How to fall asleep in 10, 60 or 120 seconds

How to fall asleep in 10 seconds

Magic spells for falling asleep so quickly have not yet been invented, but there is a practice that can speed up the process. Let's make a reservation: in fact, the entire practice takes 120 seconds, but its last 10 seconds are exactly the time at which most people manage to fall asleep.

This method was first used in an American flight school to help pilots fall asleep quickly. It took about 6 weeks to master, but it worked in the end. And you will succeed. They say that some people can fall asleep even while sitting.


  1. Relax your entire face, including your mouth muscles.
  2. Relax your shoulders. Let your hands lie arbitrarily, as comfortable as possible.
  3. Exhale, relaxing your chest.
  4. Clear your mind by imagining any pleasant and calming scene for 10 seconds (for example, walking through a flowery meadow or wherever you like best).
  5. If you can’t imagine anything, repeat to yourself for 10 seconds: “Don’t think.”
  6. Within the next 10 seconds you should fall asleep.

The method may not work immediately. Not everyone knows how to relax quickly. Practice breathing and relaxing all the muscles in your body. In time everything will work out.

  • 16 foods that make you sleepy

Balance between sleep and wakefulness

People who are wondering how to fall asleep at night if they cannot sleep know that this problem does not appear in one day. Accordingly, to effectively solve it, you will also need some time. It usually takes about three weeks to even out the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. First of all, set a goal of not getting less than seven hours of sleep. It is best, of course, to set aside all eight hours for this. However, do not increase the duration of night sleep on weekends. This will only confuse your body. If there is a need, it is better to take a nap for an hour during the day.

How can you sleep if you can't sleep?

How to fall asleep quickly and get rid of insomnia

First. Create comfortable sleeping conditions.

It’s good to check the room in which you sleep or put a window for micro-ventilation. A constant flow of fresh air ensures good sleep.

Sleep in a dark room and in complete silence, so that nothing irritates the brain. In this case, the quality of sleep will be high. For proper sleep, the temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 16 and 18 degrees. This will allow you to fall asleep quickly and easily.

Second. Go to bed between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm.

According to research, every hour before midnight provides twice the benefits of rest.

Third. An hour before bedtime, do not overload your brain with irritants.

No TV or computer. It is better to take time before bed or read a book (boring or incomprehensible books act as a sleeping pill), listen to calm music, and play with your child.

Why is it important?

Excessive activity of brain cells will cause lack of sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to avoid anything that stimulates cell function. By the way, drinking coffee and strong tea at night is also not the best option.

This is another effective way to quickly fall asleep and get a good night's sleep.


It has been noticed that if you focus on problems before going to bed, the first thing that will happen after you wake up are the same thoughts about problems. Everything that doesn’t inspire us takes away energy. As a result, we don’t want to get up at all.

There is another option. You haven’t even really woken up yet, but you’ve already constructed a destructive plan in your head right in the morning, these kind of destructive mental images. For example, “I don’t want to think about this now”, “I don’t want to do this”, “I don’t want to do this either”... and so on.

The result of such thoughts is that you don’t want to get up at all.

It is important to saturate your morning with constructive images.

Fourth. Resist your urges to eat at night.

During sleep, our body not only rests, but also cleanses itself of toxins and waste products.

Therefore, if the question arises of how to get rid of insomnia at night, stop saturating your stomach at night. A late, heavy dinner is highly undesirable.

The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the body during sleep will not be engaged in restoration and healing, but in digesting dinner.

It is acceptable to drink water, or a glass of milk. Kefir is undesirable, since, according to Tibetan knowledge, it triggers the body and it will not be easy to fall asleep. It is better to drink kefir during the day when you need energy.

Observe what your daily diet consists of. Food is a form of energy. Unhealthy food reduces energy levels and therefore causes restless sleep and insomnia.

What to do if you want to eat at night?

Eating at night is harmful

. But if you cannot give up this habit, then you need to choose low-carb foods that have low nutritional value.

  • boiled lean chicken,
  • boiled fish,
  • vegetables,
  • low sugar fruits.

If you go to bed after a heavy dinner, the functioning of the digestive organs becomes difficult. The digestive system is forced to work at night when it should be resting. As a result, you wake up in the morning tired, unrested, and have low performance.

Digestive system problems mature gradually. With age, the rate of metabolic processes gradually decreases. And if you neglect the advice on having a hearty dinner at night, there may be problems.

Fifth. Maximum work on increasing your energy.

A minimum of activity during the day leads to problems with sleep and the process of falling asleep. If energy has not been wasted during the day, the body will not be ready to fall asleep. Exercise and physical activity are mandatory during the day to avoid problems sleeping at night.

Promotes good sleep and walks before bed.

Sixth. Set an alarm clock.

Cultivate the habit of going to bed and getting up always at the same time. Stick to this rule even on weekends. The method is more suitable for those who suffer from insomnia. For those who do not have problems sleeping, you can wake up at your own discretion on Saturday and Sunday.

In this case, the alarm clock works as a conditioned reflex.

Seventh. Sleep on a hard surface.

When we sleep on a hard surface, the body recovers better.

It is important to consider the bed as an object related to sleep. Use it only for sleeping. Don't read in bed, don't watch TV.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to

If you can't sleep, don't lie in bed for more than 20 minutes.

Forcing yourself to sleep is a futile exercise. Instead, you should get out of bed and go to another room. And already there you can read a book or come up with an inactive activity for yourself that is conducive to sleep.

The main reason you can't sleep is your internal dialogue. It is often associated with worries about past events or worries about upcoming ones. But even productive thoughts are not very appropriate when it’s time for you to sleep.

As a rule, if you cannot fall asleep within 15–20 minutes, further attempts are doomed. It begins to feel like your mattress and pillow were designed to torture you. As luck would have it, it is precisely at such moments that someone slams doors on the street, comes and leaves, and neighbors wander from room to room like somnambulists!

This is how your internal dialogue turns into whining and grumbling. To avoid this, you need to not start it at all. To do this, you need to distract your brain from debates and hypotheses. Use one of the following tricks to fall asleep easily today.



We all know about sheep. But a much more effective visual image is a ball. Imagine a ball that sways smoothly, spreading waves around it. If you notice that you are distracted by thoughts, immediately return to the image of the ball.

Mental mouse

Imagine an object. Mentally zoom out, zoom in, and rotate it as if you were using the mouse wheel. Building a detailed visual image helps distract you from disturbing thoughts. Just don’t discuss the features of the object with yourself—just observe.

Scout method

Lie on your back, stretch, relax. Roll your eyes under closed eyelids. Don't overdo it—the eyes should remain relaxed. This is the natural position of the eyeballs during deep sleep, so it is usually easier to fall asleep this way.

Four - seven - eight

Inhale through your nose for four seconds, then hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth for eight seconds. Thanks to this breathing, the adrenaline level will decrease and the heart rate will slow down. And concentrating on breathing will distract you from thoughts.

Autogenic training

Lie comfortably on your back. Stretch and begin to spread a feeling of heaviness and warmth throughout your body. Notice how the sensation spreads from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers, then your toes. Don't forget about your face - your chin, cheekbones, eyes and forehead should be completely relaxed. Try not to move.

Time Machine

Think back to the day. Without emotions and judgments, just scroll through your imagination all the events that happened to you today. Try to remember more details, but watch from the outside, as if you were watching a movie.

Dream restoration

Think back to one of the pleasant dreams you had. If you don’t remember your dreams, make one up. Pay attention to the sensations, complete the picture. It's your dream and it can be as perfect as you want it to be. It is quite possible that, having fallen asleep, you will find yourself in it again.


Reverse blinking

Close your eyes. Open your eyes for just a split second and close them again. Repeat after 10 seconds. Thanks to this “blinking”, you will relax and will not begin to plunge into distracting thoughts.

Rapid eye movement

Open your eyes and quickly look from one object to another. Don't fix your gaze on anything in particular. After 1-2 minutes you will feel your eyelids becoming heavier. Resist fatigue a little longer, and then allow your eyes to close.

Fairy tale

Many parents are familiar with the situation: when you tell your child a fairy tale, you yourself begin to nod off. Tell yourself a story. Come up with any plot, no matter how crazy, and let it develop on its own.

Word game

Come up with a three-letter word for each letter of the alphabet, then a four-letter word, and so on. Don't try to analyze - count the first word that comes to your mind. The brain usually “switches off” quite quickly from such boring, monotonous activities.

Trying to hear the silence

Lie down in a comfortable position and listen to the silence. Try to hear silence - not extraneous sounds outside the window or in the entrance. It's not very easy, but once you succeed, you will relax and fall asleep.

White noise

Find (or create) a source of quiet, monotonous noise. Listen to him very carefully, without allowing yourself to be distracted by thoughts. After a while you will begin to doze off.


Relax as much as possible in a position that is comfortable for you. Calm your breathing. Relax even more by repeating to yourself phrases like “I am becoming more and more relaxed,” “My body is becoming heavier.” Then say (to yourself) “When I count to zero, I will fall asleep” and begin a slow countdown. You can, for example, count 50 exhalations.


In any case, do not forget to properly prepare for bed:

  • The classic rule is that the last meal should occur 2-3 hours before bedtime. However, if you are used to eating often, the feeling of hunger will prevent you from falling asleep as well as a full stomach. In this case, an hour before bed, drink milk, eat half a banana or a small amount of cheese.
  • For good sleep, you need to move enough during the day (preferably in the fresh air). Develop the habit of walking before bed. Even a 20-minute walk can help you take your mind off tasks and prepare your mind for sleep.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. It is better if the window is slightly open throughout the night. But if you're worried about getting cold, at least ventilate the room well before getting into bed.

The cause of insomnia in a healthy person is the inability to relax. People wake up at night if they are having an internal dialogue with themselves, worrying about troubles, or anticipating a difficult day ahead. Even positive thoughts cannot “persuad” our brain to calm down, and a person tosses and turns without sleep for several hours. You can master methods of instantly falling asleep, teach your brain special techniques: breathing exercises, correct body position, and auto-training help.

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