Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes in jars (recipes)

Needs of cucumbers

Cucumbers need regular watering in the evening (it is better to use the sprinkling method). The daily requirement of 1 plant is approximately 20 liters per 1 m². After the fruit begins to grow, the amount of moisture consumed is increased.

Trellis method

From the moment of planting, throughout the entire growing season, cucumbers are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers with an average frequency of once every 3 weeks.

The optimal physiological parameters for plant ontogenesis are as follows:

  • the duration of daylight hours is at least 10-12 hours;
  • the desired temperature regime for growth for seedlings varies between +25...+28 °C, for adult plants it corresponds to +17 °C;
  • soil and air moisture slightly exceeds 85%.

Cucumbers, especially their seedlings, do not like drafts, which must be remembered when ventilating.

Finger lickin' good recipe

All ingredients are calculated for 1 liter of preparation. You need to take:

  1. Tomatoes 700 g. They should be ripe, but not overripe.
  2. You will need half a kilo of cucumbers.
  3. Onions 200 g.
  4. 80 mg vegetable oil.
  5. 120 g sugar.
  6. 2 teaspoons salt.
  7. 1 tablespoon vinegar.
  8. A quarter spoon of ground black pepper.

Delicious canned salad.
The illustration for the article is used from the site gotovim-vkusnee.ru Tomatoes are washed well and wiped dry. Where there is a stalk, the place must be cut out and the fruit completely cut into beautiful slices. Cucumbers are also washed well; if the peel is already quite hard, then you need to cut it off. Cucumbers are cut into thin slices. Onions can be cut into rings. All vegetables are placed in a large bowl, and the rest of the spices are added to it. In order for the salad to brew, 15 minutes will be enough, this will be enough for the vegetables to release their juice and form a tasty marinade.

As soon as the vegetable mixture is ready, you need to transfer everything into jars; you can fill them completely, leaving a small mound. The fact is that during sterilization the vegetables will settle. After everything is in place, all that remains is to cover the jars with lids and place them in a saucepan with water on the fire. Each jar should stand up to its neck in water. Sterilization occurs for at least 40 minutes from the moment the water boils.

After boiling, quickly tighten the lids. Next, the salad must be cooled and, after it has stood for a day, taken to a cold place, such as a basement. Additionally, for lovers of cabbage salad, you can also add finely chopped cabbage here.

Tomato needs

Tomatoes require artificial pollination, which should be done on warm, sunny days. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to spray the flowers with warm water in order to stimulate the germination of pollen in the pistil. During the flowering period, tomatoes need regular ventilation. Tomatoes like dry air and water temperatures of +20°C. The average frequency of feeding is once every 5-6 weeks. The “menu” of tomatoes includes both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Favorable temperature conditions for the growing season and fruiting of plants correspond to +20...+22 °C during the day and +16...+18 °C at night. Optimal soil moisture is 75-80%, and the watering schedule is once every seven days with a consumption of 13-14 liters per 1 m².

How to get a harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

To achieve good results when growing cucumbers and tomatoes together, it is important to correctly arrange the seedlings according to the pattern worked out by experienced gardeners, and also follow their advice. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of varieties and conditions for their cultivation.

Compromise terms

The conditions for reaching a compromise include:

  • Application of the zonal principle. It is better to place cucumbers in the northern part of the structure, and tomatoes in the southern part. Zones should be divided:
  • a partition made of polymer film in the upper part of the greenhouse - to control air temperature and humidity;
  • ground metal or plastic partition - to control soil moisture in the beds.
  • Use of the internal space of the greenhouse, taking into account the selection of mutually compatible varieties: tomatoes that are immune to fungal diseases and cucumbers that are resistant to drafts.
  • Construction of separate ventilation systems for plants; in the sector:
  • for cultivating tomatoes, it is advisable to build 2 windows to ensure through ventilation;
  • Growing cucumbers will require one window.

While caring for different species of plants, it is advisable to adhere to the following constants:

  • The 24-hour temperature should be between +20…+25 °C.
  • The optimal 24-hour air humidity should be 70%.

Varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers for cultivation in the neighborhood

Properly selected varieties are of great importance. In relation to tomatoes, hybrids that are resistant to high humidity and late blight deserve attention: “Gnome”, “New Year’s”, “Lyubasha”, “Soyuz 8”, “Lark”, “Dubrava”, “Metelitsa”.

When selecting cucumber varieties, pay attention to their resistance to low temperatures and drafts. The main threats to pumpkins are “powdery mildew”, “anthracosis” and “bacteriosis”, which can also be transmitted to tomatoes. Gardeners should focus on the following hybrids: “Masha”, “Benefit”, “Herman F1”, “Tom Thumb”, “Sister Alyonushka”, “Murashka”, “Crane”, “Natalie”.

Correct planting scheme for cucumbers and tomatoes

It is recommended to use the seedling method. Before planting, two ridges with a width of no more than 90 cm are formed. For both crops, separate areas should be prepared, separated from top to bottom with plastic film, as well as a sheet of slate, which prevents excessive moisture in the root system of tomatoes. The distance between different types of plants should exceed 1 meter. It is better to place seedlings in a checkerboard pattern.

It is better to grow cucumbers in the northern part of the greenhouse, protected from drafts. Immediately after planting, they need to be fed by adding 10 ml of wood ash, 200 ml of compost and about 100 ml of hydrogel to each hole, which increases soil moisture, preventing the migration of water towards the tomatoes. The distance between cucumber seedlings should exceed 30 cm.

On the eve of planting tomatoes, it is advisable to create a drainage layer in each hole, the role of which will be well played by gravel, and also add 10 ml of superphosphate. The beds can be bulk-height, 30-35 cm higher than the soil level. The distance between tomato sprouts should exceed 40 cm. If we are talking about tall crops, it should be increased to 60 cm. The depth of planting tomatoes should correspond to the place where the first leaf grows.


Proper care of joint plantings

General requirements include:

  • regular treatment of plants with special compounds in order to combat insect pests, as well as prevent infectious diseases;
  • control over:
  • temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse;
  • frequency of fertilizing of grown varieties.


Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop. On the eve of watering, the water must be settled, and during irrigation, a sprayer must be used for the green part of the plant. The optimal greenhouse humidity level is 85%, and the air temperature is +22...+28 °C.

It is important to remember that drafts are detrimental to cucumbers. Seedlings should be fed regularly and watered frequently, but not abundantly. The average number of feedings during the growing season is 6. After the fruits appear, the intensity of irrigation must be increased. The recommended width of passages is at least 40 cm.


It is better to cultivate tomatoes in polycarbonate structures. The desired parameters of the beds are 90*90*40 cm. The passages between the beds should exceed 60 cm.

10-14 days after planting the seedlings, be sure to add soil to the holes. At this time, the plant should not be watered abundantly. As the stem grows, it is tied to a trellis.

In addition to watering, tomatoes need systematic ventilation (for these purposes, it is recommended to separate the neighboring cucumber crop with film). The average number of feedings during the growing season is 4. Practice shows that the most promising is an ovary of seven racemes with inflorescences. It is recommended to remove excess stepsons.

Film separation

Polyethylene is stretched from the roof of the greenhouse to the ground, including the division of the beds. Each sector has its own microclimate. Tomatoes like regular ventilation.

Separate landing

This method involves planting tomatoes on the south side, and cucumber seedlings on the north. The pumpkin culture is more suitable for a cool climate, which reduces the amount of evaporated moisture.

2. Assorted (tomatoes + cucumbers) with lemon juice

The following recipe makes it possible to get not the usual, but lightly salted assorted cucumbers and tomatoes - using lemon juice instead of vinegar. This gives it a special, piquant taste and brings it closer to the one that is formed during fermentation in barrels.


  1. Tomatoes and cucumbers.
  2. Garlic.
  3. Horseradish (peeled roots).
  4. Cherries and currants (greens).

Brine (calculation for a 3-liter jar containing about 1.2 liters of water and 2 kg of vegetables):

  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Bookmark process

Vegetables are washed thoroughly (cucumbers are also pre-soaked for 3-4 hours).

Small tomatoes are laid whole, larger ones are cut, and finely chopped greens are placed in the cut.

The “butts” of small cucumbers are cut off, large ones are cut into thick circles about 2 cm thick.

Garlic, horseradish and herbs are not placed at the bottom of the jar, but evenly placed along with tomatoes and cucumbers.

Brine (water with salt and sugar) is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Instead of vinegar (before rolling the lids), freshly squeezed lemon juice is added.

At room temperature, lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes are kept for 12-24 hours, after which they are put away in the pantry or cellar.

Tips from Mister Summer Resident

Some advice from our portal https://mrdachnik.com. The practice of horticulture and plant growing shows that to increase the yield of crops one should:

  • ensure that the daily range of air temperatures is less than +5 degrees;
  • Orient the greenhouse from north to south, while:
  • plant cucumbers on the north side;
  • allocate the southern part to tomatoes;
  • choose self-pollinating varieties whose flowering period does not coincide;
  • During the day, during flowering, shake the plants to promote self-pollination.
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