Why are some people prone to obesity? How to overcome the tendency to be overweight: proper nutrition

Many people flatly refuse to lose weight, citing their genetics, saying that everyone in my family was overweight, so it makes no sense for me to lose weight, because you can’t fool nature. Moreover, these people do not rely on any results of genetic examinations, but are guided only by visual considerations.

Nobody even takes into account the fact that everyone in the family is fat only because this same family welcomes the cult of food and is accustomed to overeating from generation to generation. But in most cases, obese people do not have a genetic predisposition, but there are a number of family eating habits that are harmful to health and normal body weight.

In this material we will try to figure out whether there is a real tendency to be overweight, how it is expressed, and what to do for people who really have such a tendency. So, let's begin…

Is there a genetically dependent tendency to be overweight?

For many years, doctors and scientists have been trying to find the gene for excess weight. They tested hundreds of thousands of people, both fat and thin, studied their ancestry and checked the pattern of anthropological indicators. And indeed they discovered that there is such a gene in the human body as the FTO gene, which is associated with the gain of fat mass and obesity.

In the course of research, scientists have proven that people with gene variant A are predisposed to excess weight gain, increased body mass index and type 2 diabetes. But we must take into account that in humans, each gene has two copies - one from the father, the other from the mother.

Thus, a real predisposition to gaining excess weight can only exist if a person has inherited variant A of the FTO gene from both father and mother, that is, both parents passed this type of gene to the child.

If this is not the case, then it is likely that the normal copy of the FTO gene from one parent may be dominant over the copy of the variant A gene from the other parent. In simple words, the copy of the gene without a predisposition to obesity will win.

In any case, even if the predisposition to gaining excess weight has a genetic basis, this does not mean that the carrier of the gene will definitely be overweight. In the end, not only genes work on our figure and weight, but also ourselves.

Craving for fatness in culture[edit | edit code]

Over the centuries, fashion in the field of figure has changed very often, so the historical influence of “craving for fatness” on culture is huge.

In the visual arts, examples of Rubens and Kustodiev are obvious.

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There are also examples in modern culture. Among the animations one can name the cartoon “Martynko”, which describes the corresponding period in Tsarist Russia. Among non-specialized periodicals, the unofficial leaders of the FA are the newspapers Moskovsky Komsomolets and Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Famous connoisseurs of curvaceous figures include Pierce Brosnan and artist Nikas Safronov.

In an interview with Howard Smith on November 6, 1969, Jim Morrison stated his gainer tendencies, saying that he really liked the sudden weight gain in his youth and that “Fat is beautiful!”

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Are there genetically dependent sweet tooths?

Imagine, it turns out that addiction to sweets can also be regulated by a certain type of gene. There is a gene with a variant TAS1R3, which reduces sensitivity to sweets.

People with this type of gene have a weaker taste for sweetness than others, so to pamper their taste buds, they either eat a lot of sweets or over-sweet foods and drinks to taste the sweetness as well as others.

Such people are in real danger of gaining excess weight, because an excess of simple carbohydrates will certainly lead to obesity. To switch to proper nutrition, they need to try hard and use all their will.

Simple carbohydrates can be replaced with sweet fruits and berries. True, the glycemic index of such a replacement can also be significant, but sweet fruits and berries are not always high in calories. For example, watermelon has a glycemic index above 70, but it contains few carbohydrates, and the calorie content of watermelon is also insignificant.

In general, there is a way out even in such a situation, the main thing is to find and see this way out.

Medical aspects[edit | edit code]

The tolerance threshold at which body weight and volume begin to cause serious problems is extremely individual. Depending on the degree of development of muscles, heart, lungs, height and especially the degree of mobility of the lifestyle a person leads, it can vary from approximately 90 kg (for short people leading a sedentary lifestyle in large cities) to almost 400 kg ( for “siloviki” athletes, in particular sumo wrestlers).

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How to determine the tendency to be overweight using the epigastric angle

There is a theory about the tendency to gain excess weight, which is not based on genetic research. This is the so-called definition of the epigastric angle, which shows the body type and predisposition to a certain body type.

To determine the epigastric angle of your figure, just go to the mirror in your underwear, pull in your stomach and apply pencils to your lower ribs so that they form an angle (intersect). If the resulting angle turns out to be acute (less than 90 degrees), then you have a thin body type. Based on their body type, such people are classified as ectomorphs.

If the angle turns out to be right or close to right, then the body type will be mesomorph, and if it is obtuse (more than 90 degrees), then the body type will be endomorph. Endomorph people are always prone to gaining excess weight; they have a slow metabolism and rapid absorption of carbohydrate foods. Relatively speaking, any extra calorie in the diet of such people immediately affects their figure and weight.

It is no longer possible to change the constitution of your body and the predispositions inherent in it, but you can easily take into account your characteristics when choosing the type of nutrition, calculating the caloric content of your diet and selecting individual workouts.

Of course, it is easiest for mesomorphs to maintain a beautiful figure and normal weight. Whereas ectomorphs must train for a very long time in order to build up at least some visually detectable muscle mass, but they manage to be thin perfectly.

Endomorphs quickly gain excess weight, but training for muscle mass also brings good results for them. All such people need is to limit their calorie diet (it must strictly correspond to the body’s energy needs, taking into account all indicators, including muscle mass) and exercise regularly to grow muscles and accelerate metabolism.

Tendency to gain excess weight depending on the type of diet

There are also distinctive features of how the human body works. For example, some people gain weight quickly if they eat carbohydrate foods. Their body breaks down carbohydrates at an accelerated rate, resulting in a rapid and sharp increase in blood glucose levels. As a result, insulin is released, which transforms excess glucose into fat accumulation.

For absolutely all people, an excess of simple carbohydrates in the diet leads to excess weight gain. It’s just that for some it happens very quickly, while for others they have to work hard to get better.

This type of person needs to strictly dose carbohydrates in their diet and not go beyond specific standards, which will be determined during calculations by a personal nutritionist or nutrition consultant trained in dietetics (dietology courses).

Moreover, a large amount of complex carbohydrates can also play a cruel joke on such people. It is difficult for them to be vegetarians, because they can gain excess weight, even eating exclusively plant foods.

There is another type of people who tend to gain excess weight from excess fat. Any excess of fats, even the right ones, causes rapid weight gain in such people. This is because their lipid metabolism is disturbed. But they may not digest carbohydrates very quickly, which means they are ideal vegetarians.

Examples from life

For example, please note that among the children raised in an orphanage, there are almost no children with excess weight problems

This is because even if a child has the obesity gene, under the conditions of an orphanage regime, the favorable conditions necessary for its manifestation are simply impossible. Another, no less interesting example of the lack of influence of the fatness gene can be found among athletes. If you look at, say, swimmers, they all, without exception, have a slender, strong and toned body. Doesn't this mean that all swimmers have slim and fit parents? And, by the way, if you read magazines devoted to the problem of obesity and a healthy lifestyle, you will find a lot of success stories
, where heroines became slim
despite heredity
, as well as hormones and age. And I'm one of them. Historically, everyone in our family is overweight, my grandmother weighs more than 100 kilograms, and my mother was a “donut” all her life, and my sister is overweight too, but I managed to lose 20 kg by changing my habits, and I have maintained this weight for now one and half year.

What to do if you have a tendency to be overweight

Let's say you realized that you do have a tendency to be overweight: either genetic or hormonal (when you have hereditary hypothyroidism or type 2 diabetes, for example), or constitutional (body type), or metabolic (rapid absorption of carbohydrates or fats) . What to do in such a situation?

You need to understand for yourself that there are factors that you can influence and that you cannot influence. For example, a hormonal tendency to gain weight due to hypothyroidism or type 2 diabetes can be overcome with the help of hormonal therapy, which will be prescribed by an endocrinologist. This therapy, combined with a certain type of diet, gives excellent results in weight correction.

The metabolic cause of rapid weight gain can also be influenced. You will just need to strictly control the amount of carbohydrates and/or fats in the diet, eat a balanced diet and observe the B/F/U ratio and daily calorie intake.

You cannot influence the genetics and constitutional structure of the body. You need to come to terms with this and you need to accept it. What you cannot influence only requires a different approach to the situation.

That is, if you have a genetic predisposition to excess weight, then you will have to carefully monitor your eating habits: do not overeat, eat small meals, do not skip meals, do not abuse simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, do not exceed the daily calorie intake and the B/B ratio. F/U.

Proper and balanced nutrition combined with regular exercise is an excellent solution for those whose family was overweight. The same advice can be given to those who have a constitutional tendency to be overweight and have a massive figure.

Such people need to turn their characteristics into advantages. Do you have a tendency to gain weight? Then train and build muscle mass so that there is as little fat mass as possible. Then your figure will be massive, but athletic and pumped up.

As you can see, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Be objective towards yourself and always honestly admit whether it’s the genes that did their best or “someone just eats too much.” Good luck to you!

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Are you prone to obesity? Do you know what are the reasons for your obesity?

— The main reason for the majority of people to be overweight is overeating.

Food for people became a drug that enslaved us. Especially older people who are afraid of feeling hungry. And as a result of this, a large number of unpleasant diseases appear that you do not need at all.

If a person overeats, then his body cannot get rid of processed products in a timely manner, which leads to excessive stress on the liver, kidneys and other body systems.


If you want to treat overeating, then you need to remember such a key point as finding the main cause of overeating, which makes you constantly consume food in excess. In addition, it is very important to analyze these causes and eliminate them, of course consistently.

Remember that your desire or need to eat more than you should leads to the fact that other people do not have enough food, and this leads to resentment, envy, and anger. And because it is not common for people to stop on time, people most often develop such unnatural negative traits as greed and greed.

Complete transformation

Carefully, slowly and deliberately, a person ceases to be small and thin and turns into a huge and fat one. When a person eats more than he should, he replaces other positive moments in life with his food - happiness, for example.

Remember that gluttony and gluttony is a sin because it is such a manifestation of greed. A person takes too much and gives too little, or even does not give at all.

Most often, this is a manifestation of self-pity, when a person needs to compensate for some kind of resentment or pain, which he does with the help of food.

A person with a lot of weight develops feelings of solidity and weight in society, pride, which prevent him from deciding to bring his body back to normal. They begin to constantly stockpile food, afraid of getting hungry, so as not to accidentally lose weight. They do the same with their children.

Fast food on the go

Another reason that leads to overeating is the modern habit of people to eat on the go, eat quickly, and swallow food instantly.

When a person chews food slowly, his body gradually produces as much gastric juice as is necessary for all incoming food. In addition, the body itself will tell you when it has enough food. However, as soon as a person swallows food, the juice does not have time to be produced, and the body does not have time to figure out whether it has enough food or if it wants more.

As a result, a huge amount of unprocessed food begins to rot in the intestines, and then the decay products penetrate the blood and lymph, spreading unhealthy products throughout the human body.

Such harmful products are eliminated as they wish - through the skin, mouth, intestines, and there must be accompanying flatulence (foul odors - gases), bad breath, disgusting smell of sweat and other unpleasant aspects.

How to deal with obesity?

It is easy to overcome obesity, despite the large list of possible causes that cause it. Read all the above points carefully and analyze yourself based on them. Highlight the most important points that you think are the cause of obesity and try to change them.

Remember that diets and food restrictions are not all you need to fight obesity. Eliminate all the problems that prevent you from being slim and enjoy the results.

Excess weight is not always a consequence of banal laziness or unmotivated overeating. Sometimes the roots of this problem lie much deeper. Lifehacker has collected three scientifically proven psychological reasons that lead to overweight and obesity.

What to do?


Proper nutrition means the quality of food, not its quantity!

Any centenarian will tell you that eating quality food played a major role in his achievements in life.

For example, the famous long-liver Edison, who was accustomed from childhood to receiving three hundred and fifty grams of food per day, which he divided into three meals. As a result, his father lived to be ninety-four, his grandmother one hundred and four, and his grandfather one hundred and two.

Overeating comes from childhood

The most common cause of overeating is parental error. Often in childhood, parents try to console their child with candy, because other means rarely help. So the grown child begins to eat sweets and more in any stressful situation.

Only we forget that overeating, first of all, is disrespect for oneself, dislike.

Have you decided to lose weight?

If you decide to start and lose weight, then you don’t need to look for reasons why this won’t happen. You need to look for the benefit that you will get. What you give up doesn't matter at all, because what matters is what you achieve.

Jane Westin wrote that no dessert, even the most exotic, can give you the same satisfaction that you will get if you buy a dress in a smaller size.

If it’s hard for you to sit at the holiday table, then be sure to remember this truth. It will be much easier for you to struggle when this picture of buying a small dress appears before your eyes.

Oh, this “tendency to be overweight”!

You know, since you are inclined to be overweight, then one way or another you will have to limit yourself in some way or somehow keep yourself in shape. Think three times before eating something harmful to your figure. Is it worth your suffering and torment? Although... if diets and proper nutrition are not for you, then you can simply choose a different path - massages and sports.

Many people are proud that they can eat a lot and not gain an ounce. However, a good figure is valued precisely by the heavier it is acquired.

By the way, a huge contribution to a good figure is the quality of the products you eat. Try to eat vegetables and fruits that you produce and grow yourself. It is also better to take dairy and fermented milk products from where they are made efficiently and independently, and not from powdered dry Chinese concentrate.

Are you prone to being overweight? - Do not miss. . .

Too lazy to take care of yourself? —


Are you prone to obesity?

It's easy to check.

You eat little, but you still gain weight. In winter, your weight reaches its maximum level. You constantly need to control yourself. You're losing your temper. Persuaded by feelings of inferiority. Your friends think you're fat. You are complex. Diets don't help, but you're still on them all the time. To be honest, you are lazy. You love to eat delicious food.

Here is a sample list. If this describes you, then you're probably overweight.

How to live with it.

I can reassure you because you are not the only one who has problems with weight.

A tendency to be overweight is normal. As normal as menstruation. This is a feature of your body. Some people cannot gain weight and this is also a feature.

We need to stop fighting ourselves. You probably think now that if you stop fighting with yourself, you will turn into a hippopotamus. Understand that stopping taking care of yourself and stopping fighting are two different things.

Have wars ever led to anything good?

Accept yourself.

You are you. This is your peculiarity. Albino blacks wouldn't want to be born like that either.

This is your life, your body. Understand that only you control your life. And only you choose to turn your life into struggle or learn to live in harmony.

How to lose ?

Long-legged models, thin girlfriends, fashion, all this depresses you. It puts pressure on you by public opinion and dictates that you should turn from a rainbow into diamond dust.

Become a butterfly from a fly or a giraffe from a zebra. Well, then I ask for a life full of disappointments and humiliations.

Let them order you further. Just accept that you will spend the rest of your life in pursuit of other people's ideals.

Spread your wings.

Now I will describe to you the life that you could live if you closed your ears and eyes from public opinion.

You can have a life full of adventures, pleasant, memorable acquaintances and unforgettable trips.

Every morning can bring happiness and a flow of brilliant ideas. You make your dreams come true. At the same time, you have good health, a good figure and a beloved family.

They give you flowers. Show signs of attention. You are loved and appreciated.

You only do what you love. Live every moment. Self-actualize and help others.

You live life to the fullest. Breathe deeply. There are no more dreams, there are goals and ways to achieve them.

You yourself are ruining everything.

It’s difficult to admit to yourself that you are the very person who ruins everything.

It’s easier to blame yourself on a job you don’t like. Make up stories about lost chances. Blame your unloved husband and curse your fate and fate.

And it is right. This is how psychology works. If we blame ourselves, we will trigger a mechanism of self-destruction.

However, living in illusions is also self-destruction, just with the scent of vanilla.

How to start living?

The tendency to be overweight is not a diagnosis. It's not cancer or syphilis. It won't make your nose fall off or your hair will fall out.

The tendency to be overweight is a protective function of the body. Typically, it is these girls who have the healthiest children.

It is nature that has rewarded us with good heredity. Fullness is a sign of healthy genes and fertility.

According to statistics, children with disabilities are born to thin mothers.

Thinness is a sign of illness. Excessive fullness too.

The tendency to be overweight is an indicator of health.

How to get rid of excess weight?

Excess weight haunts girls who tend to be overweight. That is why fighting it is comparable to surviving. It's either fat or me. And again we are trying to turn from a swallow into a woodpecker.

We ruin our health with diets containing buckwheat and kefir. We can do this, we are heroes, we have a lot of health and a small cart.

And now the swallow has almost grown a beak and cut off its second tail; all that remains is to learn to chisel and grow a tongue in order to eat like a woodpecker.

Everyone around is quiet. You should build nests and raise chicks, but woodpeckers are constantly shown on TV. I want to be a woodpecker!!!

On the road to self-destruction.

Mostly, desperate ladies come to me. They tell stories that reach the point of absurdity. These are very young girls who began to poison themselves with diets at the age of 12, and at 18 the stomach simply refuses to work.

And adult women with children, and some even with grandchildren, who have tried in their lifetime both pills with worms and fasting with enemas and suturing of stomachs.

We don't know about this. We don’t see or notice this because we haven’t encountered it yet.

Young girls with stomach ulcers, excised gall bladder and kidney stones. I know about this. I see it. They tell me about this.

The media does not know how public opinion destroys people. They make money off of you. They don't care about you being healthy. Then you will not be treated. You will not buy medicines and other inventions to get rich.

Elena Malysheva’s diet in a McDonald’s box is no healthier than the festival food itself. You have to buy, otherwise how will they make money?

How can you sell it? Promise guaranteed results. And if they are not there, then you yourself are a fool and treat your ulcer yourself.

Health coaching.

I am a personal trainer, chef and psychologist. My sports life began at 14, a couple of years later I was already a captain, then a coach.

Grueling workouts. Sports mode. Personal nutritionist.

My friend developed a tendency to be overweight when she was 12 years old. She was ashamed. In front of boys in particular.

I was sure that I could help her. So far she has not gained a single extra kilogram. Weighs even less than normal. More than 10 years have passed.

His sports career faded into the background. You can't make money from sports. She went into cooking. She grew up to become a chef and became interested in psychology. I graduated from university and was choosing between a dissertation and advertising. Now I am doing marketing and SMM.

Losing weight was a hobby and an opportunity to maintain my tone. Everything was useful at that time. Knowledge of psychology, cooking, vast experience in coaching, knowledge of nutrition. The girls lost weight as if they had been vaccinated against obesity.

The results were warm, my pocket was empty. The most interesting thing is that my method of “losing weight for health” is 99% likely to work, but there were girls who didn’t succeed. Why?

As soon as I set the price, the weight immediately began to decline. The higher the price, the better the result.

Something valuable always costs money. Free motivation puts pressure on complexes.

People are ready to pay millions for a brand, but wonder whether they should spend it on their health. And without hesitation, pay for treatment, because there is no way out.

In some cases, there is not even a tendency to be overweight. Purposeful people get a push, and then they themselves. Photos of these people sparkle in the media.

Therefore, if you are still not among them, then the problem is something else.

I have been coaching for over 3.5 years. I combine teaching and helping to achieve goals.

My task as a health coach is to teach a person to live in harmony with himself and his body. Get the necessary vitamins, listen to your intuition.

Girls who lose weight from me get SUPER POWERS. They gain not just knowledge, but also confidence that after this they can handle everything.

Why is the penchant for the full note not a vice?

When you learn to listen to your body, the excess weight will go away on its own.

There is no need to fight with your beloved Taurus. It's worth taking him as a partner. Discuss plans for the future with him, ask for help in achieving goals.

Learn to be friends with yourself. I will just give you the tools and show you the way.

This knowledge will stay with you forever.

Enrollment for the course is underway. I will only take 5 people.

Methods of surgical treatment of completeness

We will tell you silently, look... everything is in the photo.

Now everything is clear?

If not, then again - !

The tendency to be overweight is the most popular excuse for girls to continue eating bread and not doing anything about themselves. As soon as you start a diet and do morning exercises, a helpful inner voice whispers: “Look at your mother and grandmother. All the women in your family are big. You won't be able to lose weight. Do not torture yourself."

But advanced fitness trainers, like the same one, say that there is no tendency to be overweight. There are only individual characteristics of metabolism and a genetically determined body type, but there is no obligation to become fat like your mother and grandmother by a certain age.

The real reasons for being overweight

Genetic predisposition to obesity is not such a fiction, but everything is not as simple as it seems. So, if you take a family where one of the parents suffers from excess weight, there is a high probability that the child will develop the same problem. But that is not all! Even adopted children, with obese parents, have excess accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

This is not a coincidence. It's not about genetics, it's about example. The essence of the problem is that parents have a broken diet, or excessive consumption of sweet and unhealthy foods. Other reasons could be:

  • constant scandals and stress;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins;
  • evening overeating habits; alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • passive lifestyle, diets.

Let's take a closer look at them.

The tendency to be overweight through the eyes of fitness experts

Author of the book “Lose Weight? Easily! Choose bodyflex” Galina Levitskaya cites the only objective indicator that can be considered a sign of a tendency to be overweight - this is the so-called epigastric angle. To find it and find out what your inclination is, put on a swimsuit, pick up two pencils and go to the mirror.

Now draw in your stomach, place the pencils on your lower ribs and connect them to form a corner. If this angle is acute, that is, less than 45 degrees (narrower than the table corner), calm down, you have no predisposition. If the angle is right or obtuse (wider than the corner of the table), you will always be a little larger than your slender friends and colleagues. True, this does not prevent you from having a flat stomach, toned thighs, and even helps to build beautiful muscle definition.

A dull or straight epigastrium is an indicator that a person is inclined to build muscle mass, and fitness training is very recommended for him. Yes, just look at Jennifer Lopez. She definitely has a tendency to be overweight, but is she fat? Of course not.

Regarding the family tendency to be overweight, the famous trainer Jillian Michaels writes that the fault here is not special genes, but ingrained habits in the family of poor nutrition and lack of traditions of playing sports. Gillian Michael considers only genetic hypothyroidism to be an objective circumstance that prevents one from achieving a good figure, but even this disease can be treated by an endocrinologist.

By the way, Jillian Michaels was once fat and was able to lose weight.

The tendency to be overweight is not a reason to be overweight. The constitution of the body can be corrected!

A tendency to be overweight is not a diagnosis and, moreover, not a sentence. This is just a probability, that is, the easiest, most obvious way to shape your figure. But you always have a choice: do nothing and gain weight, or resist nature through your own efforts.

The above is not just an empty statement to me. I dare to say this from personal experience, from the experience of my friends and from the experience of many stars. You yourself know these famous former fatties: Oprah Winfrey, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Anita Tsoi, Larisa Dolina... Have you seen Andron Konchalovsky’s old film “Siberiada”? How luxuriously plump was young Natalya Andreichenko?! And then what kind of chiseled figure does she have in “Mary Poppins”? Here is a truly miracle of transformation: from a portly rural wench to a charming “Lady Perfection”! Without any operations, mind you!

Let's dot all the i's

“and let’s figure out what, in essence, influences this notorious tendency to be overweight. First of all, of course, heredity. But I would not make this fact absolute. Think carefully about what materially, on the physical plane, can be passed on by inheritance?

Body type

Look in the mirror and determine who you are: apple, pear, hourglass? It is clear that you will definitely find similarities with one of your relatives. Your constitution naturally depends on someone: your mother, your father, your grandmother, your grandfather... I don’t think we should look further for the “culprits”. Metabolic mechanism

It's about the balance between calories consumed and calories burned. One body burns fat faster, the other slower. One body tends to store fats in reserve, the other does not. One body breaks down fats well, the other, alas, poorly.

That, perhaps, is all that relates to the material consequences of heredity. But if you know about it, then you can influence it from the outside. The figure can be adjusted, the balance can be rebalanced. How? It is my deep belief (backed by experience!) by increasing movement in your lifestyle. You have to become more physically active, that's all. But I suggest we talk about the benefits of physical activity a little later. And now back to heredity.

So, physically we inherit only the type of figure and the mechanism of metabolic processes. But we also inherit some things on a psychological level! These are our habits, our weaknesses, our beliefs. Family shapes us. And these family traditions, to an immeasurably greater extent than the genetic factor, influence our inclinations. Naturally, it is more difficult to fight what we have become accustomed to since childhood. Because it means changing yourself, your way of thinking, your inertia. But this is also possible. Food cravings

Overweight people, as a rule, were overfed in childhood. And the parents had different reasons and concerns for this: so that they would not be sick, so that they would get enough calories, so that they would not deny themselves anything. Another reason is the family’s culinary traditions. Often it is fatty, fried, smoked (pseudo-high-calorie foods) that are considered tasty and nutritious. And another simple principle: well, it’s not for nothing that they came up with the idea of ​​cooking this, which means it’s super.


How was it common for your family to spend their free time: watching TV, reading a book, or taking walks in nature? What type of vacation did your parents prefer: active or passive? Did your family practice morning exercises or jogging? How often have you gone out of town to a river or forest for the weekend? I hope there is no need to explain how this or that lifestyle affected your fatness or slimness?!

That's probably all about the power of heredity. But this is just the beginning. Do not forget that in the process of life you yourself either provoke the tendency to be overweight, given to you by nature and upbringing, or do not allow it to dominate.

Here are a few steps that will allow you to abruptly and forever turn from the path called “predisposition” to the path “my figure is shaped by me.”
1. Diet.
Come to the idea of ​​healthy eating. No need for diets. It’s not a fact that you’ll choose them wisely, and it’s not a fact that you’ll have the willpower not to get “stuffed up” after a diet. According to statistics, after a diet, most people gain weight much faster, because fat cells become more active. And also, don’t overeat, don’t eat after your children, don’t snack between meals - and then the calories you consume will be under control. And remember that your appetite is determined 80% by thought and only 20% by true need.

2. Motor activity.

Calculate experimentally how much movement you need per day. Moreover, it is not for nothing that I use the word “movement” and not physical activity. First, train yourself to just move more. Don’t shout across all rooms, calling your loved ones, but go to them yourself. Forget about the elevator, go up to your floor and walk down. Even if you live on the ground floor, make it a habit to go up and down to any floor (and preferably higher). Get off one or two stops earlier on your way to work so you can walk. There are a lot of tricks to give up the benefits of civilization and walk with your feet - if you want.

3. Physical activity.

Exercises specially designed for you will help you correct your figure flaws.
Moreover, I would not recommend the option of home gymnastics. There are so many temptations not to do this at home. Sign up somewhere and attend classes regularly, without skipping or giving in to laziness. Fitness, aerobics, dancing, swimming pool, tennis... Now there are such tremendous opportunities to combine business with pleasure. 4. Down with stress.
Of course, it is impossible to eliminate stress from our lives. But you can protect yourself from stress. Do not succumb to the provocation called “stress”, do not respond to rudeness, do not be offended by fools. Don’t be nervous, it’s a misconception that it’s easy to lose weight if you’re nervous. For some it may be easy. But those who are prone to obesity most often gain weight furiously during times of stress. Love yourself so much that the changing circumstances of the external world do not affect your inner self. Live joyfully and maintain harmony within yourself. Who else will take care of you better than yourself?

5. Work on yourself.

The most difficult but obligatory step. Without it, all previous efforts may be insignificant, or even go down the drain. Diet, physical activity, physical activity, counteracting stress - everything that you consciously choose for yourself should give you pleasure. You can’t do without this! Feel the taste for a new quality of your life. Be proud of yourself! Respect yourself for wanting and being able to turn away from an easier path for the sake of a very important goal in the life of any woman - to be beautiful, to be liked, to be admired. Don't take the effort you have to make as a punishment. Ultimately, going against nature is the destiny of the chosen few! Not many people have the will and strength to accomplish their plans. But if you are able to cope with such a problem as the tendency to be overweight, then a lot in your life will become achievable for you: in your career, in creative fulfillment, in love.

Who knows why and why we are given this or that constitution by nature? But is it worth speculating about this, much less being angry with nature because of it? Isn’t it better to accept your inclination as a given: given - that means it should be so, that means there is some hidden meaning in it. But no one takes away another opportunity from us: to change ourselves the way we want.

What to do if there is a predisposition

First of all, understand that not everything is so scary. Girls with a “strong” physique are more successful in any sport, run faster over short distances, can lift heavy weights, and are not devoid of natural coordination of movements.

Sports and dancing are simply created for them by nature itself. As well as “punishment” in the form of a body that quickly becomes swollen with fat, if they ignore this very sport.

A predisposition to obesity usually includes an overly rapid reaction of the body to. As a rule, even the slightest portion of sugar causes sudden jumps and a “brutal” appetite in such people. At the same time, most people who are prone to obesity are very fond of buns and chocolates.

What to do? The main mistake you can make is setting unrealistic, unattainable goals. Losing weight to the bones, strict diets and exhausting fitness will lead you to complete disruption of the endocrine system and breakdown. Therefore, do not strive to become skinny. Let your goal be a toned body and good health, not thinness. Remember, for example, Beyoncé. These are the forms you should strive for.

The second point is determining the so-called oxidation level, or how quickly the body absorbs. The test is simple, and in some places even enjoyable. And its results will help you choose the right diet.

2 hours before bedtime, eat a banana or a handful of sweet dried fruits. Go to bed. The next morning answer the question: “How did you sleep?” If everything was fine, you didn’t have nightmares, and you didn’t wake up - carbohydrates are absorbed quickly. If, on the contrary, it’s slow and the surge of energy happened just when you fell asleep.

People with rapid carbohydrate metabolism should avoid all sweets except fruit. Avoid complex carbohydrates (sugar, bread, white rice). Vegetarianism is not suitable for such people. You just have to overeat a little, and carbohydrates already pass through the “glycogen chain” and are stored in the form of fat deposits. Ideal diets for such people are the Zone, Mediterranean diet, Paleo diet, or even the South Beach diet or weight loss system.

People with slow carbohydrate metabolism can eat according to the classic food pyramid (with bread), reducing the total calorie content. And “slow oxidants” are almost ideal vegetarians.

Establishing nutrition is the primary task of people with a tendency to be overweight. A proper balanced diet will allow you to get rid of the “sweet carbohydrate addiction” - you will be full and stop constantly looking for unhealthy snacks. All that remains is to add sports. Here experts are unanimous - any type of functional training, sprinting, active dancing, for example, or hip-hop, or even strip-plasty ideally builds the body and allows you not to gain excess fat deposits. Try it, and then you will no longer need excuses that family karma is spoiled.

I am a food addict: effective methods of losing weight Sofya Efrosinina

Predisposition to obesity

Donuts are a common component of a healthy, balanced diet.

Brooke Smith, spokeswoman for donut chain KrispyKreme

A predisposition to obesity is something that supposedly forces a person to constantly gain weight despite all efforts to maintain it at the same level. This thing supposedly synthesizes fat from tiny portions of low-calorie foods and immediately deposits it on the stomach and thighs. It is believed that a predisposition to obesity is supposedly the result of a slow metabolism. No one really knows why it slows down (there are only a lot of guesses, like that it is slowed down by diets, fast food, soda, pregnancy, hormone pills, etc.). Just as no one knows whether slow metabolism is inherited and whether it can be infected (there are too many contradictions), but one thing is clear: if you “catch” it, then it is practically useless to resist it.

Based on this, from my point of view, misconception, it turns out that without exaggeration you need to put your life on getting a slim figure, which many get for nothing. In this situation, the burning injustice is obvious even at a quick glance: with such an attitude, the strength will run out already at the start.

However, how true is this belief? It just so happens that we take many things on faith, without questioning them or healthy criticism. In the case when these beliefs do not prevent us from moving towards our goals, this is acceptable. But if they act destructively, then it is worth thinking about their truth. Sometimes we only think

that one is a consequence of the other, but reality is different.

So, let's restore justice and figure out how the metabolism of fat people differs from the metabolism of thin people. And why, in general, are some luckier than others?

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208. What is a tendency to be overweight? The tendency to be overweight is what you use to justify your laziness when you don’t want to make an effort to become slimmer. What makes you think that you are prone to excess weight? Most likely, look at a mother who has recovered from menopause and a plump grandmother.

Veronica Musatova

fitness consultant and researcher at the medical genetic center Genotek

It's time to love yourself and realize that being fat is not only determined by choosing your favorite foods and regular physical activity. Like many other physiological characteristics, fat accumulation is genetic in nature. But I don’t want to say that all fat people are genetically predisposed to this! We need to figure out in which case “genes are to blame” and in which case we simply lack willpower. Some families love to “eat well” - their representatives stand out for their respectable size. There is a temptation to blame everything on family dietary habits, but the work of the obesity gene cannot be ruled out.


In the mid-90s, association sites for fans of fatness began to appear on the English-language Internet, where the following divisions and abbreviations were proposed. They are popular among people with a craving for obesity, including Russian-speaking people to this day[1].

FA: Fat Admirer.

A person (usually a man) who has a penchant for full partners.

FFA: Female FA.

A woman with a penchant for complete partners.

BBW: Big Beautiful Woman.

A plump woman whose plumpness is seen as a virtue.

SSBBW: Super-Size Big Beautiful Woman.

A very plump woman whose plumpness is still seen as a virtue.
The definition borders on a craving for extreme obesity (q.v.)
due to the fact that such obesity is already beginning to cause everyday and medical problems.

BHM: Big Handsome Man.

A stout man whose fatness is seen as a virtue.

In itself, the desire for obesity, despite the slightly ironic attitude in society, does not relate to deviations, but, being in extreme degrees, can degenerate into the following deviations and perversions:[1]

Fat fetishism.

It manifests itself in an “obsession” with one’s physique, when the readings on the scale become an overvalued idea that obscures other values. One of the many types of fetishism. Forms of fat fetishism are gaining and feederism.


The process of gaining weight for those who want to gain weight. A gainer (weight gainer), as a rule, sets a goal of a certain number of kilograms that he wants to gain. Gainers often use high-calorie sports nutrition for weight gain, designed to gain muscle mass in athletes. Since it is difficult for gainers to find support in real life, they publish descriptions and photos/videos of changes in their body on blogs or on YouTube, often displaying “before” and “after” comparison photos of weight gain and receiving in return enthusiastic comments from other fat fetishists.


Represents the desire to feed and fatten a partner. Feeders (feeders) and fidis (feeders) receive sexual pleasure from the process.

The main differences from the craving for extreme obesity (see below) are that the goal is not necessarily an incredibly high weight, and the concentration is mainly not on the body, but on the feeding process itself.

Staffing, staffing (belly stuffing).

It represents a desire to feed a partner or fill oneself with huge quantities of food, leading to a visually noticeable enlargement of the abdomen. The main differences from feederism are that the goal is not necessarily high weight, and the concentration of attention mainly occurs not on fullness, but on the belly bloated from eating. Staffers also post photos or videos of the belly during the staffing process on blogs or YouTube. It is often sublimated in specific erotic works, which often feature absolutely gigantic volumes.

In addition to the purely deviant component, according to some “staffers,” it has a “general sexual” “practical” aspect: according to them, staffing leads to closer contact of the genitals during sex.

Craving for extreme fatness (extreme fat admiration).

It manifests itself as sexual attraction to partners whose obesity reaches severe disability. As a rule, partners are extremely limited in movement, so among fetishists the term “immobility” is used - partners who do not get out of bed. The sexual desire of a person suffering from this deviation is often sublimated in specific erotic creativity, both artistic and verbal, which often features images that are absolutely fantastic in size.

Inflationism, Body Inflation Fetish.

This deviation is of a more fantasy nature, since it represents an attraction to a “partner”, inflated to a shape close to a spherical one. In real life, it all comes down to placing balloons under clothes and then inflating them, or extreme forms - inflating the abdomen with air, salt water (see hyperhydration) or cola with Mentos, expanding in the stomach. In other cases, deviation comes down to viewing relevant pictures, animations, or “sex” with inflatable dolls and toys.

How genes work

In its simplest form, a gene is a section of a DNA molecule that codes for a protein. It is known that genes are polymorphic, that is, there are many working variants of the same gene, slightly different from each other. In humans, the same gene is presented in two copies - from the father and from the mother.

Good news for those who lack willpower: the fat gene really does exist.

According to research, the FTO gene is associated with fat gain and obesity. Scientists have proven that people with gene variant A are predisposed to high body mass index, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In 49% of clients of our medical genetic center who applied for research to select a diet and exercise regimen, this particular variant was found in one of the copies of the gene. On average, such people's body mass index increases slightly. In 33%, both copies of the FTO gene are represented by a “dangerous variant” - their BMI is significantly increased.

In other words, here's the bad news: genes actually add weight almost half the time.

What to do with this knowledge

Do not consider this discovery an indulgence for yourself. Genetic characteristics must be taken into account if you are going to go on a strict diet or put yourself in the hands of a merciless trainer. An integrated approach is important in everything, therefore, so that your plans do not turn against you, diet and training must correspond to your genetic characteristics and exclude extreme sports.

But, whatever one may say, we again end up with hated diets and odious exercise. As a consolation, I can tell you that both diet and sports can also be selected based on genetic characteristics - and then they will not cause you a lasting disgust.

It is already known that there are several features of eating behavior that form a genetic “inheritance”. First of all, this is a craving for the consumption of sweets and the sensation of sweet taste. Often, the habit of snacking on simple carbohydrates like candy or sweet baked goods develops into an addiction - this is typical for people with a certain variant of the TAS1R3 gene: the sensitivity of receptors to the taste of sweets decreases, you constantly strive to “get what is missing.” Those whose perception of sweet taste is dulled will have to work hard, but the transition to proper nutrition can be “softer” through sweet fruits or berries.

The feeling of fullness and the habit of snacking also have a genetic nature. Essentially these are two sides of the same coin. One of the frequent recommendations of nutritionists is fractional meals: accustoming yourself to the fact that a couple of spoons of food is enough to feel like “something has fallen into your stomach.” It turns out that many people’s bodies are genetically configured for fractional nutrition; they have a natural need to constantly throw something into themselves. It's important to keep track of what exactly!

From a physiological point of view, food perception and satiety are a whole complex of processes in which both the digestive and nervous systems are involved. In this case, focusing on the polymorphisms of genes that are involved in these processes, you can adjust your diet and highlight the “weaknesses” of your body that need to be monitored.

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