Milk mushrooms are considered favorites among conditionally edible mushrooms.
Usually these fruiting bodies are prepared for preservation in the form of pickling. Salting milk mushrooms is usually carried out in two ways: cold and hot. Recipes and their step-by-step descriptions will tell you how to properly pickle milk mushrooms in a quick way.

You can salt conditionally edible milk mushrooms in enamel pans, wooden barrels, and also in glass jars. Quick ways to prepare milk mushrooms for the winter are the most popular and in demand among every thrifty housewife. However, before pickling, mushrooms must be properly processed.

  • After collection, they are cleaned of dirt and the film from the caps is scraped off with a kitchen sponge or toothbrush.
  • Cut the stems in half, wash them in plenty of water and fill them with clean cold water.
  • Soak for 2 to 5 days, depending on the type of milk mushrooms, while regularly (3 to 5 times) changing the water so that the mushrooms do not turn sour.

So, we offer 6 ways to quickly pickle milk mushrooms: 3 - cold, 3 - hot. These options will help even an experienced housewife enrich her culinary experience.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a quick way with cherry and currant leaves

The recipe for quick cold preparation of salted milk mushrooms is quite simple, because it uses the only preservative - salt. This option will help you fully experience the taste of milk mushrooms.

  • 5 kg of soaked milk mushrooms;
  • 250-300 g salt;
  • cherry and currant leaves.

A quick way to pickle milk mushrooms is prepared according to a step-by-step description.

After the soaking process, the milk mushrooms are washed well in running water, cut into pieces and placed on a wire rack to drain.

In an enamel pan, lay the leaves on the bottom, then lay out the milk mushrooms, sprinkling each layer with salt. It is important to take a preservative without iodine content so that the mushrooms do not turn black.

A lid without a handle or a plate of smaller volume is placed on top and pressed down with a weight so that the mushrooms are slightly compressed. After 3 days, the mushrooms begin to secrete juice, which, when mixed with salt, becomes brine. Once a day, for 3 days, mix the milk mushrooms in a container.

Mushrooms are placed in sterilized jars, laid in dense layers so that there are no “air” pockets.

Fill with brine, close with screw-on or nylon lids and take out to the basement.

After 20-25 days, the milk mushrooms can be prepared for serving: rinse, season with vegetable oil and green onions, stir.

An old recipe for quick cold salting of milk mushrooms

This old recipe for quickly salting milk mushrooms in a cold way will help preserve the collected mushrooms for the long winter. Although soaking lasts from 2 to 5 days, pickling itself is a very quick process. The ingredients in the recipe are the most common, but the end result is an incredibly tasty and aromatic dish.

  • 5 kg of soaked mushrooms;
  • 300 g salt;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 dill umbrellas;
  • 8-10 bay leaves;
  • 15 black peppercorns.

A quick method of salted milk mushrooms is prepared according to the step-by-step instructions described below.

  1. Rinse the soaked milk mushrooms in plenty of water and place on a wire rack to drain excess liquid.
  2. Pour a thin layer of salt into prepared sterilized jars.
  3. Apply a layer of milk mushrooms so that it does not exceed 5 cm.
  4. Sprinkle salt, chopped garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaves and dill umbrellas on top.
  5. Lay out the milk mushrooms, sprinkling each layer with preservative and other spices, to the very top.
  6. After filling the jars, compact the mushrooms with your hands and close with nylon lids.
  7. After a day, the mushrooms release juice, which becomes brine when mixed with salt.
  8. Place in the basement or refrigerate for 25-30 days. After the set time, the mushrooms will be ready to eat.

How to avoid fermentation of milk mushrooms

Saving sour canned food is a thankless and dangerous task. It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Compliance with the recipe and sterility will avoid fermentation of the product.

If you overdo it with herbs, onions and other spices, the mushrooms are guaranteed to sour

To reduce the likelihood of pickles going missing, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before pickling, the fruiting bodies are thoroughly washed, cleaned and soaked. However, even at this stage problems may arise. It happens that milk mushrooms turn sour when soaked in plain water. An error is a violation of technology. When soaking, change the water every 4-5 hours, do not allow it to stagnate.
  2. After harvesting, the harvest is stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 day. If the mushrooms are peeled, no more than 3 hours.
  3. Jars and lids are thoroughly washed with water and soda, rinsed, sterilized by steam or inside the oven.
  4. The quantity of ingredients used is as prescribed in the recipe.
  5. Even with a strong adoration of onions, their presence in preservation is minimized. It causes fermentation.
  6. During sorting, each mushroom is checked for freshness. Suspicious fruiting bodies are disposed of.
  7. Pickles are stored in a cool, dark place. For preservation, the permissible temperature is no higher than + 10 °C. If the milk mushrooms are not rolled up, but covered with nylon lids for quick consumption, they are placed in the refrigerator.
  8. Canned milk mushrooms can be stored for up to 1 year. Even if they have not fermented, it is better to throw away the old seaming.

To ensure that you do not get poisoned by mushrooms, after opening the jar, they are fried or stewed before use.

How to properly salt milk mushrooms in a quick way

Salting milk mushrooms in a quick way is one of the best options for thrifty housewives.

This appetizer will be a good and tasty addition to the holiday table, as well as a regular family dinner.

  • 5 kg of soaked milk mushrooms;
  • 250-300 g salt;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 5-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 horseradish leaves;
  • 8 dill umbrellas.

A step-by-step description of the recipe will show you how to properly salt milk mushrooms in a quick way.

  1. The bottom of the sterilized jars is covered with chopped horseradish leaves.
  2. Pour a layer of salt and lay out the pre-soaked milk mushrooms, caps down.
  3. Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with salt, dill umbrellas, cloves and chopped garlic.
  4. The top layer is covered with horseradish leaves, covered with gauze and a weight is placed on the mushrooms.
  5. Cover the structure with a kitchen towel on top to prevent dirt from getting into the jars, and take it to the basement.
  6. Mushrooms prepared using the quick pickling method can be eaten within 30 days.

If you want the fruiting bodies to pickle faster, blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes before putting them in jars.

Quick salting of milk mushrooms using a hot method: recipe for salting mushrooms with garlic

A recipe for quick cooking of salted milk mushrooms using a hot method has many advantages.

First, mushrooms after boiling do not have bitterness or unpleasant odor. Second, hot pickling is considered a safer way to prepare conditionally edible mushrooms, which you and your friends will definitely enjoy.

  • 4 kg of milk mushrooms (soaked);
  • 200-250 g salt;
  • ½ tsp. citric acid;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 5 peas each of allspice and black pepper;
  • 2 tsp. dill seeds;
  • 15 black currant leaves.

To quickly pickle milk mushrooms using a hot method, use the recipe description below.

  1. Pre-soaked milk mushrooms are poured with water and brought to a boil.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes and add 1 tbsp. l. salts and citric acid.
  3. Continue cooking for 15 minutes and constantly remove the foam from the surface.
  4. Place in a colander and leave in this position to drain, shaking occasionally.
  5. Pour a thin layer of salt into sterilized jars, throw in a few peas of allspice and black pepper, and a few dill seeds.
  6. Distribute the milk mushrooms in a layer of no more than 6 cm, sprinkle with salt and chopped garlic.
  7. Distribute all the main product and spices in jars, compacting each layer.
  8. Carefully pour boiling water over and leave for 30 minutes until all the air comes out of the cans.
  9. Seal with screw or nylon lids, leave in the room until completely cooled and take out to a cold basement.
  10. After 30-35 days, the milk mushrooms will be completely salted and can be placed on the table as an independent dish.

Species diversity

Common milk mushrooms:

  • real (white, raw, wet, right) - considered the most delicious;
  • black (nigella) - a brown or almost black mushroom that accelerates metabolism;
  • peppery - has a hot taste; in the Caucasus it is dried, ground into powder and used as an analogue of hot pepper;
  • felt (violin, skripun) - the most caustic of all laticifers, and therefore requires the longest processing;
  • camphor - an inedible variety that emits a strong camphor smell;
  • bluish (dog, golden-yellow lilac) - its white milky juice turns yellow in the air; has antibacterial activity against staphylococcal infections;
  • red-brown (euphorbia, milkweed) - completely devoid of bitterness, but is becoming less common; features a unique set of plant steroids.

It is important for inexperienced mushroom pickers to know the main differences.


The real milk mushroom is often confused with the felt or squeaky milk mushroom (Lactárius velléreus).

The white milk mushroom has a frill in the form of a fringe on the cap, and the flesh on the break has a yellowish tint. The violin has no frill and the fruiting body is milky white with a cap diameter of 6–25 cm. But if it ends up in a dish with other mushrooms, nothing bad will happen.

When chewing, you feel an unpleasant creak on the teeth, which is why this name has stuck.

In Chinese medicine, skripun is used externally to treat lumbago, pain and numbness in the limbs, diseases of the bones and tendons.

In pharmacology, the alcoholic extract of these mushrooms exhibits anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity.


Camphor milkweed (Lactarius camphoratus) grows on moist, mossy soils and rotten trees.

The cap is reddish-brown, up to 7 cm in diameter; in young mushrooms it is convex, in mature ones it is concave and funnel-shaped. The pulp is brown, darkens when broken, but the milky juice that comes out does not change color.

Attention! The mushroom is unsuitable for food: the muscarine it contains (as in the red fly agaric) is resistant to heat treatment and can cause poisoning.

The mushroom has a distinct camphor smell, so it is difficult to confuse it with edible species. Older fruiting bodies may have a persistent coconut odor.


Pepper milk mushroom, or false mushroom (Lactárius piperátus), is another doppelgänger of the white mushroom, a conditionally edible mushroom. Suitable for food after careful processing.

It has a peppery taste, hence the name. You can get rid of the sharpness only by soaking it for a long time.

Unlike real milk mushrooms, the pepper cap (5-25 cm in diameter) is always dry, without mucus and fringe at the edges. Milky juice quickly changes color to olive when exposed to air, while real juice is always white.

In Chinese medicine it is used to relieve muscle cramps.

In Russia, the milky juice of this mushroom has been used for a long time to remove warts and compresses against purulent conjunctivitis. In the 19th century, they even tried to treat tuberculosis with pepper milk, but to no avail.

In Slavic folk medicine, mushrooms fried in butter were used to treat kidney and gallstones.


White, or true milk mushroom (Lactárius résimus), is the most beloved among the people. The cap is white, in adult mushrooms with a yellowish tint, with a diameter of 10–25 cm. It is covered with mucus even in dry weather, and there is a fringe-like fluff on its edges. The pulp is white, changing color to gray or yellowish when cut. The smell is pleasant.

Inhabits coniferous and mixed forests of the Urals, Volga region, and Siberia from late July to October.

Along with porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletus and champignons, it belongs to category 1 mushrooms (the best, by consumer standards, gifts of the forest).

White milk mushroom is useful for:

  • colds (cleanses the lungs and bronchi);
  • urolithiasis (removes salts);
  • diabetes mellitus (regulates blood sugar).

Like all mushrooms, it can cause harm in the form of gastrointestinal upset. It should not be eaten by those with liver or stomach diseases, children or pregnant women.

But here’s what’s strange: in Russian folk medicine, young fruiting bodies boiled without adding salt are used specifically to treat stomach ailments.


Black milk mushroom, or nigella (Lactárius nécator), loves coniferous forests with birch thickets.

The cap of a young mushroom is convex, with age it becomes funnel-shaped, with a diameter of 6–20 cm. The color is difficult to determine: it varies from brown to black-green. Concentric circles on the cap are often visible. The pulp is light; juice is released at the breaking point, darkening upon contact with air. The leg is several shades lighter. The plates are creamy and darken in areas of damage.

Speeds up metabolism, helps lose weight, contains vitamins B and PP.

It has no poisonous counterparts.

Carefully! Nigella is a heavy food that often causes diarrhea. They actively accumulate radionuclides, so you should not abuse them.

A quick way to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method: recipe with description

Your repertoire of recipes for winter preparations must include a quick method for hot-salting milk mushrooms. This snack option will serve as a separate dish for the holiday table or as an additional ingredient in salads.

  • 5 kg of milk mushrooms (soaked);
  • 300 g salt;
  • 10 g allspice;
  • 10 g bay leaf;
  • 2 tsp. mustard seeds

A step-by-step description will help you salt milk mushrooms using a quick method.

  1. After soaking, add the mushrooms to boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.
  2. Remove and place in a colander to drain.
  3. Combine mushrooms and all recipe ingredients in a saucepan and stir.
  4. Place an inverted plate on top, cover with gauze and press down with a weight.
  5. Place it on the balcony or take it to the basement for 3 weeks.
  6. Place the mushrooms in sterilized jars, pour in brine from the pan and close with tight nylon lids.

If the mushrooms turn out to be over-salted, don’t worry, it’s easy to fix. The milk mushrooms are soaked for 2 hours and washed in cold boiled water.

The mushrooms were over-salted. What to do if the mushrooms are over-salted?

The mushrooms were over-salted. What to do if the mushrooms are over-salted?

If the mushrooms are too salty, you can simply overcook them or cook mushroom soup. If these are pickled mushrooms, then you can either add them to other dishes, salads for example, or digest and re-marinate them.

Mushrooms that are over-salted during canning can simply be soaked in cold water, periodically changing the water every 20-30 minutes. The mushrooms will significantly lose their saltiness. However, the taste itself will suffer a little. Therefore, to serve such mushrooms to the table, you need to add a little vinegar (citric acid), vegetable oil, and onions.

If they are pickled or salted, then simply soak them in cold water for two hours before using them, changing the water every half hour, then pour in vegetable oil, chop an onion in there, the salt will not be so noticeable. Well, if during frying, then add potatoes.

If they are too salty, you can boil them again, 15-20 minutes is enough, I think. And if they are just a little over-salted, I mask this a little by adding a lot of chopped onions and seasoning them with flavored vegetable oil. You can also boil some potatoes to go with it, a little under-salted.

Rinse them carefully with warm boiled water. You can re-marinate them. You can fry them with potatoes without adding salt. The salad can be made with vegetables. Or place them on the table with an under-salted dish.

If the mushrooms are too salty, then you need to add something unsalted to them.

If we are talking about mushroom soup, then you can add grated carrots, rice, soaked pearl barley and cook some more. And add sour cream to the finished soup.

If we are talking about fried mushrooms, then you can add sour cream or cream, lightly fried flour. Simmer in a frying pan. You can prepare portioned julienne by placing it in molds.

Another way is to fry the potatoes and add mushrooms at the end of cooking.

If you add a little rice to the salted mushrooms, you can make a filling for pies. Salt should be added to the dough, but in small quantities.

You can make pasta with mushrooms. To the over-salted mushrooms you need to add a large amount of fried onions until golden brown. Mix. Add olive oil and boiled pasta; when cooking pasta, add just a little salt to the water.

Over-salted mushrooms can be added when preparing the main dish, which does not need to be salted or less salt should be used. For example, add them when frying potatoes, in salads, soups, baked goods, or stew them in low-fat and unsalted sour cream.

But with pickled mushrooms it’s a little more complicated; they need to be soaked before use, constantly changing the water, or dilute the marinade with water (but if the mushrooms are only slightly salted).

But personally, I would use over-salted pickled mushrooms to prepare other dishes and wouldn’t bother with over-salting, I’d just put less salt in the marinade next time.

The best way out is not to use them as food, since they are a product in the guna of ignorance. Pure fiber that is not absorbed by the body. And it has a harmful effect on consciousness. Plunging him into laziness, sleep and ignorance. In addition, mushrooms collect all the poisons. Some mushrooms can only be eaten once, for example fly agarics. Or pale toadstools.

And in onions and garlic, scientists have counted up to twenty-two types of slow-acting poisons.

So think for yourself. To be or not to be? To eat or not to eat?

Food dear to those who are in virtue increases life expectancy, purifies their existence and gives strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such food is juicy, oily, healthy and pleasant to the heart.

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Bhagavad Gita Chapter seventeen. Verse eight.

If you have prepared some kind of dish from mushrooms, then I always add sour cream to the mushrooms, or lightly rinse the fried mushrooms, you won’t hear any salt afterwards, and put them back in the frying pan and heat them up slightly.

If you over-salted the mushrooms when cooking, then add sour cream when frying, it will absorb the salt and the mushrooms will not be salty.

Before eating, salted mushrooms must be thoroughly boiled, if the mushrooms are highly salted, then twice. Then drain the water, rinse again in water and you can safely eat. The taste of salt will become weaker. You can add onions to the mushrooms, season with sunflower oil, and you will have a delicious dish. Bon appetit.

It depends on what you are supposed to cook from mushrooms. The first thing that comes to mind is that you can soak them, and if the mushrooms are too salty, then you need to boil them a little, throwing in the potatoes, potatoes draw salt from any food, this is an old-fashioned method.

If you have prepared some kind of dish from mushrooms, then I always add sour cream to the mushrooms, or lightly rinse the fried mushrooms, you won’t hear any salt afterwards, and put them back in the frying pan and heat them up slightly.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a marinade with spices in a quick way

A recipe for quick salting of milk mushrooms using a hot method allows you to prepare a delicious snack. The speed of preparation in this option will depend on the process of boiling the mushrooms.

  • 3 kg of milk mushrooms (soaked);
  • 150 g salt;
  • 5-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated horseradish;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 6 peas each of black and white peppers.
  1. Place the soaked milk mushrooms in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove to a wire rack or colander and let drain. While the mushrooms are draining, you can prepare a quick marinade.
  3. A quick way to marinade for milk mushrooms is prepared as follows: combine salt and all the suggested spices in water (1 liter) and let it boil.
  4. Add milk mushrooms and boil in marinade for 15 minutes.
  5. Distribute into jars, press down with a spoon and fill with brine. To be more sure that the mushrooms do not become moldy, add 2 tbsp to each jar. l. calcined vegetable oil.
  6. We close it with screw or nylon lids, leave it in the room to cool completely, and take it out to the cold cellar.
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