I crushed my foot with my shoes, what should I do?

Modern travel agencies offer clients a variety of travel options: plane flights to hot countries, sea voyages, and bus tours around Europe. Despite the advantage of being able to get acquainted with European culture, a bus tour has a drawback: tourists note that during a long bus ride, the lower limbs begin to swell greatly, which is due to stiffness of movement.

To feel comfortable on the road, a person needs to know what to do if his legs become swollen after traveling by bus or car.

Walk a lot in shoes that are not designed for it

Shoes should suit your lifestyle. If you take 10 thousand steps a day, you should give up high-heeled shoes. These shoes put weight on the forefoot, putting your legs under constant tension. Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes leads to the appearance of calluses, poor posture, transverse flat feet and deformation of the first toe (“bunion”).

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How to get rid of swelling while traveling

In order to feel as comfortable as possible on the road, you need to follow these steps.

  1. It is necessary to go on a trip in loose clothing, which does not have tight belts or compressive elastic bands: the driver is recommended to give preference to soft suits made of knitwear.
  2. If the body is prone to stagnation of intercellular fluid, compression hosiery will help prevent the formation of edema: compression socks and underwear will restore muscle tone and normalize blood flow.
  3. If it is not possible to get out of the car, you need to massage your lower limbs with light movements and lightly pat them to normalize the outflow of fluid.
  4. Take a comfortable position. If possible, you can throw your legs on a nearby chair or raise them using a special bench - this will help restore blood flow.
  5. Consume plenty of purified water and green tea, as dehydration contributes to stagnation of intercellular fluid.
  6. If there are stops along the way, you need to make good use of your free time and perform special gymnastics. To do this, recommend getting out of the car, moving your legs, squatting several times, and then jogging slowly.
  7. To prevent your legs from swelling on the bus, it is recommended to eat light food, mainly fresh fruits and vegetables: pickles, smoked meats and marinades should be excluded from the diet.

Decongestant gels are effective in combating swollen extremities.

The most popular drug in this category is Troxevasin, the main effect of which is aimed at increasing vascular density. Despite the fact that the healing gel takes a long time to be absorbed into the skin, it provides a favorable result.

Another popular decongestant gel is Essaven. This drug not only relieves inflammation and strengthens blood vessels: having a slight cooling effect, the gel relieves pain. In order for the product to be quickly absorbed and have a good effect, it must be applied to clean skin.

Endure pain all day to stretch out new shoes

When we buy shoes, we usually don't have enough patience, we decide to put them on right away so that breaking them in will become a little easier. Experts do not recommend wearing it for several hours; it is better to wear it a little. Also, keep socks or bandages with you to prevent chafing and blisters. There is also a way to stretch your shoes at home using a hair dryer: put on thick socks, squeeze into tight shoes, turn on the hair dryer and point it at the crease area. But this helps your feet get used to the shoes, and it’s not a fact that you won’t develop calluses after such manipulation.

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Swelling of the legs is common, since the lower extremities are under constant stress - excess weight, exhausting walking, as well as prolonged stay in a static position.

Patients suffering from pathologies of the heart, liver and kidneys are most susceptible to the development of edema.

Common causes that contribute to the formation of edema in the lower extremities include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • lymph flow disorder.

Swelling in the legs can also occur in a healthy person when traveling by road for the following reasons:

  • limited movement: the knee joint remains in a bent position for a long time;
  • high air temperature: this factor contributes to the expansion of veins, as a result of which the outflow of fluid is disrupted;
  • tight shoes, which makes it impossible to move your feet and stretch them.

If a tourist knows why his legs swell while riding a bus, he can prevent swollen limbs using simple methods.

What to do with a wet look and what ointment to apply?

The choice of therapeutic course will depend on the type of growth.
If the neoplasm is still at the initial stage of development and is a small bubble with liquid inside, then it will go away on its own. All you can do at this stage is cover it with a band-aid and avoid wearing shoes, which could make the situation worse. But when the growth has reached an impressive size, it’s time to give your legs proper care:

  1. The entire erased area and the damage itself must be treated with a solution of brilliant green or iodine.
  2. Disinfect a needle or pin and pierce the bubble with the liquid accumulated inside.
    Reference. The puncture should be made parallel to the surface of the epidermis on the side of the callus. It is impossible to make perpendicular injections, since it can damage healthy areas of the skin under the bubble.
  3. If the liquid flows poorly, then make several punctures.
  4. The walls of the callus should remain intact, there should be no breaks.
  5. After all the liquid has come out, you need to treat the callus with a sterile napkin and blot off any remaining exudate.
  6. Then the entire surface is treated with hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin, a thick layer of antibacterial ointment is applied, a small piece of bandage is applied on top and a patch is applied.

Next, you can watch a video about what to do when a wet callus appears:

Foot pain due to shoes - how to get rid of it and relieve it

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Are you experiencing pain in your feet due to high-heeled shoes? As soon as you get out of bed, your feet begin to bear the brunt of your body.

You constantly walk around the house, run, rush somewhere, wear uncomfortable shoes and high-heeled boots, in a word, you force your feet to experience daily stress and constantly wear out.

In addition to all this, various “leg” diseases and infections may occur that negatively affect the quality of life.

Foot pain due to high heels and uncomfortable shoes

Most people don't take much care of their feet. Until they start to get sick, they don’t try to provide appropriate care. Choosing the wrong shoes is one of the main reasons for foot pain. What to do?

Foot pain due to shoes - how to get rid of it and relieve it

  • Tie your shoes differently!

Sometimes, without even realizing it, we can tie our shoelaces completely incorrectly, which leaves our feet tired and sore. Therefore, it is advisable not to tighten the boots too tightly, but also not to leave the lacing very loose.

  • Have you tried adding straps to heels?

If you are used to wearing high heels, but they are still not as comfortable as you would like, try buying models with straps. This will make the shoe stable and keep your foot securely in place while walking.

  • Take breaks.

If you wear tight shoes or high-heeled boots and must be on your feet all day, be sure to take breaks to allow your feet to relax and circulation to return. To do this, you can simply raise your legs for five minutes so that the blood can circulate better.

  • Try gel inserts.

Gel inserts under the feet are placed in any shoes to minimize the harmful effects of wearing heels.

They can be easily purchased at most shoe stores or wherever they sell shoe accessories.

We also recommend a corrector for bulging bunions; it will solve your problem very comfortably.

  • Protect your feet from calluses.

The best way to avoid foot pain is to prevent it from occurring. If you think a particular pair of shoes or boots will give you blisters, apply a bandage or wear special socks for blisters. This will prevent the boots from rubbing against your feet.

  • Are your shoes too narrow?

This is a fairly common problem if shoes, boots or shoes are made of fabric or leather.

To solve this, pour water into a resealable plastic bag, place it in your shoe and freeze. Then the size should expand slightly in fullness. You can also try adding another insole, although this will increase the risk of chafing your feet.

Comfortable everyday shoes

Natural Remedies for Foot Pain Caused by Shoes

There are some natural remedies that can help relax your feet and relieve the discomfort.

  1. Classic salt baths continue to be one of the best ways to relieve foot pain and prevent drying or hardening of the skin. Pour half a cup of salt into a bowl of hot water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  2. A chamomile tea bath has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which can reduce shoe-related foot pain and foot pain. Take advantage of this amazing remedy by preparing a liter or two of chamomile tea and soaking your feet in it for 20 minutes. You can also apply used tea bags directly to the part of your foot that hurts.
  3. A bath of ginger tea can relieve foot pain and inflammation caused by shoes. Tea with fresh ginger can improve the condition of tired legs after a long walk in just a few minutes and will perfectly relax you for the rest of the day. Place a large piece of ginger root in a bowl of boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Soak your feet in the liquid until it cools.

Massage relieves foot pain caused by shoes

One of the last remedies that we couldn’t forget was foot massage. If you've had a very stressful day and your feet are feeling the brunt of it, massage with a little olive oil, peppermint oil and lavender oil.

Take care of your feet!

Pain in feet due to high-heeled shoes video

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Getting rid of swelling after the road

If your legs are swollen after a long trip, you should take the following steps upon arrival at your destination.

  1. Rinse your lower extremities under a contrast shower, which will help speed up local blood flow.
  2. Make a therapeutic foot bath for swelling based on burdock and rosehip leaves. In addition to medicinal herbs, you can add apple cider vinegar or sea salt to the water: these components not only relieve swelling, but also remove dangerous toxins from the body.
  3. Perform a massage: with light circular movements you need to stretch your toes, then your feet and lower legs, and then your thighs. Massaging the areas where the lymph nodes are located - under the knee and in the groin area - is not recommended.
  4. Take a lying position and place a special cushion under your feet to stabilize the blood flow.

Prolonged swelling of the legs is an indication for therapeutic exercises, which consists of simple exercises:

  1. In a vertical position, you need to slowly rise on your toes and lower yourself onto your feet for two minutes. Such manipulations will relieve muscle tension and restore lymphatic flow.
  2. In a sitting position, it is necessary to alternately straighten the lower limbs and raise them perpendicular to the floor. You can also simulate walking.
  3. Pull the toe as much as possible, first towards you and then in the opposite direction. The number of repetitions is 6 times.

It is allowed to perform therapeutic exercises of the lower extremities not only for edema, but also for preventive purposes.

Article on the topic: how to relieve swelling of the legs.

What not to do

Tourists traveling by bus are not recommended to:

  • drink alcohol: alcohol slows down the natural outflow of fluid, and in combination with limited movement provokes the development of edema;
  • sits on his feet: crossing the lower limbs precedes a slowdown in lymphatic and blood flow, therefore, in addition to swelling of the legs, the tourist feels an unpleasant tingling sensation;
  • wear tight shoes or high heels. Often there is no opportunity to get rid of shoes on the road, which is why the traveler begins to experience discomfort: to make your feet comfortable, you need to wear fabric sneakers or shoes with rubber soles.

Compliance with these simple rules will provide a person with comfortable travel on bus transport.

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