Acrobatic tricks for beginners: options

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Acrobatics for beginners is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle and keeping your body in good shape. Every organism requires vital energy, and that the body is always in good shape. Acrobatics is ideal for this. Acrobatics can be considered both a sport and an everyday activity for any person who wants to be healthy.

There is an opinion that if you do not instill a love for acrobatics from childhood, then you will never learn it. Of course, it is easier for children, especially young children, to engage in acrobatics, because it is easier for them to cope with stress, and besides, a young body is more flexible, and this plasticity needs to be developed. It will never be too late to take up this sport. Acrobatics is suitable for any adult who has decided to become a beginner in this field.

Acrobatics lessons for children and adults

If you want to practice acrobatics or learn this art, the easiest way would be to sign up for acrobatics classes with a good specialist who will teach acrobatics lessons for beginners . If you wish, you can always find a good trainer who will help you learn both simple and more complex elements on a professional basis, no matter whether the student is 7 years old or 50.

In a good school, the simplest elements, such as, for example, a wheel, can be learned in 2-3 lessons with the necessary desire and perseverance.

But, if there is no such opportunity, but you still want to learn, do not be upset, because on the Internet, in the public domain, there are many video lessons on acrobatics for beginners .

How to master the first elements of acrobatics

It doesn’t matter whether you practice with a coach or on your own, there is nothing difficult to master basic acrobatics exercises . Some are afraid to start this, because there is a chance of getting injured in class. But acrobatics is not as traumatic an activity as it is commonly believed to be. The thing is that this sport, at its initial stage, has the simplest elements that do not pose the risk of injury if performed correctly.

How to master the first elements of acrobatics

  • All exercises are brought to automaticity and later complex elements are comprehended. If you work with a trainer, he understands which element can already be performed and which is still too early. If you study on your own, then you need to take into account the level of your capabilities.

Acrobatics is not a difficult sport. If you gain strength and the right attitude, you can strengthen yourself both physically and psychologically, gain some confidence, and gain new emotions and achievements.

acrobatics for beginners videos on the Internet and you can already try to start developing your body on your own, at home, but in no case should you start training if your body is not warmed up enough during the warm-up - this is a direct path to injury.

Where does aerobics begin?

Like any other sport, aerobics must begin with a warm-up.

We bring to your attention exercises that will help prepare your body for a more complex load at home.

Stretch your neck muscles

We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Now we begin to perform circular movements of the neck clockwise, then counterclockwise. Number of repetitions – 10 times.

Without changing the starting position, we tilt our head forward, then back. Now left and right. Number of repetitions – 10 times in each direction.

Stretch the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

We stand straight, lower our arms down and clench them into fists. Then we begin to swing each hand separately, the opposite one should remain down.

Without changing the starting position, we bend the arms at the elbow joint and place our palms on the chest. Now we move our elbows back, first in a bent position, then in an unbent position. The number of repetitions is at least 15 times.

We stand straight, lower our arms down and relax them. We make circular movements with the shoulder joint, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

Stretch your core muscles

We stand straight, spread our legs at shoulder level, and place our hands on our belts. We begin to make turns with the body, first in one direction, then in the other. This must be done carefully, with a gradually increasing amplitude of movement and speed. The number of repetitions is at least 20 turns in each direction.

Without changing the initial position, we bend to the right and left, and we also need to reach with our hand in the direction in which we are leaning, for example, we lean to the right and stretch with our left hand. Number of repetitions: at least 10 bends in each direction.

We put our legs together and try to reach our toes with our hands. We begin to do this exercise carefully and slowly, then gradually increase the pace. The number of repetitions is at least 20 inclinations.

We stand up straight (if you are practicing at home, you need to stand near a wall or cabinet so that if something happens you can hold on) and bend one leg at the knee joint. Now we grab the heel with our hand and pull it towards the buttocks. Then we change the leg and do the same thing. Number of repetitions: 10 times on each leg.

And finally, we stand on our toes, raise our arms up and stretch as high as possible. We lower ourselves to the starting position and rest. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Acrobatics for children at initial levels of development

Acrobatics for beginner children should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced trainer who knows how to work with children and is a good teacher.

Adults only need to be directed in the right direction, but the child needs to be taught, told, shown, explained in a popular and interesting way, and the coach who will train the child simply must be an excellent teacher.

Acrobatics lessons for children should be held with interest, especially for beginners , because they should involve the child in this area. Everything needs to be done at a leisurely pace to prevent the child from getting tired.

Acrobatics for children at initial levels of development

If a child says that he has no desire, or he cannot, you should skip one training session or try to interest the child, that is, conduct training in a playful manner. If he is still very small, you should not send him to training; you must first teach him simple elements at home.

Simple exercises

If you experience problems with the cardiovascular system or musculoskeletal system, consult with your doctors before exercising to see what you can do and what you can’t do. Choose an intelligent doctor who can specify the effect of different movements on your body and, thus, you can determine for yourself what you can do and what you cannot do. If you want faster results, get yourself a personal trainer who will explain the exercise technique and motivate you for further exercise.

  1. You definitely won’t be able to do the splits right away; it takes months to get into it. To avoid getting stuck on this element, do stretches in parallel with other exercises. In general, make it a rule not to bring an exercise to a result in a short time, but to stretch out the training over time if a certain element does not work out. You need to warm up the muscles, otherwise the ligaments may rupture. Get on one knee, extend the other leg in front of you, rest on your palms and move your front leg up and down and extend your back leg back.
  2. Squat down, place your palms on your shins, roll onto your back, alternately on the right and left sides, returning to your feet. This is a roll, preparing for a somersault and at the same time training your back.
  3. Roll forward and backward, bending your head as much as possible.
  4. Bridge. Start doing it against the wall, slowly lowering yourself with your hands. If you have an assistant, you can do it using a gymnastic ball; to do this, just lie with your back on the ball and try to reach your palms to the floor. Be careful, it’s not so easy to control yourself on the ball, the projectile can roll away, so someone needs to belay.
  5. Do various stands - birch tree, headstand, handstand. Birch is stretching your legs up with support on your elbows while lying on your back, supporting your back with your palms. Do a headstand and handstand against a wall, it’s not difficult.

How to avoid getting injured while swimming

Everything is very simple. In order to avoid injury, you should warm up thoroughly before each workout. Acrobatics itself allows the body to be more plastic and flexible, but without proper and necessary warm-up the risk of injury is quite high.

How to avoid getting injured while swimming

It often happens that when you used to do acrobatics, but quit for a while, then it is very difficult to return to your former form. Already experienced athletes often get injured due to the fact that after a long pause they try to immediately take on the most difficult elements, because they once succeeded.

It's no secret that in any type of activity, it is very difficult after a long pause to repeat some of your high achievements. Obviously, we need to go back a couple of steps. This does not mean that it is necessary to start from the beginning, but it is worth completing one of the elements that come out and repeating the training cycle.

The second lesson will go faster than the first. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to start from the beginning. Everything that is not brought to automaticity is worth repeating and repeating.

Let's draw conclusions on how to start swimming correctly

Acrobatics can be practiced at any age and with any physical training, because this sport develops the body, strengthens it, and also has a positive effect on character, eliminates fears, and teaches one to develop gradually.

Let's draw conclusions on how to start swimming correctly

But don’t forget that if your level of training is low, you don’t need to prove something to someone, you need to prove to yourself first that you are capable of starting from the very bottom. If you are not yet confident in your abilities, acrobatics for beginners is just the thing.


Twine is useful for various elements, for example, for stands or flips, wheels, rands.

First you need to do a warm-up - warm up your neck, back, groins. Then you need to do preparatory exercises - we sit on our legs so that one is bent and the other is straight so that the thigh touches the calf, the angle should be 130 - 140 degrees. Then we begin to smoothly move from side to side. It will be difficult at first, so spread out the exercise over several days.

Make the exercise more difficult - do rolls with the body turning. Sit like this for about 15 seconds on one leg, then on the other. Then start making folds to the side. If you do the exercise for several days, the groins will stretch. There is no need to be afraid of pain, it is stretched muscles, or as athletes say, sore throat. After a while, start doing real splits.

What dangers await beginners? You may pull your groin and get a lingering feeling of pain. There will be pain even when you learn to do the splits - for example, after a long break or without proper warm-up.

There is also a danger of muscle rupture in the groin area; the symptom is the inability to walk, it is difficult to move the leg. This problem can occur due to sudden movements, so train smoothly.

The bridge is useful for other gymnastic exercises, for example, a tempo flip. The bridge is used not only in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, but also in acrobatics and complex choreography.

The bridge requires a different warm-up than other elements. The back is an important part of a person, so you need to be careful with it.


Making a bridge:

    1. We lie on our backs, pull our feet to the pelvis, place our hands near our heads with our fingers facing our feet and straighten up.
  • After this exercise, continue at the wall - stand with your back to the wall, a distance of about one meter and smoothly lower yourself so that your hands walk along the wall. We also rise smoothly after our hands touch the floor.
  • After the back is sufficiently stretched, we make a bridge without a wall.

Place something soft under your head and back, maybe a blanket or a large pillow, or maybe a gymnastics mat.

Possible injuries - you can strain your back on the bridge if you don't warm up or do the exercise too abruptly. The back muscles can hurt for a long time and severely, because there are about five hundred of them.

A handstand is a seemingly simple exercise, but in fact it is a complex gymnastic element that is needed in acrobatics and sports dance choreography.

In a stance, the main thing is to find support - a center over which you need to hold the body. Of course, depending on your preparation, the stand can be done against a wall or without support.

First, we do a light warm-up, then do some preliminary exercises:

  • fold to stretch your back;
  • headstand to feel support.

Then we approach the wall, take a step so that the front leg is bent at an angle of 120 degrees. We bend over, place our hands on the floor near the wall (fingers touching the wall), bend over, throw back our back leg and stand on our hands. The second option is to stand with your back to the wall and stand on your hands, placing your feet against the wall. Then we move our hands closer to the support.

When you are confident in your abilities, do it without a wall, but not far from the wall in case you fall, then you can rest against it, this is a kind of insurance.

Completely independent handstand, we find a fulcrum (we are looking for balance ourselves), we need to tense our back and tighten our legs.

These tricks for beginners can be supplemented with similar ones - a split in the air, a bridge with a split flip and many others, it all depends on your preparation and desire.

It would be more correct to call this page “Acrobatics for Beginners”

Here are video lessons
Lesson “Acrobatics for children”

, like
“acrobatics for adults
,” in sports schools it is built on the same principle:
muscle strengthening
, and only after all this set the most interesting part begins -
! Unfortunately, there is not much time and energy left for this. And I really want to learn quickly! It's the same at home! Once and...But you need to be careful with this. If you are no longer children, then warming up is simply necessary for you, adults. Let it be short but intense. In everything else, you can be like children.

Children usually really enjoy tumbling, especially if they think that they are doing well and will also be praised. You should not insist on precise execution of the movement. To begin with, quantity is important. Children should feel how agile and dexterous they can be in movement.

Lesson 2

Backward somersaults are a little more difficult, but children can do them with pleasure if they build a “slide”. And in the company of a friend they also have fun.

Headstand Before you start learning this exercise, prepare the place, place pillows on all sides to make the fall more comfortable.

Lesson 4

You can start this exercise only after you have mastered the “forward somersault” and “headstand” well. In this case, the exercise is successful almost immediately, which makes the children very happy. Well, for parents, if they decide to keep their children company and do acrobatics with them, it helps to avoid unnecessary falls and injuries.

Lesson 5

This lesson is a little more difficult than the previous ones. In children, this is achieved by repeated repetition “playfully.” You should not tell the child that this is a complex movement. The game is as follows: - stand on the side of the mattress and extend your arm over it, palm down - invite the child to touch your palm, located above the mattress, with his feet while rolling back. This kind of “bar” should seem achievable to the child. Raise the outstretched hand gradually, as the child achieves results, until you see that after a somersault he comes into a headstand.

If the body is not physically prepared, this movement can take much longer in adults. Just repeating it “you won’t take it” over and over again. Unpleasant sensations may appear in the area of ​​the cervical vertebra. Make a small number of attempts each day while continuing to work on strengthening your body.

Don't be discouraged if this Handstand movement doesn't work out right away, or even after a week. In my practice, there have been cases when the movement “with half a sin” was mastered after more than a year. If you are in the same position where your arms have never done any physical activity in your life, know that now you are primarily strengthening your arms. With each attempt to rise to your hands, your body will become stronger and stronger, and your arms will become stronger and stronger.

Even if you stay for a long time on this element, then all other movements that will be built on the basis of this will be much easier for you!

Lesson 7.

Handstand with transition to somersault. Before you start learning this exercise, you must be able to do a forward roll and a handstand. If these two exercises are already well learned, then the seventh lesson will be very easy for you!

Back somersault into a handstand. Usually, for learning, we use the option with an exit through the head. Although in artistic gymnastics they go directly to their hands. Before we start learning it, we must already be good at doing a back somersault, a headstand, a handstand and a kind of squeeze from a headstand to a handstand. Then we connect the movement. The headstand is a passing movement. We don't stand on our heads or stay in a headstand. The weight of the body should not rest on the head at any moment. Although at first it is inevitable.

Here I will show another version of the lesson for little ones. If you are a parent and want to spend as much time as possible with your own children, these lessons are a great solution. Here the boy, his full name is Alessandro, is studying with Lorenzo, who is 14 years old. Ale has been training for about a year, 2 times a week. We study at home and do not demand from the child more than what he wants to give. It's a game for him.

Learning to make a bridge.

We start by lying on our back. Bring your arms and legs as close to your body as possible: feet to the buttocks, palms on the floor on the sides of the head next to the ears. Raise your torso with your stomach up. We bend the body as much as possible. We hold this position for 10 seconds, after which we lower ourselves.

The video shows further training in a certain sequence.

If you are a parent, then secure your child by standing at his side, extending one hand under the arched back and placing the other on the child's lap. No need to touch from the very beginning. Only when the child loses his balance by bending backwards or relaxes his knees.

Of course, nothing bad will happen if the child is protected by pillows.

If the child feels your hand from the very beginning, he will definitely try to lean on it.

There is one more important point. When learning a bridge from a standing position, do not forget to stretch your arms from the very beginning when lowering down. Otherwise you'll land on your head. And it's not very pleasant!

After we have learned to stand on the bridge from a standing position, we begin to learn how to rise from the bridge to a vertical position. To do this, from a position on the bridge, you need to consciously push the entire hip part forward, while removing the weight of the body from your arms. At the same time, you need to keep your legs strong, controlling your knees, which should not relax.

To remove excess weight from the upper body, we move our arms through the bottom, and not as in the final version, which is performed with raised arms.

by with.

Many of us think that a sport such as acrobatics is an art that must be learned from early childhood, and in a more mature age it is practically impossible to comprehend it. There is no doubt that it is much easier for children to do acrobatics, since they do not have a lot of fears, and it is easier for them to perform this or that trick from a psychological point of view.

In addition, the younger generation has good flexibility and plasticity, which indicates that they will need slightly less time to learn the exercise. Despite all of the above, many experts say that it is never too late to learn acrobatics. Acrobatics for beginners – that’s what we’ll talk about today. Go.

So, in order to learn how to do acrobatic tricks you will need:

  • Wish.
    This is an important point in “studying”, because without desire, you will never achieve good results.
  • Qualified trainer.
    It is a good acrobatics coach who will be able to choose for you exactly those lessons or exercises that will have a beneficial effect on the development of your “weak points.” And if you think that your movements are too awkward, and you cannot do even the simplest exercises, then only with the help of a well-trained trainer you will be able to do something that you could not even dream of before, and it does not matter whether you are 25 years old or 35.
  • Don't listen to anyone.
    There is an opinion that acrobatics is a very traumatic art. In reality, this is not at all the case, and the likelihood of getting any injury is practically absent. As a rule, lessons for beginners involve exercises that are aimed at carefully studying individual elements, and the simplest ones that anyone can comprehend. And only when the exercises become automatic, the coach begins to give more complex lessons, and if he is not sure that you are completely ready for them, then he will not put you in danger.

These are all the basic rules that need to be taken into account by people who strive to comprehend this art. Believe me, there is nothing difficult to learn how to do individual elements by carefully studying acrobatics lessons for beginners. These exercises will help you not only get your body in good physical shape, but also get rid of numerous fears, gain self-confidence, develop the vestibular system and acquire new skills in this area.

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