The magic of Epiphany evening - find out your own destiny

The period from Christmas to Epiphany is called Christmastide. This is a mysterious time, shrouded in magic and wonder. They say that these days are the best for fortune telling - the predictions will be reliable. The advantageous moment is the night from January 18 to 19, Epiphany Eve. According to legend, at this moment the heavens open, and with the help of a ritual, everyone can lift the curtain of the sacrament and peek into the future.

With the help of rituals and ceremonies, girls, and sometimes boys, look for omens, ask for their interpretation, and thus predict their fate. If the result is good, they believe in it and hope for the favor of fate. Predictions that contain negativity are rejected, citing the machinations of evil spirits. They say that evil entities can really “replace” the results of fortune telling, so why be upset in vain?

To carry out the ritual, special accessories are used, for example, church candles or improvised objects, matches, a comb, paper, cards. Fortune telling is often aimed at obtaining answers to questions: health, family, work. You can also get a general prediction regarding the embodiment of any desire or future.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

The easiest way to find out the name of your betrothed is through divination before going to bed. When you get ready to go to bed late in the evening, quietly say the phrase: “Saint Samson, show me a holiday dream.” When you say this, think about your future boyfriend. In the morning after waking up, remember what you dreamed. If there was a man in the dream, then he will be your betrothed. Just don’t tell anyone what you saw, otherwise what was predicted may not come true.

You need to remove all icons from the room where they are telling fortunes or cover them with towels. Take off your pectoral cross, let your hair down, and do not cross your arms and legs during the ritual.

If several people are going to tell your fortune, then prepare rings, they should be different: gold, silver, with a stone insert and jewelry. You can take more rings. Place the rings in a cup with grain, stir so that they are not visible. Each fortuneteller (or fortuneteller) must pull out the first ring that comes across from a cup of grain. What metal it will be made of, so will the groom.

If you get gold, then the husband will be handsome and rich, silver - with average income, but handsome. If a ring with a stone falls out, then the spouse will be very wealthy and famous, and the one who pulled out the jewelry will get the poor groom. If the ring is not found, then marriage will not happen.

Fortune telling by candles for the future husband (wife) at Epiphany

To find out how they would call their sweetheart, girls in Rus' gathered in the bathhouse. Nowadays, you can go to the bathroom and perform this ritual. You will need a basin of water, empty whole walnut shells, a church candle, pieces of paper and a pen. Write a name on the paper, roll it up and put it in a shell. Do this with all the notes. Then fill a basin with water and place the shells around the edges. Light a church candle, drip wax into the shell, attach it and place it in the center of the pelvis. There is no need to move it. The candle should stop near the name of your future lover. If it stands still, then don’t expect love this year.

For fortune telling, it is best to use church candles, but if there are none, simple ones will do.

How to tell fortunes about your betrothed on January 19

Before going to bed on the evening of January 18, take a sheet of paper and cut it into equal pieces. On each segment, write any male name. You can't repeat yourself. There should be at least 10 notes. Then put the pieces of paper in a bag, put it under the pillow, and in the morning after waking up, without getting out of bed, pull out the first piece of paper you come across from the bag. Whatever name comes up, that’s what the betrothed will be called. It doesn't have to be someone from your circle. It may be a stranger yet, but you will meet soon.

Fortune telling for Epiphany “How to find out the name of your betrothed”

Often girls wonder who my groom will be and what he will be called. Thanks to fortune telling for Epiphany 2021, you can get an answer to such an exciting question.

On the eve of Epiphany in 2021, before going to bed, a girl needs to write down male names on a piece of paper; the more, the better. Afterwards, notes with names should be placed under the pillow and go to bed. It is important how the papers end up under the pillow, not to talk to anyone. Otherwise, fortune telling for Epiphany will not give a reliable result.

Epiphany fortune telling 2021

In the morning, the bride must choose one of the notes. The name written on it is the name of the future betrothed.

If suddenly some pieces of paper are found on the floor in the morning, then you cannot leave them unattended. The dropped notes contain the names of guys with whom it is better not to mess.

Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

There is one proven way to determine the future groom. You will need 2 identical small mirrors and a church candle.

The lights in the room must be turned off, there should be no strangers. You need to guess at midnight on January 19th. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor. Then sit between them, light a candle and hold the flame to the mirror. Peer into the fire until you see a male image. Sometimes you have to sit for 10-15 minutes, or even more. Focus and don't look away. Whoever takes your fancy will become your future spouse.

Epiphany fortune telling

The new year has come. Now we are waiting for Christmas, that holiday that is never complete without traditional fortune-telling. This is understandable, because, for sure, each of us wants all our most cherished dreams to come true. Remember from the classic: “Once on Epiphany evening the girls were telling fortunes, they took a shoe off their foot and threw it behind the gate... So, the most important thing in fortune telling is not to miss the timing, since the real truth can only be found out on thirteen Christmas nights - starting from Christmas night (from 6 to 7 January) until the night from 18 to 19 January. So, to start this whole fortune-telling adventure, you need to do this: at 12 o’clock at night, pour water into a beautiful and voluminous cup, add the white of a raw egg to it and put the resulting solution in some inconspicuous place. Moreover, you cannot look into the cup for exactly three hours. Therefore, try to occupy yourself with something during this painful period of time, but just don’t guess.

When the allotted hours are up, you can safely look into the cup. In it you will see that the protein has acquired a certain shape. And it is she who will tell you about your fate for the coming year: if a protein, for example, has curled up in the shape of a gate, then be sure to expect changes in your career (after all, the gates are open to young people everywhere). If the squirrel represents a heart, then love will certainly await you this year. But if there’s a cradle... you yourself understand what’s in store for you.

If all this does not suit you and you can’t wait to find out for sure whether you are in danger of getting married this year, then find a fence somewhere and try to hug it with wide open arms . And then, without taking your hands away, try to count the number of boards you have grasped. If it turns out to be even, then the wedding this year simply cannot be avoided; if it turns out to be odd, then it will be missed, which, in principle, is also not so bad.

But if even after this you still want to somehow specify the mysterious betrothed and see his face, then do not despair: there are many ways to do this. Just do not forget that all fortune-telling to recognize the identity of the betrothed is done in complete solitude, for which night is chosen.

The most endless possibilities for inspiration and imagination are opened by the famous fortune-telling on mirrors. To do this, take two large and preferably equal-sized mirrors, install them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles . It is best to hold one mirror in your hands opposite the illuminated wall mirror and hold it so that the directional reflection in the wall mirror creates a long corridor illuminated by lights.

And at the end of this mirror corridor your betrothed should appear. True, sometimes you have to wait a very long time for his appearance, but it depends on your luck. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except perhaps one or two modest girls who are equally interested in the subject of fortune telling. However, on the part of these latter, an indispensable condition is required: not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller and not to talk to her.

Here is another and perhaps the most classic method of fortune telling on mirrors. Place a mirror in front of you, place a napkin in front of it, a knife and fork on the edges, and a lit candle in the middle . Now say the cherished: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner.” In this case, you need to look quite carefully in the mirror.

It should be noted that this kind of fortune-telling has always been performed by the bravest and bravest girls. Therefore, in no case should ladies who are prone to hysteria and hypochondriacs expose themselves to this test, because fright from what they see can actually seriously shock a weak and delicate psyche.

If you are too lazy to sit all night, staring at all sorts of burning objects or in the mirror, but want to sleep, then seeing your betrothed is not particularly difficult. All you have to do is put a small container of water under the bed, put a wooden stick on the edge of it, and before going to bed say: “Betrothed, come take me across the bridge.” Or fill two buckets with water, connect their handles with a barn lock, lock them with a key, and put the key under the pillow. The words this time should be like this: “Narrowed one, you see the well is closed. If you want to get drunk, come in, because I have the key.” It is believed that in both cases you will see your future groom in a dream.

For those forgetful people who do not rely on their memory and are afraid to forget in the morning what the groom looked like in a dream, you need to go to the nearest intersection at midnight from 18 to 19 and ask the name of the first person you meet - this is exactly what your future husband will be called.

I would like to add that there are usually famous frosts on both Christmas and Epiphany, but despite this, still few people slept in Rus' on these nights - they had fun, enjoyed life, and ate a hearty meal. As for fortune telling, no frost stopped it here either. After all, it is known that hunting is worse than captivity. I really want to know: what will happen, what awaits you, who is your betrothed.

And they also eavesdropped under the windows these days, even though eavesdropping is not good. But the essence of this fortune telling is not at all about interest in other people’s secrets. Young girls approached the windows and doors and, based on the words coming from there, the cheerful or unpleasant conversation, predicted for themselves a pleasant or boring life, a grumpy or affectionate husband. And since these nights are usually always fun, there was a greater chance of overhearing a fun conversation.

If the groom’s problem is not the only thing that worries you, or you have also been married for a long time, then you can get answers to the most pressing questions. To do this, you need to tie a ring to a string, take the string by the other end and, resting your elbow on the table, hold the ring over the candle flame and mentally ask him any questions . If the answer is affirmative, the ring will swing towards you - away from you, and if negative - from right to left.

But if you don’t believe in all this nonsense, but nevertheless the desire to look into your future inevitably takes precedence over common sense, then you can go and consult a fortune teller. For example, one famous fortune teller considers herself primarily a healer, but at the same time has the gift of foresight. She believes that there is no point in guessing about your betrothed. In addition, something can be seen in the same mirrors only if the fortuneteller has at least some prerequisite for clairvoyance. If this is not the case, then the young lady will most likely be completely disappointed.

The surest thing, despite all kinds of fortune-telling and predictions, is to come to church, light a candle and say: “Lord, if there is a soul mate of mine that pleases you, let it be with me” or “Lord, remove all the unnecessary ones and send the one who is needed.” And this soul mate will definitely come and show up. Even if you have to wait a little for this - sometimes one and a half, or three years. The main thing is to sincerely believe and want what you want for yourself. And she offers her simple and kind advice, which anyone can easily resort to - believer and non-believer.

Want to make a weather forecast for next year? It's very simple. To do this, take an onion, cut it into 12 parts and arrange them in a line on a board. Each onion will symbolize a month of the year (January, February, March...). Next, you need to sprinkle the onions evenly with salt and watch: if droplets appear, it means that this or that month will be wet (bad weather, rain); if the bulb remains dry, then the month will be sunny and dry.

True fortune telling for Epiphany with slippers

Even by looking at your house shoes you can predict whether you will get married this year or not. Go outside at midnight on January 19, move away from the house, close your eyes, spin around and throw your slippers over your shoulder. Wherever his sock points, the future groom will come from there. If you don’t want to leave the house, then go out into the corridor, close your eyes, turn around and throw away your slipper. If the toe is turned towards the door, then you will definitely get married this year.

Instead of a house slipper, you can take a boot, and in the old days girls would throw up felt boots.

For the future

Epiphany fortune-telling for the future is very truthful. The easiest way to find out what awaits you in the near future is to tell fortunes on the shadows. To do this, you need to light a candle and sit so that the shadow falls on the wall. Take a clean sheet of paper, set it on fire and wait until it burns halfway. After this, you can look at the shadows and draw conclusions based on their outlines.

Before going to bed, you need to melt the candle, pour the resulting wax into a bowl of milk and invite the Brownie to have a snack. In the morning, look at the shape of the wax. If it’s a flower, then it means a wedding or meeting the groom; if it’s a cross, then it means illness and perhaps even death. If “stars” float on the surface, then this is good luck in all endeavors.

You can tell fortunes using the “boat”. To do this, fill a basin with water and hang strips on the sides, on which you can write various events. Prepare walnuts in advance. They need to be split in half, the grains taken out to make “boats”. Place a small candle stub in the middle of each. Whose “boat” will sail to which region is expected this year.


The easiest way to find out the future is to make a wish for Epiphany and call the cat, which is in another room. If she crosses the threshold, the answer is yes.

Prediction for future spouse on cards

Take a deck of cards that has not yet been played on; it is better to buy it specially in the store. Take all the kings out of her and put them under the pillow. When you go to bed on January 18, say the words: “Who is my betrothed, the mummer, he will dream in a dream.” In the morning, as soon as you wake up, pull out the first card you come across from under your pillow and look at the suit that fell out. If the king of diamonds falls out, then the groom will be young and cheerful, if the king of clubs comes up, it means the betrothed will be a military man. Hearts are rich and handsome, and spades are older than you and jealous.

For predictions to come true, you do not need to tell anyone about what you saw or guess several times. If you're unlucky, don't worry. Remember, every person has the right to change his life and manage it, so it is possible that everything will still happen, and fortune telling simply did not work out. In the event that you manage to find out the name of your betrothed, and you happen to get married soon, believe in what was predicted, and then it will come true in the near future.

Epiphany fortune telling 2020 for children and health

Here, for example, is how you can ask about children. Take a glass of water. They put a ring in it. Married women - engagement. Others are different. The main thing is that the ring was on the woman’s finger beforehand. That is, it is best to use the jewelry that you wear most often. The glass was put out the door. Can be placed on the balcony. And residents of megacities can use the freezer.

When the water freezes, they look at it.

  • If the surface is flat, there will be no babies yet.
  • If there are grooves and depressions in it, it will be a girl, Lumps will be a boy.
  • How many figures appeared, so many children were destined for a woman.

To find out about health, Epiphany water is used in fortune telling.

  • If an ice cross is clearly visible in the glass, you will get sick. The illness will be serious.
  • If the water freezes, leaving many rings on the glass - good health.
  • It happens that the ice is frozen in a tilt.
  • This means you will often get colds. It's very bad to see a figurine that looks like a coffin. Perhaps this is a sign of someone's serious illness.

For children

Not only married girls are interested in when they will become mothers and how many children there will be in the family. Proven methods with a ring:

  • You can use not only a ring, but also a needle. Place the ring in a glass of water and pierce the wool with a needle. Then rotate it near the fortuneteller’s hand. If the object moves along a pendulum, then there will be a boy, and if the object is circular, it will be a girl;
  • Place the ring in a glass of water and put it outside or put it in the refrigerator overnight. Look at the surface in the morning. If the water freezes evenly, it means there will be no children in the near future. How many tubercles on the surface there will be so many boys, and how many pits there will be so many girls.

Those who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time should ask someone who is carrying a baby or has recently become a mother for some underwear and put it under the pillow. It also helps if you eat from the same plate with this woman, or drink from the same glass.

Epiphany fortune telling 2020 for fate

Prepare several figures cut out of paper. Place them in a hat or opaque box, shake them well, and then stick one in at random.

  • The gate symbolizes travel and new discoveries.
  • The staircase will indicate rapid progress in your career.
  • The heart indicates sincere and mutual love.
  • The cradle symbolizes pregnancy and the appearance of healthy offspring soon.
  • The dog symbolizes loyal friends who will help in difficult times.
  • The house indicates the acquisition of your own home or moving to a new place of residence.
  • The road indicates the need to continue towards the goal, regardless of obstacles.
  • Money means quick wealth.
  • Clover - luck will not leave you all year.
  • Sun - there will be many joyful events and news in life.
  • Ax - beware of ill-wishers and don’t let people manipulate you.
  • Lock with a key - someone wants to pick up the key to your heart.

Fortune telling under the pillow

This is the simplest method in which, using a comb, a girl lures her betrothed into her dream. The item must be new, unused. When preparing for bed, you need to comb your hair so that there are hairs left on the comb. Place the object under the pillow and say: “My mummer, my betrothed, come into my sleep and comb me.” After that, turn off the light and go to sleep. In the morning, try to remember what you dreamed about: it could be a person or his image. Be careful: if combing in a dream is difficult, the marriage will not be happy.

Fortune telling on water with wax

Wax casting is an ancient and precise method of divination, which is often used by girls on Epiphany night. The popularity of the method is due to the fact that the water at this moment is charged with special energy, the heavens are open, and therefore higher powers will be able to give an accurate and truthful answer to the girl’s question.

For the ritual, you need to choose a wide but shallow dish in order to get a large and detailed design after casting. The candle should be tight. Before fortune telling, you need to voice your goals and desires. The lit candle is brought clearly to the center of the bowl, placing it so that drops of wax fall clearly into the center. You need to hold it straight, without moving it from side to side.

When the candle burns out, you can interpret the figure:

  • a fetus or embryo is a symbol of new beginnings (love, friendship, relationships), which sometimes promises pregnancy;
  • dog - there are many loyal friends near you who can come to the rescue in difficult times;
  • mushroom - surprises and surprises;
  • the frog is a symbol of change for the better;
  • fish - joy;
  • monkey - be careful, there is a cunning envious person nearby;
  • cat - expect betrayal from friends;
  • flowers - the fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • squirrel - a “hungry” time is coming, learn to be thrifty;
  • apple is a symbol of good health;
  • shoes - long-awaited trips and trips to distant countries;
  • hedgehog - change your attitude towards others, become kinder;
  • skull is a bad sign, a symbol of death or serious illness;
  • angel - you are protected by higher powers;
  • head - changes will occur in life;
  • couple - new relationship.


These are common interpretations; it is impossible to remember all the possible shapes that appear during wax casting. But try not to go to extremes, try to see a good sign.

Fortune telling for a loved one

Most often, the rituals and ceremonies performed by girls at Epiphany are related to their personal life. For this fortune telling you need sewing needles and glasses of ice water. Tools are rubbed with oil or grease so that their surface is slippery. The glass is placed on the table and water is poured into it, and then the needles are lowered.

If the instruments go to the bottom, there will be no relationship and the couple will soon separate forever. If the needles come together, expect a wedding, sincere and mutual feelings. If they go to different sides of the glass, you shouldn’t hope for luck in love; you can only save the couple with considerable effort.

Fortune telling on January 18 to attract money

This ritual is performed not alone, but in the company of friends. For it you need to take several opaque containers - preferably glasses. Place a coin in one, a paper bill in the second, and leave the third empty. The fortuneteller leaves the room, and the assistant mixes the objects. After this, the person selects a bowl without looking. The interpretation is as follows:

  • coins symbolize prosperity and wealth;
  • bills - there will be a difficult period, the financial situation is deteriorating;
  • empty cup - everything will remain unchanged.

This ritual is simple, but very accurate, as confirmed by reviews. The second person, acting as an assistant, can also tell fortunes and find out whether prosperity awaits him in the coming year. In order for the ritual to be accurate, at the time of its implementation, people should not talk to each other; it is important to show respect for higher powers.

Pregnancy fortune telling

To carry out pregnancy fortune telling, a girl will need a deck of new playing cards of 36 pieces. They are carefully shuffled and 4 are chosen. On each card, the girl mentally concentrates and voices the following questions:

  1. Will you get pregnant this year?
  2. Who will be born, a boy or a girl?
  3. Do I know the child's father?
  4. Will pregnancy and childbirth go well?

The interpretation of the results is simple. Black suit is a negative answer, red is a positive answer. The only deviation: diamonds and hearts - a girl, clubs or spades - a boy. How the long-awaited pregnancy will proceed can be judged by which cards predominate in the layout: dark ones - difficulties are possible, red ones - everything will be fine and calm.

Fortune telling with a comb

Using this method, fortune telling is not done on the night of Epiphany, but on the morning of January 19th. The girl gets out of bed, combs her hair with a new comb, takes it off and lays it on the surface to count it.

The interpretation is as follows:

  • there is no hair on the comb - you won’t have to wait for changes in your personal life;
  • one - a meeting with your betrothed will happen in the coming year, perhaps you already know each other;
  • two - the new relationship will not be happy, expect an unpleasant turn prepared by fate;
  • three - a rival or rival will infiltrate the existing relationship, he can break up the couple;
  • four – surmountable difficulties.


Girls rarely consider this method as accurate, because the intensity of hair loss is different for everyone.

Fortune telling for children

You can also find out the gender and number of future children on Epiphany night. To do this, before going to bed, the girl fills a glass or mug with water and puts her ring in it. The vessel is sent outside, and the result is examined in the morning, or rather, what the ice crust looks like is assessed. If there are tubercles on it, a blue dowry is prepared, if there are pits, a pink dowry, most likely the couple will have a daughter. The number of children a couple has is determined by the number of deformations present on the surface, but this method is not accurate.

Fortune telling on paper

To carry out a full ritual it will take no more than 5 minutes. On a small piece of paper you need to write the name of the person with whom you want to connect your destiny. Crumple the leaf, set it on fire and place on a saucer. During fortune telling, you need to think about what awaits in the future. If the leaf burns completely, it means that all your plans and desires will become reality. If a small particle of it remains unaffected by the flame, soon expect difficulties and troubles.


Fortune telling for Epiphany at home

Epiphany fortune-telling originates from the distant past, and our ancestors believed that it was on this day that one could find out one’s destiny. Despite the fact that the church does not allow fortune telling, on the day of Epiphany it makes concessions as a sign of respect for the ancient traditions of Rus'.

In the old days, at Epiphany, girls told fortunes about love, and also attracted the attention of the guys they liked with the help of harmless love spells. In the modern world, fortune telling is again gaining popularity, and experts from the site offer several simple but sure ways to look into your own future.

Fortune telling for love

You can find out how a young man feels towards a girl using two matches. The girl needs to be left alone and focus on the image of the guy. As soon as the image pops up in your thoughts, you need to take the box and place a match on its sides, and then set it on fire. Matches bowing their heads towards each other will indicate sincere sympathy and love. In the event that the matches deviate from each other, the relationship will not last long, or the guy already has a loved one.

Fortune telling about your future husband

The girl should take several onions and wish on each one the name of a potential husband. The bulbs are placed in water and waiting for them to shoot green arrows. The one that “rises” first will indicate which of the hidden guys could become a spouse in the near future.

Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed

You need to write the fan's name on a blank piece of paper, put it in a saucer or plate, and then set it on fire. A leaf that is not completely burned will indicate a wonderful romantic relationship that lies ahead.

Fortune telling for the groom

On twelve sheets of paper you need to write the names of the men and put them under the pillow, after mixing them. In the morning, take out the piece of paper without looking and read whose name is on it. According to legend, a guy with that name will soon ask you to date, and maybe become your spouse this year.

Fortune telling by wish

Bring 7 buttons in all the colors of the rainbow or pieces of colorful paper. Place them in a box, put them on the balcony or outside the window at night, and make your deepest wish. In the morning, bring the box into the house and without looking, take out one of the items. By its color you can determine whether your wish will come true:

  • red color - your wish will come true in the near future;
  • orange color - there will be difficulties, but the desire will come true after overcoming them;
  • yellow color - your wish will come true when you are least ready for it;
  • green color - do not share your wish with anyone, so that no one stops you from realizing your dream;
  • blue color - your wish has already begun to come true;
  • blue color - you must be careful, otherwise your plans will not come true;
  • purple color - your wish will come true, but not soon.

Fortune telling

On Epiphany night you can have a prophetic dream and get an answer to the most significant question. Before you go to bed, think about what you want to know. After waking up, remember everything you dreamed about.

Fortune telling for the future

With the help of a simple wax candle and a container of water, you can learn about what lies ahead. Light a candle and drip wax onto the water. Ask a few questions and then examine the resulting figurine. Their meanings will give the answer.

Epiphany fortune telling

Prepare several figures cut out of paper. Place them in a hat or opaque box, shake them well, and then stick one in at random.

  • The gate symbolizes travel and new discoveries.
  • The staircase will indicate rapid progress in your career.
  • The heart indicates sincere and mutual love.
  • The cradle symbolizes pregnancy and the appearance of healthy offspring soon.
  • The dog symbolizes loyal friends who will help in difficult times.
  • The house indicates the acquisition of your own home or moving to a new place of residence.
  • The road indicates the need to continue towards the goal, regardless of obstacles.
  • Money means quick wealth.
  • Clover - luck will not leave you all year.
  • Sun - there will be many joyful events and news in life.
  • Ax - beware of ill-wishers and don’t let people manipulate you.
  • Lock with a key - someone wants to pick up the key to your heart.

Fortune telling with money

Fill the container with water and throw a coin into each. Take it out to the cold or put it in the freezer. After an hour, take out the container and see how frozen it is. If the water is not frozen at all or is just covered with a crust of ice, there will be plenty of money this year. The water froze, but remained clear - there will be money, but you will have to work hard for it. The water is frozen, but the coin is not visible - this year you will have to tighten your belt.

On the day of the holiday, you can tell fortunes in any way, the main thing is to do it alone, so that no one disturbs you. For those who decide to find out their destiny, as well as fulfill their cherished desire, luck will definitely smile.


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