When you have a cold, your chest and lower abdomen hurt

Painful sensations in the abdomen are a problem that worries many representatives of the fairer sex. Often, when it occurs, women do not turn to a specialist, but self-medicate. This is not recommended, since such pain can be not only functional, but also indicate the presence of back problems, the development of gynecological or acute surgical pathology. That is why, if sudden, intense pain occurs with fever and deterioration in general condition, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


During a visit to a specialist, a patient who is bothered by discomfort below the navel should tell in detail about the nature and intensity of the pain, the factors that provoke or intensify it. This will help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe appropriate studies to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Pain in the abdominal area can be associated with organic (usually pathological) or functional causes.

Such sensations often accompany various diseases:

Among the functional reasons for the appearance of discomfort are: cycle disruptions, dysfunctional bleeding and blood stagnation when the uterus is bent.

Representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age may experience pain during the days of ovulation. This is due to the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg, which is accompanied by the pouring of a small amount of fluid into the abdominal cavity. This condition is not a pathology, is short-term in nature and does not require specialized therapy.

Inflammation of the appendages during hypothermia, video

Gynecologist Natalya Moroz about inflammation of the appendages. Source - TUT.BY


Inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages: what's new? Kolesnichenko A. A. Inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages: what's new? // Young scientist. - 2020. - No. 22.1. — P. 14-17.

Pain that occurs before and after menstruation

Women often complain of discomfort, heaviness, and aching painful sensations in the lower abdomen that appear before menstruation. The cause of this symptom in girls is algomenorrhea, caused by the establishment of hormonal levels, growth and final formation of the organs of the reproductive system.

In older age, the appearance of such pain is associated with:

  • Deviations in the anatomical structure of the reproductive system (bending, bending of the uterus).
  • Chronic inflammation in the pelvis and adhesions.
  • Premenstral syndrome (imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone).
  • Endometriosis is a chronic pathology characterized by the proliferation of uterine epithelium on other organs. During menstruation, blood circulation increases in these areas, contributing to the formation of swelling and pain.

Cramping or dull, pressing pain in the abdomen and lower back are associated with sharp contractions of the uterus under the influence of prostaglandin hormones.

Important! Minor pain that occurs before and during menstruation may be present in a healthy woman due to the influence of changing hormonal levels. However, if the pain is intolerable, lasts longer than 3-4 days and is accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Women's colds: symptoms, characteristic signs and general characteristics

During the cold season, the female genitourinary system becomes vulnerable to low temperatures. Pain in the lower abdomen forces women to see a doctor. Timely diagnosis and medical care will help avoid a number of adverse consequences.

Causes of colds in women

Inflammatory processes

The development of the inflammatory process in the appendages, ovaries and bladder causes a number of unpleasant symptoms that affect the general well-being of a woman. In medical practice, there is no such disease as a female cold. This is the collective name for inflammation of the genitourinary system.

The nature of most diseases in women is infectious. This is how the body fights pathogenic microorganisms. Experts distinguish 2 forms of the disease: acute and chronic.

In the first case, the symptoms are pronounced and can manifest themselves in the form of high fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a general loss of vital energy.

The disease becomes chronic if you do not seek help from a specialist in time and do not carry out the necessary drug treatment.

One of the causes of colds in women is hypothermia. It can occur due to wearing light clothing in the cold season, swimming in icy or cool water. Diseases can occur for the following reasons:

  • poor personal hygiene
  • use of contraceptive intrauterine devices
  • the presence of other inflammatory processes in the body
  • damage to the genitourinary system
  • general weakening of the immune system
  • neuroendocrine disorder

Inflammation of the female genitourinary system: signs and symptoms

It is impossible to confuse the symptoms of an inflammatory process in the bladder, ovaries or appendages with a simple malaise. The symptoms of a cold in women have a number of characteristic differences:

  • Constant urge to urinate, which may be accompanied by cutting pain.
  • Drawing or sharp pain in the lower back, ovaries, thighs. They may intensify after exercise. Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain during sexual intercourse. If the disease has become chronic, a woman should limit sex to certain positions.
  • High body temperature.
  • The irregular nature of menstruation, or its complete absence.
  • Vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor and is yellow or green in color.
  • Presence of vomiting or nausea.
  • Loss of appetite, general loss of energy, drowsiness.

Such manifestations cannot be ignored. This can negatively affect a woman's reproductive function. Doctors note that the consequences of improper treatment are manifested in ectopic pregnancy, adhesions of the fallopian tubes and pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back or leg, which can only be relieved with strong painkillers.

How to cure a cold like a woman: a review of effective remedies

Timely help for your health will help you avoid adverse consequences for the whole body. It is better to start treatment in the early stages, with the appearance of the first, even the most minor symptoms.

The selection of drugs and treatment procedures must be comprehensive and comprehensive.

A correctly designed treatment regimen should: eliminate pain, have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It should be remembered that local treatment may not be effective.

In order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, the overall immunity of the body should be increased and the blood detoxified.

Antibiotics are rightfully considered the most effective method of combating female colds. However, only a doctor can prescribe them after taking blood tests, isolation and testing for sensitivity to antibiotics.

The most common manifestations of colds in women are: adnexitis and cystitis. In complex cases, the diseases occur in parallel.


If it is not possible to see a specialist, and unpleasant symptoms interfere with a full life, you can purchase medications that relieve pain and improve well-being. But it is important to remember that before visiting a doctor you should stop taking them, otherwise they will distort the clinical picture and the specialist will not be able to determine a reliable diagnosis.

  1. Pimafucin suppositories, cream and tablets.
    They are used to treat diseases of a fungal nature, such as thrush or vaginal candidiasis. The medicine has low toxicity and is therefore not contraindicated for pregnant women. The choice of the form of the drug, its dosage and dosage regimen depend on the stage of the disease. Pimafucin suppositories
  2. Vaginal tablets Hexicon. Prescribed for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and colpitis. Used as a means for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes).
  3. Vaginal tablets Ginalgin are prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina, in particular urogenital trichomoniasis, vaginitis and vulvitis.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs based on indomethacin or diclofenac. This is a non-steroidal group of drugs that effectively fights women's colds. They have antipyretic and analgesic effects.
  5. Antibiotics. Amoxiclav is used to treat inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system. Quickly neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms - sources of infection. The antibiotic Cedex is available in capsule form. Affects the following pathogens: gonococci, streptococci, enterococci.

It is important to remember that when taking antibiotics, you should take care of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. At the same time, it is recommended to take medications to restore it.


Folk remedies are designed to enhance the effect of drug treatment, but they cannot cope with the disease on their own. The most popular are the following recipes:

  • Twice a day, after meals, drink half a glass of decoction of birch and alder bark. Will help reduce inflammation and get rid of aching pain. Kalina
  • Viburnum is a popular anti-inflammatory remedy. A decoction of its flowers should be taken 3 times daily. Method of preparation: pour 5 grams of dried flowers into 250 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort will help get rid of inflammation of the genitourinary system. In a 1:1 ratio (a tablespoon to a glass of water), the infusion should be boiled. Cooled broth - strain, divide into 4 equal portions, take 3 times a day.
  • A decoction of barberry root is widely used in folk medicine. For diseases of the female reproductive system, it is recommended to drink 0.5 liters of a decoction of 2 tablespoons of dried barberry root per day.
  • If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, take tincture of sweet clover. Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Citrus bomb: grate half a lemon or orange without removing the peel, add sugar. Eat 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile tincture will help in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the appendages. Recipe: 6 grams of dried herb, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Before use, you need to strain the infusion. Give them vaginal douching. The aching pain will stop immediately.
  • An infusion of blueberry leaves can be used as an antiseptic and analgesic. Recipe: 1 teaspoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  • Raw pumpkin is an assistant in the fight against women's colds. You can drink pumpkin juice or just nibble on a vegetable.
  • Blue cornflower infusion has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect. Recipe: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation: recommendations

During the treatment process, complete sexual abstinence is necessary. This will help speed up the healing process. It is advisable to treat the sexual partner as well to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Complex treatment will allow you to forget about the unpleasant and dangerous female cold forever. After an intensive course of treatment, you should undergo restorative therapy, take control tests and undergo an ultrasound.

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Aug 7, 2017Violetta Lekar

Source: https://VseLekari.com/bolezni/ginekologija/prostuda-po-zhenski-simptomy.html

Pain during intercourse

Experts use the term dyspareunia to describe the occurrence of discomfort or pain during or after sex. Unpleasant symptoms (constant or cyclical) can be observed in the area of ​​the labia majora and minora, vagina, above the pubis, and in the lower back. Their nature and intensity varies from minor, nagging symptoms to unbearable and acute symptoms that force partners to interrupt sexual intercourse.

The most common causes of this discomfort are:

Often, discomfort during sex is associated with psychological reasons, such as unpreparedness for sexual intercourse, painful and traumatic experiences, mistrust between partners, subconscious fear of pregnancy or infections. In this case, a psychologist will help get rid of the problem.

Important! Very often, dyspareunia is the first sign of diseases of the pelvic organs, which without treatment can lead to serious problems (chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, infertility). Only a doctor can identify the cause of pain during sex and prescribe appropriate treatment (medication or psychotherapy) after a thorough examination.

Stomach pain when bending forward

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Acute pain in the stomach that occurs when bending forward is familiar to all people. Its reasons are quite varied. It can be caused by both pathological processes occurring in the main digestive organ and diseases of other organs located in close proximity to the stomach.

This article will discuss the main causes of pain when bending forward and accompanying symptoms.

In addition, special attention should be paid to methods of dealing with pain and the sequence of actions when it occurs.

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Consultations in personal messages and by telephone NOT provided.

About treatment in absentia In accordance with Russian legislation (Article 70 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”), only the attending physician has the right to prescribe treatment .

“Making a diagnosis without an in-person examination of the patient is not only illegal, but also carries a direct threat of harm to the life and health of citizens. Remote monitoring of the patient’s health status is prescribed by the attending physician after an in-person appointment.” Roszdravnadzor.

Remote consultations are rarely possible in full, especially if there are no test results.

There are many diseases that give similar symptoms, so an accurate diagnosis can only be made during examination at a consultation.

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Remote consultation, in some cases, can be facilitated by the presence of:

R-images, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging images (if available)

Painful sensations in the abdomen are a problem that worries many representatives of the fairer sex. Often, when it occurs, women do not turn to a specialist, but self-medicate.

This is not recommended, since such pain can be not only functional, but also indicate the presence of back problems, the development of gynecological or acute surgical pathology.

That is why, if sudden, intense pain occurs with fever and deterioration in general condition, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


During a visit to a specialist, a patient who is bothered by discomfort below the navel should tell in detail about the nature and intensity of the pain, the factors that provoke or intensify it. This will help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe appropriate studies to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Pain in the abdominal area can be associated with organic (usually pathological) or functional causes.

Such sensations often accompany various diseases:

  • Pathologies of the reproductive system - inflammation of the ovaries, appendages, endometriosis, ovarian apoplexy, cyst, uterine fibroids.
  • “Acute abdomen” (appendicitis, peritonitis, cholecystitis).
  • Diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  • Disturbances in the course of normal pregnancy (threatened miscarriage, abortion, premature placental abruption), ectopic pregnancy (tubal rupture).
  • Condition after therapeutic and diagnostic gynecological manipulations (installation of an IUD, curettage).

Among the functional reasons for the appearance of discomfort are: cycle disruptions, dysfunctional bleeding and blood stagnation when the uterus is bent.

Representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age may experience pain during the days of ovulation. This is due to the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg, which is accompanied by the pouring of a small amount of fluid into the abdominal cavity. This condition is not a pathology, is short-term in nature and does not require specialized therapy.

Pain that occurs before and after menstruation

Women often complain of discomfort, heaviness, and aching painful sensations in the lower abdomen that appear before menstruation. The cause of this symptom in girls is algomenorrhea, caused by the establishment of hormonal levels, growth and final formation of the organs of the reproductive system.

In older age, the appearance of such pain is associated with:

  • Deviations in the anatomical structure of the reproductive system (bending, bending of the uterus).
  • Chronic inflammation in the pelvis and adhesions.
  • Premenstral syndrome (imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone).
  • Endometriosis is a chronic pathology characterized by the proliferation of uterine epithelium on other organs. During menstruation, blood circulation increases in these areas, contributing to the formation of swelling and pain.

Cramping or dull, pressing pain in the abdomen and lower back are associated with sharp contractions of the uterus under the influence of prostaglandin hormones.

Important! Minor pain that occurs before and during menstruation may be present in a healthy woman due to the influence of changing hormonal levels. However, if the pain is intolerable, lasts longer than 3-4 days and is accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Pain during intercourse

Experts use the term dyspareunia to describe the occurrence of discomfort or pain during or after sex.

Unpleasant symptoms (constant or cyclical) can be observed in the area of ​​the labia majora and minora, vagina, above the pubis, and in the lower back.

Their nature and intensity varies from minor, nagging symptoms to unbearable and acute symptoms that force partners to interrupt sexual intercourse.

The most common causes of this discomfort are:

  • Dryness in the vagina. With insufficient stimulation or imbalance of estrogen in the body.
  • The use of spermicides, intrauterine devices, and inappropriate COCs for contraception, the use of which interferes with the production of natural lubrication.
  • Cysts. Characterized by periodicity, pain appears in the middle of the cycle and before menstruation.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes and adhesions. “Adhesion” of structures and walls to each other in the small pelvis, which forms after infections and surgical interventions. Active movements during sexual contact cause a slight temporary displacement of the genital organs, which, in the presence of an adhesive process, leads to painful sensations.
  • In rare cases, fibroids and PCOS can lead to dull, pressing pain in the lower abdomen and lower back during sexual intercourse.

Often, discomfort during sex is associated with psychological reasons, such as unpreparedness for sexual intercourse, painful and traumatic experiences, mistrust between partners, subconscious fear of pregnancy or infections. In this case, a psychologist will help get rid of the problem.

Important! Very often, dyspareunia is the first sign of diseases of the pelvic organs, which without treatment can lead to serious problems (chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, infertility). Only a doctor can identify the cause of pain during sex and prescribe appropriate treatment (medication or psychotherapy) after a thorough examination.

Pain during pregnancy

Discomfort and painful sensations in the lower abdomen that occur during pregnancy frighten the expectant mother and force her to see a doctor to find out the cause of their occurrence. Weak, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or pathological discharge, is normal during pregnancy. It is associated with stretching of the myometrium and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall during fetal growth.

Pathological pain during pregnancy can occur at any stage:

  • Aching severe pain in the lower abdomen for up to 22 weeks, accompanied by bloody discharge, indicates a threat of miscarriage or an incipient abortion. If these manifestations occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who, after assessing the woman’s condition, will select the correct treatment tactics aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.
  • Sudden acute painful sensations, heavy bleeding, dizziness, pale skin indicate a possible premature abruption of the placenta. This serious condition threatens the life of the mother and child and therefore requires immediate hospitalization.
  • Sharp abdominal pain and loss of consciousness that occurs in a pregnant woman with a history of cesarean section or uterine surgery may occur due to rupture of the uterine scar. With this pathology, the woman must be hospitalized and operated on urgently.

The threat of miscarriage often accompanies women with increased uterine tone, the presence of scars remaining from previous manipulations on the uterus (cauterization, curettage, cesarean section), and hormonal imbalance. In this case, the expectant mother is recommended to take bed rest, take antispasmodics and hormonal medications as recommended by a doctor.

Abdominal pain after childbirth can be observed both normally and with a pathological inflammatory process in the uterus - endometritis. This pain syndrome is accompanied by fever, weakness, headache and the appearance of bloody-purulent discharge from the genital tract.

Important! After 20 weeks of pregnancy, some women may experience painful Braxton-Hicks contractions - irregular, irregular uterine contractions that train the organ for the upcoming birth.

The doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and carry out the necessary surgical treatment after carefully collecting complaints, anamnesis and a comprehensive examination.

  • In acute appendicitis, pain is localized in the right lower abdomen (iliac fossa). This pathology is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, nausea, vomiting once or twice, and a significant deterioration in health. The appearance of pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle, physical activity or medication.
  • Ovarian apoplexy is a rupture of the main follicle during ovulation, which is accompanied by vascular damage and massive bleeding into the peritoneum with the development of inflammation. Most often occurs between 12 and 16 days after the last menstruation. Accompanied by intense unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, decreased blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Requires urgent surgical intervention and transfusion therapy to replenish blood volume.
  • A ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy is manifested by severe pain in the affected area, radiating to the leg and lower back, increased heart rate, drop in pressure, and bleeding from the genital tract. These symptoms are caused by massive bleeding and painful shock.

Signs and methods of treating cold appendages

Every person at least once in his life was hypothermic, after which a cold and inflammation of internal organs occurred. The most dangerous and unpleasant condition for a woman is when she has a cold in her appendages, that is, the organs that perform the reproductive function in her body. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes leads to severe complications and even infertility.

Why does inflammation occur?

When a woman does not warm up well during the cold season, the risk of developing inflammatory processes increases. When hypothermia occurs, all the body's forces are spent on warming up, so its protective function is reduced. Viruses and bacteria can easily enter the body.

The infection can directly penetrate the woman's genitals and cause disease of the appendages. This form is called ascending. Or the inflammatory process penetrates to the ovaries and fallopian tubes through the blood and lymph from other organs in which the pathology has arisen.

In addition to hypothermia, there are other factors that increase the risk of developing inflammation in the appendages:

  • stress;
  • unprotected sex;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • overwork;
  • exhausting diets;
  • bad habits.


If a woman has a cold in her appendages, she can recognize it by the following symptoms:

  1. Abdominal pain. Most often - in the lower abdomen, can be unilateral or bilateral. The intensity of the pain can be different: strong, sharp, aching, pulling. It can be constant or have a paroxysmal character.
  2. Lower back pain. Drawing and constant, as during menstruation.
  3. When pressing on the abdomen, the woman feels tension in the internal organs and pain.
  4. Increased body temperature. In mild forms, about +37.4 ºC, in severe cases - +38.5 ºC and above.
  5. Weakness throughout the body, chills, headache.
  6. Frequent and painful urination. Changes in the amount of urine (it becomes less) and its color (it may become darker, there may be blood impurities).
  7. Changes in the amount and structure of vaginal discharge. There are more of them, they acquire a serous, sometimes purulent structure. Intermenstrual bleeding is observed.
  8. Itching and burning occur in the genitals.
  9. Sometimes signs of dyspepsia occur: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

When inflammation of the appendages is indolent, a woman may not feel obvious symptoms of the pathology. To determine the presence of this form, you must regularly visit a gynecologist.

What to do if you have a cold in your appendages

If a woman notices symptoms of inflammation of the appendages, she needs to go to the hospital. There she will have to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, have an ultrasound of the appendages, take a vaginal smear and a general blood test.

Based on the results of these studies, the gynecologist can diagnose “salpingoophoritis” or “adnexitis” - this means that the ovaries and fallopian tubes are frozen.

In mild forms, the disease is treated on an outpatient basis. The acute stage of the disease with complications requires constant doctor supervision of the patient, so it is better to go to the hospital.

A woman with inflamed appendages must remain in bed, follow all doctor's orders and adhere to a diet.

The treatment methods prescribed by the doctor consist of:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • restorative therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Drug therapy

The gynecologist prescribes antibiotics after the causative agent of inflammation is identified. The most popular are:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tsifran;
  • Sumamed;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Nolitsin.

These drugs are prescribed in a course that lasts 7–14 days.

Antibiotics should be taken strictly following the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. If you do not complete antibiotic therapy, the disease can become chronic.

The following medications will help relieve the inflammatory process:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesulide.

To relieve pain and swelling, the following is prescribed:

  • Loratadine;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Diphenhydramine.

To make the fight against bacteria more effective, it is necessary to use suppositories:

  • Polygynax;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Trichopolum.

To help a woman’s body recover faster, vitamins, dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies and hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic methods

After the acute process of inflammation has passed, the woman can begin treatment with physiotherapy.

The most effective methods are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • hydrotherapy

If inflammation of the appendages leads to an ovarian abscess, adhesions of the fallopian tubes, or accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity, then the patient will undergo surgical treatment.

Folk remedies

It is not recommended to treat inflammation of the appendages at home. However, there are folk remedies that will help a woman get rid of unpleasant symptoms faster:

  1. Inflamed appendages can be heated with rock salt, which relieves pain well. Before this, you need to heat it in a frying pan and wrap it in a towel. Before doing the procedure, you need to consult a doctor, since if there is an abscess in the female appendages, any heating is prohibited.
  2. Dried nut leaves need to be poured with boiling water and left for 4 hours. Drink the infusion 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Appendages can be cured by douching with herbal decoctions. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, yarrow, string, sage, oak bark and calendula.
  4. You can brew 50 mg of coltsfoot, thyme and oak bark in 1 liter of water. Drink 3-4 times a day after meals.

A patient with cold appendages needs to adhere to the following diet:

  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • remove sweet, fatty and smoked foods from the diet;
  • during an exacerbation, do not eat protein;
  • the diet should consist of fermented milk dishes, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Possible consequences

Inflammations that arise because a woman has a cold in her ovaries can lead to the following consequences:

  • adhesions and scars on the fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities;
  • abscess and necrosis of appendages;
  • removal of appendages;
  • infertility.

To prevent such complications, a woman needs to undergo complete treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist.


To prevent diseases of the appendages, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • during the cold season, protect the genitals and legs from the cold;
  • wear natural rather than synthetic clothing;
  • maintain genital hygiene;
  • avoid unprotected sex;
  • eat right and spend time actively in the fresh air;
  • eliminate bad habits from life.

Expectant mothers need to be especially careful. After all, pregnancy already reduces a woman’s immunity, so the body does not need unnecessary stress in the form of hypothermia.

Source: https://venerologia03.ru/matka-i-yaichniki/zastuzhennye-pridatki.html

Pain during physical exertion

In most cases, pain in the lower abdomen occurs in women when performing physical activity (fast walking, running, bending over, lifting weights). Their reasons most often are:

  • ICD, renal colic. With this pathology, sharp, unbearable pain appears above the pubis and in the lumbar region, radiating to the perineum, chills, fever, and difficulty urinating (urinary retention).
  • Pregnancy. In later stages, the growing uterus causes displacement and puts pressure on the organs surrounding it, which can lead to pain during exercise.
  • Pain that occurs when bending, squatting, or lifting heavy objects often accompanies spinal pathology, such as osteochondrosis.

There are many reasons that can lead to pain in the lower abdomen during physical activity, not all of them require medical intervention. Very often, unpleasant sensations are caused by a banal overstrain of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall after training.

It is important to know! Women, especially during pregnancy, should be attentive to their own health and, if abdominal pain occurs, consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to diagnose and treat the emerging pathology.

This video gives some tips on what to do if you have pain in your lower abdomen.

Abdominal pain has several dozen causes. The most common of them include diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines, and in women - diseases of the genital area.

I caught a cold like a woman: symptoms, treatment methods, consequences. Inflammation of the appendages in women

Perhaps the most common disease of the pelvic organs is inflammation of the appendages.

The cause of this condition is pathogenic microorganisms, which, under the influence of favorable factors (for example, a cold or hypothermia) begin to actively multiply.

If treatment is not carried out in time, various complications may occur. Therefore, it is very important to know the main symptoms of this condition.

Main causes

The inflammatory process in a woman’s appendages is called salpingoophoritis or adnexitis. This disease is considered infectious, since the causative agents are bacteria.

They can be sexually transmitted (gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas), and are permanent residents of the vaginal microflora, such as E. coli.

Typically, pathogenic microorganisms enter a woman’s genital area through the external genitalia and move toward the appendages through the fallopian tubes. A virus, such as the herpes virus or human papilloma virus, can also act as a provocateur of the disease.

If a certain effect is exerted on the body, the microbes begin to actively multiply, leading to the development of the inflammatory process.

Another route of infection is through blood or lymph. The most common sources of infection are the urinary tract, infectious diseases of the sigmoid colon, and appendix.

Provoking factors are:

  • poor hygiene;
  • promiscuity;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • gynecological interventions in a woman’s reproductive system, the most dangerous are abortions and the installation of IUDs;
  • reduced immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations.

Got a cold like a woman: symptoms

Inflammation can be acute or chronic. Since the symptoms are in many ways similar to other similar diseases, differential diagnosis and correct diagnosis are extremely important. It is necessary not to wait for the condition to worsen, but to consult a doctor immediately.

If a woman has a female cold, the symptoms of the disease are mainly constant aching pain in the lower abdomen and vaginal discharge. Elevated body temperature may be present or remain normal.

In the acute period, the temperature can rise to high levels, the woman becomes feverish. The pain can be sharp and bilateral. It sometimes radiates to the lower limbs and spine.

If a woman has a cold, the symptoms also manifest themselves in bloating, the presence of signs of intoxication in the form of general weakness, drowsiness, etc. Purulent or mucous formations are discharged from the vagina.

If treatment is not carried out on time, then after about two weeks the acute stage becomes chronic.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle, which usually manifests itself as a long delay in menstruation.
  2. After the onset of menstruation, the woman feels severe pain.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the rectum.
  4. Pain is also felt during intimacy.

What are the consequences of the disease

The most common consequences of inflammation of the appendages:

  • Infertility - this occurs due to disruption of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Since adhesions can form in a woman’s reproductive system, which prevent proper fertilization.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - in this case, the embryo is attached to the fallopian tube, and not in the uterus itself.

Other consequences include:

  • bleeding from the uterus.
  • anemorrhea – prolonged absence of menstruation.
  • accumulation of pus in the uterus.
  • hormonal imbalances.
  • decreased immune system.
  • sleep suffers, nervous disorders develop.

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the appendages in women are interrelated, and therapy depends on the intensity of the manifestations.

Basic principles of treatment of salpingoophoritis

If a woman has a cold like a woman, treatment should be early and timely. Otherwise, complications will develop that lead to scarring of the inflamed tissues and, as a result, the development of infertility.

The most dangerous state of the disease is the latent form. Due to its mild severity and absence of symptoms, the woman is in no hurry to see a doctor. However, the adhesive process can be started, making it impossible to conceive a child.


Before making a diagnosis of acute adnexitis, the doctor must collect an anamnesis - listen to the patient’s complaints, find out about the symptoms. After this, the woman is sent for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. To determine which pathogen led to the disease, bacteriological culture of the biological fluid is prescribed. Only after this can appropriate treatment be prescribed.


What to do if you have a cold like a woman? In severe cases, it becomes necessary to completely remove the inflamed appendages. This occurs with complicated purulent adnexitis.

But usually therapy is carried out in a hospital setting, where antibiotic treatment is used. Anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, immunostimulants, painkillers and antihistamines are prescribed as additional medications.

To prevent vaginal dysbiosis, antimycotic drugs are prescribed. As a local treatment, probiotics are used in the form of suppositories, and baths are made with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When severe symptoms subside, physical therapy is indicated. Often, when the appendages become inflamed, a disruption occurs in the menstrual cycle; in this case, hormonal agents are prescribed to restore it.


Depending on the severity of the disease, infusion therapy is used. In a hospital setting, intravenous drip administration of saline solution, hemodez and glucose is used.

Antibacterial therapy forms the basis of treatment; drugs are selected depending on the type of pathogen and wide spectrum of action.

The most commonly used drugs are penicillins or cephalosporins. These include “Amoxiclav”, “Ceftriaxone”.

If anaerobic bacteria are present, then synthetic drugs nitroimidazoles will be effective. These are “Metronidazole”, “Trichopol”. They are capable of suppressing the vital activity of both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as protozoa.

Regarding gram-positive bacteria, macrolites are effective drugs. They successfully eliminate infectious phenomena such as chlamydia and mycoplasma. Among the most popular drugs from this group are “Erythromycin”, “Azithromycin”, “Spiramycin”.

In order not to disturb the natural microflora inside the body, antifungal agents such as Nystatin and Diflucan should be taken along with antibiotics.

At the doctor's discretion, other antibiotics or even a combination of them may be used. If the drug is effective, it will be noticeable within 2-3 days. Typically, injections are used at the beginning of therapy, then you can switch to tablets.

Typically, anti-inflammatory drugs are taken in tablet form. Their goal is to eliminate pain and inflammation and improve blood supply to the pelvic organs. The most common medications from this group are Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Voltaren.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-climatic drugs include the following group of drugs: “Remens”, “Calcium gluconate”, etc. They help restore the body.


If a girl has caught a cold like a woman, then the following popular suppositories are used to relieve inflammation of the appendages:

  1. “Terzhinan.” Due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effects, suppositories effectively eliminate the causative agent of the disease.
  2. “Pimafucin.” This remedy not only relieves inflammation, but also fights fungus.
  3. “Betadine.” These anti-inflammatory suppositories can also be used to prevent infectious diseases. In addition, they are prescribed before surgery.

It is not recommended to use these medications on your own; only a doctor can determine the advisability of using suppositories.

In general, candles are divided into groups depending on their action:

  1. Absorbable. They dilute pus or blood clots and eliminate fungal formations. These include Betadine and Delacin.
  2. Antiseptic suppositories, for example, ichthyol.
  3. Suppositories with an immunomodulatory effect - they fight viruses and restore immunity. These are “Genferon”, “Viferon”, etc.

Stomach hurts at night

For an accurate diagnosis of gastritis and peptic ulcers, consult a doctor. He will order an endoscopic examination. But if, in addition to pain, you are worried about a lack of appetite and you are losing weight quickly, visit a doctor immediately.

If you feel such pain, it is advisable to follow a certain diet. It should be based on semi-liquid porridges and soups. You need to give up smoking, alcohol, black coffee, hot spices.

Medicines should be recommended by a doctor taking into account examination data. The fact is that in many cases the cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Accordingly, it is recommended to include antibiotics in the treatment regimen.

Stomach hurts after eating

With bloating due to excess gas formation, pain usually occurs after eating in the area around the navel, and the attacks are cramping in nature. In this case, the discomfort usually decreases after the gases pass. In case of flatulence or overeating, abdominal pain goes away on its own within a few hours.

In such situations, it is recommended to adjust your diet. You should not eat a lot, or indulge in sweets, fresh baked goods and legumes (peas, beans, lentils). If changing your diet does not help and the pain continues, you should consult a gastroenterologist. Irritable bowel syndrome also requires a course of treatment as prescribed by a doctor.

Stomach pain and diarrhea

Diarrhea is often the cause of abdominal pain. Most often it occurs with an intestinal infection. In this case, the peak of discomfort in the abdomen usually occurs during the urge to go to the toilet, and they are combined with an increase in body temperature. Abdominal pain due to food poisoning or intestinal infection usually affects the entire abdomen.

If the body temperature remains within normal limits, the combination of abdominal pain and diarrhea may also be caused by pancreatic insufficiency, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or mild intestinal infection.

If these symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately. Before consulting a doctor, you can take activated carbon or other adsorbents. Under no circumstances should you take antidiarrheal medications without a doctor's prescription. By stopping diarrhea, they can promote the absorption of bacterial toxins into the blood and worsen the condition.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent a problem than to suffer from its consequences later. It is worth constantly taking care of your health:

  • During the cold season, wear clothing that protects the pelvic area to prevent the appendages from getting cold.
  • After swimming, do not freeze, but take off wet underwear, which can cause hypothermia.
  • Follow personal hygiene recommendations.
  • Consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a genitourinary system disease.

Inflammation of the appendages and severe consequences of the disease can be avoided by following the listed rules.

Every person at least once in his life was hypothermic, after which a cold and inflammation of internal organs occurred. The most dangerous and unpleasant condition for a woman is when she has a cold in her appendages, that is, the organs that perform the reproductive function in her body. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes leads to severe complications and even infertility.

Pain in the right hypochondrium

If there are problems with the discharge of bile, the pain is usually concentrated in the right hypochondrium, can radiate to the right collarbone, and is sometimes accompanied by nausea. The cause of such pain may be disorders of the biliary tract, cholelithiasis or cholecystitis. Less commonly, discomfort in the right hypochondrium can accompany inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

If you have pain in the right hypochondrium, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, check the condition of the liver and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium usually occurs with pancreatitis. The pain is usually dull or aching. They are noted in the upper and middle parts of the abdomen, as well as in the left hypochondrium. At the time of exacerbation, the intensity of pain increases significantly. Quite often, during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, girdle pain in the abdomen is observed, which spreads from the left hypochondrium to the back. Deterioration of chronic pancreatitis usually occurs after drinking alcohol, fatty or spicy foods.

In case of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to create rest for the pancreas as quickly as possible. If the pain is very severe, you need to refuse food, call a doctor and apply ice to the upper abdomen in the epigastric region. It should be remembered that the ice should not come into direct contact with the skin, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes for each subsequent hour. If the pain is of moderate intensity, you should visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

Acute abdominal pain

Acute unbearable abdominal pain can be a sign of very serious diseases that require surgery: appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, perforation of a stomach ulcer, thrombosis of blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and others.

  • Is the pain severe and unbearable?
  • Did the pain occur for the first time and is gradually increasing?

In such a situation, you cannot hesitate. In this case, it is forbidden to place a warm heating pad on your stomach and take painkillers before being examined by a doctor. You should also not take laxatives or give enemas. If you have severe abdominal pain, you should refrain from eating and drinking.

Keep in mind that in addition to the reasons listed, abdominal pain can be caused by kidney disease, cystitis, angina pectoris and a number of rarer diseases. Therefore, in case of unclear pain, it is best to immediately see a gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Pain in the upper abdomen is a dangerous symptom that is a harbinger of many dangerous diseases. There are many reasons for this condition to occur. Unpleasant sensations can overtake you suddenly and pass quickly, or they can annoy you for a long time.

Despite the intensity and accompanying symptoms, any health problems must be addressed. Abdominal pain can be an indicator of various conditions, which we will discuss below.

Why does my lower abdomen hurt when I cough?

You should immediately figure out what appeared first: pain in the lower abdomen or cough. If the lower abdomen hurt before the cold, then you should not associate this symptom with a cough - you should contact a gynecologist or gastroenterologist and find out the cause of the discomfort. And then begin complex treatment.

If the lower abdomen begins to feel tight and painful after an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection with a prolonged cough, this is explained by overstrain of the abdominal muscles.

In this case, pain in the lower abdominal cavity can be considered a side effect - as soon as the underlying disease is cured, the pain will go away on its own.

So, if the lower abdomen hurts with a prolonged, debilitating cough after a cold, then the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Tear of the abdominal press - females especially often suffer, since their muscles are not naturally as strong as those of men.
  2. Pain during menstruation in combination with cough - during menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts and aches on its own due to spasms and contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. With a strong cough, pressure and tension increase, and the pain in the lower abdomen becomes correspondingly stronger.
  3. Pathologies of the digestive system - in this case, after a coughing attack, there may be pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also between the ribs, in the area of ​​the esophagus and stomach.
  4. Diseases of the appendages in women - if a severe cough begins with inflammation of the ovaries, chest spasms can also provoke pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Rotavirus is a type of intestinal flu, in which the lower abdomen almost always hurts and there are signs of pharyngitis.
  6. Borreliosis is an infectious, quite serious disease transmitted by ticks. Pain in the lower abdomen is one of its symptoms.

Causes of pain

A gastroenterologist will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can occur for various reasons. This may be eloquent evidence of the presence of pathology of internal organs.

Problems with the stomach and intestines can cause spasms and pain. A person suffers from cramping, burning, pulling or pressing pain. Contacting a gastroenterologist will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations are possible due to stretching of the organ capsule, which resembles a dense shell paved with connective tissue. A tumor, injury, or inflammation can be a trigger that causes the capsule to stretch. The severity of symptoms can range from moderate to severely painful.

If the capsule ruptures, the patient's condition worsens. Poor circulation can also cause these conditions. Atherosclerotic lesion, blockage of a blood clot is responsible for the deterioration of the condition.

A feature of the nervous system can cause pain to radiate from other areas of the body to the specified segment. In a situation with referred pain, the patient can indicate a place with more intense unpleasant sensations.

What diseases can be suspected with pain in the upper abdomen?

Patients with problems with the stomach, duodenum, and esophagus encounter similar symptoms. Patients with a diseased liver, pancreas, or spleen may encounter troubles of this kind. Heart problems also give the described symptoms.

In patients with acute infarction or rupture of the aorta, hernia and myositis, pain is observed in the upper peritoneum. Other conditions in which the upper abdomen hurts: constipation, pathology of the nervous system.

Gastrointestinal problems are accompanied by acute pain.

If you are experiencing chronic abdominal pain, you should suspect pathological phenomena in the stomach or problems with the duodenum.

With an ulcerative lesion, the patient is bothered by aching, cutting pain that accompanies eating.

With a stomach ulcer, your health worsens 15-45 minutes after a meal. Damage to the duodenum is marked by delayed symptoms, making themselves felt after 1-1.5 hours. In the presence of ulcers, unpleasant symptoms appear on an empty stomach and before bedtime, discomfort is felt in the shoulder blades.

A person develops signs of bloating and bowel movements are disrupted. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting improves the patient's condition, while the symptoms of problems with other parts of the body do not depend on this action. If you suddenly feel sharp sharp pains, it is better to call a specialist, as ulcers are not to be trifled with. The right treatment tactics will help you recover quickly.

Abdominal muscle strain

Cough is a symptom of numerous infectious diseases of the respiratory system. It usually appears on the 2-3rd day of illness. And pain in the lower abdomen, pain, tingling, like after a fast run or intense workout in the gym - in another 1-2 days.

Some respiratory diseases occur with damage to other body systems, creating significant obstacles in diagnostic terms. Symptoms that are incomprehensible from the point of view of an ordinary person cause anxiety, especially when they appear in a child. This often happens if you have a stomach ache due to the flu. And we need to figure out why this happens.

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