do not forget at what price such dramatic weight loss comes.

Following a three-day model diet or a nutritional system designed for a week does not have the best effect on the functioning of the digestive organs and the entire body as a whole.

Each nutritional system for weight loss, including a weekly or 3-day model diet, is based on fractional meals and consumption of small portions of low-calorie foods.

The entire amount of food for the day should be divided into 5 servings and consumed throughout the day (from morning to 15) at regular intervals.

An important condition is to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Exiting the model diet must be done slowly and gradually, so in fact, after 3 or 7 days of a strict diet, a less strict, but still dietary and figure-healthy period of returning to the diet of familiar foods begins, which lasts another 7 days. They should be administered in small portions and not all at once (one product per day). After such a diet, you can eat sweets only in tiny quantities, once every 3 days.

Compliance with such a diet in any version, be it three or seven days of weight loss, is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the endocrine system.

If you, as a model, before a photo shoot or on the eve of going on the catwalk, urgently need to “correct” your figure by 2-4 kg, then the best option would be a three-day diet. The strict model diet menu for 3 days is as follows:

  • 7:00 – one soft-boiled egg without salt and seasonings, black coffee without sugar;
  • 9:00 – 125 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and green tea;
  • 11:00 – cucumber and lettuce salad with lemon or lime juice – 200 grams;
  • 13:00 – one apple and a glass of kefir;
  • 15:00 – boiled breast 200 grams, cucumber.

After 15 hours you are allowed to drink only water; if it is very difficult to endure until the morning without food, you can drink a glass of kefir at night. This version of the diet is very strict, so not everyone can stick to it.

On the subject: Dukan diet and exercise

If there is a problem with weight, but the time frame for getting back into shape is not pressing, it is best to give preference to a longer and less severe option.

The weekly model diet, the menu of which is given below, is just as effective and less traumatic to the psyche and stomach.

The model diet menu remains unchanged throughout the entire weight loss period (if desired, you can swap meals 2 and 4) and it looks like this:

  • 7:00 – 2 boiled eggs, 60 g of boiled chicken meat, 30 grams of wholemeal rye bread with butter, green tea;
  • 9:30 – green tea, one apple;
  • 12:00 – 150 g of lean fish or meat, bean and herb salad, apple, compote;
  • 14:30 – a glass of hot water with lemon;
  • 17:00 – 300-400 grams of green vegetables and a glass of kefir.

By strictly following the rules of the diet and adhering to its strict menu, you will very soon notice the first results, including visual ones, which will certainly inspire you to further lose weight.

However, nutritionists always recommend remembering that every woman is beautiful and individual in her own way, so you should not adjust your body to the parameters of famous models.

It is much more important to maintain your health and go to a slim figure safely through proper nutrition and an active lifestyle without bad habits.


Diet of models for quick weight loss.

Female models are prohibited from drinking water 12 hours before the show. The most effective diet program - during which morning meals predominate, takes up to 5 extra pounds: After 3 hours, another portion of tea and cottage cheese is possible. The food will be more satisfying, provided that the cottage cheese is natural and the tea is loose leaf.

The Angels Diet is designed for two weeks and gives the effect of slimness and fit due to a strict number of servings and a certain amount of protein. Despite the long duration of the diet, it should not be repeated more than twice a year. Each new day has its own products in the required quantities. The general rules of the diet are to avoid sugar and salt.

To maintain a slim effect after a diet, the calorie content of dishes does not increase or decrease much, and the exit from the diet is as gentle as possible. Evening - baked apples. Snack - banana. Reviews about the diet of models are very different, about how they indulge in sweets and how difficult it is to maintain this way of eating. However, the most persistent achieve good results and forget about what excess weight is. To stay on your diet longer, it is important to choose foods that are acceptable to you.

Diet model

In pursuit of a slim figure, millions of girls around the world exactly copy the diet of famous fashion models.

But in Russia, for some reason, the so-called “model diet” is more popular than others. In just three “half-starved” days you can get rid of 3-4 extra pounds.


Despite the promising name, this diet has nothing to do with real top models. In any case, the “stars” of the catwalk do not refer to it as a way to get in shape before shows.

However, many girls use this diet to quickly get rid of what they “ate” during the holidays. Is this express diet effective? Yes, definitely! But isn't sudden weight loss dangerous for your health? Let's find out...

Specifics of the model diet

Let's start with the fact that the classic model diet requires mandatory daily training. And on the eve of the show, models train two to three times a day. It has been proven that a “model figure” is perfectly formed by yoga, Pilates, running, functional training, boxing and ballet exercise.

In addition, models should not start their diet abruptly (for example, on the first weekday after the New Year holidays). The day before, it is imperative to prepare the body for the upcoming stress: both physically and psychologically. Two or three days of preparation should be a little more satisfying than the fasting days.

Classic model diet menu for three days

In Russia, the most stringent version of the model diet, designed for 3 days, is popular. The calorie content of the daily diet is only 900-1000 kcal.

The daily menu does not differ in either variety or nutritional value:

Breakfast: soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg and a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 170 g of low-fat cottage cheese (maybe with a handful of berries) and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: (no later than 17.00): 170 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of green tea.

In the intervals between meals and after dinner, you can drink water (of course, it is not forbidden to add spices or fruits to the water) or green tea. Naturally, throughout the diet, salt and sugar are completely excluded from the diet.

Another important point: you need to exit the model diet carefully! General recommendations: in the first days, lean on plant foods and increase the calorie content of your daily diet gradually - by 100 kcal per day.

Why the model diet is so effective

Firstly, this particular 3-day diet is, to put it mildly, low-calorie: only 900-1000 kcal per day. For an adult healthy person (even one leading a sedentary lifestyle) this is very little.

Secondly, a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein quickly “dries out” the body. By blocking the intake of carbohydrates, you remove water from the body in record time.

Thirdly, like any other express diet, the model eliminates sugar, salt, sweets, alcohol, fried and fatty foods from the diet. In addition, for all three days you will have to “fast” after 17.00 and drink up to three liters of clean water per day.

Other Model Diet Options

The weekly diet has a little more variety and calorie content (1000-1200 kcal per day) than the rigid three-day version. But sustaining it to the end is just as difficult as the classic one. Almost all girls who lose weight on a weekly diet complain of general weakness and poor health.

So, breakfast: two boiled eggs (optionally, 100 g of boiled chicken), rye bread with a thin layer of butter, hot green tea.

Second breakfast: a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 150 g of lean meat (fish) and a salad of beans and herbs. For dessert - fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: green tea or just hot water.

Dinner (no later than 18.00): 300-400 g of non-starchy green vegetables.

Another option for a model diet for a week is called the “angel diet”. According to legend, this is what Victoria's Secret show participants endure before each show.

Any morning of the “angel” diet begins with a cup of green tea or coffee (on some days you can eat whole grain toast). An apple or a glass of natural yogurt will help you wait until lunch. Lunch and dinner - lean meat, fish, ham or eggs with fresh vegetables. Dinner will have to be no later than 17.00. For the entire period of the diet, bread, sugar and salt are excluded from the diet.

The “Angel Diet” allows you to quickly lose weight due to the symbolic volume of portions, a lack of carbohydrates and a high protein content.

Pros of the Model Diet

1) The diet of top models is ideal for emergencies. It allows you to lose a couple of kilograms in just three days (for example, after the New Year holidays or before a vacation). Usually volumes go well - there is a chance to fit into your favorite dress or jeans.

2) The model diet is considered one of the simplest and most inexpensive. The diet for three days includes three eggs, about a kilogram of cottage cheese and green tea. There is no need to “bother” with calorie counting, food compatibility and complex dishes.

Cons of the Model Diet

1) This is one of the most “hungry” diets - its diet is extremely meager and monotonous. Those losing weight complain of a constant feeling of hunger, increased irritability and sleep disturbances. In some cases, it even comes to dizziness and fainting.

2) Doctors do not recommend following such a diet more than once a year and more than three days in a row. The risk of “knocking down” the metabolism and causing serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract is too high.


3) The kilograms lost in three days quickly return. As a rule, this situation is provoked by an incorrect exit from the model diet. After a three-day fast, it is almost impossible to resist overeating.

4) The diet does not include fresh vegetables and fruits, which leads to a deficiency of calories, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The diet is not suitable for those who practice a raw food diet.

Reviews from those who have followed the model diet

In Russia, the diet of models is used for weight loss in two cases: before an important event or, conversely, after too “hearty” holidays.

Almost everyone confirms the effectiveness of the diet. In three days, “on eggs and cottage cheese” you lose from one to four kilograms (depending on the initial weight). Plus, the volumes are clearly melting away.

Unfortunately, the model diet has many “side effects”: weakness, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances and a constant feeling of hunger. In addition, approximately four out of five girls admit that the kilograms lost in three days quickly come back.

Recommendations from ModelFit

ModelFit specialists help professional models maintain the desired “fragility and airiness”. The model diet is, of course, a very strict and specific option for losing weight, but general recommendations for building a diet for girls from the fashion business will be of interest to many.

What is recommended for fashion models?

1. Separate proteins and carbohydrates (eat meat and fish with non-starchy vegetables, and not with bread, pasta or cereals).

2. Exercise regularly. Only physical activity can create a truly beautiful and healthy body.

2. Never drink food with food, but be sure to drink between meals. Avoid drinks with a lot of carbohydrates (kvass or beer).

3. Accustom yourself to green tea or matcha tea (also called “matcha”). Matcha is a powdered Japanese green tea. It is believed that matcha contains the maximum concentration of vitamins and microelements.

4. Do not eat fried foods. The same mushrooms, meat and fish are much healthier (both for your figure and for your health) when baked or grilled.

5. If you want to have a snack, eat a couple of nuts (just not fried ones). By the way, nuts also dehydrate the body - you should definitely drink after them.


6. You need to start the morning with a lighter meal, eat more at the next meal, and leave the maximum portion for the day for dinner (yes, this is not at all what we are used to).

On topic: Japanese diet for men

7. From time to time, put your thoughts in order: through meditation, freewriting (it’s best to write with tips from Writelight) or a hot bath with aromatic oils. Losing weight under stress is absolutely impossible - sooner or later a breakdown will follow.

Note that not every nutritionist agrees with the recommendations from ModelFit. After all, fashion models are a very specific profession with strict requirements for appearance.

And if your goal is not just to lose a couple of kilos before an important event, but to have a truly beautiful and healthy body, we recommend reading materials about a healthy diet.

Have you ever experimented with a model diet? And if so, what results were achieved? Would you recommend this diet to others?

Valentina Malinovskaya, healthy lifestyle expert

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Diet features

Models cannot afford extra pounds, otherwise they will not look great at performances, as is usually the case.

A special feature of the models’ nutrition is not only serious diets, but also nutritious food rich in vitamins and microelements. This helps preserve vital energy and improve health, reduce the impact of physical activity and lack of sleep.

A limited list of diet products provides maximum benefits and at the same time helps you lose weight. The diet time is a maximum of 3 days of consuming proteins and a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

model diet for 7 days

The efficiency is very high. By choosing the ingredients from the list, you can achieve stunning results.

Positive sides:

  • a meager diet quickly unloads the body;
  • in such a short period of time the body does not have time to become exhausted, although it may give some weakness;
  • Digestion improves after fasting.

Negative factors and contraindications:

  • it’s hard to support, you want to be harmful;
  • the wrong approach and excessive enthusiasm for losing weight can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • should not be used by people with weakened immunity, weak digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

The use of model nutrition during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited.

Model diet for 3 days before and after

At my last meal, I tried to eat chicken, it is more filling and the feeling of hunger comes much later than after fruit. The diet is great as a fasting diet after the holidays. Eat what you want and lose weight for your health.

When you can have fish and meat and eggs and cottage cheese, the diet is surprisingly easy to tolerate. You can refuse dinner, three days is not a long time. And during the day, hot green tea up to 1. The result of the diet is good - 3 kg in three days.

Experts consider this diet to be a fairly model diet for 3 days before and after, but it did not cause me any particular feeling of hunger. For me, 3 days without dinner is simply unbearable! I admire the willpower of models who are willing to make such sacrifices for the sake of their figure.


But the ginger tea that Lima Adriana uses really quenches the feeling of hunger and creates a feeling of fullness, I can drink it.

The weight began to decrease noticeably. Eggs and cottage cheese are always present in my diet, as well as boiled meat and fish, fresh or baked vegetables, I don’t feel hungry, I have dinner no later than 6 o’clock, and I can eat a cracker at night.

Personally, the two-day diet did not suit me. If you take the curd mass, then it’s more or less normal. Regarding eggs, doctors do not recommend eating more than three a week, but it was fine for me to eat them every day.

The hot diet is simpler and easier to follow. Moreover, boiled fish with salad is still filling. To drink throughout the day, it is recommended to drink hot green or black, preferably loose leaf tea without sugar, or even hot water. If you are not so pressed for weight loss, the diet can be extended over one to three weeks.

Reviews have shown that from one to five kilograms are lost every week. Throughout the day, throughout the diet, you can use water as an additional drink, tea without sugar, less often - coffee and vegetable broths or freshly squeezed juice.

Option one On average, during these 3 days, if all subsequent recommendations are followed, this applies to those losing weight and models losing weight.

Here is a simple menu for all 3 days: In 3 weeks I lost 7 kg. Only a low-carb diet helped achieve this result before, but the model diet will be more useful. Be sure to try it!

The diet for models is a breakfast consisting of low-calorie milk and baked goods made from wholemeal flour or toast with boiled eggs and yogurt, or an omelette with vegetable filling and low-calorie cheese. The diet works if after 3 pm you don’t eat and drink only water.

What are the model diets?

But for me it is very difficult. I lasted a week... I lost 2 kilograms, but became irritable. Add a comment Cancel reply. Your email will not be published. How to calculate your daily calorie intake? What foods help you lose weight?

How to choose your diet? Diet menu for models for 7 days.

Speed ​​up your weight loss process with fitness exercises! The use of raspberries in all kinds of Excess weight is a problem of modern Methods of cleansing the body exist Unlike blitz diets, the correct one Of course, to increase immunity, Many Russians have holiday feasts Adequate physical activity during Exercises for problem areas are performed People who are in a state of increased L-carnitine for weight loss is In fact, there are no complications The appearance of headaches is caused by In most therapeutic schemes The whole point is that already established and popular models are regularly replaced by new girls, younger and more ambitious.

With age, women working in the modeling business find it increasingly difficult to maintain their figure within ideal proportions.


However, many famous female models quite successfully manage to cope with this task and be attractive and sexy, regardless of age and the number of children they have born.

The well-known model diet, which has several menu options, helps them in this. Every diet that exists today has its own demand.

And the model diet is no exception, and not only models, but also ordinary women of various professions use it to lose weight and maintain normal weight.

Model hot diet for 3 days

All diet options are a series of fasting days, during which the diet is strictly limited. These restrictions include a complete rejection of confectionery products, fatty, smoked, pickled and fried foods, sweets and sugar.

The fundamental rules of the model diet, as one of the most effective, are: Meals should be fractional and five times a day, and portions should be equal in volume, which does not exceed 1 g.

You should definitely drink two liters of clean water per day. The recommended duration of the model diet, photos of the results of which are given below, is 3 or 7 days.


Reviews and results

Reviews about the model diet are contradictory. Everyone who tried it had their own opinion about it. Some criticize the severity and the inability to withstand several days. Others, having achieved results, adopt it and use it regularly.

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In positive reviews, everyone who tried it noted that they received results. In three days, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, they lose up to four kilograms.

“I’m not disappointed with the diet. In three days I lost two kilos. On the first day the feeling of hunger overcomes, then it gets easier. He advises girls to try it."

“I checked the result from my own experience. There were moments when I wanted to break down and quit. The four kilos that were lost added strength and determination.”

“I lost 2 kg on a three-day diet. The determination to repeat the feat is unlikely to be enough.”

“I learned about the diet from a friend and decided to try it. The goal was to lose ten kilograms. I chose seven days. The week dragged on painfully long. At the end of the week the scales showed minus eight.”

Features and general rules

Like any other, the model diet has its own characteristics and rules that must not only be taken into account, but also strictly followed to achieve a positive result:

  1. Drink about 2.5 liters of liquid per day.
  2. Eat in small portions.
  3. It is recommended to plan your diet so that the last days fall on the weekend. This is necessary to reduce physical and mental activity to a minimum and not overload the body.
  4. Follow this diet no more than once every 3 months, but it is better to take a longer break.
  5. You should give up bad habits.
  6. It is necessary to normalize your day and sleep patterns.
  7. The basis of the diet should be plant and protein foods.
  8. It is necessary to take evening walks and engage in light sports - dancing, swimming, race walking, cycling, light jogging, yoga - to prevent sagging and sagging skin after losing weight.
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