Fluffy Krasnodar rice?

Tips for Cooking Rice

To cook crumbly pilaf or rice separately, use at least 4 parts water to 1 part rice. However, in order for the pilaf to turn out tasty and crumbly, you need to remember other secrets:

  • for 1 kg of raw long-grain rice, take the same amount of carrots and meat, devzira can be used a third less;
  • To make the dish perfect, it should be cooked in a cauldron or casserole dish with a thick bottom;
  • to obtain the required taste, choose young meat that is pink or light in color (red if it is lamb or beef);

  • carrots need to be cut into strips, cubes or cubes, but do not grate, this will add excess liquid to the dish;
  • pilaf without spices is not pilaf. Be sure to use cumin and fresh garlic, if desired - barberry, pepper, turmeric.

Any rice, regardless of the variety, expands when cooked. The devzira is a record holder in this matter - it becomes 7 times larger and absorbs maximum pilaf odors. Basmati and steamed varieties of cereals increase minimally.

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Parboiled rice is a long grain grain that does not stick together. Steaming converts starch, causing the rice to cook faster and remain fluffy. Before cooking, just rinse it lightly. But the cooking method is slightly different from the classic one. How to cook steamed rice correctly?

How to wash rice

If you wash rice before placing it in a pot or rice cooker, you need to use a significant amount of water. In any case, begin rinsing by mixing the cereal with your fingers in a circular motion. You can also gently rub it between your palms to remove excess starch. This component can influence how many times the rice expands when cooked.

Don't expect one wash to make the grain clean. As a rule, the first water becomes dirty and cloudy. Your goal is to repeatedly rinse the rice with clean water until it runs almost clear. If you are measuring the exact ratio of water to rice, drain it into a sieve before adding it to the pan.

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Cooking rules

If you cook rice in a saucepan, first bring salted water to a boil, and then pour the cereal into it. Stir the rice once to prevent the grains from sticking to the bottom. Then wait until the dish begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid.

Do not lift the lid during cooking, otherwise the rice will take longer to cook. If you want the rice to be fluffy, do not stir it (except for the first time). Otherwise, the grains will break and release starch.

The average cooking time depending on the type is:

  • for white rice - 20 minutes;
  • for steamed rice - 30 minutes;
  • for brown rice - 40 minutes;
  • for wild rice - 40–60 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and let it sit covered for 10-15 minutes. If there is any water left in the cooked rice, drain it or cover the pan with a dry towel: it will absorb excess moisture.

If you cook rice in a frying pan, use dishes with a diameter of 24 cm, high sides and a lid. Rice is cooked in it almost the same way as in a saucepan, with the exception of one nuance: the grains must first be quickly fried in vegetable oil. Do this for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains are covered with oil: then the rice will be crumbly. Then you need to pour boiling water over it and cook as described above.

Varieties of rice by type of processing

The method of grain processing directly affects the taste and consumer properties of this cereal. If one type of rice is suitable for making sushi or pilaf, then another is suitable only for milk porridges.

milled rice

According to the processing method in the food industry, the following types of product are divided:

  • Steamed is obtained after processing the grains with steam.
  • Milled white rice has a flat and smooth surface and is characterized by a rich white or transparent color.
  • Long-grain is characterized by the fact that during cooking, rice grains (up to 9 mm) of this variety do not stick together.
  • Unpolished brown rice undergoes gentle processing, resulting in the preservation of healthy, bright brown hulls.
  • Polished round grain is a crop whose grain length is no more than 4 mm.
  • Medium grain rice is characterized by a grain length of 4-7 mm, as well as a germination area limited to Australia, Spain, and New Zealand.

How to cook Kuban rice

Author Yatyana Podgornaya (Evseeva) asked a question in the Main courses

please teach me how to cook fluffy rice from Kuban rice (I don’t like the other one) and got the best answer

Answer from Lerusya@[guru] Pour boiling water over the rice, let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water until it becomes transparent. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt into boiling water, add washed rice. Let the water cover it by 2 centimeters. Cook over high heat until the water disappears from the top. Reduce the heat to low, collect the rice in a mound, and make several holes to the bottom. Cover tightly with a lid and cook for 10 minutes, then turn off and let stand for the same amount of time. Then you can stir. And keep it covered for 10 minutes... Can be used as a side dish or in salads... Pilaf is prepared in approximately the same way.

Maki sushi or Japanese rolls are perhaps the most popular dish of Japanese cuisine. Read more.

The most important information about the main types of product, proportions, cooking time and other features of rice cooking. As a bonus, here is a recipe for sushi rice.


1. Rice is one of the few grains that can be found in the supermarket in various forms: polished and unpolished, round and long, polished, steamed or crushed. These qualities influence the final result of cooking.

2. One of the features of rice is that it is very rich in starch - up to 90%. If you don't wash out the starch, the rice will end up sticky.

3. To properly cook fluffy rice in a saucepan, you need to know the intricacies of its preparation and cooking, as well as apply them in practice and not be afraid to experiment with different varieties.

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The main secrets of cooking fluffy rice

China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam are countries where you can buy rice on every corner. Dishes made from this grain are the main ones there and completely replace bread. Due to established traditions, cooks from eastern countries are fluent in the technique of cooking rice. Every housewife should learn from their wealth of experience:

1. It is better to choose a long-grain variety - “Basmati” or “Jasmine”, brought from the east, rather than a round grain with a high starch content.


2. It is better to use polished rice, since its cooking time is 2 times less than hard, unpolished rice, which resembles pearl barley porridge in its taste.

3. Before cooking, you need to prepare the rice: - rinse the cereal twice with running water until the milky tint disappears; - fill the grains with clean water; - Place the pan with the contents in the refrigerator overnight.

4. The water in which the cereal was infused must be drained. Then you need to pour in fresh rice in a ratio of 1 to 2 if you are cooking long-grain rice or 1 to 2.5 if you choose short-grain rice.


5. Boil polished rice over low heat for 15-20 minutes. And unpolished - 40 minutes.

6. While cooking rice, do not stir it.

Washing and soaking rice

Rice contains a large amount of starch, which you should definitely get rid of so as not to gain extra pounds. To do this, you must first rinse the cereal under running cold water. This procedure will also remove small debris.

You can simply pour cold water over the rice several times in a vessel if running rinsing is not possible.

Pour the prepared rice with cold water and leave for a few minutes. For one part of cereal you need to take two parts of water. The cereal, having absorbed moisture, will cook faster and retain all valuable minerals.

If it is round rice, then 15 minutes of soaking will be enough. Long rice is soaked longer and then scalded with hot water and immediately washed with cold water. Only then do they begin the cooking process.

How to steam rice? There are also almost transparent varieties of rice that need to be soaked in salt water for five hours.

Top 3 ways to cook rice in a saucepan

There are many ways to cook crumbly rice in a pan. Each has been tested by chefs around the world and found suitable for creating rice dishes. One of them is worth taking note if you want to please your family with delicious lunches and dinners.

Steamed fluffy rice in a pan

This method has a number of advantages: the rice does not stick together, the grains become soft and quite juicy. And due to the fact that the grain does not come into contact with water, this dish is considered a healthy cuisine, since all the nutrients remain inside each grain.

To prepare this dish you should use: - rice - 300 g; - water - 400 ml.

How to steam fluffy rice:

1. Rinse the grains in running water at least 5 times, trying to rub them between your palms to wash away the starch that promotes sticking.

2. Pour hot water over the prepared rice and leave for 2 hours.

3. After this time, you need to put the enamel pan on the stove and bring the water in it to a boil.

4. You need to put a colander of a suitable diameter into the pan or tie gauze in 3 layers if the pan has two handles. But so that the colander and gauze do not come into contact with boiling water.

5. You need to pour the rice inside the colander, cover with a lid and cook over high heat for 15-20 minutes.

6. After this time, you need to remove the lid, carefully remove the colander and gauze and pour the finished cereal onto a dish.

Rice porridge, crumbly, prepared by lowering the temperature

This method also allows you to cook fluffy rice in a pan. But this method is quite painstaking. However, the result will please any cook - by reducing the temperature, even round grains do not boil, but remain whole and do not stick together.

short grain rice

Ingredients for 2 servings: - rice cereal - 200 g; - water - 300 ml.

Cooking process:

1. You need to take a small bowl and pour rice into it. It must be washed and refrigerated for 3-4 hours.

2. Rinse the prepared rice, pour boiling water over it, cover the pan with a lid, and place a pressure on top of it (for example, an iron bowl of water) so that it does not jump off due to the steam pressure. Cook the contents of the pan for 3 minutes over high heat.

3. Then you need to reduce the heat and continue to simmer the cereal over moderate heat for no more than 7 minutes.

4. The second time you need to reduce the heat and simmer the rice over low heat for another 2 minutes.

5. After this time, you need to turn off the fire and leave the pan closed for 12 minutes. Then add vegetable oil, salt or sugar to taste to the rice. This rice is served as a side dish.

Puffy rice in the oven

This technology may seem complicated. It allows you to prepare a delicious dish in 25 minutes. Its disadvantage is that it is not economical, because an electric oven consumes more electricity than a stove.

To cook rice in the oven you will need the following products: - rice - 230 g; - water - 500 ml; — vegetable oil — 30 g; - salt - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation of fluffy rice in the oven:

1. It is necessary to wash the grains, add fresh water and leave them in the refrigerator overnight.

2. The next day, you need to boil water and add prepared rice, salt, and half of the above amount of oil.

3. You need to bring the mixture until it thickens, preheat the oven to 180 ºС and place the pan with the contents in it to cook until the water has evaporated. Ready rice should be served after mixing it with the remaining oil.

How to cook long and medium grain rice

How to properly cook different types of rice

The most popular classic varieties are long-grain and medium-grain rice, presented in the catalog of the National brand. This rice is often used to prepare side dishes for meat, fish and vegetables, and it can be cooked in two ways. The first method is called the folding method - pour a large amount of water over the rice, add salt and cook until tender, then place on a sieve to drain the water. Season the finished rice with butter and serve - it turns out simple, fast and appetizing.

The second method is a little more complicated, but much tastier. Fry the rice in ghee with any spices and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:1.5, that is, there should be one and a half times more water. Use a large saucepan with a heavy lid and thick bottom. For the first 3 minutes after boiling, cook the cereal over very high heat, then reduce the heat to medium and cook for 7 minutes, for the last 2 minutes the rice should simmer over very low heat, and it is better not to open the lid. Then wrap the pan in a warm blanket for 12 minutes, as a result the rice will be tender and crumbly, grain after rice.

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