How long to cook squash - oladi-iz-patissonov - post by user Tatiana (AVON - this is for me) (tanka_major) in the Nutrition of a newborn community in the category Rules for introducing complementary feeding - starting with VEGETABLES

What does this unusually shaped vegetable contain?

Squash, picked from the garden, contains a whole range of vitamins and minerals. Among them it should be noted:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Water.
  • Mono- and disaccharides.
  • Cellulose.
  • Organic acids.
  • Pectins.
  • Ash substances.
  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, PP.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.

The product has a very low calorie content ( 18-19 kcal per 100 g ), which allows it to be used in the diet of athletes and people who dream of losing at least a few extra pounds.

Squash grows

What are the benefits and is there any harm from squash?

The minerals that make up a significant part of this vegetable include iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains vitamins such as A, B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid and carotene, which play an important role in the formation and protection of the baby’s health. Patisson helps remove unnecessary toxins from the body, normalizes its hematopoietic capacity, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

It also has a gentle effect on the digestive system . But, having a laxative effect, you need to know that excessive use of squash complementary foods in a baby’s diet can lead to unpleasant surprises in the form of diarrhea. Nevertheless, the nutritional benefits of squash for a baby are obvious. Mostly, complementary foods made from vegetables are given to children in the form of purees. How to cook it?

What benefits do squash dishes provide to the body?

Squash, which has firmly taken its place in the European cookbook, is not only a light dietary product. This vegetable, which in its raw form does not have a pronounced taste or smell, can have an invaluable effect on the human body.

In particular, it has the following actions:

  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, ischemia, arrhythmia, stroke, heart attack.
  • Promotes the process of losing weight.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Neutralizes toxicoses of various etiologies.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Normalizes the process of formation of new blood cells.
  • Eliminates chronic constipation.
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Provokes the outflow of bile and normalizes liver function.
  • Improves blood composition and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Prevents nervous system disorders (insomnia, depression).
  • Regulates the functions of the endocrine system.
  • Stabilizes the water-salt balance, eliminates swelling.
  • Enriches the intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbiosis.
  • Facilitates kidney function.
  • Eliminates migraine.

Like all plants from the pumpkin family, squash is included in the therapeutic diet for kidney and liver failure. And the presence of potassium and magnesium in it allows it to be used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Various squash

Properties of squash

The taste and dietary properties of squash allow them to be used in cooking and dietetics, but they are also used for medicinal purposes - many doctors introduce them into the diet of their patients, and in folk medicine there are even recipes with their juice and seeds.

The yellow-orange fruits contain lutein, a substance whose deficiency irreversibly impairs a person’s vision. Today, this problem has begun to appear more often - the load on the visual apparatus of a modern person is enormous, and ultraviolet radiation also contributes to the destruction of eye tissue. Possessing antioxidant properties, lutein eliminates excess free radicals and protects our cells from aging.

Eating squash normalizes metabolism

: fats and proteins begin to be absorbed correctly, bile is better separated, and glycogen, the polysaccharide we need to restore energy, begins to accumulate in certain quantities where it is needed - in the liver and muscles.

For people with diseases of the digestive tract, liver and gall bladder, squash should become a mandatory component of the diet. The fiber they contain gently stimulates intestinal function and prevents fermentation and constipation. Kidneys also work better if there are a lot of dishes with squash ; with them, even meat becomes safe and easily digestible - they contain many alkaline compounds that neutralize its oxidizing effect.

Thanks to the large amount of potassium and magnesium, squash becomes an excellent means of preventing vascular diseases

, hypertension, obesity, liver and kidney diseases - they have a mild diuretic effect.

The use of squash in cooking

The product has become widespread and deservedly popular primarily due to its accessibility . Not the least role in the use of the product is played by its nutritional composition.

Pumpkin is included in many dishes. It is used in hot and cold dishes: sautés, salads, rolls, pancakes. The vegetable can be pickled, stuffed, boiled, steamed, fried and baked.

In order for your favorite product to be available at any time of the year, it is prepared for the winter using the method of pickling and salting ( soaking ).

Pickled squash

The very shape of the squash makes it very convenient to stuff . You can choose the filling for the minced meat according to your taste. It can be minced meat with rice, pieces of meat with fried onions.

Stuffed squash

Fans of vegetarian dishes can replace the minced meat with a mushroom filling with fried onions. Stewed vegetables (onions, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants) can be a good alternative to meat.

Squash for babies: is it possible to give squash puree?

The baby was born... From birth, his body needs food that will be saturated with useful substances and minerals.

For some time, the baby receives all the necessary components from mother's milk. This is the most natural food for a little man.

But as the baby grows and develops, his body requires much more nutrients and nutrients. The need for minerals and vitamins is also growing.

Their quantity, which comes with mother's milk, is no longer enough for the child. Therefore, at a certain age, around 4-6 months, the diet of your favorite “bunny” should be replenished with new healthy and nutritious food. Particular attention should be paid to vegetable complementary foods, since vegetables are a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins for a growing body.

Is it possible to give this vegetable to a baby as complementary food?

Before answering this question, mothers need to become thoroughly familiar with what squash is. These are vegetables that belong to the pumpkin .

They are also called saucer pumpkins, as their unusual shapes resemble plates. Squash, like their relatives zucchini, are part of low-allergenic products.

Therefore, these vegetables can be included in your baby’s diet.

What are the benefits and is there any harm from squash?

The minerals that make up a significant part of this vegetable include iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

It also contains vitamins such as A, B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid and carotene, which play an important role in the formation and protection of the baby’s health.

Patisson helps remove unnecessary toxins from the body, normalizes its hematopoietic capacity, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

The benefits and harms of squash for the body are related to each other; the vegetable can bring beneficial and negative effects. To get the maximum benefit from its use, you need to study its properties and rules of use.

Value and composition of squash

This unusual vegetable belongs to the Pumpkin family. It can be found under its second name - saucer pumpkin, since the shape of the fruit is very similar to a saucer. The squash originated from America, where it was first cultivated, and came to Europe in the 17th century.

Patisson has a very recognizable and unusual shape

The composition of nutrients in the product is well balanced - 2.6 g of the total volume of the vegetable is carbohydrates, 1.2 and 0.2 g, respectively, are the share of proteins and fats.

What are the benefits of squash for the human body?

In addition to the listed general valuable properties, the product brings particular benefits to men and women. Including vegetables in your regular diet helps you avoid common diseases and maintain good health.

For men

Men are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases at a young age. Squash is useful for them because it strengthens blood vessels and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks, helps control cholesterol levels and protects the liver from destruction.

The vitamins in the product have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the male body. The properties of the vegetable help maintain a healthy libido and improve the quality of genetic material. Eating squash is useful for athletes to increase endurance; vegetable fruits strengthen the immune system, give additional energy and vigor.

Vitamins and minerals in vegetables strengthen blood vessels

For women

The valuable properties of the product for women are that the vegetable helps maintain lightness and slimness. Pumpkin pumpkin does not lead to a set of extra pounds, but it regulates peristalsis well and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

The properties of the vegetable have a positive effect on the nervous system and protect women from stress. Internal and external use of the vegetable helps maintain youthful and attractive skin, strengthen hair and get rid of acne and blackheads. Antioxidants and minerals in the product help fight the first wrinkles and age-related dry skin.

Is squash good for pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women often suffer from constipation and the accumulation of excess fluids. In such a situation, squash will be especially beneficial - it will help get rid of swelling and improve digestion.

You can also eat vegetables to strengthen your immune system, as well as to lift your spirits; pumpkins reduce stress and eliminate hormonal imbalances.

Squash will help a woman maintain the attractiveness of her skin and hair and accelerate cellular renewal.

Since the product contains almost all B vitamins, the fruits of the pumpkin will also be beneficial for the developing fetus. They will protect the baby in the womb from congenital diseases.

If you have individual intolerance, squash can have a negative effect. Therefore, it is especially important for a pregnant woman to first make sure that vegetables are not harmful.

In the absence of allergies, the product is safe for pregnant women

Is it possible to have squash for a nursing mother?

During lactation, plate pumpkin is very useful; it saturates a woman’s body with vitamins, helps restore her figure after childbirth, and removes toxins and waste from cells. Eating vegetables improves the quality of breast milk. Babies are rarely allergic to the product, so it can be introduced into the diet of a young mother immediately after childbirth.

When using squash during breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account that it has strong diuretic properties. It should be consumed in moderation and not every day, so that the vegetable does not cause dehydration.

At what age can squash be given to children?

Squash are ideal for baby food; they rarely cause allergies, but contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber. Vegetables can serve as a preventative against childhood constipation; their benefit is that they increase immune defense and improve the child’s mental activity.

You can give squash to children from the age of 6 months, along with their first complementary foods. For the first time, the product should be offered to a child in the form of a puree made from boiled pulp.

Attention! In rare cases, the product can still cause allergies, and it also has some contraindications. Before introducing a vegetable into a child’s diet, you should consult a pediatrician. Children can be given boiled vegetable pulp as early as six months of age.

The use of squash in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of the product are highly valued in home medicine. In treatment recipes, both grated pulp and juice of the vegetable, as well as its seeds, are used.

For kidney diseases

For kidney problems, the following remedy helps:

  • 100 ml of juice is squeezed out of fresh squash;
  • add 10 g of natural honey;
  • stir properly.

You need to use the product 3 times a day in between main meals.

For constipation

Squash juice is beneficial for sluggish digestion. Traditional medicine recommends simply squeezing 100 ml of fresh juice from a vegetable and drinking it shortly before eating, once a day. The beneficial substances in the juice will improve the digestibility of food and help get rid of the problem of constipation.

For swelling

If you are prone to edema, vegetable seed powder has a good effect. 100 g of seeds need to be peeled and crushed in a blender or coffee grinder. Take 20 g of healing powder three times a day, shortly before meals. The powder should be washed down with a glass of clean water.

For varicose veins

Drinking pumpkin juice is useful for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis; drink the drink three times a day on an empty stomach, 2 large spoons.

We recommend reading: Green garlic: benefits and harms, preparation

Also, for varicose veins, it is useful to lubricate the legs with vegetable juice or apply compresses with grated pulp. They need to be kept for 20 minutes, and the total course of treatment is continued for 3 weeks.

Vegetable juice and compresses from the pulp help with varicose veins

The use of squash in cosmetology

The high content of B vitamins in the vegetable, as well as the presence of antioxidants in its pulp, have a beneficial effect on the skin. When used externally, plate pumpkin allows you to regulate the fat content of the epidermis, rejuvenate the skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Advice! You can rinse your hair with diluted vegetable juice; the product will strengthen the hair follicles and prevent strands from falling out.

Mask for oily skin

This mask helps against increased oiliness of the epidermis, pimples and blackheads:

  • grate the vegetable pulp in the amount of 2 large spoons;
  • add 1 large spoon of steamed oatmeal;
  • mix the mask and apply for 20 minutes on a washed face.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week, in which case the effect of use will become noticeable very quickly.

Moisturizing mask

For dry skin prone to irritation, the following product will benefit:

  • 1 large spoon of squash juice is mixed with egg yolk;
  • add 5 drops of olive oil;
  • Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes.

Oil and yolk have a strong softening effect, and vegetable juice nourishes the epidermis and stimulates rejuvenation processes.

What are the benefits of squash for losing weight?

In dietary nutrition, the product is valued primarily for its high fiber content. It helps to quickly cleanse the intestines, remove accumulated waste and toxins from the body, and normalize metabolic processes.

Use vegetable pulp to make healthy masks for the skin.

The benefit of the vegetable is also that it improves the absorption of proteins and sugars and prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits. When added to a diet, squash has a tonic effect, gives vigor and energy, and helps get rid of edema due to its diuretic properties.

Which is healthier: zucchini or squash?

Squash and zucchini belong to the same family and are very similar in composition. But they also have fundamental differences:

  1. Zucchini contains more water, their flesh is juicy and porous, in contrast to the denser pulp of squash.
  2. Zucchini can be eaten raw, but squash requires boiling.

At the same time, the squash pulp still contains more useful substances; for example, the pumpkin contains more pyridoxine, niacin and folates. Squash also has a more interesting and rich taste; when processed, they are a bit like mushrooms.

Both vegetables bring health benefits, but squash has slightly more valuable properties, although it needs to be processed more thoroughly before use than zucchini.

Patisson is related to zucchini, but has stronger beneficial properties

Restrictions and contraindications

Patisson is a healthy vegetable with a minimum of contraindications. However, even he has certain prohibitions on use.

Eating vegetable pulp is not recommended:

  • with hypotension;
  • for acute digestive disorders - diarrhea and nausea;
  • for kidney and gallstones;
  • with exacerbations of peptic ulcer and pancreatitis;
  • for individual allergies.

You need to be especially careful when consuming canned vegetables. In this form, squash should not be consumed by children under 10 years of age, as well as by people suffering from diabetes and intestinal ailments.

Important! It is always necessary to consume squash in moderation, no more than 250 g of vegetable per day. Since the vegetable has diuretic and laxative properties, it can cause digestive upset or remove too much fluid from the body.

Rules for selection and storage

When choosing vegetable fruits, you need to pay attention to:

  • weight - the squash should be heavy for its size;
  • dimensions, it is best to take medium-sized fruits; large squash have more seeds, and their pulp is more fibrous;
  • color, squash can be white, green and yellow, but in any case the color should be uniform, without spots, too light areas and signs of rotting.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the uniformity of color and integrity of the skin.

Vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. But even in such conditions, the fruits retain their beneficial properties and taste for no longer than 5 days, so it is better to prepare them immediately after purchase.

Stuffed squash recipe


  1. Medium sized squash – 6 pcs.
  2. Minced meat – 0.5 kg.
  3. Ghee butter – 0.1 kg.
  4. Onions – 3 pcs.
  5. Hard cheese – 0.3 kg.
  6. Salt, pepper, spices - to taste.
  7. Fresh cilantro (or any other greens) - 1 medium bunch.
  8. Sour cream or cream – 0.25 kg.

At the beginning of the cooking process, you should sort out the greens and peel the onions. Then wash the meat and vegetables thoroughly. When everything is ready, you can start preparing the squash. To do this, cut off the “cap” in the place where the vegetable’s tail is located.

Then, using an ordinary tablespoon, you need to select the pulp from the vegetable so that you get something like a “pot”, which will subsequently be filled with minced meat. To prepare the filling, take a frying pan and heat 50 g of oil . Place minced meat and finely chopped onion there. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Lightly fried minced meat should be placed in “molds” prepared from squash and covered with their own “lids”. Place the stuffed vegetables on a baking sheet and pour over the remaining melted butter.

The baking sheet with filled vegetables is sent to the oven, preheated to 180-200o for 25 minutes . Then you need to remove it from the oven and sprinkle the vegetables with cheese grated on a coarse grater.

The vegetables go back into the oven for another 5-10 minutes . Ready squash can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and served with sour cream or cream. Those who like a spicy taste can add chopped garlic to the minced meat. Or serve the finished dish with garlic sauce.

Squash in marinade

Ingredients: small squash (about 15 sh. fits in a 3-liter jar), dill, dill umbrellas, 1 hot pepper, bay leaf, garlic, horseradish root (small piece), horseradish leaf, salt (50 g per 1 liter of water ), 4 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Preparation: sterilize the jars, peel the horseradish root. Place spices and herbs at the bottom of the jars. Blanch the squash in boiling water for 5 minutes. Boil water for the marinade, dilute salt in it, then turn it off and add vinegar.

Place squash in jars, pour hot marinade. Sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.


How to cook squash.

Hello, dear friends! Let's talk today about squash, a close relative of zucchini and pumpkin. Many people grow this vegetable in the garden not only because of its beneficial properties, but also because of its original shape. Gramophone-shaped fruits always look good on the table. I also planted them this year, a lot of them grew and now I have a question: how to cook squash? I had to take out my famous notebook again, look through magazines and I found a lot of interesting recipes. I share them with you.

But first, I’ll tell you where this vegetable came from and whether there are any benefits from it.

The homeland of squash, like zucchini and pumpkin, is considered to be the American continent, where it began to be grown five thousand years ago. The squash was brought to Europe from the American continent after South America became a Spanish colony. Since the 17th century, the vegetable has gained wide popularity in European countries. And two centuries later it could be found in Ukraine, and then found in Siberia.

Experts say that squash is superior in taste to its counterparts - zucchini and pumpkin. The small fruits taste like young mushrooms, and very small squash with tender and not yet roughened skin are generally considered a delicacy.

It is the young fruits that are the most tasty, healthy and nutritious. The fruit contains proteins, carbohydrates, and a small amount of fat. The calorie content of 100 grams of raw squash is no more than 20 kcal, which is useful for dietary nutrition and weight loss. In addition, there are pectin substances and sugars, and sugars are represented by fructose and glucose, which are easily absorbed in the body.

The chemical composition is also varied. This is an excellent source of mineral salts: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Microelements include iron, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, aluminum, titanium, and zinc. Vitamins include ascorbic acid, carotene, B1 and B2. And squash contains more vitamin E than pumpkin and zucchini.

Beneficial features

Due to their rich mineral composition, high fiber content and low calorie content, squash is good for dietary nutrition. In addition, they help normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, anemia, and help remove “bad” cholesterol from the body.

Scientists have found that yellow fruits contain the substance lutein, which is 4-5 times more than other varieties of squash. Lutein is an antioxidant that not only helps neutralize free radicals, but also prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and promotes longevity. This quality is especially important for the health of older people.

Oil is prepared from squash seeds, which is a highly nutritious and vitamin-rich product. The oil contains glycosides, saturated fatty acids, and lecithin. Moreover, there is almost as much lecithin in oil as in chicken eggs.

For liver or kidney diseases, peeled seeds are used. To do this, grind the seeds into powder in a coffee grinder and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals, with water. This powder will help improve the absorption of protein foods, normalize intestinal function and help glycogen be better absorbed in the liver.

The juice from the pulp helps remove excess salts from the body, normalizes intestinal function and soothes.

To whom are squash harmful?

There are no contraindications for consuming fresh vegetables, but people with various intestinal disorders should use them with caution, as consumption may worsen the disease.

Still, canned squash should not be consumed.

  • children under 10 years of age;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • persons with low blood pressure.

People with low blood pressure should consume squash dishes with caution.

How to cook squash - cooking recipes

Fried squash


  • 4 small squash fruits
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g cheese
  • Butter
  • Parsley
  • Flour for breading

How to cook:

Wash the squash, peel and cut into slices.

Separately, melt the butter in a saucepan or frying pan, add 1 egg, grated cheese, salt and finely chopped parsley, stirring, and heat the mixture.

Spread the egg-cheese mixture on each slice and connect the slices in pairs, bread them in flour, dip in beaten egg, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

This dish is perfect as an independent vegetable dish for breakfast or dinner, and will also be an excellent side dish for meat.

Required Products:

  • 4-5 medium sized squash
  • any minced meat 150-200g
  • 2 onions
  • boiled eggs
  • spices and salt
  • parsley
  • grated cheese

For washed fruits, the top part is cut off and the middle is cut out. Add a little salt inside and leave for a few minutes, after which we drain the resulting juice.

Peel the carrots and onions, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil, add minced meat and simmer a little more, then cool. Finely chop the boiled eggs and also add to the minced meat. Then salt the minced meat, pepper to taste, add finely chopped parsley and marjoram.

Fill the squash with the resulting filling, sprinkle cheese on top, wrap it in foil and put it in the oven to bake. A few minutes before it’s ready, open the foil and let the cheese brown. Bake at a temperature of 180-200º for 20 minutes.

You can use more than just minced meat for the filling. Roasted vegetable mixtures are quite suitable for this purpose.

Cereal casserole with squash and apples

You will need:

  • rice porridge, millet, oatmeal
  • squash weighing 100-150g
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 apple
  • half a glass of flour
  • salt and sugar to taste


First, cook a thick porridge from any of the listed cereals. You can cook the porridge immediately with milk, or you can add milk later.

Cut the apple and squash into small cubes and add them to the porridge. Add salt and sugar, eggs to taste, and mix everything thoroughly. If the porridge was cooked without milk, then add a little milk. Place the mixture in a greased pan and bake in the oven at 200º for 40 minutes.

You can serve the casserole either hot or cold, decorate with herbs and add sour cream.

Canned squash

For canning, small specimens are taken, larger ones are cut into several pieces. The fruits are blanched for 3-5 minutes, depending on size, then cooled in water.

At the bottom of the jar, place sliced ​​onion, a clove of garlic, 2-3 black peppercorns, the same amount of cloves, bay leaf, then fill the jar with squash and pour hot brine.

Brine: add 50 g of salt, 25 g of sugar, 70 g of 9% vinegar to 1 liter of water.

Pasteurize 0.5 liter jars for 10 minutes, 1.0 liter jars for 15 minutes. Then the jars are rolled up and covered until completely cool.

Squash and zucchini jam

For 1 kg of peeled squash take 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn berries.

Dip the prepared fruits into boiling sugar syrup and cook for 5 minutes, and then remove from the heat.

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