7 doctors that women must visit after 40 years of age


Among the cancers that a woman can develop, breast cancer ranks first in frequency. This is a very insidious disease that can not show unpleasant symptoms for a long time. There are often situations when by the time a specialist is contacted, the tumor has already metastasized to other organs and the prognosis becomes not very optimistic.

Avoiding this sad development of events is surprisingly simple: you need to undergo mammography regularly. It can be done free of charge at any medical institution without a prior referral from a doctor. The procedure is accessible, painless, completely unburdensome and has no contraindications. The result is early diagnosis of neoplasms. Women over 40 years of age are recommended to have a mammogram at least once a year.

Source: depositphotos.com

Human skin is constantly exposed to various environmental factors, many of which have carcinogenic activity. With age, the risk of the appearance of malignant skin tumors or pathological degeneration of existing moles, spots, etc. increases. In order not to develop the disease, you should examine yourself as often as possible for changes in the skin. And once a year you need to visit a dermatologist, who can assess the general condition of the skin and see specific signs of pathologies that are easy for a non-specialist to miss.

Source: depositphotos.com

Disorders of the thyroid gland have a fatal effect on the overall hormonal background, well-being and appearance. With age, the risk of such failures increases: they are observed in 10% of women over 50 years of age. It is from this age that you need to donate blood annually to analyze thyroid hormones. The fact is that the primary symptoms of pathologies of this type (drowsiness, increased fatigue, sudden changes in weight, excessive sweating, dry skin) are very easy to confuse with signs of many other diseases or simply be attributed to age-related changes and fatigue. A blood test for hormones will help you check if there are any problems, and further examination by an endocrinologist will help you get the correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

Source: depositphotos.com

Examination by a dermatologist

Human skin is constantly exposed to various environmental factors, many of which have carcinogenic activity. With age, the risk of the appearance of malignant skin tumors or pathological degeneration of existing moles, spots, etc. increases. In order not to develop the disease, you should examine yourself as often as possible for changes in the skin. And once a year you need to visit a dermatologist, who can assess the general condition of the skin and see specific signs of pathologies that are easy for a non-specialist to miss.

Examination by a dermatologist
Source: depositphotos.com

Visiting an ophthalmologist

Everyone knows that they need to have their eyes checked regularly, but, as a rule, only people who already have problems of this kind do it. Meanwhile, the constant use of electronic gadgets, working at a computer, and the modern lifestyle in general lead to the fact that vision is now deteriorating much faster than that of our grandparents. Statistics show that diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts are steadily getting younger. There is only one way to notice the problem in time and maintain high working capacity: by regularly visiting the ophthalmologist. For those who already wear glasses, this should be done at least once a year, while the rest can be limited to one examination every 2 years.

Source: depositphotos.com

Consultation with a cardiologist, ECG

High cholesterol, bad habits, lack of physical activity - all this can lead to the fact that the vital processes of the body begin to slow down. According to figures from the World Health Organization, about 18 million people die from heart disease every year. This is especially true for countries with low incomes, which includes Russia. Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented, or at least successfully treated, if detected early. Therefore, the list of doctors who are required to visit at least once a year must include a cardiologist.

Blood tests for cholesterol and sugar

Consumption of industrially processed food products entails an increased risk of accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body. This is fraught with sclerotization of blood vessels and its consequences: strokes and heart attacks. People who do not yet have such problems need to donate blood to determine their cholesterol levels at least once every 5 years.

Few people today manage to properly maintain carbohydrate balance in the body. No one is immune from such troubles as obesity and type 2 diabetes. An annual blood sugar test helps monitor glucose metabolism and take timely measures if it is disrupted.

The unexpected death of actress Anna Samokhina frightened many. When a young, handsome, energetic - and apparently healthy - person withers away from a fatal disease in a matter of days, you involuntarily think about checking your own body. Leading American doctors have compiled a list of publicly available medical examinations that can protect you from serious illnesses and even save your life.

Blood test for markers of hepatitis and HIV

Hepatitis and AIDS are dangerous primarily because they may not manifest themselves for a long time. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), at the beginning of this year Russia ranked third in the world in the number of new cases of HIV infection.

More than half of HIV transmission occurs through sexual contact and not, as was previously the case, through the use of a contaminated needle. Doctors note that increasingly, hepatitis and HIV are contracted by ordinary people of working age, people from prosperous families, and not by marginalized people and drug addicts.

That is why doctors recommend regularly getting tested for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV. Donating some blood is easier than being tormented by doubts.

You can get tested for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus in your body free of charge and anonymously from the age of 16.


According to updated recommendations from the international oncology community, every woman should undergo a mammogram starting at age 50. One checkup every two years should be enough to catch any problems before they reach a critical stage. However, this should not stop you on the way to a mammologist if you yourself suspect something is wrong. Any pain and tightness in the chest area should be taken as a reason to seek medical help.

Plus, if you are part of the so-called risk group, you need to start regular screening much earlier - from about 40 years old. This applies, first of all, to those who have a family history of breast cancer (one of your close relatives had it).

Skin examination

Skin cancer is considered one of the “mildest” forms of cancer: 90 to 100% can be completely cured, but the prognosis, oddly enough, depends on the severity of the disease. Sometimes you can get away with a minor cosmetic surgery, sometimes with ugly scars that will have to be removed with plastic surgery, and sometimes the tumor metastasizes, and then the consequences depend only on your luck and the skill of the doctor.

In general, you need to get checked as often as possible: for people over 50 years old - about once a month, doctors advise. Moreover, you can do this yourself. Just carefully examine yourself for new, unusually large or too quickly growing moles, formations of atypical color, shape, etc. Once a year, this procedure should be entrusted to a specialist.

Thyroid check

Thyroid dysfunction is another problem that affects women more often than men. After 50, some kind of malfunction begins in 10% of the fairer sex, but, fortunately, it is very easy to catch them at an early stage. A blood test will show an excess or, conversely, a deficiency of specific thyroid hormones, which is a marker of the disease. You can catch other signs of problems yourself: constant chills, lethargy, constipation, weight changes (usually upward) and deterioration in general well-being.

If you notice these symptoms, run to an endocrinologist. If not, you still need to donate blood for thyroid hormones - every year after 50 years.

Cytological smear

The most dangerous disease is cervical cancer, one of the most common types of tumors in women. Its specificity is such that it develops completely asymptomatically over a long period of time. The patient begins to experience discomfort only after the tumor has given numerous metastases, but the possibility of successful treatment at this stage is problematic. Therefore, women under the age of 30 should undergo an annual cytological smear, which allows detection of cervical cancer at an early stage. With age, the risk of developing the disease decreases, and analysis can be done less frequently.

Cytological smear - a test that allows you to detect cervical cancer at an early stage
Source: depositphotos.com

Blood analysis

If you think that cholesterol is something that only affects old people and obese people, you are very mistaken. An increase in its level is also observed in seemingly healthy patients, and after 20 years; Smoking, alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet contribute to this. And if the harmful figure begins to increase (even by an insignificant amount), it is very difficult to return it to the norm.

In general, you should get your cholesterol checked at least once every 5 years - unless you want to one day discover that you are on the verge of atherosclerosis and heart attack. The same applies to the “sugar” test - it determines the level of glucose in your blood and accurately diagnoses diabetes. After 40, you need to repeat this analysis every year.


It is an examination of the intestines using a tube and a tiny camera installed at its end. This is not a pleasant experience, but this procedure will help identify any formations in your intestines, including cancerous ones.

The first time is recommended at age 50, then repeated once every decade - but only if there are no chronic intestinal symptoms. If you have ongoing problems with digestion or one of your relatives has suffered from colorectal cancer, it is better to start regular examinations earlier.

Depression test

Many people believe that depression is not a disease at all, but just a whim, and you can cope with a bad mood without medical help. In vain: in fact, a depressive state can accompany or, conversely, cause many diseases, and in women it can also lead to serious intimate problems.

Therefore, if you are sleeping poorly, have lost your appetite, have ceased to be interested in life outside your apartment and do not experience joy in the things you used to love, seek advice from a therapist. Of course, if you have any mood swings, you shouldn’t run to the clinic, but if the symptoms last more than two weeks, this is a cause for concern.

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How to get examined to be sure of your own health? When should I start doing a breast ultrasound and when should I start a mammogram? Who is recommended for colonoscopy? How often do I need to have smears and laboratory tests of urine and blood? Below is a list of all the studies necessary for an adult at each stage of life.

Identifying a disease at an early stage or preventing its occurrence by eliminating risk factors is the basis for maintaining health and a high quality of life for many years.

This is typical for both women and men of all ages, but for the fair half of humanity it is especially important, because the female body is much more complex.

The presence of cyclicality in his work requires appropriate research in each period. You should always listen to your body, understand its signals, and get examined promptly if any unusual symptoms arise.

In this article, we have compiled information about the necessary medical tests for each age group, indicating their purposes and recommended frequency.

This is a universal list, however, each organism is individual, and you need to take into account your own risk factors, for example, heredity, excess weight, existing diseases, working conditions and lifestyle.

To clarify this list, consult your doctor; he may prescribe more frequent examinations if indicated.

Age from 20 to 30 years

Gynecological examination.

Once every six months to a year, young women need to visit a gynecologist. Standard examinations at this age:

  • examination of the vagina and cervix for erosions, benign tumors - papillomas and condylomas (viral warts);
  • palpation examination of the mammary glands;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for early detection of fibroadenomatosis - nodes or compactions;
  • a smear from the cervix to check for the presence of atypical cells - precancerous or cancerous.

The smear material is examined under a microscope in the laboratory by a cytologist. Results are usually ready within three to four weeks.

Blood pressure measurement.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases of the circulatory system, it is important to regularly measure your blood pressure (BP), even at such an early age.

Normal blood pressure for a healthy person is 120/80 mm Hg. Art. Numbers higher than 140/90 mmHg. Art. in each of three consecutive pressure measurements indicate the presence of arterial hypertension. Your doctor will tell you how to treat this disease.

Blood and urine tests.

A general clinical blood test is a measurement of hemoglobin level, the number of different types of blood cells: red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

A biochemical blood test provides important information about the level of glucose, cholesterol and its fractions (atherogenic - “bad” and non-atherogenic - “good”), triglycerides, vitamin D, blood iron, liver and kidney function indicators, etc.

Since people between the ages of 20 and 30 usually have a very active sex life and often have a rapid change of partners, doctors recommend being screened for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These include diseases such as HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, viral hepatitis B and C, genital herpes virus, etc.

The results of these laboratory tests can be found out 10 - 14 days after the test, and the doctor will prescribe treatment if necessary.

Dermatoscopy (examination of moles).

All formations on the skin must be examined regularly. If you notice that the size of moles has increased, the nature of the edges has changed, if any of them has started to bleed, changed color, or an ulcer has formed on its surface, you should urgently consult a dermatologist.

This should also be done if the tumor is located in an inconvenient place, and you often injure it with fasteners or straps from clothes. These actions are necessary so that the mole, which is initially a benign formation, does not transform into skin cancer.

We rent every year!

  1. General clinical blood test - yes, the same one, from the finger. It will show the level of hemoglobin - the presence or absence of anemia and other blood diseases. In addition, the ESR reaction (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and the leukocyte level will tell whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Biochemical blood test - to determine the level of total cholesterol and its fractions and identify cardiovascular diseases at an early stage.
  3. Blood sugar test. A very important analysis, since it allows you to diagnose the development of such a dangerous disease as diabetes. In old age, it is recommended to take this test, as well as biochemistry, twice a year.
  4. General clinical urine analysis - it evaluates the condition of a person’s genitourinary system and the likelihood of developing certain diseases. The density of urine determines the nature of the kidneys, and sugar or acetone in the urine indicates the presence of diabetes mellitus or phenylketonuria.
  5. Electrocardiogram - to find out how the heart works.
  6. Testing for thyroid hormone and ultrasound of this organ is recommended to be done regularly for residents of those areas where there is a natural iodine deficiency, and there are many of them in our country.

If desired, you can take a blood test for markers of hepatitis B and C, tumor markers and HIV. This is especially recommended for those who get tattoos and often visit the dentist.

Age from 30 to 40 years

Annual tests

At this age, it is advisable to continue to take general clinical and biochemical blood tests, monitor blood pressure, regularly visit a gynecologist, perform an ultrasound of the mammary glands once a year and a cervical smear every two to three years.

This is most important for women whose blood relatives suffer or have suffered from cancer, as well as those with a history of human papillomavirus (HPV). Medical science has proven that HPV can cause cervical cancer.

Measuring weight and height.

Obesity is a powerful risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, metabolic syndrome, etc.

Having diagnosed it at an early stage, it will be easier to take measures to eliminate excess weight. But sudden, causeless weight loss is also dangerous - this is one of the symptoms of an oncological process in the body.

Therefore, be sure to weigh yourself every 3 to 4 months.


Electrocardiography is a painless and very informative way to assess the functioning and condition of the heart. It should be performed at least once a year.

Examination by an ophthalmologist.

An annual visual acuity test and intraocular pressure measurement are required to detect early development of glaucoma or cataracts.

Women during pregnancy especially need to visit an ophthalmologist, because this condition can cause visual disturbances, for example, clouding of the lens of the eye or the appearance of foci of retinal dystrophy.

The reason for this is the change in blood pressure during pregnancy. And during childbirth, this can cause such a terrible complication as retinal detachment, which leads to blindness.

Study of external respiration function.

Prices for specialized diagnostic programs

Name of check-up programPrice
Health diagnostics “Ophthalmological Check Up”6,190 rub.
Headache Diagnosis programRUB 34,620
Diagnostic program “HEART AND VESSELS”52,000 rub.
Express diagnostics of the thyroid gland6,320 rub.

Whole body MRI

is the primary diagnosis of organs and tissues in order to identify and localize tumors, the presence of serious pathological changes in internal organs and tissues. MRI examination of the body is used when it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, if a closed injury is diagnosed, as well as for certain indications. Whole body tomography (MRI) is performed using a screening technique in several planes. A child can undergo a complete examination of the entire body using MRI at any age. This type of diagnosis has practically no age restrictions, however, due to the need to remain immobile for a fairly long period of time, the study is carried out for young children under anesthesia or using sedatives.

Complete diagnostics of the body,


Indications for a comprehensive examination of the whole body using MRI are: systemic, widespread damage to organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes, etc.; search for metastases and tumors if cancer is suspected; complex diagnostic cases in which it is difficult to draw conclusions about the localization of the pathological process in the body and its nature; combined injuries; preventive examination to identify possible diseases.


Complete diagnosis of the body using MRI is highly accurate and safe, without radiation exposure. There is no need to prepare specially for the study. Contraindications to the procedure include metal elements in the body (pacemakers, vascular clips, implants, etc.), early pregnancy, and allergies to contrast. In case of intolerance to a confined space, it is possible to do a tomography under anesthesia.

More details


The cost of a whole-body MRI in Moscow ranges from 14,800 to 75,000 rubles. The average price is 32,460 rubles.

Age from 40 to 55 years

Annual examinations.

A gynecological examination and a visit to a general practitioner with measurement of blood pressure, pulse, weight and height, body mass index, auscultation (listening) of the lungs and palpation of the abdomen is a basic program at this age. You should also continue to have your vision and hearing checked annually, do an ECG, and have your blood and urine tested.

A good tool for diagnosing early ischemic changes in the heart, which can subsequently lead to myocardial infarction, is bicycle ergometry.

It is a test performed while the heart is being exercised, in which the patient is asked to pedal an exercise bike while an electrocardiogram is recorded.

In addition, every 1-2 years, moles are examined, lung function is measured, and feces are analyzed for occult blood (for early diagnosis of peptic ulcers or gastrointestinal oncology).


To prevent the development of tumors in breast tissue, after 40 years, ultrasound alone is no longer enough. At this age, a mammogram is performed - an X-ray image of the mammary glands.

It is done at least once every two years, and preferably more often, because breast cancer progresses quickly, and it is vitally important to detect it in the initial stages, then treatment will be effective.

The radiologist will provide you with an answer on mammography within a few days and, if indicated, will refer you to a specialist - mammologist.


Colonoscopy is recommended every five years and is intended for early detection of colon cancer.

Directly during the examination itself, small intestinal formations can be removed immediately and painlessly by the endoscopist.

Then the taken material is sent for histological examination to clarify the nature of the neoplasm: whether it was a regular polyp, precancer or intestinal cancer.

Timely diagnosis allows you to start treatment without delay.

Ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs.

Designed to detect problems such as bile stone disease, pancreatitis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, tumors of the liver and gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands. Must be performed every two years.

Blood test for tumor markers.

Every five years or more often if indicated (for example, if a polyp is detected at a colonoscopy), it is necessary to take a blood test for tumor markers. It is taken from a vein, the results are ready within a few days.

Bone density test.

Early diagnosis of osteoporosis, caused by a decrease in the density of bone tissue components, and further treatment can reduce the risk of fractures of the pelvis, spine and hip. It should be remembered that the older the patient, the more dangerous skeletal injuries become for him.

Carrying a child

How to check hormone levels in women? The patient is not always prescribed tests to determine the amount of hormones. But if there are still unpleasant symptoms, then determining the amount of hormones is very important.

How to check a woman's hormonal levels? Analyzes, examinations, recommendations

If a pregnant woman has problems with hormonal levels, then it is important for her to get her blood tested, since in this case there is a high risk of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

How to check a woman's hormonal levels? What test should I take? Most often, a blood test is taken for testing, sometimes additionally urine.

Age 65 and older

A bone density test should be performed at least every two years. It is also recommended to have your eyes examined every 12 months and have a colonoscopy every five years. If polyps are detected and removed, the next endoscopy is usually scheduled sooner, no later than three years.

Another important recommendation: if you are constantly taking any medications, do not forget that over the years you need to adjust their dosage to reduce the risk of side effects. Only a doctor can help you with this.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!
https://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/1714622.jpg 3540 5506 ErikG https://site/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/logo-1.png ErikG 2016-05-25 08 :34:28 2017-07-12 15:26:44 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years and older. What examinations are needed at each age?

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