Components of youth. What to eat to avoid aging

What to eat to avoid aging: 10 foods that keep you young

Some products prevent cell aging, which means they help you stay young and beautiful longer. This function is performed by substances called antioxidants. If you regularly use what we tell you about, youth will be with you for a long time.


Parsley can rightfully be considered the queen of greenery and, at the same time, youth. The substances contained in parsley have a powerful healing and preventive effect on the entire body and, of course, slow down the aging process.

So, what substances in aromatic greens prolong youth?

  • Beta-carotene and vitamin C improve complexion and maintain skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Vitamin E prevents cell aging, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus fight free radicals - oxidants, remove waste and toxins from the body and normalize hormonal levels.
  • Chlorophyll, which is present in all greens, promotes the production of glutathione, an antioxidant beneficial to all organ systems.

In order for parsley to cope with its work, it must be consumed daily in the amount of 30 g. In the summer there will be no problems with this, but it is better to freeze a sufficient amount of greenery in advance for the autumn-winter season. Parsley does not lose its properties when frozen, so it can be added to any hot dishes, soups and salads.


Fatty fish

Fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body. Their main purpose is to strengthen nails and improve hair condition, as well as have a beneficial effect on the skin. Omega-3s help retain moisture in the skin, maintaining its elasticity and firmness.

But the greatest merit of some types of fish - salmon, herring, trout, mackerel, tuna and sardines - is a huge amount of antioxidants that prolong youth and beauty. In particular, salmon contains the unique antioxidant astaxanthin, the most powerful fighter against free radicals.

For comparison, astaxanthin is 65 times more active than vitamin C and 100 times more active than vitamin E.

And the substances contained in fish promote the production of your own collagen and elastin, keeping the skin clean, smooth, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and rashes, and eliminating swelling.

To get the maximum benefit from fish, you need to consume it at least three times a week, 150 g each. It is much healthier than meat, supplies the body with the required amount of protein and, of course, prolongs youth.

Fatty fish


It’s not for nothing that almonds are one of the most expensive nuts. Its main “rejuvenating” component is vitamin E, designed to maintain the elasticity and beauty of the skin. Together with magnesium, which is also found in almonds, they fight free radicals and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Linoleic and linolenic acids remove bad cholesterol from blood vessels. Thanks to this, the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, and there are fewer and fewer decay products and waste products in them.

And another richness of almonds is folic acid, also known as vitamin B9. It promotes cell and tissue renewal. However, almonds are recommended to be consumed only by those who do not have a tendency to be overweight. 100 g of nuts contain as many as 600 calories, although the daily norm is only 30 g.


Sea ​​buckthorn

People over 40 years of age have an increased risk of eye diseases, which can lead to deterioration or loss of vision. To avoid this, you need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist, and also introduce foods rich in vitamin A into your diet. Sea buckthorn is one of these foods.

This sour orange berry also slows down skin aging and accelerates redox processes in the body. Small sea buckthorn seeds, which are practically invisible during eating, help remove waste and toxins from the intestines.

Sea buckthorn berries can be consumed internally, 30-50 g, and can also be used in cosmetics. The berry pulp can be used as a face or hair mask, and the positive effect will not be long in coming.

Sea ​​buckthorn


Favorite red vegetables, which are actually berries, are also very useful for youth and freshness. They contain a unique antioxidant, lycopene, whose activity is 100 times higher than that of vitamin E. It reduces the number of pathological cells and prevents the development of cancer and other dangerous diseases.

Tomatoes contain a huge amount of vitamins: A, B, C, E, PP, as well as K - one of the rarest vitamins. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism.

It is advisable to eat tomatoes every day, but tomato paste is also perfect for daily use. Moreover, tomato paste contains even more lycopene than fresh fruits.



The “fluffy” green fruit with a pleasant sour aftertaste is consumed much less often than, for example, bananas and tangerines, and this is done in vain.

Kiwi is a low-calorie dietary fruit that contains coarse plant fiber. It has a beneficial effect on digestion and promotes weight loss. Biocatalysts and enzymes activate the fat burning process, and at the same time, new collagen fibers are produced, which prevent the skin from sagging.

In addition to the fact that kiwi stimulates the production of its own collagen, the fruit also prevents hair loss and early baldness, calcium and phosphorus in its composition strengthens bones and teeth, zinc normalizes hormonal levels, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.

An interesting fact is that the skin of kiwi contains much more antioxidants than the pulp of the fruit. To be more precise, 3 times more. In addition to antioxidant properties, the peel of the fruit also has antibacterial properties, normalizing intestinal microflora.

You can safely eat kiwi every day. The maximum daily dose is 3 fruits per day. The exception is people with gastritis and stomach ulcers, high acidity of gastric juice and kidney disease: kiwi is contraindicated for them.



Artichoke is a plant of the poppy family, which must be included in the diet. In the list of foods containing the highest amount of antioxidants, the artichoke takes an honorable 7th place.

The most beneficial components of an artichoke are fiber, vitamin K, copper, iron and polyphenols. It is one of the most powerful probiotics and normalizes intestinal microflora, removes cholesterol from blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. Inulin increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Artichoke helps remove toxins and waste from the body, protects against diabetes and sudden surges in blood sugar, and also promotes better absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland.

The antioxidant cinaropicrin protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, maintaining its smoothness and elasticity. It also removes free radicals, stopping their division in the human body.

Artichokes can be consumed daily in soups, salads, marinated, fried or baked.


Wheat germ

The benefits of wheat germ are appreciated by almost all adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. They are known for their immunostimulating and rejuvenating properties, and also have an excellent effect on digestion.

It is the wheat germ that contains the maximum amount of useful substances that can only be found in the wheat itself. In addition, they are completely absorbed by the human body.

Wheat germ contains fiber, proteins, complex carbohydrates, folic acid, vitamins E, B, potassium, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are also found in fish.

Protein hydrolysates in wheat germ find and neutralize free radicals and pathogens, preventing the development of certain diseases. In addition, hydrolysates stimulate the production of their own antioxidants.

The nutrients and vitamins contained in wheat germ improve skin condition and prevent hair loss. They solve problems such as psoriasis, age spots, eczema, wrinkles, sunburn and dull complexion.

Wheat germ increases endurance and improves athletic performance, maintains muscle tone and protects brain cells from aging. This storehouse of useful substances is recommended to be consumed every day.

Wheat germ

White mushrooms

More recently, American scientists came to the conclusion that porcini mushrooms contain a compound that the human body itself cannot synthesize. This is the amino acid ergothioneine, which is 10 times more abundant in porcini mushrooms than in other products.

Mushrooms also contain the antioxidant glutathione, which protects DNA from damage, moderates oxidation, and protects against aging. Eating porcini mushrooms is very useful in old age: “forest dwellers” prevent the development of dementia.

White mushrooms


Eggplants get their purple hue from the antioxidant nasunin. It has a pronounced anti-aging effect, as it softens the oxidation process and protects DNA from damage. Nasunin reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, reduces the number of free radicals and supports the normal functioning of brain neurons.

Interestingly, the eggplant skin is many times healthier than the vegetable itself.


By consuming these products, you can protect yourself from having to age into old age earlier than you would like, as well as from dangerous cosmetic procedures.

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I don’t want to grow old: how to accept your age and become younger

According to statistics, almost every second woman hides or downplays her years, trying to create the illusion of youth. Surprisingly, there are quite a few very young girls among them. Why is age such a painful topic for many?

Inculcated ideal

They broadcast to us from everywhere that a woman simply must look young: a smooth face without wrinkles, a slender body with elastic buttocks. This is about you? So you're on trend! No? Something needs to be done about this urgently! Creams, lifts, “plastic surgery” - take your pick. Such pressure does not go unnoticed and sometimes even makes 18-year-olds worry and take “preventive measures.” Who can argue, we should strive to look young! But why get hung up on this, creating unnecessary complexes for yourself?

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That's how it is

We are taught from childhood that it is indecent to ask a woman about her age. And as we grow up, we begin to hide it. And some use this “secret” as a tool for coquetry: “I won’t tell you, guess...” Well, if there are no other riddles, let there be this one.


If you don’t value yourself, are dissatisfied with your appearance and think that only young women can interest men, be loved and the only one, then the topic of age becomes hot. But among us there will always be those who are younger and more beautiful. So your fear is unfounded. Of course, you need to take care of yourself. But for myself, for my own self-esteem, and not in order to attract someone. You know: love yourself and they will love you.

How to increase self-esteem in 5 minutes: advice from an egoism coach

Social pressure

Fortunately, gone are the days when an unmarried 25-year-old girl was considered an old maid. Today, society “allows” a woman not to get married until she is 30 years old. Although not everyone likes these “modern mores” - parents, for example. But then the pressure begins: “Are you still looking? It’s time to start a family.” If by the age of 35 a woman has not found a husband and is not even in a relationship, then her family and friends are already trying to intimidate her: “What are you thinking about?! Then you won’t give birth! So you’ll be left alone!” It's difficult to resist this. How can you not start to shudder at the word “age”.

The image of the "aunt"

Many people are stuck in their minds with the sad image of a tired, exhausted woman in a shapeless robe. This is exactly how we used to imagine a woman who had “passed the age of...” At 40–50 years old, going on dates and flirting? What are you saying? No family - live by work. You will inevitably be afraid of turning into the same! And with this program in your head and in your passport, it’s scary to look. Forget childish attitudes: today a middle-aged woman is stylish and seductive.

Age crisis

There are periods when we think about the transience of time, take stock, and evaluate ourselves. This can lead to dissatisfaction with life and rejection of age. Put aside depression! Is it really that bad? And if you need to change something, don’t wait - act.

Changing settings

1. Turn off your inner critic. As soon as he gives his voice, immediately turn your attention to something good.

2. Find in yourself those traits and qualities with which you are satisfied. Remember them more often, admire them, gradually forming your positive image.

3. Follow fashion. Try to dress stylishly, but don’t dress like a girl—it looks ridiculous. Turn self-care into a ritual of self-love that you enjoy.

No longer fashionable: 11 things you need to give up

4. Overcoming fear, talk about your age, indicate it on social networks. And you will see that no one will faint, will not be indignant, will not judge you. Rather, they will be surprised at how young you look. But by “throwing off” your years, you can get the opposite effect.

5. Protect yourself. Don’t let anyone get into your life with unnecessary advice (“Thank you, I know what’s best for me”). Don't look at other people's opinions. What outsiders think is absolutely unimportant.

6. Don't chase youth - you won't catch up. No matter how much we would like to believe in a miracle, aging is an inevitable process. Take it for granted and stop frowning (there will be wrinkles!), suffering because of what cannot be changed. What matters is your feelings, not the numbers in your passport. Be active, cheerful, open to communication. When life is busy and interesting, there is no time to think about age. And it depends only on you how others will see you - a faceless aunt or a stylish woman.

Svetlana Boyarinova, psychologist, family therapist

How can you not grow old with your soul?

This question, in fact, is not at all simple, but difficult. And it is hardly possible to immediately give a clear and categorical answer to it. Because over the years, so to speak, not only the “physics of the body” ages, but also the soul. Over time, it seems to go deaf, just like hearing: colors seem gray, feelings fade, interests are grounded and primitive. The circle of interests is narrowing, there are fewer and fewer friends, letters arrive rarely and few people call. And the most depressing thing is that the social circle is shrinking with the inevitability of shagreen skin. Old age, as one long-time friend told me, is when you don’t invite people to visit, and you don’t go yourself.

But the golden and not yet “overthrown” feature of our society is that we have many older people with a young soul. It’s even strange that they survived... “these fragments of collectivism.” Individualism reigns now.

In my youth I was amazed by Moscow old women. They sang in the evenings in almost every large courtyard in the capital. And since my elder brother in those days often moved from one house to another, when I visited Moscow, I remembered well that courtyard repertoire. According to a strict assessment, the old women, in essence, sang whatever they wanted - folk songs, thugs, very mischievous ditties, tearful romances, some kind of lamentations, etc. But how they sang! Not only from the heart - this is understandable, but also with joy, pleasure, with sadness, but without whining and despondency. Age didn’t matter to them; it didn’t seem to care or even interest them.

I am no less surprised by the old women (for many reasons there are much fewer old women) in the Novosibirsk concert and theater halls. With some of them I sat in them (one might say) all my life. I remembered them as young, then respectable ladies, and I recognize them now - old, but with a sparkle in their eyes that never faded. Our city formed the vital interests of these grandmothers a long time ago. “This visual range” changes, of course, and thins out, but his soul does not age. He absorbs new art with creative greed, because he was prepared for it by symphony concerts conducted by Katz, classical operas, dramatic performances, exhibitions of remarkable artists and films in which the main character was the human soul.

This is what prevents the soul from aging - those long-standing interests that arose in youth. I did not know and have not heard of bandits (although I saw enough of them as a child) who would come from families where there were large libraries, where they were engaged in invention and in which they would never miss, for example, concerts of Oistrakh, Dolukhanova, Mikhailov ...

Isolation from art has a serious impact on a person’s fate. Outwardly, she may well be prosperous, but she is one-dimensional, boring, there is nothing to remember about her. Each of us remembers a lot of people who seemed to be at the center of events. But then they left the stage and seemed to disappear into time. And it suddenly turns out that no one was interested in them either during life or after death. And they got to the front row by accident.

Having written all this, I come (when my head is already gray) to the same conclusion: educating a person is no less important than teaching. Especially the education of feelings. It enriches the soul and does not allow it to become deaf.

Diet in Japanese

A geographical approach to the relationship between nutrition and life expectancy provides very interesting results. The Japanese hold the world record for average life expectancy, but in Japan itself, Okinawa Prefecture has the most long-livers. This is associated with the traditional Okinawan diet, which is based on the consumption of sweet potatoes (they completely replace rice accepted in other regions of Japan), leafy vegetables, yellow root vegetables, soy products (miso and tofu) and medicinal plants. Seafood and seaweed, lean pork, fruits, spices (primarily turmeric), tea, and mild alcohol are consumed in moderation. There are practically no dairy products in the diet. Spices are used instead of salt. Thus, the Okinawan diet is low in calories, low in fat and meat, high in plant fiber, has a low glycemic index and a good ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (close to 1:1).

Stone Age Diet

This diet is also interesting from the point of view of prolonging life. The Paleo diet (as it is officially called) is the result of many years of research that was carried out at archaeological excavations, on expeditions to tribes of hunters and gatherers still living in the Stone Age, and in the most modern laboratories.

The creators of the diet debunk the achievements of the “great agricultural revolution.” Thanks to her, we learned to grow cereals and raise animals. This means they began to eat bread, cereals and dairy products. This happened about 10 thousand years ago - the time for evolution is insignificant, and we have not yet had time to adapt to this food. Because of this, life expectancy was reduced by 20 years (this is a scientific fact) and diseases of civilization arose - obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Therefore, bread, cereals and all dairy products are alien to us, and they must be abandoned. This is the basis of the Paleo diet.

Ancient people did not know sugar. In Europe they met him only 500-600 years ago. Therefore, fans of the paleo diet avoid both sugar itself and products with it. The big problem with meat: wild animals are 10 times leaner than livestock, and have the same amount of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, only lean meat is acceptable and fish and seafood, which contain a lot of omega-3 acids, are required. Fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts are required and can be eaten without restrictions. In addition to the charge of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and other beneficial substances, they perform another important role - they do not allow the body to “sour”, and prevent the acid load on the kidneys that cereals cause.

For those who do not believe in the Paleolithic, its developer, Professor Lorraine Corden, advises conducting a simple test: reduce the consumption of grain products, replacing them with vegetables, fruits, lean meats and seafood, and then evaluate your well-being.

Get to work, bacteria!

First of all, it is recommended to “push” on probiotics and prebiotics.
Both are needed for good bacteria to thrive, and they, in turn, improve not only the functioning of the digestive system, but also the condition of the skin. Probiotics are microorganisms that restore the “good” intestinal microflora, and prebiotics are its “food”. These are special carbohydrates that are not broken down in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Hence the recommendation is to consume probiotics (for example, natural yoghurts) and foods containing prebiotics (bananas, oatmeal, onions) daily. And then in just five days you can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines by 133 million.

Article on the topic Antioxidants: why they are needed and what products they contain

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