Quit gracefully: how to leave your job and maintain a good relationship with your boss

The climate at work is of great importance. If your relationship with colleagues or your boss doesn’t work out, then you don’t even want to go to work. As a result, a person suffers while doing a job he hates. To avoid unnecessary stress, learn to communicate with people. Bosses are people just like us. Show professionalism, take your work seriously, don’t be late for work, and look neat. True, it is generally accepted that it is more difficult to get along with a female leader. Someone, on the contrary, believes that the girl treats her subordinates with attention and sympathy. We suggest not to guess how things will turn out, but to prepare in advance. Find out how to find a common language with a female leader?

What's the result?

  • Why simpler is not better

There is a simpler and faster way to make yourself and your opinion more valuable - to bring benefit to the manager in the form in which he himself understands it. This approach lends itself to a more traditional view of “boss management.” But keep in mind: this will 100% likely require additional effort from you. At the same time, increasing your productivity and loyalty to your boss will not necessarily lead you to new material and career opportunities. The boss is the boss because he knows how to buy any product cheaply, including loyalty. Making a difference is a respected value strategy, but it is by no means “boss management,” or management in general.

  • "Companion"

The proposed steps do not lead to statuses like “Boss Second Self”/“Irreplaceable Performer”/“Evergreen Enthusiast” and so on. Their owners are not independent and therefore simpler and more convenient for the boss. On the contrary, your task is to obtain the “Companion” status. It implies that you, while retaining all the responsibilities of a subordinate, have the right to proactively choose the very opportunity, moment and topic of additional personal contact with your boss. It is not customary to brush off your comrades.

  • Bet on uniqueness

The proposed steps are not aimed at competition with colleagues. Competition presupposes uniformity for comparison and selection. Instead, these 5 steps focus you on finding your special place in the company, strengthening your position.

  • What you need

The suggested steps take time. It is unlikely that they will take less than 1.5-2 years, while the upper limit is not limited. The speed depends on the density and frequency of your contacts with the boss, as well as personal compatibility. Skipping steps can lead to the opposite result. You will also need common sense and some life experience.

Good luck!

Source: rb.ru

It doesn’t matter who’s right or who’s wrong, but it’s up to you to improve your relationship with your boss, and not the other way around. If you value your job and do not intend to change it in the near future, then you need to make every effort to ensure that the boss-subordinate relationship is not a burden to either you or your superiors. So, if your relationship is damaged, try these tips.

1. Appearance. If your job has a strict dress code, adhere to it strictly. Be neat and discreet. Your work look should show with all your appearance that you respect your work and the rules that are usually followed in the team.

2. Respectful speech. Your boss will appreciate this attitude. Even if he is much younger and, as it seems to you, much stupider than you, you should not show insolence in any form.

3. Punctuality. If there is an unresolved conflict, it is better not to get into trouble again and be late for work. In addition, absenteeism without good reason can be an excellent reason for your boss to fire you.

4. Complain less. Nobody likes people who are constantly whining and have a perpetually sour face. Be positive, share your good mood with others, and for sure their attitude towards you will become more friendly.

5. Do not participate in conflict situations and do not gossip. If your interests are not infringed in any way, then there is simply no reason to take part in the conflict. Take a neutral position. It is also not worth trying on the role of a peacemaker - this is a very thankless task.

6. Express your opinion. There is no need to be afraid that your ideas or position will not be supported. It is better to be an individual with your own position on any, even the most insignificant issue, than to be branded as a spineless and driven person. Sooner or later, the boss will appreciate your initiative and will take your opinion into account in the future.

7. Do your job well. This is perhaps one of the most important recommendations! To reduce the number of reasons for people to find fault with you, do the work on time and efficiently.

8. Praise. No matter what they say, everyone loves praise. Praise your boss in a casual manner without being too intrusive. For example, you can casually note that his idea of ​​​​creating some new project turned out to be very successful. To avoid misunderstandings, praise should concern exclusively work-related issues.

We hope our tips will help you improve your relationship with your boss and find harmony in your team!

Text: Flytothesky.ru

Source: flytothesky.ru

How to communicate with a male boss

Communicate with your boss on the matter, very clearly and clearly. Summarize your findings and questions. You should not indulge in long speculations and assumptions. Discuss only the most important issues that only he can decide. Try to settle small intermediate matters yourself or with the participation of lower-level employees. Contacts over trifles or to the wrong address can cause irritation. Male managers value employees who can make current decisions and take responsibility.

If you report a problem to your boss, also present possible solutions or information that might lead to an optimal solution. Contribute in every possible way to the operational work of management.

Never argue with a male boss, questioning his professional competence. Instead, calmly state your position, supporting it with all the necessary arguments.

Don't assume that you can gain an advantage in your position by taking advantage of non-job-related aspects. Men don't accept this. Also, you should not rely on the leniency of your manager because of his good attitude towards you. Don't mix work moments and human relationships.

Psychology of expectations and relationships

To understand the psychology of the relationship between you and your boss, it is useful to conduct an internal analysis. Answer the following questions: When did things get difficult between you? What caused these changes? What is the reason - some events, your mistakes, someone else’s opinion or the personal character of the leader?

Once you understand the reason, it will be easier for you to think through a strategy for further behavior.

It happens that the relationship with the boss does not work out from the first day of work. Moreover, not only you, but also other employees of the team experience difficulties when communicating with him. In this case, in order to achieve your goal, it is important to adapt to the characteristics of the leader’s activities and character and try to meet his expectations.

The psychology of studying the personality of another person will help you with this. What type of temperament does your boss belong to? What's going on in his life? How does he like to spend his free time? What does he do? Analyze this information based on your knowledge of it. This will help you understand the psychology of your manager, understand what kind of person he is and what approach should be taken to him.

Next, study the characteristics of his activities and character at work - what does he expect from his subordinates? What do you usually praise for? What could make him angry?

With this information, you can build an appropriate strategy for communication and behavior at work. Once you understand the psychology of your manager and what he expects from his subordinates, it will be easier for you to realize these expectations and establish productive relationships with your superiors.

Types of Bad Leaders

An unpleasant friend

This is an overly friendly leader. He always invites you for a cup of coffee during working hours and engages in unnecessary office gossip. Uses his influence and makes friends through his position. He picks favorites and creates discord among his subordinates.

How to reduce the influence of an inappropriate friend? The most important thing to do is learn to set firm boundaries in your work relationships. Don't let his position intimidate you. By consciously setting boundaries, you will take control of the situation. For example, you can remain friendly during the workday, but still don't be afraid to say a firm "no" to his invitations for coffee. Difficulties await when he is too persistent. By distancing yourself from inappropriate behavior, you can still succeed and even have a good working relationship with your supervisor.


Tyrant leaders have incredible delusions of grandeur.

This type is very calculating and acts purposefully. They experience tremendous pleasure when the opportunity arises to insult one of their employees. Having spoiled their mood, they assert themselves in this way. Often this is an unscrupulous person who behaves unworthily with his subordinates. Unfortunately, tyrant leaders lack a sense of tact. Such people have an abundance of arrogance, cruelty and incredible impudence. They find people who are morally weaker than them and psychologically put pressure on their sore spots.

How to find a common language with this type of leader? First of all, you need to try not to be afraid of him. There is no need to succumb to his various provocations, do not enter into a discussion with him. If possible, it is advisable to reduce communication with him to a minimum. If you start arguing with him, you can lose your job. Typical thoughts of a “tyrant”: “If he began to object to me, it means he is not afraid of me and has no respect for me.”


Often such a leader is not suitable for his position. Such responsibilities would be best handled by those employees who have been working in the company for a long time and have enough practical experience. And the newly appointed boss does not have enough experience to successfully lead a team.

How to find a common language with this type of leader? Share your knowledge with him, tell him about your experience in this company. Try to do this tactfully, do not show your superiority over him. Not all managers are able to adequately perceive the advice of their subordinates. By overcoming your pride and finding a common language with the newly minted leader, it is likely that you will be able to become his confidant.

Robot boss

This is the type of leader who makes all decisions based solely on numbers. In his mind, you are employee number 54, 82% qualified, your experience level is 93%. He has virtually no communication with his employees. The conclusion about their work is made solely on the basis of numbers.

To understand each other well, it is important to speak with him in his own language. When you have any ideas, try to have all the necessary data at hand based on numbers. This also applies to your productivity: show him the results of your work in numbers, and he will definitely appreciate it. It is advisable to contact him directly, without being intrusive. Respond to emails with a personal visit. All this should be done in moderation and try not to go too far.

Visionary Innovator

The strengths of such a leader lie in a variety of innovations and idea generation. He is not able to make the necessary decisions on the fly. When it comes to bringing an idea to life, he is already thinking about the next one and you have no choice but to independently look for a solution to implement the idea you need at that time.

How to find a common language with this type of leader? You should keep up with his train of thought. But how to do this? It is necessary to ask a huge number of specific questions in order to understand exactly what ideas he is currently thinking about. Questions will help him soberly assess the various obstacles that he will encounter on the way to the implementation of his next ideas. Do not criticize them under any circumstances. Focus all his attention on those things that are necessary for the implementation of his plans.

Woman leader

This is quite a dangerous guy. Tyrant women are often very unhappy in their personal lives and spend all their time at work. By terrorizing their subordinates, they increase their self-esteem at their expense. A tyrant woman is incredibly insidious and vindictive. They are very intolerant of any criticism and have an incredibly hot temper. He tries in every possible way to humiliate his subordinates.

It is absolutely useless to fight her. There is only one way out: either quit or completely disengage from it.

How to survive working with a “tyrant” and find a common language with your manager?

Of course, the first thought is thoughts of dismissal. But there is no guarantee that the new company will not encounter a similar boss again.

1. First, it’s worth determining the reason for this behavior. It may lie on the surface - the manager is not very aware of his powers and does not have the skills to manage personnel. This is most often observed among young managers. Often, under extreme authority, they hide inexperience and incompetence. They do not know how to communicate with other employees and often resort to shouting.

2. Perform your direct duties competently. When management repeatedly starts shouting when talking to you, it is likely that you are the reason. Try to complete all necessary tasks as carefully as possible. The boss's comments should not be ignored.

3. Try to communicate with him in such a way that he does not have any complaints against you. You may make a mistake in performing some task, the tyrant boss will take advantage of this to humiliate you. It is better to ask for all instructions to be sent by email in order to understand as correctly as possible what is required of you. In this way you will have confirmation of his words.

4. Try to establish communication with your immediate superior. Observe what exactly makes him angry most often. After some time, you will be able to anticipate changes in his mood and find the right words to neutralize his anger.

5. Do not allow yourself to develop an inferiority complex. Working with a person with a difficult character always leads to a blow to self-esteem. You should remember that he has the right to make comments only about your work, and not criticizing you personally. A relationship with an unbearable boss will make you stronger and you will be able to establish communication with any people.

Don't give in to provocations

Humiliation can manifest itself not only in open aggression. An arrogant tone or inappropriate sarcasm also conveys his disdain for you as an employee. You should not remain silent and allow such an attitude. Clarify what this unacceptable behavior means and try to do it as politely as possible.

Finding a common language with a manager is sometimes difficult. Maintain composure when communicating. Do not forget that an overly demanding manager is a good incentive to maintain your qualifications. Remember: endurance, patience and perseverance will not give a tyrant any chance to ruin your career. Learn to approach difficult situations with humor and common sense. This is an art that definitely needs to be learned.

Try to be visible

The psychology of communication and effective interaction with your boss depends on your behavior at work. If you want to achieve recognition and respect, try to be active in work matters and issues. Participate in seminars, show interest at meetings and organizational gatherings, solve problems in your profile and efficiently perform the duties assigned to you by job descriptions. The successful psychology of relationships with your boss depends on the initiative you show. Don't miss the opportunity to show yourself as a good specialist in a healthy competition environment.

Habit of following rules

Each company and organization has its own rules, compliance with which will give you an assessment from the outside. The opinion of the one who stands above and manages the entire work process depends on how you correspond to them. Try not to ignore and respect non-work moments - for example, fundraising for charity or a trade union, organizing collective “cabbage parties”, joint trips out of town. Follow the accepted dress code - your appearance should be consistent with the organization you work for. Take care of your hair, clothes, shoes, manicure - everything should show you as a business-like, responsible and serious person.

By following these rules, it will be easier for you to establish yourself as a person close to the company, living in its interests - the psychology of the relationship with the manager depends on this.

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