Illness or excuse for laziness: what you need to know about chronic fatigue syndrome

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  • Laziness

Every person has dreams that he wants to fulfill.
Some people dream of becoming a teacher, others a doctor, and others plan to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is the modern enemy of people. Because of her, problems appear in life. Because of laziness, talented people miss the opportunity to reveal their abilities. People are ready to give up on their dreams because they are too lazy to move forward. I can’t imagine a doctor who is too lazy to examine a person during an appointment. Or a teacher who is too lazy to teach a lesson. These people are responsible, they know that the fate of other people depends on their actions, so they are strict about their work.

Lazy people gradually doom their lives to complete failure. They are too lazy to study, they don’t want to just sit down at the table and learn some subject. They are also lazy in their work, do not want to reach the top and just sit still, waiting every day in boredom for the end of the working day. And not everything is going smoothly at home for such people either, they are too lazy to make repairs and make the apartment look good, they are too lazy to fix anything. And some even launch themselves. Instead of running in the morning or going to the gym, they sit on the couch, watch TV shows and eat junk food.

It seems to me that laziness contributes to the complete degradation of a person. And this does not depend on his mental abilities, because sometimes very talented people miss all their chances in life because they are too lazy to move and move in the right direction. I feel sorry to see this when interesting and creative individuals kill their potential while sitting on the couch.

Causes of the disease

The main complaints of women are chronic fatigue and drowsiness, the causes of which remain a mystery. The disease can be caused by a number of common infectious diseases, including Lyme disease and infectious mononucleosis. But not all cases of CFS are associated with infections.

According to research, women with the syndrome have abnormalities in the brain, especially in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (parts of the brain that regulate hormones and vital functions). Patients were also found to have damage to the autonomic nervous system, which controls blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. Thus, many women with CFS have an unusually high heart rate and low blood pressure, especially when upright.

In chronic fatigue syndrome, certain parts of the immune system are over-activated, leading to the formation of autoimmune diseases.

How to deal with chronic fatigue

There is no clearly developed and step-by-step treatment for CFS. Aerobic exercise programs and cognitive behavioral therapy improve the condition of patients, but do not eliminate the disease. Typically, doctors follow the following treatment plan

Lifestyle change

At the initial stage, patients are advised to reduce and minimize physical activity, as well as avoid psychological stress. They learn to save energy for more important tasks.

Individually selected training program

After consultation with a physical therapist, women begin an exercise program. Over time, the load gradually increases. The patient's condition may worsen after exercise. In this case, you need to give up physical activity for several days, and then resume exercise, slowly increasing the pace.

Treatment of existing psychiatric problems

Approximately 50% to 60% of women with chronic fatigue syndrome who develop depression are treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy. But this method rarely helps.

Pain treatment

Aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to treat headaches, muscle pain, and joint pain.

Treating existing allergy symptoms

Antihistamines and decongestants are prescribed to those patients who develop allergy symptoms due to CFS.

Option 2

Laziness is considered a bad thing. She is often portrayed as this fat woman who holds an unhappy man. And yet laziness is treated differently. On a positive note, laziness is called saving energy. You will find time and energy for what is really important to you.

I think that every time you need to deal with the reasons for your laziness. The usual excuse, even for oneself, is “I’m lazy.” Sometimes you regret your laziness, sometimes you shrug your shoulders. I couldn't get to the pool. I found out everything, collected everything in a special bag... And I couldn’t get there for three months! Laziness... I cursed at myself, I didn’t understand why I was so lazy. There are always some other things to do after school, and when time appears, I can’t overcome laziness. And I thought. I suddenly realized that I just didn’t want to go there, because I would be bored swimming back and forth for an hour. I don't like chlorinated water. I don’t like the “public” there—the grannies are the only ones there. In general, I just realized that I didn’t want to go to the pool, but since everyone says that it’s useful, I also set myself a goal that was unnecessary for me. As I understand it, there were no problems! I decided to run in the evenings. And no laziness! On the contrary, after school, after a walk, after classes, I would sit on the couch, look at the computer, but I understand that I’m already on the street - I’m going to run. What a thrill - I’m ready to run with music in any weather! This is how I realized my laziness.

Of course, sometimes a person just has apathy, depression - he doesn’t want anything. When they say that there is no time (also a type of laziness), it seems to me that this is a matter of priorities. You will always find time for what is important, even if you deny yourself something important.

There is also a habit of being lazy. People are different, some are fast, some are leisurely. Some people burden themselves, and some free up time for themselves. In general, what is laziness for one is a normal routine for another. This is also all subjective. Yes, sometimes you still lack the will. They say she can be educated, little by little, using different methods.

In general, there can be many reasons for laziness. You can’t “stigmatize” it that way; you have to deal with it and look for the reasons. The main thing is not to be lazy and deal with your own laziness!

It is clear that there are many methods, but if you do not understand yourself, then they will not work, and if you understand your main reason, then you can do without any methods. This is how I think, at least write your own work on psychology.

Allow yourself to rest

However, there are situations when laziness can be called a kind of protective reaction of the body. Typically, these things happen to workaholics.

The constant desire to accomplish something simply does not leave them a moment to rest. And the body is no longer able to cope with such high loads.

It is at such moments that attacks of laziness occur, although the point here is not a lack of will, but elementary fatigue and excessive nervous tension.
If you feel exhausted, you should take at least a day or two to rest. Dedicate this time only to yourself. Get some sleep, take a walk in nature, devote a few hours to your favorite activities and forget about work. A contrast shower or a morning run helps to cheer up and put your thoughts in order.

Perhaps after all this you will look at the world with completely different eyes, rethink what you are striving for, and pay attention to some little things that you had not noticed before. Oddly enough, in this case you need to say “thank you very much” to your laziness.

At the heart of everything is life energy

Both laziness and fatigue have common features, including a lack of vital energy. I conditionally divide this energy into the following types:

  1. Physical energy – strength, good health. Normal sleep, healthy eating and exercise, and regular exercise will help you gain strength.
  2. Emotional energy – various experiences, reactions to events. A quarrel with a loved one, despite excellent health, can demoralize for a long time and drive you into an incapacitated state. The emotional background also depends on the person himself, therefore, if possible, it is better to build smooth and conflict-free relationships.
  3. Mental energy is the ability to concentrate and the effectiveness of mental activity. Mental laziness or fatigue from intellectual activity can be caused by ignorance of the various ways of organizing mental work, as well as by the initially incorrect choice of a field of activity for which there may simply be no inclination. Man goes against his nature and turns out to be ineffective. You should think about choosing an activity that suits your liking and suits your abilities, and also pay attention to studying progressive methods of organizing mental work.
  4. Spiritual energy is the presence or absence of global meaning in one’s life and activities. If there is this understanding, motivation and a source of strength appear. If a person does not understand why he lives and works, who needs all this, it is very difficult to achieve results.

Some people consider themselves lazy because they are unable to cope with the amount of duties and responsibilities they have taken on. An important role is played by the opinions of others, who either judge superficially or compare with themselves or other stronger people. Trying to live in the image and likeness of other successful people, without having complete and objective information about their resources, knowledge, skills and life circumstances, is not entirely reasonable. You need to proceed from your own data and capabilities, try, without regard to others, to optimize what is given by nature and get the maximum benefit from it. Over the years of my professional activity, I have repeatedly been convinced that these principles work.

What about laziness...

The difference between laziness and chronic fatigue lies in the energy component. If you don't want to do anything (even chew your favorite donut) due to lack of energy, this is chronic fatigue. If you are ready to chew your donut at any time, just not to work mentally or physically - alas, this is laziness. So, if the reluctance to think and work manifests itself only in relation to subjects that are uninteresting to you, you can confidently use a healing kick to speed up your actions.

The only thing a person prone to laziness can calm himself down with is genius. And although not all slackers have it, it is the slackers who become the best inventors, making life easier not only for themselves, but also for millions of workaholics around them.


What about laziness...

The difference between laziness and chronic fatigue lies in the energy component. If you don't want to do anything (even chew your favorite donut) due to lack of energy, this is chronic fatigue. If you are ready to chew your donut at any time, just not to work mentally or physically - alas, this is laziness. So, if the reluctance to think and work manifests itself only in relation to subjects that are uninteresting to you, you can confidently use a healing kick to speed up your actions.

The only thing a person prone to laziness can calm himself down with is genius. And although not all slackers have it, it is the slackers who become the best inventors, making life easier not only for themselves, but also for millions of workaholics around them.


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