Hormones produced during kissing

the chemistry of a kiss actually is is still, even for scientists, an unsolved mystery. Can we say that a kiss is represented as a reflex of the human body? If so, then what type of reflex is this: given to a person at birth or acquired during the life experience of an individual? It turns out that kissing is not unique to humans. Observations of great apes have shown that they are also capable of this. For example, when primates want to express a certain positive feeling (sympathy, reconciliation, etc.), they gently touch their lips to another individual.

Today, not a single scientifically recognized mind can give an accurate and clear answer. However, it is worth noting that a kiss is one of the most pleasant actions of one person towards another.

It all starts with a pure maternal kiss, filled with maternal warmth and love for the baby. Over the years, a child begins to kiss his parents with pleasure, mainly as a sign of his boundless love for them. When a person becomes an adult, he gladly kisses members of the opposite sex, hoping for reciprocity and the further development of romantic relationships, and also kisses his friends, thus showing a friendly disposition towards them. There are many types and techniques of kissing. Starting from light, one might say, airy, to burningly passionate seductive kisses.

As you know, you can kiss not only lips on lips. Very often, kisses can cover a person’s face, women’s hands, and during foreplay they can be on any part of the partners’ skin.

It is generally accepted that this type of kiss, such as a romantic one, affects (and very strongly) the physical state of the person in love. There are times when words are powerless to express the degree of feeling one person has for another. Then a kiss comes to the rescue, which has the ability to tell, as it should, about the emotions overwhelming a person, right down to the fluttering of butterflies in the stomach. Therefore, we can say that a charge of positive energy is transmitted along with it, serving as a stimulator and exciter of certain areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the production of certain hormones in the body.

The facial muscles are connected directly to an area of ​​the brain via the facial nerve. Depending on who we kiss, hormones are produced in a certain part of the brain. Moreover, they can be produced much more than in the normal state, or, on the contrary, the production of hormones decreases.

The hormones of a kiss, and this is chemistry, are:

  1. serotonin (improves mood, promotes a feeling of mild euphoria),
  2. oxytocin (responsible for feelings of affection and love),
  3. dopamine (responsible for feelings of joy and pain)
  4. and, most importantly, adrenaline (increases the heart rate, intensively saturates the body with oxygen).

Kissing has gone in and out of fashion throughout history.

If you believe the literature, of course, because history books are unlikely to write about this. In the 5th century BC. Herodotus wrote about the Persians who kissed men of equal status on the lips, and those of lower rank on the cheek. The Egyptians refused to kiss the Greeks on the lips because they ate beef, which was sacred in Egypt. The erotic kisses described in the Kama Sutra became fashionable in Europe after Alexander the Great's campaigns in India, but then went out of fashion when Rome fell. In the 11th century, kissing and courtship became popular again.

Why is kissing healthy?

Dear readers, hello! There is probably not a single person who would be left indifferent by kisses. We perform this action constantly, without noticing to ourselves how useful it is. With kisses we express our attitude towards the person or object we kiss. It has long been observed that people who kiss live much longer.

People have been wondering for a long time what a kiss is, how it affects the human body and why kissing is useful. And even a science about kissing appeared, which is called philematology. Scientists are still trying to find out the connection between the hormonal processes that occur during a kiss.

A kiss is the touching of the lips to an object as a sign of gratitude, respect or love. From a physiological point of view, the lips and tongue are involved in the kissing process.

On the surface of the lips and tongue there are a huge number of sensory receptors, thanks to which signals travel along nerve endings to the brain, in particular to the nerve centers responsible for emotional and sexual arousal.

It is believed that during kissing, a large amount of the hormone endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Endorphin is usually released when a person experiences extreme positive stress, such as skydiving or shooting. So you better kiss.

What types of kisses are there?

Expressing emotions through kisses reflects different attitudes towards the object of veneration. Depending on this, there are different types of kisses.

  • Respectful kisses occur when kissing the hand offered by the lady or the hand of the priest.
  • Respect through a kiss can be an expression of devotion to the Motherland when a soldier kisses the banner of his unit.
  • Friendly kisses happen when friends meet. They quickly touch their lips to their friend's cheek.
  • A father's or mother's kiss expresses a feeling of parental affection and is accompanied by touching the children's forehead or cheek with their lips.
  • A tender kiss is always addressed to children or animals. At the same time, they shake the nose, cheeks, rarely other parts of the body, but never kiss on the lips.
  • A loving kiss is a manifestation of passion, love. May be gentle, brief touches to the lips or other parts of the body. Passionate kisses are long-lasting; lips and tongue are involved in the kiss.
  • An air kiss is a type of friendly or loving kiss that shows interest in the opposite sex.

What are the benefits and harms of kissing?

When kissing, the hormone endorphin is produced. This hormone “forces” literally all organs and systems to work. The heartbeat quickens, blood flow improves, breathing becomes deep, due to this, nutrients and oxygen are delivered to all organs, they begin to work fully.

Through kissing we gain confidence that we are loved, a feeling of security appears, and the nervous system is strengthened. When kissing, a complex of useful proteins, enzymes, salts, as well as bacteria are transmitted through saliva, which help improve immunity.

Kisses have an analgesic and calming effect. During a kiss, a substance similar in action to a drug is produced, which is 200 times stronger in its effect than a regular painkiller.

Scientists have proven that kissing strengthens tooth enamel, reduces the risk of caries, and also slows down atherosclerotic processes in the body.

About 30 facial muscles are involved in a kiss; this is a kind of physical exercise for facial muscles, thanks to which wrinkles disappear.

Kissing burns 26 kcal, so usually lovers lose weight because they usually kiss a lot.

With so many positive aspects, can kissing really be harmful? Yes it is possible. Through kissing you can transmit many infections, ranging from banal herpes on the lips and ending, if there are bleeding wounds on the lips or gums, with viral hepatitis, although it is rare, but it does occur.

Also, when kissing, you can become infected with respiratory viral infections, for example, influenza or ARVI.

Interesting facts about kissing

  • It turns out there is a world kissing day, which is celebrated annually on July 6th. It was on this day 20 years ago that the UN approved this holiday, and it was first invented by the British.
  • Peculiar kisses among the peoples of the Far North. As a kiss, they rub their noses against each other, then inhale and exhale simultaneously, pressing their lips together, thus enjoying each other's aromas, after which they touch their noses to their cheeks and freeze for a few seconds or minutes.
  • Japanese, Chinese, Koreans do not kiss in front of others. If they need to kiss, they stand at a “pioneer” distance, simultaneously bend over, with their hands pressed to their sides and literally touching their lips for a second.
  • And the ancient Romans kissed the eyes to express their feelings. For Russians, such kisses occurred during parting.
  • Men who kiss their wives before going to work live five years longer.
  • There is a statement that a passionate kiss lasting more than one and a half minutes increases blood pressure, pulse up to 100 beats per minute, and increased hormone production, which, on the contrary, shortens life by 1 minute.
  • It turns out that people kiss for the first time around the age of 14.
  • An innocent quick kiss burns 5 kcal, which is equivalent to a minute of brisk walking.
  • It has been calculated that a person spends 2 weeks kissing during his life.
  • Women don't like to kiss men if they have bad breath, smell of sweat, or have a short chin.
  • In animals, the most similar kiss to humans is found in chimpanzees. It turns out that horses, dogs and Canadian porcupines kiss on the lips.

But not everywhere kissing is considered a useful activity.

So, in America, in the state of Indiana, it is still forbidden for men with mustaches to kiss people, and in the state of Connecticut, you cannot kiss your wife on Sundays, but on other days, please. In Iowa, in Cedar Rapid, someone who kisses a stranger can easily end up in a police station.

Why is kissing healthy? As you can see, the benefits of kissing are enormous, so take advantage of any moment to kiss your loved one, child or parents. You will be rewarded!

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The health benefits of kissing – Health OK – Healthy lifestyle portal

How often, while kissing, do you wonder why you are doing it and how it benefits you? Most likely, you rarely asked yourself such questions, because a kiss is a special moment, mostly emotional.

For example, the first kiss, according to scientific research, is a more vivid memory than the first sex.

The emotional satisfaction from a kiss is undeniable, but it’s worth learning more about the health benefits and harms of kissing.

Definition of a partner . A kiss is a good compatibility gauge. The first thing that helps us determine the desire to kiss a person is our eyes. Before we kiss, we look at our lips with them. Women often highlight their lips with bright lipstick, thereby attracting a man, or rather his gaze.

The second is the smell. The person's nose is very close to the partner when kissing. This gives us the opportunity to smell. It can be used to understand whether our partner is healthy and whether he is genetically suitable for us. Kiss, and nature itself will tell you whether this person is yours or not.

Cardiovascular training . Have you noticed that after a kiss your heart just wants to jump out of your chest and trembles with joy? This healthy reaction of the body stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system. When kissing, it works better and releases catechalamines - substances that increase the heart rate and slightly increase blood pressure.

The state of the body after a kiss can be compared with the indicators after a short run. Keep in mind, if you don’t want to get up for a run in the morning, just kiss your loved one. The health benefits are the same, and even stress resistance is higher.

Fighting stress. When lips touch, the level of the hormone cortisol, which is released during stress, decreases. This produces oxytocin or the “love hormone.”

Strengthening the immune system . The exchange of microflora that occurs between partners during a kiss stimulates the immune system to protect the oral cavity and respiratory system. There is a natural exchange of infectious stimuli and this effect has a strengthening effect on the immune system.

Stimulation of lung function. When kissing, not only the heart rate increases, but also the number of breaths. We inhale three times more often, thus cleansing our lungs.

Stop caries . Our saliva, in addition to water, contains many substances necessary for normal digestion, strong tooth enamel and control of bacteria in the oral cavity. During a kiss, saliva is released more than usual, hence the prevention of caries.

Sexual satisfaction . Accompanying intimacy with kisses allows you to maintain the tenderness and sensuality of the relationship. As mentioned above, saliva contains many useful elements, including androsterone, which stimulates sexual desire and attraction. Foreplay, combined with sensual kisses, promises an enchanting continuation of sexual contact.

Emotional satisfaction . Do you want to kiss for a long time and without interruption? Don’t be surprised, because a kiss on the lips is a real drug! Our lips are the thinnest and most sensitive part of our skin; many nerve endings are concentrated in them. In the somatosensory cortex, the area responsible for the lips has a larger area than the genitals.

However, the benefits of kissing on the lips lie not only in the emotions that we get from the process. The fact is that kissing stimulates the release of dopamine. This hormone has effects similar to cocaine and can be addictive.

The benefits of kissing for women

Opportunity to lose weight . Perhaps this is the first benefit of a kiss for women. Tired of looking for a diet that will help you lose weight without being too restrictive? An excellent solution would be to get into the habit of kissing for more than 1 minute. Thus, 12 kcal is lost.

Prevention of expression wrinkles . When kissing, about three dozen facial muscles are involved. This facial exercise will save you from the premature appearance of signs of aging. A good way to look younger without a bit of stress.

For pregnant

Psycho-emotional support for a pregnant woman . During pregnancy, a woman is very sensitive and emotional. The benefits of a kiss during pregnancy are doubled, because the mother’s calmness has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. A kiss can balance the psycho-emotional state of the body, which will help a pregnant woman be less nervous and worried.

What are the benefits for men

A reliable way to stop a quarrel . Silencing your significant other at the most intense moment of a quarrel is not an easy task. But timely initiative can help. A gentle kiss brings partners together and relieves tension.

Increased brain activity . A hot, passionate kiss has the same effect on the body as driving extremely fast. It increases the level of adrenaline in the blood, and this greatly promotes better brain activity. If you don’t want to risk your health for the next dose of adrenaline, then kiss your chosen one with all the passion and love, you will get no less emotions.

Motivation . The kiss of a beloved woman is an effective motivator for a man. It adds confidence and strength for new achievements. An interesting fact is that men who were kissed by their wives before the start of the working day, on average, live several years longer.

Harm and precautions

It is important to remember that kissing random, unfamiliar people is bad. This harms not only conventional morality, but also your health. Diseases transmitted through kissing pose a particular threat.

Herpes . Herpes infection is very dangerous to human health. With visual contact, it is easy to detect the manifestation of herpes and avoid kissing.

These can be bubbles in the lips, on the face and mucous membranes. In people with weakened immune systems, this disease is especially severe.

Pregnant women are at particular risk, since when the mother becomes infected, intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs.

Syphilis . In 30-50% of cases, syphilis is transmitted sexually, but it should be remembered that at the secondary and tertiary stages of the disease, Treponema pallidum - the causative agent of syphilis - is contained in saliva. When the mucous membranes of a healthy and sick partner come into contact, infection can occur. The risk increases if an uninfected person has wounds, microcracks, or damage in his mouth or lips.

Infectious mononucleosis (“kissing disease”). Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is transmitted through saliva.

This virus does not pose a significant threat, but recovery may take several weeks.

An infected person should remember: the virus remains in saliva for several months after infection, so you should avoid kissing so that your loved one remains healthy.

There are many types of kisses and each of them is beautiful in its own way. But at the moment when the hormones of happiness bring unforgettable emotions to your body, do not forget about your health and take a closer look at your partner. All the benefits of kissing are not comparable to the consequences of the diseases that you risk contracting.

Source: https://healthok.ru/psihologiya/polza-poceluev-dlya-zdorovya/

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